High School: Way to Forever

Chapter 250: Past (6)

Chapter 250: Past (6)

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The truck came and crashed into her as she laid on the road. Blood was coming out of her body but her mind was already a mess.

Many people were trying to lift her and bring her to the nearby hospital but she? Hah, her lifeless body had no soul in it.

The person for whom she ran away from her house did not turn up and she had an accident. Her eyes were opened but breathing was still uneven.

But then, just after a few minutes, many of them heard gunshots from the distance. As people looked a little behind, Sierra was able to get up and move her eyes a little to see her brother standing there.

But, he was bleeding too. And that too, bleeding from his heart and stomach.

"B..B..r..rother!" Sierra felt her eyelids becoming heavy and she dozed off in an unconscious state.


After god knows how many hours and so many surgeries, Sierra opened her eyes in a hospital room where her mother was standing on one side of hers and her father on the other.

"Sierra! You finally woke up!!" The tension in her voice was quite clear. She was stressed and Sierra can see that on her face.

But the first thing that she asked from her mouth wasn't about herself but about someone else.

"W..here is brother!?! I..Is he fine?" Her voice was too shaky. She had seen it from her own eyes that her brother was shot dead by someone.

She had witnessed it with her own eyes and the trauma was just hitting her up. Nothing came into her mind anymore, not even William or someone but the image of her brother, being shot by someone!

They all kept quiet and Marrie just burst into tears in front of Sierra. Liam just kept his mouth shut but she can see that he was hurt and tears were formed in his eyes.

Looking a little behind, she can see her grandmother standing there with her face a little downcast. She had no idea what happened there anymore. 'Why is no one uttering even a single word!?'

But this doesn't mean that she won't ask them any questions. "What happened!? I asked where his brother was!?" As she saw no one speaking any word, Sierra threatened them to take out all the needles on her hand.

At last, her mother said in between her sobs, "S...Seb is dead! Shaira too died along with him." And this was the most breaking point for Sierra.

She was frozen to death as she laid on the hospital bed for the next three days. A single letter did not leave her mouth as she skipped all meals and medicines.

The only thing she was surviving on was the glucose that was transferred through injections.

But she spoke and walked on the fourth day, "When is brother's funeral?"

"Today." Sierra nodded and attended the funeral like others. She had no idea about her surroundings and did not even dare to ask about who William was or where he.

Because her heart was just aching so much. But later on, she overheard her father and grandfather's conversation.

"It is believed that our enemies were behind it. They got to know that Shaira was out without force and they thought of kidnapping her but Seb became their target as they saw him alone." her father explained.

"So you mean to say, it's one of our old enemies?" Grandfather once again asked with his expression and voice cold as ever.

"Yes. Even more than that, the person whom Sierra decided to meet, was shot dead by none other than Chris!"


The door was opened by chance by her as both of them turned around and found Sierra standing there like a statue.

She received the second shock of her life that two lives went just because of her. She was the killer of the two of them!!

"SIERRA!" her father shouted at her while she simply ran to her room and locked herself in for days.

Her mental condition was detected as Chris also tried to come and talk to her but she always got triggered just hearing his voice.

Many times, Sierra attacked Chris for killing her lover, an innocent person but her parents stopped her from committing a crime.

She was only fourteen!

And that is how she came into depression, a state in which she stopped talking to everyone, isolating herself from everyone, and most importantly, self-harming too started!



There were tears in her eyes as she remembered all the past that was the most haunting part of her life.

Only, Anna knows how difficult it was to convert Sierra into Anna because Sierra is still burning into flames inside her. If given a chance to her, she might just go crazy and finish Chris and her brother's kier at that moment only!

Just the difference is, there is Anna this time. Somehow, she will always gain control over this Sierra inside her but she always goes outside the league many times.

"Anna, you have gone through so much!" 

Alena felt her heart was aching for the girl in front of her. She appears so strong but her past is full of pain. The way she suffered, many God never gave thus destiny to enemies also!

Anna brought a smile again on her face. "That is past but it's my responsibility to fulfill the revenge that is of my brother and for Sierra inside me." 

"Anna, just tell me. How can I help you?" Alena felt a sudden urge to completely help Anna no matter what happens.

Anna chuckled seeing Alena's this side. "Alena, I suffered but I think, I'm healing a little bit. Maybe, because of happiness, Alex has given me now."

"I feel, his love is true for me and this will bring me out of the darkness and lower the walls around me because... I love him!"


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