Horizon of War Series

Chapter 98: Champion of the Imperium

Chapter 98: Champion of the Imperium

Champion of the Imperium


Who would've thought that the fearless intruder was the current Knight Champion of the Imperium? And that such a highly esteemed champion was on friendly terms with the Lord and Lady. People were abuzz with this newfound revelation, their respect for the Lord and Lady reaching an all-time high despite the order to mobilize.

Wherever the Arvenian knight and his squires went, people flocked to catch a glimpse of the current Knight Champion. The title meant that Sir Archibald was the strongest knight in the Imperium, be it on mount or on foot.

Had it not been for the tight schedule, Lansius would have thrown a party to celebrate his friend's victory. His friendship with Anci harkened back to his previous world, where he had formed strong bonds with fearless, sometimes reckless, but unyielding players. He saw a similar spirit in Anci and felt he could trust his back to someone like him.

Since their arrival, his two squires had tirelessly spread the account of their master's victory in all the places they visited in the city. Anci himself frequented the best taverns in the city with a heavy escort from Sir Justin and his best men-at-arms, lending more credence to the squires' stories.

While it was hard to fathom whether the squires' story was true or heavily embellished, the crowd enjoyed a good story and treated the Champion like a celebrity. Moreover, the tens of guardsmen who had fought Sir Anci were all too happy to embellish the story further, recounting Sir Anci's superhuman strength and unrivaled martial prowess in their fights.

The minstrels spun the story into an even greater one in their ballads. For all who were fortunate to be involved, the greater the story, the better the drink, the better the tips.

Spontaneous parties were held wherever he visited, and there were countless invitations for supper, lunch, and dinner, even hastily made proposals to marry their daughters to him.

Sir Anci was pleased to be treated like a celebrity. He hadn't expected his new title as champion to be held in such high regard so far away from the Capital. Little did he know that above all else, the Lowlandians respected strength.

However, as abruptly as he had arrived, Sir Anci decided to ride alongside the White Lake contingent as far as Korelia.


The next day at first light, Sir Michael and his White Lake cavalry assembled outside the city gates. The Lord and Lady were there to bid them farewell. Again, stealing the limelight was Sir Anci and his two squires, with people from the city flocking to send him off.

"You know, my only regret is probably not accompanying Lansius during his search for you. But at that time, I had lost so many friends, and the thought of confirming another loss was just unbearable," Sir Anci confided to Lady Audrey as they walked to his horse.

"If that's an apology, then consider it accepted," Audrey replied casually. Although they weren't exactly friends, they had met on several occasions during their service to the previous Lord of Arvena and had briefly fought together, with her as Lansius' cavalry commander and him as the deputy.

Sir Anci chuckled. "Gratitude, My Lady." Then, turning to Lord Lansius, he added, "My Lord, thank you for the hospitality and the extra coins."

"It's the least we can do for your assistance," Lansius replied, patting the knight's shoulder. "I didn’t expect the Knight Champion of the Imperium would ride to Korimor only to ask for permission to take Lady Felicity home. Also, our gratitude for bringing Sterling safely back to us."

Anci laughed. "The warm welcome, the parties, and the heavy purse certainly made this extra trip worthwhile. Korimor is surely a fine city."

Lansius responded with a smile. "Please, ensure Lady Felicity's safety for me and extend my best wishes to Lord Arte."

"Consider it done."

Sir Michael approached with his squires. "My Lord, My Lady," they greeted.

"Sir Michael, please take care of Sir Archibald for me," Lansius requested.

The two knights exchanged slight head bows.

Anci spoke first, "I better say it now. No hard feelings? I believe we've met in battle before."

"It's common for knights to cross paths in battles. No hard feelings, Sir Archibald. In fact, I feel much safer knowing the Knight Champion of the Imperium is willing to ride with us."

Anci laughed at the compliment. "Please, call me Anci. My squires and I will trouble you until we reach Korelia."

"The honor is all mine."

Lansius watched the two and commented, "Seeing former opponents trading friendly banter like this, perhaps the Grand Alliance isn't so far-fetched after all."

"The Grand Alliance is a brilliant idea, My Lord. I shall use all my talents to make it happen," Sir Michael declared, with Sir Anci grinning beside him.

Lady Audrey, pleased with the declaration, said, "Safe travels, you two. Drink plenty, watch out for the sun, and take care of your horses."

