Hitman With A Badass System

Chapter 1308 Getting A New Demon Army

Chapter 1308  Getting A New Demon Army

Once Ganeria was destroyed into bits and pieces, the blinding light of destruction made everyone close their eyes. During this light, the Skyhall remote center activated the teleportation sequence and teleported the Celestial Cannon away from the battle. But with Tarsus gone, the control he had over the demons was destroyed, causing the demons to fall from the sky like flies, reverting back to their dead state. n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

Michael watched the demons falling into the sea with a grin, floating in the air. When he turned his gaze to the remaining angels and the ships, he saw they had already started to flee.

"Run!" one angel shouted, his voice cracking with fear.

"Fuck this, I'm not dying here!" another angel screamed as he bolted towards a retreating ship.

"Get the hell out of here! We can't fight him!" a third angel yelled, his wings flapping frantically.

Michael didn't chase after them to kill them as it wasn't his style. Instead, he turned his gaze to Mugashuku, who dwarfed him in size. It was strange to see Mugashuku up close outside of Stormville's dark cave.

"We have a lot to talk about, Dark Lord," Mugashuku grumbled. At that moment, it sounded like all four heads spoke in unison with one single voice in Michael's head.

"I can see that," Michael calmly replied, beginning to descend toward his floating mountain.

Once they landed on the ground, Mugashuku stared down at Michael, studying him. Gone was the disdainful look Mugashuku had for Michael, replaced by a look of begrudging respect.

"So, the light of Noah is vanquished by his own brother...who tried so hard to change the prophecy ultimately brought upon the prophecy. You can run away from destiny, Dark Lord, but it will always catch up to you," Mugashuku said in a grumpy voice.

"Good one about prophecies, Mugashuku, but something tells me you are not here to give me a lesson on prophecies. Why are you here? Is it about another soul piece of the Queen?" Michael asked calmly.

"You are right. Consider it a favor I did for you by saving your mountain. But we have bigger things to worry about: the one you unleashed by killing your brother, the eternal darkness in the mortal realm, and the release of Andohr, the god of time and space."

The mere mention of Andohr's name made Michael's blood boil in anger. This was the same feeling Andohr had toward the past Dark Lord. Whenever someone mentioned the Dark Lord's name, Andohr seethed with rage. Michael never truly understood this until now. It was no longer just the past Dark Lord's feud with Andohr—it was personal for him too.

"This eternal darkness is affecting all living beings, Dark Lord. Light doesn't just exist in brightness; it exists within all of us. With Noah gone, the balance is shifted, and the darkness within people will manifest. Soon, you will see the ugliness behind the mortal race, and it's not going to be pretty," Mugashuku said in a grave tone. Even a cold, detached being who preferred to stay out of mortal squabbles felt compelled to warn Michael, which highlighted the seriousness of the problem.

"Since you are the God of Darkness, you can control more than the darkness you see. You can also control the darkness within beings. Use that to maintain the fragile balance until you find a more permanent solution."

"Like what?" Michael asked. He didn't think Mugashuku meant resurrecting Noah using the system, as even Mugashuku didn't know about the Badass System. So Michael knew Mugashuku was suggesting something else.

"Create a new God of Light…" Mugashuku said, leaving Michael in stunned silence for a few moments.

"Create a new god? Just like that? How would I do that?" Michael asked cynically.

"Figure it out. Everyone needs to face the consequences of their actions, including a god. It's up to you to deal with and save the mortal realm you endangered," Mugashuku coldly said before all four of his heads looked up at the dark sky. Then, Mugashuku flapped his wings, taking off into the sky.

Standing alone on the floating mountain, Michael watched Mugashuku disappear into the clouds. He then took a deep breath and looked around at the destruction—the debris on the sea, the dead angels on the ground, and the demons scattered about.

"That was helpful," Michael snickered.

