How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 262: Double-edged Sword (1)

Chapter 262: Double-edged Sword (1)

Philosophy holds a very important position in civilization. It is perhaps the literature that can be considered the most fundamental of the fundamentals.

Science, logic, politics, ideology, religion, language, psychology, and so on. By delving into the essence of why? it deepens human knowledge and insight even further.

If there were no philosophy, humanity would not have cultivated civilization properly, let alone nations. Even if civilization were cultivated, without dealing with philosophy, one should not expect development.

However, philosophy does not always show positive effects. The greatest example is Hitler, the protagonist of the Second World War, who has been simmering like a broth for so long.

Hitlers brutal and inhumane philosophy was surprisingly influenced by the famous Nietzsche. Not only that, but Stalin of the Soviet Union also originated from the father of communism, Marx.

Thus, philosophy is like a double-edged sword and undeniably has a significant impact on the development of civilization. It is a clear fact that even Earth, which has developed for centuries, would decline without philosophy.

There is no need to mention the importance of philosophy in this world. Especially for the sages, magicians, and clergy, philosophy exerts a tremendous influence.

The enlightenment that could come out in any novel was closely related to philosophy. Even without these, philosophy occupies a significant portion in this world that is actively developing.

In that sense, the philosopher aristocracy of the Minerva Empire, the Count of Rosebury, wields great influence in the empire.

Like many other nobles, the House of Rosebury did not have a strong military or financial power, but he made significant contributions to the development of the empire. Establishing the foundation of the country through profound philosophy was the basic, but the greatest achievement is undoubtedly the significant reduction in the disparity and gap between nobility and commoners.

To put it bluntly, if my father was born a hundred years ago, he might not even have become a knight, let alone a baron. Thats how prevalent discrimination against commoners was in the past Minerva Empire society.

However, naturally, there are those who harbor resentment as a result. Starting from the question of Why philosophy? it was inevitable to contend with things that are taken for granted and things one must inevitably fight against.

Simply put, it means there are many enemies around. Philosophers are generally deemed unlucky due to their strong eloquence and logical reasoning.

Even the famous Socrates was considered unlucky by the citizens of Athens, as he kept bombarding people with philosophical questions left and right. In fact, Socrates is known for accosting people from all walks of life with countless philosophical questions.

Anyway, because of these reasons, the Count of Roseburys family was like the dukes of Requilis, possessing only authority without power. They have been able to maintain their authority until now because there was no benefit in attacking them.

However, old wine eventually sours. Philosophy never decays by its very nature, but people do.

In particular, the House of Rosebury was famous for frequent internal divisions, which led him to start avoiding conflict altogether.

Furthermore, like the examples of Hitler or Stalin, adopting the wrong philosophy tends to lead to arrogance. A philosopher steeped in arrogance is no different from outright disregarding the fundamentals of philosophy.

Above all, theres no rule stating that philosophers excel in educating their children. Especially if the parents have adopted a flawed philosophy, its even more so.

Your ordered drinks are ready.

The attendant stated professionally as they served each ordered beverage one by one. In front of me was an Americano with ice swirling in it.

In front of others were coffee and tea emitting strong aromas respectively. As I gazed at these drinks, I slowly lifted my head.

Next to me was Cherry, who still had brown hair through disguise, and opposite to her, a middle-aged man with impressive pink hair

One might question why a man has pink hair, but thats an unavoidable inheritance. Just as my hair is red, this man also has his reasons for pink hair. Furthermore, one cant treat pink hair lightly, considering his position.

The middle-aged mans name is Letici Blossom Roseberry.

Despite the drinks being served, Letici merely gave me a stern look and didnt take any action. Unlike his hair, his blue eyes held intense hostility.

Similarly, I faced him calmly without any reaction. Cherry, seated between us, also remained silent, just as composed as us.

We were currently in a caf newly established in the developing Michelle Territory, and it was a caf equipped with soundproofing. Currently in the room were Count Letici, Cherry, and finally, myself. I had asked Marie and Adelia for a moment and requested them to wait outside.

Marie readily accepted the offer to have a private conversation with Adelia, and as it was my instruction, Adelia followed without a word of complaint. The result is what it is now.


In the room where silence settled like a dead mouse, Count Letici finally raised his teacup. I observed his actions closely.

His hands, slightly wrinkled with age, showed prominent veins. Underneath his white vestments, a sturdy physique not concealed by knightly armor caught my eye. Despite being rumored to belong to a philosophical lineage, there was no lack of the demeanor of a knight at first glance. Perhaps he undergoes separate training.

Moreover, despite his rosy hair, his beard was neatly groomed, and even his hairstyle was tidy, fitting the moniker of a middle-aged gentleman.

As I carefully dissected his impression, Count Letici brought the coffee to his lips, the steam rising enticingly.

After a sip, he savored the taste before quietly setting down the cup.


