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3 months ago
Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse Mythology, suddenly appeared on Earth. And with it came demonic... Read more Yggdrasil, the World Tree of Norse Mythology, suddenly appeared on Earth. And with it came demonic creatures that ravaged entire cities.Although not all hope is lost, due to the System that a few special humans had gained.In this new world where only the strong survived, Min JaeHyun scrapes by regretting the wrong choices he’d made in the past… when one day, he gains the only Mythic item in the world.How will this item help him? And can he change his wretched fate? Collapse Ability Steal, Academy, Adapted to Manhwa, Age Regression, Clever Protagonist, Determined Protagonist, Dungeons, Evil Gods, Eye Powers, Game Elements, Gods, Guilds, Handsome Male Lead, Hunters, Level System, Lucky Protagonist, Magic, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Monsters, Mythology, Revenge, Second Chance, System Administrator, Time Travel, Weak to Strong А продолжение будет? Novel got picked up by an official english publisher(Yonder/Webtoon), so rip updates. It said jn the event section "clever protagonist". Lol It actually explained why he did something as foolish as going into the warrior path when he had such amazing talent for magic. SpoilerHim and his mom had their memories manipulated and one of Odin's crows pretended to be MC's father (who had already passed away). The crow severely abused the both of them and doubled down on it whenever MC expressed any interest in magic. The trauma and lingering fear from that is what must've made him choose to be a warrior. It was pretty sad when I read it in the manhwa novels that have similar plots or are modified from other Korean hunter plots. bored me because I feel I know the story line that will come, although in my heart I say patiently there might be a plot twist. But still . Damn, if the author doesn't have a unique story, at least add some humor pioneers pls :plead: *ecstacy of gold starts playing*"And so... If a sacrifice is needed to see if this novel is good, then I am willing to take one for the team." Well i read till chapter 53 in reaper scansSpoiler]Well he’s so f#cking stupid, in this world you had something called affinity, 0~100% with magic and warrior, everyone had the two with random number, the MC had 97% on magic and 30% something on the warrior, obviously you think he choose the magic, but no this is manhwa, there no easy start, so he choose warrior, because he saw on the tv that mage are suck, and warrior dominated, fast forward, what do you know, he got stuck in d-rank for 10 year, became the low one like other korean dungeon MC, he get the mythic from hidden treasure room, get killed, return to 10 year ago, and fix his mistake Spoilerhe get the attention of all god, get super op skill (mainly his passive),and he get chosen to fight againts the (i forgot the name) system, with nornir system form the mythic item. Safe alot of op but has issue side character and the rest is kinda same as the other KLN.SpoilerPersonal opinions is he get on the ragnarok side to fight odin cause he want to destory the universe or something.Still early on the novel so Maybe not the best review, well have to wait for more novel cause review on 50 chapter cant be trusted you need at least 100-200 worth of chapter or 50% of novel to write a good reviewcause im just a normal reader with 0 experience with reviewing novel, don’t expect a mind blowing review, i only say what i read and what i think. Bro that sounds awful, thanks. Review on 50 may or may not be trustedBut sometimes u dont need to read more that, say 5 to 10 and if mc or autor are absolutely retarded u shouldnt force yourself Well 5-10 chapter review are more of grammatical review rather than story review (perhaps just the review on now the author start his novel)In my case I like searching for new good novel more than reading bad novel But there are alot of good novel that start being good at mid-late part of the novel, maybe because the author got a lot of feedback or it’s intentional to be like that from the beginning.So in summary you’ll miss a lot of good novel if you just decided from reading your self or some one comment and got a conclusion from the first 5-10 chapter of the novel.And you got to pay respect to anyone that has read to completion even if it was the bottom rung kind of novel.Well personal experience It actually explained why he did something as foolish as going into the warrior path when he had such amazing talent for magic. SpoilerHim and his mom had their memories manipulated and one of Odin's crows pretended to be MC's father (who had already passed away). The crow severely abused the both of them and doubled down on it whenever MC expressed any interest in magic. The trauma and lingering fear from that is what must've made him choose to be a warrior. It was pretty sad when I read it in the manhwa. Yeah i read the manhwa too, thats why like i said dont trust a review if he/she only read up to a insignificant percentage of the whole novel, because we dont know if it is intentional from the author like in AOT where the title of the first episode and the title of the last episode connected or just a newbie author that just start writing and just relying on comment feedback