As much as he hated to admit it, Mugashuku was right. He had fulfilled the prophecy, and now it was up to him to fix this goddamn mortal realm. He had already witnessed how enraged the creatures in the Demon's Grave were and knew Mugashuku was right. The death of Noah was affecting the world in more ways than just the absence of light.

He had a feeling that if he didn't find a way to fix this world, everything would go to hell.

"Let's focus on the task at hand," Michael sighed deeply, feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders. He knew he had to act quickly before Skyhall launched another attack. His first priority was to gather all the demon bodies and turn them into his own army.

Taking a deep breath, he launched himself into the air and began flying around the mountain, collecting the demons' bodies. One by one, he lifted the heavy, lifeless forms and piled them up in a secure spot. The demons' crimson skin glistened ominously in the dim light as their bodies began to form a small mountain of their own.

Next, Michael dived down into the ocean. His mask, equipped with a breathing system, allowed him to breathe underwater effortlessly. He swam through the dark, churning waters, locating the drowned demons. Each one was a challenge to retrieve, but Michael's strength and determination carried him through.

As he collected the bodies, he felt a mixture of anger and anticipation. These demons, once puppets of the Skyhall, would soon be under his control. He envisioned an army that would help him restore balance and keep his realm safe from further invasions.

After gathering as many bodies as he could find in the ocean, he flew back to the mountain, carrying the heavy, waterlogged forms with ease. He mounted them up alongside the others, forming an impressive pile of potential soldiers.

With the demons' bodies all gathered, Michael hovered above the mountain, looking down at his future army. "Now it's time to turn them into my army," Michael muttered before dragging the pile of bodies back into the dark castle, which was barely standing after the bombardment by the Skyhall.

Once inside, Michael reached Elidyr's hall. The empty hall pulsated with runes, workbenches, and a massive portal gate that glistened in the center. He laid the demons one by one on the ground, arranging them carefully.

"How much is it going to cost me to turn them into my loyal army?" Michael asked the system.

[Ding! It will cost ten million badass points to engrave the controlling runes into their brains and souls and make all fifty demons loyal to you.]

Michael sighed in relief. He had received almost fifteen million points by slaughtering angels and destroying their ships, so he could afford it. "Do it," he mentally commanded the system.

The moment he gave permission to the system, he saw the badass points reduce from fifteen million to five million. Then, he felt a sharp pain in his mind, a familiar sensation. As he gritted his teeth, he saw a soft glow appear on the foreheads of the demons. The glow pulsed for a moment before disappearing into their heads.

After a while, the demons groaned as their bodies flinched and twitched on the ground. Michael felt a sudden heaviness in his soul, and a sharp headache began to pound in his temples. He gritted his teeth, fighting through the pain as the APD kicked in, injecting him with potions to combat the migraine. The relief was slow but steady, and soon the excruciating sensation began to soothe.

Soon, the demons' breathing became steady, almost as though they were alive. One by one, they started to rise, their crimson eyes glowing faintly in the dim light of the hall. Michael watched as they stood before him, an eerie yet powerful sight.

[Ding! The demons are now completely loyal to the host and will obey any command. Be warned of the blood lust that is engraved in the demons' very essence.]

Michael took a deep breath, feeling the weight lift from his soul as the demons fully awakened, their new loyalty to him solidified. He looked at his new army who were ready to follow his every order. As the last demon stood up, Michael surveyed his newly formed army. All fifty demons stood straight, their crimson eyes fixed on him, awaiting their next order. Their massive, muscular forms and fearsome four arms radiated an intimidating aura. The room was filled with a tense silence, broken only by the faint sounds of their steady breathing.

Michael could feel their raw power and blood lust, barely contained beneath the surface. They were ready for battle, eager to unleash their fury on anyone he commanded them to destroy. He allowed himself a moment of satisfaction, knowing that he had turned a potential threat into a formidable asset.

"Now, let's put you to the test by destroying the Skyhall," he said with a cold chuckle, his voice echoing through the hall.

He turned around and began to leave for Stormville Mountain to meet Nithroel, his new army following him closely behind.

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