Horizon of War Series

Chapter 96: Intruder

Chapter 96: Intruder



People were still celebrating the accolade ceremony when several armed men barged into the castle, quickly breaching security and clashing with the guards. The skirmish reached the courtyard. The Lord and Lady watched the scene unfold from above. They were barred from descending, as Carla had blocked the stairs, following Sir Hugo's orders.

"Twenty men, they said? I only see four," Audrey observed, loading a crossbow.

"We're not sure, My Lady, but the intruder reportedly has defeated at least a dozen guardsmen," Carla replied.

Now, the fighting was intense near a small iron fence that separated the garden from the rest of the castle complex.

The lead attacker skillfully used his broadsword to loosen the metal hinges, almost like using a crowbar. Noticing what the attacker was trying to do, the guardsmen quickly rallied. They pushed against the heavy iron fence, attempting to trap him. However, the attacker, displaying remarkable strength, managed to hold back the fence with just his left hand.

In an extraordinary feat, the attacker forcefully pushed the iron gate, causing it and the guards leaning against it to topple over.

Watching from above, Lansius was astonished by the display of superhuman strength. Carla behind them gulped while Audrey remained sharp, possibly feeling challenged by the extraordinary display before her.

By chance, the attacker looked up and noticed Lansius and Audrey at the window. "Fuck, you two are really wed!" the man roared with laughter, effortlessly deflecting an incoming attack.

Lansius' eyes widened in recognition. Audrey sighed and put away her crossbow. "Get them to stop. He's one of us..." she instructed a confused Carla.

"But My Lady--" Carla began, only to be cut off by Lord Lansius shouting, "Anci, you bastard! What are you doing here?"

Anci's laughter echoed through the air as he tackled the nearest guard. The other guards, unnerved by his overwhelming strength, opted to maintain a safe distance.

"My Lord, Sterling, your squire is here," another voice called from below.

"Sterling...?" Lansius' tone was full of doubt. "Why is he here too?" he asked, turning to Carla and Audrey, who appeared equally bewildered.

"Why are you hiding your face?" Audrey asked.

"I beg your pardon, My Lady, the helmet's jammed!" Sterling replied while trying hard to remove the headpiece.

"Just stay there, we're coming down," Lansius shouted at them. Led by Audrey, they descended the stairs.

Meanwhile, the guards, upon recognizing the names, widened the distance between themselves and the intruder. While they might not have remembered Anci, Sterling was certainly a familiar figure to the Korelians.

As the Lord and Lady appeared, Anci removed his helmet with a flourish. "Archibald, at your service."

Audrey called out, "It's really you, Anci," as she stood beside Lansius and Carla, with the rest of the castle guards surrounding them.

Anci smiled. "Are you a consort or a Lady now? The innkeeper in Korelia gave me quite the tale," he chuckled.

"From Korelia?" Lansius was piqued. "And put down your sword; you’re scaring everyone."

"Apology, My Lord. Just some morning practice," Anci replied, tossing his sword and helmet aside. Two young men behind him caught them. "They’re my squire and servant," Anci boasted. "And guess who I found in Cascasonne?"

The man with the stuck helmet stepped forward. "The visor's jammed, but My Lord, I assure you, I have no part in this."

Anci couldn't help but laugh.

Lansius sighed, well aware that this was typical of Anci's antics. "Sterling, good to see you walking again."

"Gratitude for your Lordship's mercy in sending me to a healer," Sterling said.

Suddenly, thundering footsteps echoed from the entrance. "There they are!" Sir Hugo shouted as he arrived with Dietrich and the rest of the men-at-arms stationed in the city.

"Slowpoke!" Anci called out, catching Hugo by surprise.

"Bastard! It's you!" Hugo exclaimed, immediately recognizing Anci.

"I heard about your knighting, so I came to see for myself!" Anci declared as he charged toward Hugo.

The two clashed in a wrestling bout, but Anci effortlessly tossed Hugo into the garden, stunning the onlookers. Dietrich rushed to aid a visibly shaken Hugo.

"Something’s off with him," Lansius remarked to Audrey.

"His strength is almost like that of a Mage Knight," she agreed.

"Traveling with him, I still can't figure out if he's a man or some fell beast in disguise," Sterling added, his voice muffled by the jammed helmet.

"Not even a fell beast is that strong," Audrey remarked.

Lansius shook his head. "Just what happened in the Capital?" he wondered aloud. "Oi, Anci, let’s talk over snacks and drinks." And then to Carla, "Could you arrange that?"

"At once, My Lord," Carla responded, though her expression showed disapproval.

“It’s okay. He might look tough, but even he is wary of Hannei," Lansius reassured.

"Hannei? That cursed Mage is here?" Anci suddenly crouched, scanning the area cautiously.

Audrey chuckled at Anci's reaction.

Feeling the need to move the discussion, Lansius urged, "Come, let's talk inside. Otherwise, we'll draw more attention."