So, you invited Cherry here?

A weighty question followed immediately after he set down the cup. Starting straight with the point, as we had exchanged pleasantries during our first meeting.

Count Letici, a nobleman by birthright, could address me informally, but his manner of speech was dignified.

When I heard the question, I glanced at Cherry. Despite the drink being served, she showed no reaction whatsoever.

Just like a sinner, she bowed her head deeply and remained silent. I wanted to know her expression, but it was difficult to do so. Perhaps she thought unnecessarily that I was bothered because of her. Given Cherrys extremely low self-esteem, it was highly likely considering her personality.

Turning my gaze away from Cherry, I faced Count Letici and confidently replied without any hesitation.

Yes. Thats correct.

For what reason?

Because Cherry wanted to experience a wider range of cultures.

This is the truth. Cherry is currently emerging as a new star in the literary world under the pen name Mary. A romance fantasy blended with drama, along with the fresh theme of reincarnation. Her books were gaining popularity among female readers.

But unlike me, who has memories of my past life, Cherry is a resident of this world. Despite having excellent material, she is likely to encounter obstacles, such as a slump, soon.

In order to alleviate that slump even a little and to create better works than now, I invited her to the exhibition. The difference between hearing and seeing was like night and day.

Count Letici frowned as soon as she heard me, then spoke with a voice full of dissatisfaction.

On what grounds do you have?

Oh, its a typical question from a typical old-fashioned father. I smiled slyly, as I had anticipated this question enough.

If a bird wants to fly in the sky, shouldnt we help it instead of hindering it?

With a smile on my face, I confidently retorted as Count Letici raised an eyebrow. It was a look that said, Look at this guy.

In the meantime, I lifted a cup and took a sip. Despite the warm weather, drinking an iced Americano somehow made things better.

As for why there was ice, lets just say its another bit of magic woven into everyday life.

You make an interesting point. Yes, indeed. As you say, a bird must soar through the skies by flapping its wings, not swim in the river.

Count Letici remarked quietly until the clinking sound was heard, then he attacked. I couldnt help but chuckle inwardly at his words.

It seems Count Letici has no idea what talents his own daughter possesses. There must have been a reason why he tore up and even trampled Cherrys manuscript.

Is he really fit to be called a philosopher? Perhaps he harbored misguided beliefs.

Well then, Ill have to understand each detail one by one. Facing Count Leticis clear eyes, I opened my mouth.

As you say, my lord, its true that a bird cannot swim. However, Count, as you can see from observing a duck, just because its a bird doesnt mean it cant swim. In fact, there are species that must swim.

Nevertheless, that doesnt change the fact that even ducks must fly by flapping their wings. Depending on the timing and the season, they must fly up and move to different places.

The words of Count Letici were correct. Roseberry is a philosophical lineage, and it is undeniable that Cherry should also receive philosophical education.

However, the problem lies in the excessive manner of it all. If Count Letici had respected Cherrys dreams, it would have been different, but its his fault for crushing them all.

With a smirk on my lips, I maintained the lifted corners of my mouth and directed a question to Count Letici across from me.

Well then, Ill ask just one question. If you were to remove a ducks legs to force it to flap its wings, what would become of that ducks future?


Count Leticis mouth closed, as if he was at a loss for words. Before he could respond, I firmly stated,

It would die.

Whether its a bird or any other animal, including humans, the same applies. If you sacrifice one thing to enforce another, you can never lead a normal life. Society calls this lack of flexibility.

It might seem incredibly impolite to say this to someone youve just met, especially to a noble higher than oneself. However, I had a solid backing behind me, not Xenons Biography but the formidable Duke Requilis. Xenons Biography was to be used as the last resort.

Seeing no response from Count Letici, I moved on to the next topic. After all, the initiative always lied on my side.

Whether he is someone with whom communication is possible or just an old-fashioned stickler was the key point. Nevertheless, since he is also a philosopher, he must have some inkling of the situation Cherry is facing through my words.

He recognized his own daughter even though she disguised herself with brown hair. It cannot be said that he lacks interest; rather, it is because of excessive concern that the child has been ruined.

What made him like this? I cautiously questioned him with a more careful attitude.

Lord Roseberry, you must know that Cherry loves novels. However, you have trampled on Cherrys dream to the point where recovery seems impossible.

Im curious about the reason behind it.

Before that

Count Letici quietly opened his mouth and sharply interrogated me with sharp eyes.

What are you trying to do?

I dont understand what you mean.

I know very well who you are. Youre famous as the son-in-law of the Requilis Duke.

Im not the Dukes son-in-law, its Marie who comes to my family. Well, superficially, its natural for me to go to the Dukes family.

I had no intention of correcting him, so I nodded my head. Then Count Letici spoke with a heavier voice than before.

