Heaven's Devourer

Chapter 1748: Complaint

Chapter 1748: Complaint

In any case, Taiyi Zhenren had yet to come knocking.

Therefore, Wu Yu decided to continue cultivating for a while, and sit on the matter for a bit.

Now they were all immortal emperors, their fighting ability rose to that of third tier immortal emperors.

This made Wu Yu feel like they were catching up. After all, he could fight fifth tier immortal emperors, which made them only two tiers below him.

Therefore, he intended to continue cultivating.

Next was the fourth tier of the eternal immortal emperor realm, centering around reincarnation.

For this, the effects of devouring were only average. However, Wu Yu continued to devour divine sarira on his way to Eternal Emperor Tomb, and it still helped him outpace other immortal emperors.

His Devouring Apotheosis Realm continued to grow murkier and murkier with black qi.

Of course, he was conscious of it, and chose to devour at a more moderate pace.

"If I want to establish reincarnation in Devouring Apotheosis Realm, then there has to be a storage space for souls... what mortals will call Hell."

Wu Yu thought. It was quite a tricky process to establish a reincarnation cycle.

Only by creating such a hell could he complete the cycle and get reincarnation up and running.

This reincarnation was the crux of the fourth tier of the eternal immortal emperor realm.

However, Wu Yu felt a little lost. Despite all the divine sarira and eternal demon emperor corpses he had devoured, the experience was somehow lacking in helping him reach the next tier.

It was as if there was a thin membrane before him that was stopping him from moving forward and completing the cycle.

However, Wu Yu was not worried. He knew that immortal emperor cultivation was not done in a day.

He could feel that devouring helped him to outstrip the other immortal emperors’ pace, and he was close to the heart of it.

Still, devouring could not provide him with insights on some crucial steps, on which he had to depend on himself.


Just as Wu Yu was engrossed in cultivation.

Reality Origin Sky, Cave of Golden Light.

Lotus Prince Nezha had come to seek his master, Taiyi Zhenren!

Taiyi Zhenren was indeed still brooding over the matter of the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

Even if he had spread word of Wu Yu’s false promise, and sullied the reputation of the Patriarch Bodhi and Wu Yu, still it did not help his situation.

He wanted the Ruyi Jingu Bang, and was unable to get it.

Therefore, he had shut himself up and was drinking in Reality Origin Sky. No one came to bother him.

Until now, when Nezha came calling.

"Master, there is something that your disciple has to inform you about!"

Nezha cut to the chase.

His life had been saved by Taiyi Zhenren many times before in the past. He held nothing but the highest regard for Taiyi Zhenren.

Therefore, he would definitely help Taiyi Zhenren regarding the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

"What is it?"

Taiyi Zhenren slurred lazily back at him.

"Master, have you heard that Wu Yu recently defeated Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, of the 9 Great Dragon Emperors?"

Nezha immediately asked.

"Oh? Is that so?"

Taiyi Zhenren had been enjoying private time with his drink recently, and had not heard the news yet.

He was really surprised that Wu Yu would suddenly appear in such a high-profile manner after such a mysterious disappearance, and defeat a dragon emperor!

Taiyi Zhenren’s interest was perked immediately, and he threw his cup down.

"Certain as can be! Besides, he used the epochal immortal treasure to beat him, the Ruyi Jingu Bang. That is what Master is searching for, right?" Nezha elaborated.

Taiyi Zhenren laughed coldly at this.

"This Wu Yu. Disappear, so be it. To think he would actually use my Ruyi Jingu Bang to beat Sky Heart Dragon Emperor? Preposterous!"

"Disciple, do you know where Wu Yu is now?" Taiyi Zhenren asked.

"I don’t know. But I’m thinking that he’s either back with the Patriarch Bodhi, or he’s vanished again like the last time."

Nezha said thoughtfully. "If he’s with Patriarch Bodhi, then even if we go knocking, he might shelter the little brat again!"

Taiyi Zhenren acknowledged this with a sober nod. "What do you have in mind?"

He knew that finding Patriarch Bodhi might not help the situation at all.

After all, they had last parted on unfriendly terms.

Nezha lowered his voice. "Master, we can do it this way. This Wu Yu defeated Sky Heart Dragon Emperor, and established himself as one of the elite immortal emperors of the sky palaces. For such a matter, if we ask the Jade Emperor for help, he will settle it for us!"

