Horizon of War Series

Chapter 111: Fruges Hiemales

Chapter 111: Fruges Hiemales

Fruges Hiemales

Korelia City

The city buzzed with celebration, honoring Lord Lansius' official confirmation as the Baron. It was during this festive atmosphere that Sir Michael and Lady Astrid arrived, accompanied by their new household and entourage. Everyone was pleasantly surprised to learn that the newly married couple had pledged their service to House Lansius. Their arrival provided even more reasons for the Korelians to celebrate.

The merriment and festivities masked the arrival of master masons. These highly skilled and experienced builders hailed from Midlandia and White Lake regions. They had returned with their team to fulfill a contract for building vital infrastructure projects.

While discussing their plan and contract, the conversation often turned to the Lord and Lady of the city. Last season, several had the opportunity to meet and talk to them in person. Despite the rumors, they found the Lord and Lady to be down-to-earth and reasonable, even outright likable.

In their meetings, the Lord of Korelia had expressed his desire for a functional and cost-effective design for a new Great Keep. His intention was not self-glorification or a display of power, but to provide a practical abode for his retinues. He envisioned the Great Keep as defensible, yet equipped with necessary amenities, including heating and plumbing.

Following the Lord's wishes, the master masons based their designs on proven, robust, and maintenance-friendly concepts. The contract stipulated keeping the ornamental pieces to a bare minimum. This approach earned the master masons' respect.

While other nobles favored grand archways, alabaster marbles, and fine sculptures, the Lord of Korelia prioritized defensive capability. This aligned with the master masons' passion for constructing robust defensive structures.

To them, building a castle was akin to a defense game, using a maze-like layout to bewilder attackers. Corridors led to false exits with arrow slit windows on the defenders' side, enabling them to counter with impunity. The gates were deceptive, appearing as main entrances, but were actually wooden gates set against sturdy walls.

Their focus wasn't solely on trapping and countering attackers; they also prioritized the occupants' survival. The design included large warehouses, divided into several chambers, ample water storage, and innovative methods for replenishing fresh water from rain or underground sources.

The master masons fondly recalled their surprise upon completing the blueprint, realizing the Lord of Korelia aimed to construct not just a Great Keep, but a formidable fortress.

Now, they had returned to bring the design to life. They began laboring on the crucial sections of the City Wall and the construction of the new Great Keep. Their commitment would bind them to Korelia for a few years, until the final stone was correctly placed.


Korelia Castle

It was a pleasant morning at Korelia Castle, with clear skies above and a calm wind gently stirring the air. In the courtyard, a bustle of activity unfolded. Coaches and lesser carriages lined up in orderly fashion, attended by a diligent array of escorts. Half of them bore the emblem of twelve silver dragons on a red banner, while others flew the banner of Arvena, featuring a riverbank and a white castle.

From inside the castle, Lady Felicity emerged first, dressed in her traveling attire, followed by the knights and then the squires. The multitudes of people engaged in light hearted chatter as they walked toward the courtyard. The discussion was filled with smiles and chuckles.

During their conversation, the lady paused in front of the coaches and looked back at the castle. "I can’t believe it’s already been one year," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

The others around her responded with sympathetic smiles.

"I hope this isn’t the last time I set foot in Korelia," Felis added, without sounding bitter.

"Lady Felis, you’re always welcome here," Sir Justin reassured her. "Next time you visit, probably the new Great Keep will be finished."

"When that time arrives, I hope to see little Lans or little Drey running around," the lady said, her eyes sparkling with hope.

Sir Justin chuckled. "I'll be sure to mention that to the Lord and Lady."

Lady Felis shifted her attention to the newlyweds, Sir Michael and Lady Astrid, who had recently joined as Lord Lansius' retinue. "Alas, Lady Astrid we haven't had the time to know each other."

"It's a most unfortunate situation, my Lady."

"Please make sure to let Cecile know if you need anything. The weather in Korelia can be challenging at times. Do remember to keep yourself well-quenched with beverages and use herbal balms for your skin."

With a courteous smile, Astrid bowed her head. "I shall keep your advice at heart, my Lady."

Lady Felis then gazed at the knight with the eyepatch, who bowed his head in response. "Sir Michael, I expect great things from you. But remember that you also have duties to your wife."

Sir Michael responded with a respectful nod. "Indeed, my Lady. I am wholly committed to taking care of Lady Astrid with utmost diligence. Her well-being shall always be paramount in my mind."

Satisfied with the answer, Lady Felis’ eyes moved to Calub and Cecile, offering them a warm, acknowledging smile. "I’m going to miss you both."

"I as well, Lady Felis. Please take care out there, Midlandia isn’t safe even for someone like you. Always watch your back and remember to ask Hannei for help," Calub advised.

"Will do, old friend. But really, I wish I had your help just like in Progentia."

Calub chuckled. "When you truly need me, send a rider. I'll be sure to pack my gear and head your way."

Lady Felis smiled but shook her head. "I can't do that. You must be a responsible husband to Cecile and soon father to your children."

