I Became A Third-Rate Villain In The Hero Academy

Chapter 154: Escape (5)

As time passed, Mari began her presentation, which was the final lecture of the seminar.

“…With this method, we can solve a monster wave with a small number of people. The material in question confuses over 95% of monsters. If there are no leader monsters present, the chances of common monsters escaping its effect are virtually zero."

Theo didn’t say a word.

Actually, he didn’t need to.

Mari continued her presentation seamlessly, almost as if she had rehearsed it over a hundred times.

“…It’s a very efficient method. In fact, it's a method we’ve never seen before. I believe it can revolutionize our approach to missions. The only additional thing the team taking on the mission would have to prepare is that material – which we’ve tentatively named 'Hornstone*' – and an artifact capable of detecting it. Considering the artifact isn’t a high-priced item, it shouldn’t be a burden either.”

Thus, Mari's presentation neared its conclusion.

Simultaneously, murmurs grew louder in the audience.

"...What an innovative approach."

“Indeed. Just with one detection artifact, a mission that would require at least five hero teams can be resolved with just one.”

"I'll have to try it as soon as I return. Mari Jane may be overly ambitious, but I doubt she would state false facts during her research presentation."

“I think the same. Regardless of her background, she’s one of the top young heroes along with Johnson in terms of achievements. By the way, for the time being, are they calling it 'Hyunseok'? The artifact that detects it will sell out fast. I should buy it as soon as I see it."

“But I heard this is a joint paper… Is that boy on the stage the co-author? I still can’t believe it.”

“Hmm, let’s see… Theo Lyn Waldeurk. The only direct descendant of the Waldeurk family. Considering his silver hair, it must be that boy.”

“He’s rising quickly. He seems to be still in the academy from his uniform.”

“In fact, he is a first-year student at Elinia Academy. I remember clearly from a newspaper. He won the Knight Department tournament by defeating that Neike. Besides Neike, he also defeated Andrew, Aisha’s team, and others, who were all seen as championship contenders.”

“If he’s that talented, his name should have been known earlier. That’s what’s puzzling."

“What can you do? What we need to do now is to somehow form a connection with that boy. It’s like a high-probability lottery ticket. This might be its lowest point.”


However, not all opinions were positive.

A man sitting next to Johnson whispered to him.

“Why isn’t Theo saying anything? Only Mari is speaking.”

“…You noticed that too?”

Johnson looked solemnly at the edge of the stage where Theo stood...

Theo's expression remained unchanged.

It was impossible to read any emotion from it.

Similarly, from his posture to his stance, no emotion could be discerned.

Non-verbal gestures and attitudes are often mirrors reflecting a person's true feelings.

'Is that truly the face of a 16-year-old boy?'

Johnson stared intently at Theo.

And he deduced not an emotion, but a single fact.

······This monumental research presentation was just a passing event for him.

'Damn. Is that how a 16-year-old should behave?'

Johnson cursed inwardly.

He had already acknowledged that the research by Mari and Theo was on a level incomparable to his own, but Theo's arrogant demeanor angered him.

At the same time, he felt a pang of inferiority.

He too had grown up being praised as a genius among the geniuses gathered in the Hero Department of Elinia Academy, but he wasn't on Theo's level.

No, if one only considered theories, even with his 12 more years of experience, he couldn't match Theo.


This stoked Johnson's competitive spirit.

Meanwhile, Mari's presentation was nearing its end.

"······So, I dare say the theory we discovered can be termed as a historical find─"

"I have a question."

Interrupting Mari's speech, Johnson abruptly stood up.

It's an unspoken rule in seminars not to cut off the presenter.

What Johnson just did was extremely rude.

All eyes in the auditorium focused on Johnson.

However, Johnson paid no heed to the surrounding gazes, focusing solely on Mari.

"May I proceed, Miss Mari Jane?"


No one reprimanded Johnson for breaking the unspoken rule.

In fact, many looked on with interest.

Because everyone present knew of the rivalry between Mari and Johnson.