Council Chamber

The Lord and Lady dismissed the destruction caused by Anci as a security test. The guardsmen who had been bested voiced little complaint, especially after receiving compensation for their injuries. Many who knew Anci were thrilled by his return. With the matter settled, the Lord and Lady proceeded to the Council Chamber.

Lansius was still dressed in his celebration attire from the accolade ceremony, while Audrey wore her black gambeson over her robe, her sword resting neatly on the wooden bench beside her. Anci, comfortably still in his armor, joined them at the round table.

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Hugo, having fortunately landed on soft ground, suffered no injuries except to his pride. Now, the recently knighted man sat beside Anci, with Carla standing behind him.

Sterling had been sent to the blacksmith, accompanied by Dietrich, to have his jammed helmet removed, a casualty of his scuffle with one of the guardsmen.

"So, how's the Capital?" Lansius initiated the conversation.

"It’s glorious! I had sword bouts almost every day. Lots of tournaments, both formal and informal," Anci chuckled. He then glanced around, seeming to recall something. "You okay, Sir slowpoke?"

"Never felt better," Hugo replied with a load of sarcasm.

Anci chuckled again. "I said I'm sorry. I thought you'd be heavier."

"Your strength is uncanny. Did you eat a fell beast's heart or something?" Hugo complained.

"Ah, never tried that. Though I almost fought one," Anci replied, casually munching on a fruit.

"How did you manage to send me flying?"

Anci chuckled. "I didn't go to the capital just to run errands. I'm also on a quest to strengthen myself. And as you know, there are ways to gain strength, either naturally or unnaturally."

Anci's cryptic answer was met with a grumble from Hugo.

"So, how's Lord Arte's mission?" asked Lansius, trying to put the conversation on track.


Through Anci’s occasionally incoherent ramblings, Lansius understood that the mission to the Capital had been successful. Lord Arte’s bid to reclaim Arvena was sanctioned, and Bengrieve’s bid for Lansius' Baron title had also been approved.

He then silently expressed his gratitude to the men and women who had made this possible.

The diplomatic gymnastics must be crazy...

Lansius couldn’t fathom the favors owed and the bribes necessary to achieve all this. However, not everything was cause for celebration.

"On our journey, we found the towns and villages in Elandia lifeless. Bandits are on the prowl, and the local lords seem to be losing their grip," Anci reported.

Lansius listened intently.

"Even armed convoys are being ambushed. Bah, I couldn’t find a moment's peace there!" Anci added somberly. "The villagers I had saved on my first trip had turned into brigands by the time I returned from the Capital. They blamed the bad harvest. But that didn't explain why they killed a nobleman's wife, so I had no choice..."

Lansius poured ale into his cup. "Drink up," he offered gently.

Anci gulped it down.

So the situation in Elandia was already bad before the Nicopolans even showed up...

Sadly, there was little they could do to help. Despite Lansius' newfound prestige and power, he was just a minor player in a backwater province.

"So, you got knighted?" Audrey interjected with a lighter question, casually munching on a morsel of bread, ham, and lettuce.

Anci showed a smug expression before answering, "I won the jousting tournament, and Lord Arte knighted me afterward."

"Ha, good for you!" Audrey smiled, genuinely happy for a fellow Arvenian's success, despite her Centurian origins.

Hugo raised his cup to honor Anci, who nodded respectfully.

"So, has Lord Arte returned to Midlandia?" Lansius inquired.

"Yes, he’s sorting things out in Midlandia. Oh, and their marriage got approved, so I'll be heading back to Korelia to fetch Lady Felicity."

"Just you and the squires?" asked Lansius.

"Nah, in about two weeks, officials from the capital will arrive in Korelia. The entourage and escort for Lady Felicity will be part of the officials' convoy," Anci elaborated.

Lansius leaned back in his sturdy wooden chair. "So, my baronial patent is finally coming."

"A word of caution, though," Anci added. "Lord Arte mentioned that, given the circumstances in the Imperium and your recent victories, they might want you to intervene in the Elandia - Nicopola conflict."

Upon hearing this, Hugo and Carla exchanged troubled glances, and Lansius sighed deeply. "Lowlandia doesn't have the capabilities to wage war out of province. We don't have the manpower or the logistics to support it."

"I find that hard to believe," Anci remarked.

"Let me clarify: To wage war outside Lowlandia and actually win."

Anci grinned and chuckled. "Well, now that Lady Audrey is a Baroness in her own right, I doubt those officials will be able to pressure you much."

Lansius gave a thoughtful nod.

"My Lord, are you considering a return to Korelia to welcome them?" Hugo inquired.

"No, our priorities lie here in Korimor. We need to figure out how to sustain four thousand people through the winter," Lansius said, more to himself than to his staff. Then, turning to Anci, he asked, "What's the word in the Capital about the Emperor?"

Anci's grin widened. "Do you really want to know?"

Lansius nodded. "The rumors are many, and I need the truth."

Anci chuckled. "You're lucky to have asked me. I was sought after by many factions, and they were quite open with their secrets," he boasted. "I wasn’t exactly a white knight. For the right price, I'd accept invitations and, let's say, resolve disputes in duels..."