The knights and their squires bowed to the Lady of the city. "May fortune always follow you, My Lady, My Lord. I await good news from your western campaign," Sir Michael said, before motioning for his squire to bring his steed.

"When will you leave for your campaign?" Sir Anci asked Lady Audrey.

Audrey looked at Lansius, who replied, "If preparations are complete, tomorrow after breakfast."

"Why ask? Interested in joining us?" Audrey quipped.

Anci chuckled. "Tempting, but I'm responsible for a noble wedding."

The three chuckled. Three years ago, they were merely unnamed commoners; now, their reputations had grown immensely. Lansius was known as the Black Lord, a reputation so frightening it could stop a crying toddler. Audrey had become the Baroness of Korimor with rumors of her possessing the Fell Beast's eyes, and Anci was celebrated as the current Knight Champion of the Imperium.

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Their rise to power was unprecedented, but fate was a fickle mistress and might easily take it all away. Tomorrow, Lansius and Audrey would embark on a dangerous campaign to the west, while Anci was destined to fight an uphill battle in the upcoming Arvenian war.

The Elven year 4425 was yet to end, but Lansius was facing his third armed conflict of the year. From summer through fall, his small troops had engaged in the battles of Korelia and Korimor, and now they were preparing for the campaign to the west. Spirited as they might be, the continuous wars were beginning to take their toll on everyone.

Lansius himself quietly harbored doubts about his own health, yet he knew there was no choice but to personally lead this complex campaign. With Audrey on his side, he drew a deep breath, watching Anci and the White Lake riders sally south into the Great Plains of Lowlandia.


The following day, Lord Lansius led his House to march. The people of Korimor bid them farewell with mixed feelings. Many were grateful that the Lord was taking the Nicopolans away, yet they were also reluctant to part with their new Lady and Lord Protector. Their departure cast a gloom over the populace, who were just a few weeks away from celebrating their harvest festival.

Nevertheless, those from Korimor who joined the march were highly motivated. Just as he had done with the Korelians, the Lord selected only those who could ride horses and use crossbows. The chosen two hundred were reformed into a new dragoon company.

Excluding the nomadic tribes, the Lord and Lady had arrived in Korelia with only a handful of heavy cavalry. Now, they commanded almost three thousand men, along with another thousand camp followers.

Before leaving, Lord Lansius summoned Sir Hugo to the castle's battlements.

"My Lord," Sir Hugo greeted as he arrived.

"Sir Hugo, please, join me for a walk."

They strolled along the battlements, overlooking the golden swathes of ripened land soon to be harvested. "It'll be a good harvest," the Lord commented.

"I shall do my utmost to assist the populace with their harvest," Sir Hugo replied.

"That is wise," Lansius praised. "We need all the grain we can get. Beware of pests and locusts."

"I shall keep a watchful eye."

Their walk brought them to another side of the castle, overlooking the vast plains of Lowlandia stretching into the distance.

The Lord stopped and gazed at his knight. "Sir Hugo, our past had its complications... But I believe we've moved beyond that."

"My Lord, I am part of your House. Your victory and grandeur are all I wish for," the knight replied earnestly.

Pleased, Lansius presented a letter to Sir Hugo. "Tonight, read this and think it over. It outlines two paths for you to choose from. Remember, there's no right or wrong, both are equally wise."

Sir Hugo accepted the letter. "Gratitude for your trust. I will consider it carefully."

After their discussion, they returned to the gatehouse and descended the spiral stone staircase. Below, the staff had awaited.

"My Lord, please return safely. I shall await your instructions," Sir Hugo said.

"Gratitude for your concern. Please, keep me informed of any developments. Then, until we meet again." Lord Lansius then joined the Lady and their staff in a parade through the city, where the people of Korimor gathered to wish them a swift victory and a safe journey home.

The parade, though brief, was memorable, with the townsfolk offering drinks and wrapped gifts as snacks for the journey. Soon, they reached the city gate, where the army awaited their arrival.

For this campaign, Lord Lansius commanded:

20 Knights, led by Sir Harold

30 Light Cavalry, led by Dame Daniella and Dietrich

30 Nomadic horse archers and scouts, led by one of Batu's sworn brother

150 Dragoons from Korelia, equipped like men-at-arms and with crossbows

200 Dragoons from Korimor, similarly equipped

300 Nicopolan Regiment on foot, led by Servius

2000 Nicopolan army on foot

1000 Nicopolan camp followers

As instructed, the Nicopolan army and camp followers utilized the carts confiscated from the war, loading them with as many tents, tools, and weapons as they could find. They were aware that the Lord anticipated multiple sieges and prepared accordingly.