Mari frowned slightly and said,


Mari wanted to say more, but she restrained herself, clearly aware of the audience's interest.

Johnson began,

"Then I'll get straight to the point. Why is the co-author of this research, not saying a word?"

Pointing at Theo, Johnson continued,

"Even if he is the heir of the renowned Waldeurk family, I can't believe that a mere 16-year-old, a first-year student at the academy, could contribute enough to be the co-author.”


No one spoke.

Johnson's suspicion was not without merit.

Everyone knew that during his time at the academy, Johnson was hailed as a genius, ranked among the top five across the continent.

Soon after, a few individuals in the hall whispered amongst themselves.

"Let's keep our mouths shut for now."

"Right, it's best to do so."

About three-quarters of the audience, gauging the mood, chose to remain silent.

"Johnson has a point. Even if he's a co-author, why hasn't the boy said a word? The theory couldn't have just come from Mari's mind alone."

"True. It's suspicious. Wasn't it not long ago that he defeated the top students of the academy at a tournament? I acknowledge that. But today he's the co-author of research that completely overturns our mission approach? Something smells fishy."

Only about a fifth of the people agreed with Johnson's opinion.

But even that one-fifth's agreement was more than enough to reinforce the doubt Johnson presented.

Johnson, brimming with confidence, looked around at the audience and spoke.

"Each of you, at some point, were the same age as Theo here. If you were that age again, do you think you could produce such research? Honestly, I couldn't."

As he spoke, Johnson gazed intently at the audience.

Mari held back her anger, glaring at him.

'I can't speak rashly. I need to be cautious. Think.'

She hadn't expected this situation at all.

Marie wanted to look at Theo, but she resisted.

All eyes in the hall were on her and Theo.

This room was filled with snakes, loose lips, and strong voices.

A single glance at Theo could spawn more controversy.

Meanwhile, murmurs from the audience grew louder.

"Well, true. Even if he's from the Waldeurk lineage, it would be hard for a 16-year-old to produce such research."

"Come to think of it, isn't Mari Jane the first-year professor for the Hero Department? Maybe there was a secret deal with the Waldeurk family?"

In no time, almost half the audience seemed to agree with Johnson.

Some even made inappropriate remarks.

"Look at that, the Waldeurk heir might have charmed her. She's attractive. When I was at the academy, I was popular, but I never charmed a professor."

"Did the 28-year-old virgin, unicorn-verified, finally fall in love? Wow, this could be a best-selling novel."

"What nonsense. It lacks plausibility. They'd be criticized. Reality is always more interesting than fiction, right?"

"Shh, keep it down. You're too loud. But speak a bit softer. What if? What if there's a 1% chance that the boy truly is the co-author?"

"Hehe, they can't hear us up there. And if they did, so what? Johnson started it. I was curious too. And we're probably right. They haven't responded, have they?"

Indeed, as they said, Marie and Theo on the stage couldn't hear their conversation.

But Natasha in the audience did.

She clenched her fist, biting her lip in anger.

She felt an intense desire to shut their mouths right then and there.

At that moment, a question arose in Natasha's mind.

'Why am I so angry?'

To Natasha, her connection with Theo and Mari was superficial.

They had a fleeting relationship, destined to cross paths briefly and move on.

The only reason she accompanied them to this academic seminar was out of respect for Rok, her superior and the senior professor.

As Natasha pondered this, a voice echoed from the stage.

"Allow me to answer that."

A deep, captivating voice resonated from the stage.

“You were Johnson, right?”

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This chapter was posted by the author on 2022, February 22nd. He then takes a 1yr+ hiatus, ch 155 (the next chap) is posted 2023, May 9th. I'm curious if there's difference in style or writing...

*Hornstone, does not have an english equivalent. it is a compound word combining two indiv korean words. the two words mean 'mixed/combined(혼)' and 'rock/stone(석).' I decided to run it through a mtl and it said hornstone which I kinda liked as the name of a material so I went with it but uhh I don't mind any suggestions if anyone has one.

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