Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1706: Chaos Sword Demon Emperor

Chapter 1706: Chaos Sword Demon Emperor

The Immortal Emperor Trials were finally over, and Wu Yu finally had some precious free time to go to the Eternal Emperor Tomb.

To Wu Yu, although he had lost the chance to enter the Everlasting Battlefield as a result of the fight with Nangong Wei, but the eternal immortal emperor realm was already very close for him.

It was just as the Patriarch Bodhi had said. Even without the Everlasting Battlefield, he could also reach the Eternal Immortality Realm.

While Wu Yu was heading to Eternal Emperor Tomb, the sky palaces and hells were abuzz with news of Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord’s challenge. Wu Yu had won the Immortal Emperor Trials, and then promptly lost to Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord. This was the most surprising Immortal Emperor Trials yet.

The immortals all began to speculate about Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord’s transformation.

What heights would she reach, what place would she hold in the sky palaces, once she emerged from Everlasting Battlefield?

No one could say for sure.

Quite a few immortal emperors paid a visit to the Immortal Phoenix Imperial Realm, hoping to get information about Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord’s transformation. However, only the Six Superior Phoenix Emperors knew, and they kept their mouths shut on this.

As the news remained a complete secret, the number of people asking dwindled as time passed.

It was relegated to the back of their minds. If Dancing Flame Phoenix Lord appeared again, they would immediately recall these details.

As for the heavens and hells, Wu Yu ignored their whisperings.

He first began to understand the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation, an epochal immortal design similar to the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere that was also recorded in the bronze ball.

Following the bronze ball’s prompts, he would be able to break into the tomb of Chaos Sword Demon Emperor, which was protected by this 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation.

It was not too difficult to comprehend, and only a matter of time before he cracked it. After all, the bronze ball could guide him and save him much time.

"I wonder how long Nangong Wei will take on the Everlasting Battlefield to become an eternal immortal emperor." Wu Yu had no reckoning, since he had no idea what the Everlasting Battlefield was like.

Even if the Everlasting Battlefield was of great help, past examples showed that it required 10,000 years or longer.

"If Nangong Wei takes 10,000 years, I might well be able to catch up."

Wu Yu recalled that he had taken about the same time to master the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere. It all boiled down to whether Wu Yu could reach the eternal immortal emperor realm after mastering the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation and devouring the Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s corpse.

Even Wu Yu himself did not know.

But having nothing else to worry him, he could dedicate all his time to the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation.

Once he had completely understood it, he could head for Eternal Emperor Tomb.

"3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation. It’s made up of 3 billion lifetaking blades, that form a magnificent epochal immortal design!"

"The method to breaking the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation is divided into three parts."

"Firstly, the outermost 1 billion blades. They are relatively easy to get through, and not too complicated in their formation. With the bronze ball guiding me, I can unravel them in a mere 500 years.

It’s the middle 1 billion and innermost 1 billion that are tricky to deal with! Both of these two portions are extremely complex, especially the innermost one. It’s more than 10 times as deadly as the outermost layer......"

Referring to the bronze ball’s hints, Wu Yu proceeded with his study of the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation.

Like with the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere, Wu Yu felt that time flew by while he was absorbed in his research.

The overall construction of the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation was not that complex, but its genius was in the details. The smallest sword formations required a mere 10 lifetaking blades to construct, and Wu Yu had to meticulously work his way through each of them, or he would not be able to proceed to a deeper level.

Luckily with the bronze ball guiding him, Wu Yu had the key to breaking many of his obstacles, without having to slowly test them out one by one. Otherwise, he would have taken much longer to break through the 3 billion lifetaking blades.

After 8000 years, Wu Yu was finally confident that he could undo the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation!

After he had finished, he finally went to the Demon Immortal Realm, appearing at Eternal Emperor Tomb.

He was soon standing before Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s grave.

