Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 339

Chapter 339 - Choose to Go Back

“Sorry, Mr. Moyu, I—I want to return with Mu Sifa.”

Shang Cijie spoke softly, clutching Mu Sifa's clothes tightly, seemingly worried that Xu Moyu would become angry.

Yet, after he spoke, Shang Cijie immediately regretted his words. He knew Xu Moyu came because he didn't trust him, and now he felt he had betrayed that trust.

“Why are you apologizing to him? You're my wife; naturally, you should come back with me. What's the issue here?”

Mu Sifa couldn't grasp why Shang Cijie behaved this way and regarded Xu Moyu with even greater disdain.

“Don't spout nonsense! There's nothing of that sort between Mr. Moyu and me.”

Shang Cijie hastily pulled Mu Sifa, urging him to stop looking at Xu Moyu with such disrespect.

“I don't care if he's fond of you, I won't tolerate it. I can't even bear the thought.”

This man was cunning. Who knew what his true intentions were? He definitely should not be allowed anywhere near Xiaojie.

“We've met him now. Let's return.”

Mu Sifa led Shang Cijie away, giving him no opportunity to say more.

“Hold on, Mu Sifa, I haven't yet spoken to Moyu.” Shang Cijie turned back, but in the next instant, Mu Sifa picked him up and rushed out of the yard.

“This is too much! Mr. Moyu has been supportive and even looked after me; how can you be so disrespectful?”

“I'm a jealous person, keep your distance from him.”

“Why are you being so unreasonable?”

“I'll get angry if you continue to talk.”

Then, their voices faded into the distance, and the sound of a car could no longer be heard.

“Young master, shall I retrieve Mr. Xiaojie?” Hei Zi inquired.

Xu Moyu smiled, embracing Xu Mochen from Ye Zichen's arms, and murmured, “No need. His concern for Xiaojie reassures me.”

“As you wish.”

“But! The more Mu Sifa avoids me, the more I itch to taunt him for Xiaojie's sake.” Xu Moyu's smile widened.

Hei Zi's unease intensified; he anticipated impending trouble.

“Um, Young Master.” Hei Zi halted abruptly, eyes fixed on the buzzing phone.

“What's the matter?” Xu Moyu turned, noticing the caller ID: “Young Master and husband.”

“It's been ringing all night. Please, answer it!” Hei Zi handed the phone to Xu Moyu cautiously.

Xu Moyu grasped Hei Zi's apprehension, knowing it signified his potential wrath.

“Later!” Xu Moyu resolved to return the call once upstairs, carrying Xu Mochen with him, leaving a relieved Hei Zi behind.

Just as his phone ceased, it rang again. This time, not Han Shaolin, but his wife, Wei Chenli.

Hei Zi grimaced, resigned. “I'll hurry back.”

Wei Chunli's enraged voice erupted from the other end, “You promised four hours ago, you son of a b*tch. Return now, or I'll fetch our daughter myself.”

Wei Chunli's furious words lingered in Hei Zi's ears, unsettling him.

Hei Zi rubbed his face, gazing at the night sky.

“What to do? Abandon the young master and accompany the ladies?”

The thought crossed his mind, yet how could he justify it to his master?

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