Hugo shook his head in disapproval but remained silent.

Leaning in closer, Anci continued, "And let me tell you, behind closed doors, they speak of the Imperium and the Ageless as if they're already dead..."

Lansius silently drank his ale, offering no response.

"From what I've gathered, it's likely that the Ageless One is dead. Yet, the ministers and the Imperial bureaucracy continue to maintain a facade. Meanwhile, the nobles, like vultures, are busy carving up the Imperium: making alliances, countering, and impeding their rivals. It's as if they expect the Imperium to fall any time soon."

"How utterly foolish of them," Lansius finally commented. "The end of the Imperium isn't going to be pretty, or clean. We'll have a succession crisis followed by strife before the strongest can claim as the successor."

Lansius' dire outlook prompted Audrey and Hugo to take a sip of their drinks.

After a brief pause, Hugo ventured, "What do you think of Lord Arte’s chances of reclaiming Arvena?"

Anci looked squarely at Hugo. "Even with Midlandia's backing, Lord Arte admitted it’s a long shot. But it’s a blood feud, and you know how these things go."

Lansius exhaled deeply. "Sometimes, I wonder when things will start to improve for us. Will it take ten years? Or perhaps twenty?"

"Twenty? I'll probably be dead by then," Anci lamented half-jokingly.

Audrey chuckled at his remark. Unexpectedly, Hugo retorted, "Please, die alone. I still plan to raise my kids and keep them away from unscrupulous men like you."

Hugo's coarse joke managed to draw laughter from the rest of the council members. The laughter was a welcome reprieve, as their nerves had been strained by the dark tidings from the Capital.


From Anci, Lansius learned about the situation outside of Lowlandia. Unfortunately, Anci had no information about his family from Bellandia, mentioning he hadn’t met Lord Bengrieve despite, traveling to Cascasonne. When asked how he met Sterling, Anci explained that their meeting was coincidental, as few were traveling to Lowlandia, making it likely for people like them to encounter each other.

Despite Hugo's insistence on putting Anci in the dungeon, Lansius gave them accommodation in a guest house, entrusting Sir Harold and his men with security.

Dame Daniella returned to the castle as soon as she heard about the security breach. However, Lady Audrey instructed her to return to her task. Lord Lansius wanted her to ensure that the newly formed Nicopolan army had a functional administration and was well motivated to march.

Priority was given to repairing the carts, as the Lord wanted them in good shape for transportation. Given the limited number of draft horses, only well-functioning carts that wouldn't overburden the animals were allowed.

As for the Nicopolan men, a fitness selection reduced their size from three thousand to two thousand. Those who didn't make the cut, along with the civilians who couldn’t be integrated into Korimor, were designated as camp followers.

Servius' contingent of five hundred remained an independent regiment, acting as military police in case the much larger army became involved in a mutiny.

Thus, there are currently two distinct Nicopolan groups: Servius' Nicopolan Regiment and the larger Nicopolan Army.


The castle's study chamber was occupied only by the Lord and Lady.

"Nicopola, Elandia, Tiberia," Lansius mumbled, standing and observing the map on the table.

"Still thinking about them?" Audrey asked from a chair overlooking the window.

"I don't want to, but I can't help it," he lamented.

With the agility of a big cat, Audrey moved up behind him and gently encircled her arms around his waist, leaning in to whisper in his ear, "You better focus on things we can handle."

"But they're all interconnected. Without Elandia-"

"That's a problem for the people in the Capital. We're not the Lord and Lady of Elandia."

Lansius caressed her hands and nodded. "Good point."

"Glad to help," she quipped, nestling her face comfortably into his back.

"What's with the sudden affection?" he asked gently.

"Why, don't you like having a sweet and affectionate wife?"

Lansius chuckled. "Drey, what's on your mind?"

"Aside from you on top of me?" she flirted.

Lansius blinked. "I must warn you, I'm bad with temptation."

Audrey giggled and released her hug. She sat on his chair and leaned in. "So, My Lord, when will you make your move?"

"When the troops are well-rested," Lansius replied, recalling the recent report from Three Hills about Umberland that had solidified their decision. "That reminds me, I need to send word to Korelia. Also, I have to meet with Sir Michael to convince him to stay."

"It might be better to send a letter directly to Lord Robert, asking him for a favor," Audrey suggested.

Lansius raised an eyebrow. "And that favor would be Sir Michael?"

Audrey nodded. "I heard Lord Robert still hopes for Sir Michael to marry into his family. I think he might agree to attach Michael to our forces, seeing it as a better opportunity for him to distinguish himself."

"That's quite an insight... You're getting good at this," praised Lansius.

Audrey’s expression turned smug, then quickly serious. "Lans, there's one thing I still don't understand: Will there be food in Umberland?"

"Unlikely." Lansius shook his head. "And that's precisely why we can't wait until harvest. We'll march as soon as we're ready."


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