Hollywood What If

Chapter 8

Chapter 8

Kazir was well aware of his own abilities. He was not a gifted person who could perform miracles. The only thing he had after a second chance of life was his knowledge.

Kazir knew the movies that would make money. It would be stupid not to use his knowledge and create his original script instead.

So far, with Se7en, Kazir wanted to keep the future in the original timeline that he knew. To minimize the risk of the movie failing, he decided to cast the original actors in the roles. This was his first project and he wanted it to succeed.

He knew in his heart that he was cheating with his knowledge. But hey, even Bill Gates "got" the "idea" from Apple and Xerox and built Microsoft. Now, Microsoft was worth 2 trillion after "getting" that certain "idea".

However, if things went wrong, Kazir would not hesitate to gamble. As soon as the filming of Se7en was finished, he would find his answer.

"Isn't this amazing?"

The production designer proudly showed off her creations. Her team had worked hard for weeks to create these props.

"Yes, it is..."

Kazir marveled at the props. They looked real. He almost thought he was looking at a real corpse.

'If a normal person saw this 'dummy', he or she might scream in fear. '

'As you would expect from professionals, they know what they're doing.'

As a director who had experience working on grade-B horror movies. He had seen a lot of fake gore and was used to seeing 'corpses'. In fact, the 'corpse' in front of him was not that scary.

'At least in my opinion.'

It was January 24, 1995. Just a week before February.

They spent months preparing for the shooting.

They had already finished the pre-production. From editing the script, building the sets, finding locations, and casting, they were already prepared.

Before the shooting started, the crew should have prepared all the important aspects of the shooting. Otherwise, if they didn't prepare, they wasted time and money.

Unconventional situations may arise, but preparation could prevent these situations from happening.

For example, during filming, a Director might ask for more fake blood in the scene. Considering that this movie was a thriller detective movie, blood was definitely needed.

Everything had to be taken seriously.

'To be honest, I have already finished my part here. The script is finished. As a screenwriter, my presence on the set is not necessary.'

Because Kazir wanted to see the making of Se7en with his own eyes, he decided to join the production, even though his salary was minimum wage.

At least I made 8 thousand last two months.

Kazir looked around. He saw David Fincher talking to the cinematographer about possible lighting.

They were in the studio where they were going to shoot the interior of the police station. That's right, they turned the studio into a police station. It cost a lot to build that background. Unfortunately, they would destroy this 'police station' when the shooting was over.

Kazir stood in the corner and watched the shooting.

Morgan Freeman came out of his trailer after being done with makeup.

"Okay, is everything ready?"

David looked around. He asked the cameramen, adjusted the lighting, and looked at the monitors. He nodded only when everything was good.

"Okay, start."

"Scene 82, lights, camera, action."


"Found this on the wall behind the fridge." Detective Somerset handed a picture to the captain, played by Ronald Lee Ermey.

"Hell leads to light?"

"It's from Milton's Paradise Lost," Somerset said, looking at Detective Mills.

"All right, I'm confused."

"It means this is the beginning."

Detective William Somerset pulled out two more pictures and showed the pictures to them. They were pictures of words written in blood.

"There are seven deadly sins, Captain. Gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, pride, lust, and envy."

--Ring ring.

Suddenly the phone next to the captain rang.

The whole studio fell silent, and even David Fincher's face twitched.

'Why is the phone ringing? I thought it was one of the props.' Kazir was also confused.

But the scene was still in progress and no one stopped. Despite the ringing sound, the actors were adjusting professionally.

"Hold on." The captain said, answering the call with irritation. "This isn't even my desk!"

"Cut! Good job Ronald, let's add that to the scene."

Satisfied, David decided to add the unexpected phone call to the movie.

'Ronald Lee Ermey got it right.' Kazir thought.


The beginning of the filming went well and they shot three scenes, which were not bad.

Kazir saw an intern from the props department apologizing to David Fincher. It seemed he was responsible for putting a real phone on the set.

"It's okay... Just don't do it again."

David Fincher decided to talk to his assistant director and cinematographer to check the locations for tomorrow.

"Goodbye Kazir."

"Yes, have a safe trip."

As for Kazir, he could leave early after finishing his work. He was only a helper anyway.

He got into his old bumpy car that had been repaired recently. This Audi 200 sedan looked old, but Kazir didn't intend to change the car for now. After all, he was still poor.

While driving, Kazir saw a bar. Since he had just received his salary, he decided to stop there and have a drink.

"No, not the disco bar where parties are banging around. I don't like loud places. I prefer a place with a relaxed atmosphere, a bar that plays jazz music."

So he decided to enter the place.

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