Guild Wars

Chapter 983 Golden Savage Murderfest 2

Misery and AP turned to look at the fellow who spat blood and wore looks of disdain.

"This fellow here, I say, why are you so fragile? You just take a few steps and spit out blood? Are you even a real demon, like we are?" AP scolded the fellow with a shake of his head.

"I suspect this fellow is a fake demon who is disguising himself to steal Demon Crystals! He probably vomited blood after seeing what magnificent REAL demons look like when he glanced at us!" Misery added with an air of confidence.

The shopkeeper, who was already severely harmed, was pushed onto the brink of death by these two. He bled from his seven orifices and his daughter who had rushed out to save him directly cried out in horror.

"Sigh, look, he's overflowing with guilt. Even though he has done wrong, I still believe that he can be throughly saved." Misery sighed deeply.

"Brother Misery, your heart is big and wide like the ocean, able to accommodate all evils and wrongdoing! How magnanimous!" AP praised by the side.

"Sigh, we have always been such outstanding role models for everyone to mold their own characters from, but this fellow here especially has decided to go to the realm of base villainy!!"

"We must fight this deplorable change in our handsome and noble brother Demon, and bring him back to the light!!" Misery roared with valor and honesty!

"It so sad seeing our handsome brother behave like this, and even come out here to try and take it out on his brothers…" AP added with tears forming in his eyes.

Misery walked over and patted AP on the shoulder comfortingly. "But as his brothers, we must hold fast in the belief he shall return to his usual attitude and demeanor as our handsome brother and not this unholy fake demon."

At this point, the shopkeeper was gasping for breath, only his last legs, he could already see the demon angels calling to him as a light appeared before his eyes.

His daughter, seeing her dad was about to go, became pale and quickly rushed into the building. She then stuffed all the demon crystals they had into Misery and AP's hands.

"H-Here, dear sirs. Please take everything and forgive my father. I'll take him away now." She hurriedly spoke without even waiting for the two to confirm.

She dragged her father away with fear in her eyes, looking at  Misery and AP like they were serial killers. Misery and AP were directly stunned by this and even looked around.

Any Demon they looked at would lower their heads and refuse to make eye contact, quickly scurrying away to fulfill whatever task they had to.

This made Misery and AP's lips twitch. Damn, these fellows were supposed to be the almighty demons right? They were fearless, barbaric, cruel and full of killing intent, right?

So why the fuck were they running?! All Misery and AP had done was play around a little bit and say a few harmless lines. After all, it was not like they lost much, just a few braincells and some blood, right?

Sheesh, the thin skin of demons in this generation!

Misery and AP were throughly insulted and unhappy[y. They carried the Demon Crystals and stormed out of the village without even looking back, their noses releasing steam from dissatisfaction.

Meanwhile, the demons of the town sighed collectively with relief, their hearts lifting up as the plague had come and gone. They began to huddle together and discuss what just happened with lingering fear on their faces.

"I simply wonder if those fellows were some new type of demon based on trickery."

"Their words were full of lies and evil slander, who can tolerate such unholy fellows in this life?"

"They must have won the gaslighting competition in another demon village and then were sent here."

"But why come for Demon Crystals? Those things are the most common thing here and anyone can make them!"

"Dunno, just because they are champions of gaslighting doesn't make them champions of IQ. They might be dumbasses."

One demon paused and spoke with amusement. "Hey, I kind smelled the stench of humans on them. Could they be humans in disguise?"

The entire place paused as everyone stared at the fellow with shock. Then they suddenly burst into rancorous laughter.

"Hahaha, he thinks that humans can enter our demon realm?!"

"Preposterous, who is this retard? Who allowed you to come out of your mother's anus, boy?"

"Those weak humans who we kill every thousands years being smart enough to raid us? Everyone knows humans are the peak of stupidity!"

"Sigh, sometimes its better to just shut up and hide your lack of IQ than speak and reveal it, Young man, you should learn from this."

The fellow who made the suggestion was bombarded with mockery and laughter to the point where his face became pale. He immediately thought back and began to doubt himself, feeling that he was being a bit foolish indeed.

His girlfriend by the side shook her head ands distanced herself. "We should break up, I don't want my kids of be a retard like you. Bye."

She immediately ran away as if from a madman, and no one pitied the fellow, his face fell and he landed on his knees wailing to the sky in lament. How could this happen to him?!

Like this, Misery and AP went to different towns and villages, using the same disguise and methods to kill braincells, create fear, ruin relationships, and steal Demon Crystals.

They also happened to trick some big booty demon girls into their bed, making them believe that they were a unique type of demon, the 'big booty loving demons who can make demon girls cum till they became stupid'.

Well, while they were lying about being demons, the part about making them cum till stupidity was true, and most of them were left with lower IQ due to pleasure by the time they were done.

Like this, two weeks passed.

Today, the Golden Savages had regrouped at the village they first arrived in which was now empty. After many days of planning and preparation, it was time to reap the fruits of their labor.