I dont understand why such a person would take an interest in our daughter. What reason do you have for approaching my daughter?

Its not that I approached her, its Cherry who approached me. But there were too many awkward points to mention this.

Cherry confirmed that I was Xenon through her unique reasoning ability. I wanted to keep it secret until the end, but I had to reveal my identity because I was afraid Cherry might commit suicide.

So its understandable that Count Letici might misunderstand. Perhaps he might think Im a womanizer, even though I have a fiance.

I pondered how to respond and glanced at Cherry. She was still bowing her head and doing nothing.

I dont know what shes thinking.

For now, lets put Cherry aside and focus on the conversation with Count Letici. I faced him and revealed a half-true, half-false story.

I happened to read Cherrys writing. It was really a series of coincidences.

And that writing was really interesting. As fascinating as the Xenon saga.


Perhaps because the story was related to her own writing. Cherry, who had maintained a defensive posture, slowly raised her head.

Her eyes were still deep and dark like an abyss, but they were much better than before. Since they were so dark, even a slight difference in brightness was evident.

When Count Letici also responded to Cherry, he twitched his eyebrows. For some reason, there was a palpable discomfort in his reaction.

As I confirmed the contrasting reactions of the two of them, I continued,

Cherrys writing is as concise as Xenons Biography, but with a warm tone

Enough. Thats enough. I think I have a rough idea of whats going on.

Count Letici interrupted before I could finish my sentence. I could do nothing but close my mouth and wait for him to speak.

Count Letici stared at me in silence for a while before smirking at Cherry. It seemed like he was about to say something related to her. After a while, Count Letici, whose mouth had been tightly shut, finally spoke.

How much do you know about philosophy?

Philosophy, you say?

Yes. Philosophy.

What a strange question. I responded by shrugging as if I had no clue about the purpose of the question.

Although I wanted to answer, I probably know less than you, my lord, I refrained from saying it aloud because I felt something was off.

Count Letici chuckled as if to say, I see, then began explaining with a hint of condescension.

Philosophy fundamentally explores something specific. Since the Minerva Empire was founded, our family has delved into philosophy to support the foundation of our nation.

I have reached where I am now through the philosophy and spirit of inquiry shown by my ancestors. And I have realized that although there is no predetermined path in philosophy, one must at least follow the recognized path.

What nonsense is that? Isnt it just a typical narrow-minded attitude? Its often mentioned, but theres not only a prescribed path in philosophy but also no universally accepted path.

Why? Because resolving the fundamental question of why? is the basic principle of philosophy. Whether its through scientific validation, logical validation, or societal validation, it doesnt matter.

Philosophy alone encompasses numerous thoughts and beliefs. And thoughts and beliefs are difficult to break, unless facing significant events. However, this is a flawed and deeply misguided philosophy. Philosophy is about questioning the obvious, affirming or negating it, and fighting decisively to prove it.

Are you saying you would make Cherry walk down that accepted path, even if it means her legs might break?

I would call that a sacrifice. Even if her legs break, she will undoubtedly get back up.

Not much of an answer. No, its just a typical narrow-mindedness. Its clear to see when someone confidently says such things in front of their daughter.

In fact, this is a common type of parent even in my past life. Parents who oppress with misguided education methods, disregarding their childs will. The childs future is as clear as day; theyll either escape and become independent or go astray. In the worst case, they succumb to the pressure of their parents and commit suicide. Cherry had reached the point just before.

Realizing roughly what situation it was, I nodded. The Count seemed to have judged that I had understood and smiled.

It seems you understand. Now, if youve got it, please keep away from my daughter. Dont put any strange ideas into her head.

Count, may I dare to ask just one question?

Go ahead Hmm?

Count Letici initially looked bewildered when I interrupted, then, seeing my smiling face, he wore a second expression of confusion.

Even though no words could reach a stickler like him, Count Letici was a philosopher. So, from now on, he should be able to understand the meaning behind my words.

I looked at him, seeming troubled, and then with a gentle smile of courtesy, I spoke.

Do you understand the meaning of homicide, Count?

Are you questioning me?

Im glad you understand. Homicide, as you think, is when one person kills another, in other words, its murder. Then, what about this?

Continuing to gaze at the cherry, I continued speaking.

Its when someone, unable to overcome the oppression around them, takes their own life. Would this be considered suicide?

Once again, I looked at Count Letici and concluded my question.

Or is it homicide?


Count Letiche listened to my question, pondered deeply, and then voiced his thoughts.

It may vary depending on the degree and circumstances of oppression it could be considered homicide.

Why is that?

When people are pushed to their mental limits, they often view death as an escape. Human minds are not so resilient.

I suspected as much.

With a smirk, I delivered the final blow.

You almost became a murderer, Count. Fortunately, that wasnt the case.

As I spoke, Cherry, who had been quietly observing, slowly regained her composure.

Translators note:

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