For supplies, they relied on what the Nicopolans had, which would last only three more weeks. Even with additional provisions from the city's granary, they could sustain no longer than a month.

The only saving grace was the freshly smoked fish. Korimor boasted thriving freshwater fishing in their river, and the previous Lord had popularized smoked fish as a delicacy. Thus, the army's morale was quite high, as they could enjoy good meals during the early days of their march.

The Lord rode toward the center of the formation and gave a small speech. "Fellow Arvenians, Korelians, people of Korimor, and Nicopolans. From now on, you are members of House Lansius. Once again I promise to treat you as fairly as possible, given your seniority and past merits toward the House."

Everyone felt pumped by the Lord's address.

The Lord continued, "Since you are now members of my House, remember this well: No one is born or raised a hero, but everyone can walk the path of a hero. I'm sure you know the stories of the heroes of old. Yes, they're unrealistic. Yes, they're what the old women tell their children. However, the idea is pure and true! And victory tends to follow whoever is pure and true."

Now, even the staff was piqued by the speech.

"Remember the way of the hero of old: Be cunning, but honest toward the innocent. Be strong, but compassionate toward the weak. Be powerful, but respectful toward the law. Men, display this on your march, and people will see you as heroes. Display this consistently and perhaps we'll redeem the blood we've spilled on this soil, so the Ancients will grant us another victory and protect us from hunger."

The men nodded solemnly. The Arvenians and Korelians were especially grateful for their past victories.

As it ended, the Lord and Lady, flanked by the knights and riders, led the march southwest. Thousands of people with hundreds of horse-drawn carts followed in high spirits.

"What did you speak with Sir Hugo about?" Audrey asked as they rode slowly, careful not to burden the footmen.

"Well, if he's going to be our right hand along with Sir Justin, then he needs to navigate power and temptation," Lansius replied, ensuring they were not within earshot of anyone.

Audrey squinted her eyes. "Lans, that's too cryptic."

Lansius chuckled. "I told him if he could resist temptation, he should seek advice from Omin and learn from him."

Her eyes widened. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Your cousin is a smart man. It'll be a waste not to have someone learn from him."

"But, Hugo is rather ambitious," she revealed her worry.

"This is why I gave him two paths. One is the loyal path, where he does not need to meet with Omin. This path is also no less wise or smart. I call this the 'see nothing bad, hear nothing bad' path."

Audrey pondered. "So one path involves not meeting cousin at all, while the other requires learning from him but at the risk of compromising his loyalty... Why push him into such a situation?"

Lansius broke into a smile. "I need to know his tendencies when in power. The wise warn that power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

The Baroness of Korimor nodded deeply before quipping, "Am I in danger then?"

Lansius furrowed his brows. "Why?"

"Because you're the most powerful person I know right now, and you said you're bad with temptations." Audrey grinned as she said it.

Lansius chuckled and retorted in a whisper, "I'll have you tonight."

"But we'll be in tents," she protested.

"No excuses."

Audrey shook her head, feigning trouble, but nodded in agreement. This led to a lighthearted banter that eased their tension on the slow march southwest.

Meanwhile, miles away from the main army, Dietrich was leading a forward scout team, establishing a surveillance net spanning almost half a day's journey. Behind him, Dame Daniella led a reactionary force.

Acting as the senior commander in the Lord's army, Sir Harold kept watchful eyes on the surroundings. He was concerned about remnants of the Nicopolans who might attempt to raid their baggage train. Although it was a slim chance, given that many feared the famed Black Lord and cowered at the sight of the Blue and Bronze banner, Sir Harold took no risks.

As a commander, his experience as a traveling knight proved to be invaluable. Well-versed in travel logistics, Sir Harold was adept at planning by utilizing available information and limited resources. Furthermore, during his brief tenure under Lord Lansius and Batu, Sir Harold had learned to be meticulous and paid great attention to detail.

He learned to utilize the scouts to their fullest abilities and to prepare an adequate reactionary force as a countermeasure. Sir Harold was also constantly on the lookout for safer routes and better places to camp each day. His experience shaped him into the type of commander whom opponents would find hard to catch off guard.

Together with Dame Daniella, Dietrich, and Sterling, they worked tirelessly to safeguard the main army from potential ambushes and unpleasant surprises.

And soon, they would encounter their first surprise on the march.


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