Taiyi Zhenren liked this plan very much. "An excellent idea. Let’s do it that way. With the Jade Emperor taking a hand, Patriarch Bodhi will not dare to protect that little snake. The Ruyi Jingu Bang is mine. It’s vexing for him to steal it away for so long!"

"Do not worry, Master! With the Jade Emperor around, the kid will not dare to continue hiding!" Nezha chuckled confidently.

"Let’s go. Come with me to see the Jade Emperor and ask him to deal with the brat!" Taiyi Zhenren shook off his inebriety and flew off with Nezha towards the 8000th level of Heaven, Lingxiao Sky!


On this day, Wu Yu was cultivating at Mettle Sky when Patriarch Bodhi suddenly sent him a message.

"Jade Emperor has ordered me to see him!"

The immortal message talisman from Patriarch Bodhi scared Wu Yu silly.

He immediately thought that it had to be related to Taiyi Zhenren.

He hastened to Bodhi’s Palace to see Patriarch Bodhi, who nodded in response, indicating that his suspicions were correct.

"This is getting dangerous." Wu Yu felt a sick feeling of dread in his stomach.

The Jade Emperor was one of the strongest in the whole of the sky palaces. He could be said to be the most eminent.

A summons from the Jade Emperor could not be ignored.

What was to be done?

"In any case, the escort to Lingxiao Sky should be here soon. Let’s leave first, and think along the way."

Patriarch Bodhi said. He led Wu Yu towards the Well of Eternal Life.

Wu Yu had not expected the matter to blow up to that level, where the Jade Emperor would personally take a hand.

"In the worst case scenario, you would have to hand over the Ruyi Jingu Bang."

Patriarch Bodhi sighed helplessly.

He had previously counseled Wu Yu to give up the Ruyi Jingu Bang, but now that it had actually come to it, even he felt a little reluctant.

It was clear that the Patriarch Bodhi knew the meaning of the Ruyi Jingu Bang to Wu Yu.

"Let’s see what Jade Emperor says."

Wu Yu was a little nervous.

The Jade Emperor was the foremost immortal in the sky palaces. No one above him, and all were at his beck and call!

It was likely that the Great Sage, Heaven’s Equal and the Demon Immortal Realm were all linked to him!

Although the situation in Heavenly Domain and Heavenly Buddha’s Domain were different, the utter terror that Wu Yu had felt before Xuanzang, the Buddha Above All, was still fresh in his mind.

He was afraid of going to Heavenly Buddha’s Domain right now. If Xuanzang found him, his fate would be nasty.

As for Demon Immortal Realm, the Jade Emperor might be able to go there, considering he had once led the sky palace immortals there.

Therefore, Wu Yu felt that escaping to the Demon Immortal Realm was not an option either.

It seemed like Wu Yu had no choice but to comply with the Jade Emperor’s summons.

As to handing over the Ruyi Jingu Bang, he would have to decide again at the time.

Wu Yu was more worried that the Jade Emperor might recognize his legacy and the Ruyi Jingu Bang.

If he did, what attitude would the Jade Emperor have towards him?

In any case, he would just have to see.

"Or perhaps there is an opportunity in this."

Wu Yu thought privately to himself. He did not let his fear get the better of him.

After all, this might also be the only way for him to meet the Jade Emperor.

He had defeated Sky Heart Dragon Emperor and reached a certain level. That was why Taiyi Zhenren had chosen to bring this to the Jade Emperor.

While he had not planned to meet the Jade Emperor in this way, but it might provide him with unexpected opportunities.

After all, that was Wu Yu’s true mission.

Being able to meet the Jade Emperor at least once was still important. Although the price of the Ruyi Jingu Bang seemed a little too high to pay.

"Maybe there will be another way to pay Taiyi Zhenren back. If only I could exchange it with something else!"

Wu Yu thought.

Just at this time, many important people stepped out of the Well of Eternal Life to Mettle Sky.

They were familiar faces to Wu Yu.

His old enemy, the Dhrtarastra!

The Dhrtarastra was one of the Four Heavenly Kings, and this was his job - to escort all that the Jade Emperor summoned to him.

Beside him was another old enemy of Wu Yu’s - Primeval Mighty Miracle God. He had come together as well.

Both had evil grins on their faces, relishing Wu Yu’s misfortune.

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