Calub and Cecile exchanged smiles, their wedding set for two months' time, just before the onset of winter, when work would subside. At present, everyone was busy and couldn't afford distractions. Should they marry now, every party involved – the guilds, the master masons, Sir Justin, and the castle staff – would be drawn in, inevitably delaying their work.

Lady Felis then beckoned Cecile and Lady Astrid for a private chat.

While the Ladies engaged in their extended farewell, Sir Michael conversed with Calub. Meanwhile, Sir Justin approached Sir Anci. "Are you all set?"

"Should be. My squire and servant are quite the combo," Anci replied with a smug grin. Today he was wearing a bold red brigandine.

The older knight nodded before asking more seriously, "So, what will you do after returning to Midlandia? What is our Lord planning?"

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Anci grinned. "Lord Arte? Can't say for sure, but I sure wish I could bring Lord Lansius. Even just as a guest, he would be a powerful ally." Then he looked at the older knight, asking, "What about you, Sir?"

Sir Justin whistled a tune. "My family estate in Arvena is vast but rocky and stubbornly not fertile. Three generations have tried in vain to grow food on it."

"Ah, I understand that feeling. Still, we could use an advisor."

"Certainly, I owe a lot to your master, Sir Peter. When Lord Lansius returns, my hired company and I shall pay a visit to Lord Arte. I'm no longer his retinue, but for old times' sake, and to settle our blood dispute with Gottfried, I'll do my part."

The two men grinned and clasped hands firmly.

"Gratitude, Sir Justin. I'll let them know about this."

The Marshal then pulled something from his pocket. "A favor if you will, to Lord Arte?"

"Easy, I shall make sure the Lord receives it." Anci accepted Sir Justin's sealed letter and tucked it into his purse.

As Lady Felis concluded her farewells to Cecile and made her way to her carriage, the atmosphere subtly changed. Noticing this Sir Justin took the opportunity to say his final words to Anci. "Please safeguard the young Lord and Lady Felis. And if things get dicey with the Midlandians, you can always find refuge here."

Before the sun grew hotter, the coaches, carriages, and cavalry escorts began their journey back to Midlandia. The castle staff, guards, and townsfolk cheered and prayed for their safe journey.

Along with Lady Felis and Sir Anci, the official envoys also returned to Midlandia. They had been briefed about the ongoing crisis in Elandia and how the seneschal had led his troops to pacify the unrest. The envoys planned to wait in Midlandia until the situation was under control. However, they weren't aware of another war breaking out in Tiberia.


South Hill, Lansius

Midday arrived in one of the villages surrounding South Hill city. The sun cast a mild, gentle warmth over the scenery. A cool breeze, playful and light, gently swayed the golden crops that dotted the landscape. The view gave a sense of lull and peacefulness that contrasted with what Lansius was feeling.

With an uncertain late harvest, his schedule for the next campaign had been compromised. He couldn't help but feel that he was going against time. Worse, his men, who should have been resting to recover from their march, were working in the field.

There's only so much I could do...

The previous day, Lansius had dispatched his first wave of seven hundred men to help with the agriculture production. And today, he was marching with the second wave, sending more men to locations where help was most needed. With the risk so high, he decided to get involved directly.

Lansius was well aware that there was no method to improve the grain yield. What would be harvested now, had been planted in early Spring and matured slowly through summer and early fall. Thus in a sense, the yield had been predetermined.

However, they could still make sure that all cultivated grains would be harvested with minimum loss. In this case, workforce availability was paramount, as well as the correct tools, storage, and transportation.

As support, Lansius had selected three hundred men who had experience with construction to build temporary storage in strategic locations. They were also to maintain the vital road to the city. To assist these groups, he also contracted skilled masons and seasonal laborers from the city.

Guarded by his light cavalry, Lansius wore a humble straw hat and conversed with the village chief, elder, and villagers. He wanted to ensure that his policy was well received.

"For this season only, I free you from working on the communal land," Lansius explained to a crowd of villagers surrounding him.

"My Lord, does that mean we don't need to harvest the Baron's land?" the village chief asked carefully.

"Yes, just this once, you can focus on your patch of land. My men will take care of the Baron's land. But be sure to assist them if they need help. After all, most aren't as experienced farmers as you are," Lansius answered lightly. He had been giving a similar explanation today multiple times already and he needed to repeat the line many more times.

It was a tedious job, but his presence kept his men and new subjects' morale high. While the villagers were at first fearful and guarded, Lansius' demeanor and favorable policy had won them over.

On every occasion, Lansius tried to listen to any problems or suggestions that might arise. He was also checking the brown grain and was relieved to find quite an amount that could sustain his men until the harvest.

From their interaction, Lansius also learned suggestions about winter crops.

"You know about how to grow winter wheat?" Lansius asked in disbelief.

"We do, My Lord. Several generations have successfully planted them, but we lacked the seeds," the village chief explained.

