Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1708: The Changing Mystiques

Chapter 1708: The Changing Mystiques

The eternal immortal emperor realm had deconstructed Wu Yu’s immortal spirit and heavenly rule power, recreating it as part of his Devouring Apotheosis Realm.

At this moment, Wu Yu only had his four Mystiques left: Unshackled Doppelganger, Eyes of Fire and Gold, Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth, and Somersault Cloud!

These four great Mystiques were the foundation of the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal’s legacy. Like the Jingu Bang, they were irreplaceable treasures, and they were all he had left after his heavenly rule powers were shattered.

Before this, Wu Yu had yet to perfect his Mystiques.

But as he completed his Devouring Apotheosis Realm, he realized that he had many more revelations about his four Mystiques.

Perhaps only since he entered the eternal immortal emperor realm did he truly see the genius of the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal’s legacy.

"So that’s how they are. Let me master all these Mystiques in one shot!"

Wu Yu hid in the void of the Jambu Realm, and began to work on his Mystiques. In his mind, the various new insights allowed him to improve them all, and so he was not too fussed about the order.

He arbitrarily decided to start with the Unshackled Doppelganger.

His Unshackled Doppelganger had begun with 10 doppelgangers, and then increased to 100, 1000, and so on...... His doppelgangers continued to multiply and grow stronger. Before he reached the eternal immortal emperor realm, he could create 1 million doppelgangers.

1 million doppelgangers that had used doppelganger heavenly rule all together. That had been one of the cornerstones of Wu Yu’s offense. He had depended on it to defeat many enemies before.

And now that he was in the eternal immortal emperor realm, it underwent a large-scale change. Wu Yu realized that he could now produce clones limitlessly!

As long as he had sufficient apotheosis immortal energy within him, he could make clones. Of course, as a first tier eternal immortal emperor, he only had enough apotheosis immortal energy to make about 5 million clones.

Not just in quantity, but their quality also improved. If each of his doppelgangers had been equivalent to a 1- or 2-heavens immortal king, they were now at least a 5-heavens immortal king.

It was as if Wu Yu had an army of 5 million 5-heavens immortal kings at his command.

Wu Yu dared to say that if he met an opponent of Lei Tianyuan or Zhou Niancang’s level, he could completely trash them with the Unshackled Doppelganger Mystique alone.

And this was just one of his Mystiques.

As Wu Yu brought Unshackled Doppelganger to its full potential, he turned his attention to another Mystique: Eyes of Fire and Gold.

Eyes of Fire and Gold was an extremely important Mystique even for the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal. Naturally, it was the same for Wu Yu.

While at the immortal king cultivation realm, his golden eyes heavenly rule had been even more destructive than doppelganger heavenly rule. Besides, the vision they provided had always been a huge advantage for Wu Yu.

After becoming an immortal emperor, Wu Yu very quickly understood many aspects of the Eyes of Fire and Gold. Besides, the black flames of Nangong Wei had also caused them to change.

Together, the two factors allowed him to bring his Eyes of Fire and Gold to the highest level.

"Eyes of Fire and Gold, Omniscience!"

Wu Yu had finally reached the highest tier of Eyes of Fire and Gold!

With Omniscience, Wu Yu could see through all illusions, camouflage, and visual trickery. No matter the change or nature of the illusion, his Eyes of Fire and Gold could see through it!

Under the effects of the Eyes of Fire and Gold, the world was revealed, restored to its original truth.

In some circumstances, this was possibly the greatest aid for Wu Yu. After all, there was too much falsehood in this world. But if the Eyes of Fire and Gold granted him Omniscience, he could see clearly.

The Omniscience level even allowed Wu Yu to see through anything, allowing him to cultivate more quickly.

"Each of the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal’s Mystiques are priceless. Just this Eyes of Fire and Gold alone would make the whole of the sky palaces jealous."

Wu Yu thought. He could not wrap his head around it.

Such a powerful Mystique should be well known throughout the sky palaces.

And yet after the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal had fallen, the whole of the sky palaces seemed to have lost their memories, and this extended even to their Mystiques and epochal immortal treasures.

It was as if the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal, Marshal Tian Peng, and the Curtain Lifting General had never appeared in the sky palaces before......

This question lingered on Wu Yu’s heart like a shadow.

However, he knew that it was hard to find out the truth at his level. He had to become stronger.

Fully perfected, the Eyes of Fire and Gold not only granted him Omniscience, but also Omnifire.

Compared to Omniscience, Omnifire had no supporting effects, and was a purely offensive move. All that the Eyes of Fire and Gold looked upon could burn with Omnifire, which could penetrate even the void.

It smacked of Nangong Wei’s own black flames now, but Wu Yu’s Omnifire was a golden flame that looked more grand, not sinister like hers.

Omnifire seemed even more powerful than Nangong Wei’s black flames.

"Just with Omnifire alone, I can beat Nangong Wei then! However, I am now an eternal immortal emperor, and Nangong Wei was only a 9-heavens immortal king then. It doesn’t mean much......"

Wu Yu thought.

He also did not know if she had emerged from Everlasting Battlefield yet.

She would definitely be much stronger when she emerged. It was hard to imagine exactly how powerful.

Wu Yu could not say for sure that his one Mystique alone would be able to beat her.

"But the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal left four Mystiques, and each is incredible in its own right!"

Wu Yu continued, moving on to the Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth.

This Mystique was much easier to understand. In the space above the Jambu Realm, Wu Yu continued to expand and contract his body, testing out all sorts of possibilities. He very quickly mastered it as well.

"This Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth must be stronger than some demon emperor bodies already."

Wu Yu marveled at his own body after he perfected it. His body could grow to the size of the Jambu Realm’s entire void - he was as big as a lesser realm!

In such circumstances, his strength was multiplied by more than 100 times, although his speed fell greatly as a result. He could not dodge effectively.

If he shrank himself, he could become as tiny as a speck of dust, so small that he was invisible to the naked eye, more insignificant than a passing breeze.

In this case, his strength was enhanced by more than 100 times, and he could flit from place to place, although at the cost of his strength.

Perfected, Lawful Embodiment of Heaven and Earth allowed Wu Yu to adjust the balance of strength and speed at will.

To Wu Yu, this was another great weapon. At his biggest, wielding the Ruyi Jingu Bang, his strength was fearsome to behold. He might even be able to smash an entire lesser realm!

But Wu Yu’s greatest concern was still the Somersault Cloud Mystique.

Of the four perfected Mystiques, this one delighted him the most.

Previously, the Somersault Cloud had allowed him to escape out of many harrowing situations. Without it, Wu Yu would have been dead many times over.

As Wu Yu reached the eternal immortal emperor realm, the Devouring Apotheosis Realm within him helped to bring this Mystique to completion as well.

And for a time, the Submerged Cloud Seal had been Wu Yu’s ultimate move, serving him very well.

And now, the Submerged Cloud Seal had evolved into the ultimate move Pulverized World. Although it was unleashed with a simple punch just like Submerged Cloud Seal, but it had the ability to destroy an entire lesser realm in one instant!

Pulverized World had a void pulverizing power which far exceeded what he had so far.

This was the final form of the Somersault Cloud, which he had not expected at all.

As he continued to grow stronger, his growing apotheosis immortal energy would probably also make Pulverized World correspondingly more powerful. This meant that it was probably not at its strongest yet! Incredible.

Besides this, the Somersault Cloud had another usage, which was an improved version of its escape ability.

In The Same Breath allowed Wu Yu to move through the void without even somersaulting. He could vanish instantly, and appear in the same instant half a sky palace away.

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