This grave was completely surrounded by the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation. If he wanted to get into the Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s grave, he would have to get through it. It was just as strong an epochal immortal design as the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere.

Wu Yu had already mastered it over the course of the last 8000 years.

He immediately put the fruits of his study into action, and began to unravel the 3 billion lifetaking blades!

The complex layers demanded Wu Yu’s full attention, even if he already had the theory completely mastered. The slightet mistake would throw the entire sword formation into a frenzy, and take 1000 years at least to subside back to a level that Wu Yu could deal with.

This was the reason why Wu Yu had invested so much time in fully mastering the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation. The slightest mistake would cost him even more time.

Fortunately, Wu Yu had always been good at concentration and willpower. He did not make a single mistake throughout the process, and managed to break the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation.

This was the second epochal immortal design he was unraveling in the Eternal Emperor Tomb. As the 3 billion lifetaking swords morphed into ethereal sword shadows and vanished, Wu Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he had taken less time compared to the Maelstrom Silver Dagger Sphere, but the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation had demanded greater concentration.

Luckily, he had not slipped up, or he would have spent even more time.

"Chaos Sword Demon Emperor, Ancestor."

Wu Yu finally entered the grave, and he saw a huge sword embedded deep in the center of the tomb. It was covered in rust spots. This was the corpse of the Chaos Sword Demon Emperor!

Before the huge sword was a stone plaque that detailed his life.

"Chaos Sword Demon Emperor is one of the greatest immortal emperors in the Demon Immortal Realm! In the battle where the Demon Immortal Realm fell, the Chaos Sword Demon Emperor showed exceptional bravery, fighting hundreds of rounds against True Lord Erlang from the sky palaces before he was finally ambushed by other immortal emperors. A tale of tragedy and glory!"

The blood-spattered words on the stone plaque brought the heroic image of the Chaos Sword Demon Emperor to life.

"So Chaos Sword Demon Emperor was killed by True Lord Erlang......"

Wu Yu’s heart sank.

He already knew what a terror True Lord Erlang was. And for Chaos Sword Demon Emperor to fight him to a standstill over hundreds of rounds showed just how skilled he was.

If not for the combined onslaught from both the heavens and hells, the outcome of this battle might still be unknown.

"Please excuse junior Wu Yu! As long as I live, I will definitely pursue the true on Ancestor’s behalf, and seek revenge with all my might!"

Wu Yu respectfully bowed before Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s corpse. To him, such an eternal demon emperor deserved respect even in death, as one of the greats of this world. He would gain strength through devouring his body, and dedicate the strength to his revenge.

This was not just the vengeance of Chaos Sword Demon Emperor alone, but the collective blood debt of the entire Demon Immortal Realm. Even Wu Yu’s legacy ancestors, Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal and the others, were involved in this matter.

The entire matter seemed to be connected by some mysterious thread, although Wu Yu could not make head or tail of it yet.

"It must be my ability that is insufficient...... When I reach the immortal emperor realm and get eternal life, perhaps then I will be able to find clues!"

Wu Yu thought. With a proper and respectful heart, he turned into the Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast and leaped on Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s corpse. Using his devouring heavenly rule, he began to devour......

Wu Yu’s ability to devour was prodigious. The Heaven Devouring Titanic Beast was the most powerful devourer ever, and even the Howling Celestial Dog and its esteemed bloodline could not outmatch him.

1000 years, and the devouring was complete.

The Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s tomb was left empty now, the 3 Billion Lifetaking Blades Formation sundered, the corpse devoured. All that remained in its place was a stronger Wu Yu.

"I’ll go back and process it properly! With ancestor Chaos Sword Demon Emperor’s help, I can definitely breakthrough to the immortal emperor realm!"

He also dropped in on Jiu Ying to check that things were going well with him. Reassured, Wu Yu left Demon Immortal Realm and returned back to Mettle Sky exactly 10,000 years later.

Next was the crucial phase. He would have to ponder the knowledge and engineer his breakthrough. Who knew how long that would take.

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