Lansius mulled his response. While the winter crops wouldn’t directly aid his campaign this year, their success would ensure South Hill's food security. This, in turn, would enable him to take more for this upcoming campaign. "Where do you get the seeds for winter wheat?"

"The merchants brought them from Three Hills City, My Lord," the elder replied. He added, "The mark of successful farmers in South Hill is when they are able to buy winter wheat seeds and harvest them in late spring."

"And then switch back to summer wheat after harvest."

"Indeed, My Lord. You seem very knowledgeable about this," the chief said, clearly pleased.

"I'm aware of the practice, but I won't force you to do this. Cultivating and harvesting twice a year is surely taxing on the body."

Not to mention, it might cause a peasant rebellion.

Lansius didn't say the last bit.

"It is, My Lord, but in case of famine, we can endure it, as long as you don't expect many of us to do it every year."

Lansius gazed upon the villagers and declared, "I shall put it in writing that peasants can be taxed only once per year."

The villagers around them cheered, albeit in a subdued way, because they feared offending their new Lord.

"A question though." Lansius returned to the village chief. "Why doesn't Midlandia practice this?"

"My Lord, Midlandia is fertile. If they grow winter wheat and harvest twice, then the price of grain will become worthless. Meanwhile, South Hill and most of Lowlandia are not so fertile. When harvest yields so little, sometimes we need to do this just to survive."

Lansius nodded his head like a student listening to his teacher. Afterward, he said, "I still need to check with the other villages, so I shall take my leave. But tomorrow I shall return to seek your advice."

The village chief, feeling honored, politely bowed deeply. His fellow villagers followed suit.

Lansius gazed at the Nicopolan group who were stationed in this village and instructed, "Treat them well."

The footmen-turned-farmers straightened their backs and replied crisply, "Yes, My Lord."


Lansius rode his horse and rejoined a separate group that rested at a forked dirt road. Audrey and his entourage were resting there underneath a cluster of old trees. They weren't joining him in the village because they acted as a security lookout and also because Audrey was feeling tired.

Yet, she had insisted on accompanying him, citing that anyone who wished otherwise should be prepared to draw their swords.

"How is she?" Lansius asked Carla as he dismounted.

Carla took the horse's reins and replied, "The Lady just needs a bit of rest. She just had a light snack and has-"

"Has recovered without anything to worry about," Audrey declared as she approached.

Lansius smiled. Meanwhile, sensing it would turn into a private affair, their entourage quickly moved elsewhere and faced the other way.

"So, what does it feel like to return to the farms?" Audrey asked.

Lansius smiled warmly and gently guided her towards a nearby tree, ensuring its broad canopy provided a cool shade over their heads. "Well, it reminds me of Bellandia."

Audrey took a deep breath. "You know, sometimes I feel guilty for bringing you into this. Perhaps it's better if I let you be in Bellandia."

Lansius drew a deep breath and shook his head. "No," he declared firmly. "I wouldn't trade you for anything."

Audrey wasn't expecting such an answer, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. Yet she teased, "Not even for Felicity?"

"No, no, no. I prefer to keep my head attached to my neck."

Audrey giggled. "I doubt Lord Arte will dare to do anything to you. Now that you're a big power in Lowlandia."

Lansius shrugged and then returned to his main concern, "My dear Baroness, I have my sword ready. Shall we duel so I can send you to rest?"

Audrey gave a mischievous grin. "Even in fever, I could still beat you."

Lansius sighed, leaned closer, and then went to check her forehead. "Doesn't feel like a fever..."

"Yes, so let's ride again and finish this inspection tour," she urged.

"You sure, nothing is wrong?"

Audrey left him and went to mount her horse.

Carla brought Lansius' horse and said, "I'll make sure to watch her closely."

"Gratitude. I'm counting on you."

As they were about to ride off, a group of horsemen approached, their banner revealing them to be led by Sir Harold.

Lansius and Audrey paused as the knight rode up to them, greeting, "My Lord, My Lady, we've reached several breakthroughs."

"Do we have the blacksmiths' support?" Lansius asked.

"Yes, My Lord. We can expect good prices for the farming tools."

"Excellent," Lansius responded. "We're going to need those tools as loans for the farmers. Were there many difficulties?"

"Not as many as we expected. Sigmund believes everyone is keen on building good relations and has acted accordingly."

Lansius nodded thoughtfully. Audrey then asked, "So, aside from farming tools, what are they willing to offer us cheaply?"

"We can expect shipments of blood sausages, pickles, turnips, carrots, and cheese," Sir Harold reported.

"That will certainly boost morale," she commented, gazing back at Lansius, who then asked, "What about my other request?"

"It's being prepared as we speak," the knight assured. "But My Lord, is it really necessary?"

Lansius mulled for a moment before saying, "Food security has more aspects than just production and storage. There are other aspects we need to fix. Otherwise, South Hill could become a thorn in our side."

This piqued Audrey's curiosity. "What aspects are you talking about, and what's being prepared?"

"A banquet." Lansius then added with a lower voice, "A grey banquet."


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