Heart of Dorkness





Heart of Dorkness was a ton of fun to write. Its a story that I started based on a fanfiction I wrote a long time ago (called Princess, if youre interested) but other than stealing the initial premise, it diverged a whole lot, though Id like to think that some of the best ideas stuck around for a while.

The story was started on April 24th, and the first chapters were posted on Royal Road, Space Battles, Neovel, and ScribbleHub on June 30th, 2021. Not too bad for a 106,000 word story, I figure!

None of that would have been possible without a lot of help though. Im lucky enough to be supported by awesome patrons, many of whom stick around on my discord and listen to me rant about story ideas and possible characters, and who often toss in their own great ideas for me to steal.

This was a weird story to write, but it was fun all the same. Some more literary-inclined people might want to dig into it for themes and such if they want. Personally, I wrote this because I like cute people being cute, and the idea of having an otherwise evil person being redeemed by family and by having someone nice in their life is an idea that Im really fond of (hugs cure many wounds, after all!).

Anyway~ I hope that if youve come far enough to read this, then youve enjoyed the story!

If you want to support me so that I can write even more (and yes, theres a second volume coming out soon, no worries) then consider joining my patreon, or buying the ebook and paperback versions of this whenever they happen to be released!

Thank you everyone, and remember:

Keep warm; stay cool,


Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.