Nightwalker smiled. "My apocalypses have grown to about Rank 4 strength after consuming things on the outskirts. They should be able to consume the first few villages they encounter and reach Rank 5 strength, and then higher and higher as they consume and destroy more."

Nightwalker pointed on the map they had and outlined the circle area in which his apocalypses were encroaching from. They had perfectly circled the entire Surtur Province from the outside in.

"Hmm… what about those from the outside who want to come in?" Shadowheart asked a prudent question.

"They will become food for my apocalypses, whether you want to go in or out." Nightwalker laughed confidently.

Shadowheart nodded and turned to Msiery and AP. "You guys also did pretty well. You got us over 4000 common Demon Crystals, 2800 Uncommon ones, 540 Rare ones and even 7 Epic ones. These will go a long way to helping our plan."

Misery nodded. "But don't forget, we need Legendary or Divine ones, which should be with that Rank 7 guy. In the midst of the chaos, AP and I will go and try to steal one or two for my Nanna and for your magic research. Speaking of that, how is it coming along?"

Shadow and Elle shared a look and smiled. "We've make considerable progress. Take a look."

Shadow held one common Demon Crystal that was balanced with Chaos energy and then suddenly agitated it. He tossed it out towards on of the studier buildings in this village.

Misery, AP and Nightwalker watched with calm expressions, expecting a grenade launcher level explosion like what blew AP away the other time.

However, they were directly stunned when they saw the entire building go up in smoke, as a small mushroom cloud formed,. The shockwave hit the group next, but was not strong enough to send people of their caliber flying.

However, to any normal person, the skin on their flesh would have been ripped off. Not to mention the ensuing heat and corruptive energy was intense as hell.

Misery, Nightwalker and AP glanced at the remaining Demon Crystals in Shadow's hands with fear. That was an explosion from one Common grade Demon Crystal, the weakest of the lot and it had already achieved weak nuclear level explosive power.

What about the Uncommon ones? The Rare ones? Or even… gulp, the Epic ones…?

Suddenly, the trio couldn't help but feel their hearts soften for the demons. Did the poor demons really deserve what was coming for them next?

Shadowheart rose to his feet and gently pulled Elle up. "Now, we shall begin our mission, Night, activate your apocalypses at full power, no need to be conservative."

"We will take the lead and bombard and slaughter the various demon villages and cities we see along the way, leaving the bodies for Night's apocalypses to absorb and grow. That way, we can pause at a point and rather let them take the lead against more dangerous foes."

"Does this make sense brothers and sister?" Shadowheart inquired with a sot smile.

"Lets do this boys!" Elle exclaimed with hype, smashing her fists together.

"Tsk, tsk, murder? Slaughter? How can I say no?" Nightwalker laughed as he summoned Jormungandr and released a powerful wave of energy that spread into the distance.

"All those poor demons girls. Sigh, at least we got to taste a few and make them stupid." Misery sighed with lament.

"No, we'll spare them. They carry our seed and will repopulate this shitty province with our spawn! When we come here a few years later, we will be the nominal masters, heh heh!" AP snickered with evil.

Misery trembled. "Genius! What a genius! Sigh, Brother AP it is my luck to have met you in this life!"

AP patted Misery on the shoulder. "The feeling is mutual dear brother Misery."

The two shared a deep look and then burst into uproarious laughter. Shadowheart, Elle and Nightwalker couldn't help but rill their eyes and grab the two miscreants- *cough* gentlemen of valor and drag them along while they continued laughing.

On the way, Elle opened her stream once more. Like before, the AI quickly pinned it to the top and hundreds of thousands of Elle's followers and subscribers quickly landed in the stream and began to make noise.

[Guan Zhong: This young master greets mis Elle and proposes marriage to her. You can throw away that shabby fellow called Shadow whatever and come to me!]

[Bugawd Nigwa: Bruh… the guy you're insulting is not only in the top 10 strongest players of the Universal Ranking, but he ranks in the World ranking for richest person at number 7 with 400 million platinum.]

[The Fiery Moth: I can't believe you said this @Guan Zhong, you must be the epitome of retardation.]

[Retard Spotter: Retard Spotted @Guan Zhong.]

[Guan Zhong: Insolent! I am the Young Master of the Guan Family who are the fifth strongest family in China! Come here if you dare and watch me cuck you live!]

[Dokita Blue: Aww, is the young master angry? I have some baby powder for you if you smile for me.]

[Hiding From Umbra: I once crossed Umbra and have now been ruined, forced to restart my account. I never thought there would be another retard who would do same in my lifetime, but humanity always surprises.]

[Too Much Bacon On It: Oh shit, Beauty Elle is reading the chat now. Someone save that retard before he''s executed!!]

"Too late, I've seen his nonsense. Hmm, Connor, look this way." Elle called to Shadow heart, who did so with a confused look.

Elle suddenly pinched his cheeks and kissed him deeply, making sure the livestream could capture everything.

Misery, Nightwalker and AP who were messing around ahead suddenly froze and clutched their chests in pain. As fellow men, they suddenly felt like they could sense millions of hearts shattering at the same time.

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