Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 335

Chapter 335 - Mu Sifa's Vinegar

“I understand you're upset and deliberately avoiding me, but my dear, your actions are causing me pain…”

“Just give me a call once you arrive.”

Mu Sifa, neglected, attempted to speak, but Shang Cijie, preempting him, instructed Hei Zi in a manner that silenced Mu Sifa.

Caught in the middle, Hei Zi faced a dilemma, glancing between Mu Sifa and Shang Cijie.

“Very well,” he conceded at last. Given his familiarity with Shang Cijie, assisting him seemed only natural.

Mu Sifa gripped the steering wheel tightly, his expression betraying inner turmoil.

“At the next intersection, make a left turn,” Hei Zi suddenly directed Mu Sifa.

Mu Sifa remained silent, his brow furrowed, complying with Hei Zi's instructions. A palpable heaviness filled the car.

Shang Cijie, eyes barely open, gazed out at the flashing lights, lost in thought.

Hei Zi turned to glance at Shang Cijie, but refrained from speaking, recognizing the need for Shang Cijie to collect himself.

Shortly after, following Hei Zi's directions, Mu Sifa arrived at an opulent mansion, halting before a European-style villa.

Spotting Hei Zi's subordinate alighting at the gate, the guard hurried over, addressing him warmly, “Welcome back, Brother Hei Zi.”

“Indeed. Where is the Young Master?”

“He's upstairs with the young master.” With a gesture, he cleared a path for Hei Zi, bowing respectfully to Shang Cijie, whom he didn't recognize, and to Mu Sifa as well.

“Please, after you,” Hei Zi gestured for Shang Cijie to enter first.

Shang Cijie departed without a word, his expression icy.

“Wife, let's discuss.”

Yet, in that instant, Mu Sifa seized Shang Cijie's arm, compelling him to face him.

Ignored and met with silence, Mu Sifa's resentment surged. Suspicious of the bond between Xu Moyu and Shang Cijie, he resisted Shang Cijie's visit instinctively.

“Later. Release me.” Shang Cijie's tone was frigid, his gaze unmoving, treating Mu Sifa as if he were invisible.

Mu Sifa's patience wore thin. “Tonight was my fault, I've apologized. Can't you acknowledge me? Respond!” His anguish palpable.

“Speak,” Ye Zichen finally met Mu Sifa's gaze, his eyes chilly.

Mu Sifa recoiled. Shang Cijie's demeanor mirrored his recent departure, impervious to warmth.

“Aren't you aware of my discontent?” Shang Cijie retorted, shedding his former gentleness for a domineering stance.

Mu Sifa faltered, utterly perplexed by Shang Cijie's ire.

“I vow to clarify any relationships in the future, granting no ambiguity. Is that insufficient? What more do you seek?”

Is it Xu Moyu's presence that fuels your animosity, Shang Cijie?

Jealousy consumed Mu Sifa. Five years of Xu Moyu's companionship versus a few months of his own acquaintance with Shang Cijie; he feared losing Shang Cijie and teetered on the brink of madness.

“I desire nothing from you. If you, Mu Sifa, feel slighted, depart. Cease pestering me.”

He shook off Mu Sifa's grip, departing with decisive, icy steps.

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