I Want To Lay the Very Best!

108 – Blow Me (Like the Wind) (18+)

108 – Blow Me (Like the Wind) (18+)

Take a breath when needed. Reassess what you want. Confirm everyone is okay. 

A tip that worked as well for sex as it did for battling. Brandy had a moment to breathe, so she took stock of her situation. 

Calcine had Morgan's help to take down Basilah the Braivary and had Rock Polished the giant bird lady into the bridge flagstones. It should take her out of the fight unless she was ridiculously strong, which she might be. Calcine was waiting eagerly for her shot to fight Harper and Cassidy, bouncing on her heels as the cracks in her skin glowed a brilliant orange. She wasn't just fired up. She was a roaring kiln. Brandy was excited to see her unleashed.

Morgan had disappeared again, and without a proper Bond with Morgan, Brandy knew she'd be foolish to rely on Morgan entirely. She desired to prove herself, and she was a Dark Type. If her instincts took over or she felt it was a bad call, she'd happily ignore Brandy. Brandy had to be sure to pick a moment for a dramatic entrance. Then she'd have good odds Morgan would take it. 

The Corvisquire had locked Sparky in a duel with her Taunt move, and Sparky wasn't listening to Brandy. Not even a big squeeze to her side had gotten her to look Brandy's way. There had to be a way to break the Taunt. Every Taunt had a condition that would let a Pokémon escape it, but the issue was it wasn't always the same. It depended on both Personality and Type what it'd be. She'd have to watch it and see if she could spot the condition and a way to snap Sparky out of it. Or just help her kick the Corvisquire's butt.

So the odds were more even with Basilah down, but things weren't all rosy. All her Pokémon were in a state where they weren't quite listening to her. Even Calcine had a fire building in her that, once unleashed, would be difficult to direct. 

Harper and the Fletchling soared over the edge of the bowl Calcine had made to protect them from all their ranged attacks. Harper's white thigh-high boots clicked on the flagstones as she landed, Cassidy's arms slung over her shoulder as she rode her back. Fuck, it wasn't fair how gorgeous she was. Her tall, imperious looks and effortless grace really did something for Brandy. She would have happily had Harper pin her down to the ground if there wasn't so much riding on this.

Calcine didn't waste a moment and barreled forward, a fist raised back as the flagstone of the bridge cracked underneath her feet. Harper threw out her hand and doused Calcine with a jet of bubbles, the watery froth hissing into steam as it seeped into the cracks in Calcine's skin and hit the boiling core inside. Calcine tried to step through it, her arms crossed in front of her to ward the jet off as she walked forward step by ponderous step. 

"Reassemble team," Cassidy called, straightening her hat's brim in a curiously familiar way. "Harper cage the Rolycoly. Fletchling help Basilah out."

The Fletchling with the scruffy red hair gave Cassidy a goofy salute. Then, she darted right past Brandy so quickly that it almost seemed she'd teleported. She gave Brandy a cheeky salute as she picked at the stone surrounding Basilah. It did her little good. Basilah was stuck fast. Fletchling could wait. The caging sounded like a bigger problem. 

"Calcine, Incinerate! Steam her." Brandy said as the bubbles around Calcine congealed together. Calcine's hands got stuck in them as she held them out, the bubbles forming a glossy sheen in front of her that pulled her arms up, her feet beginning to drift forward off the floor. Bubble Beam seemed a ridiculous Move, but if Calcine ended up in a rocky bubble, it wouldn't be funny at all. "Breath, Calcine!"

Calcine clearing her throat sounded like the chugging of a truck engine. Black smoke spilled out of her mouth and stained the glossy bubble before she spat a jet of fire so hot it hurt to look at directly. It scoured straight through the forming bubble, popping it and dragging a burning hot line across the stone. A few flagstones split under the heat, and the rock glowed red where her breath had touched.

"You massage me with that?" Brandy squeaked, shielding her face from the hot backdraft of air.  

"I hold back for you," Calcine grinned and looked up at Harper. "But I'm going to make tall and handsome here sweat. Then I'll make her sing."

"Harper, Fletch twin tail! Quick!" Cassidy said as she locked eyes with Brandy. "Where's Morgan?"

Team attacks were Cassidy's thing, and the wind attacks would work again inside the bowl. Furious gusts of wind blasted Calcine as Harper fanned her wings. The Fletchling was nearly blown over by the blast before she jumped into action and wiggled both her black tail feathers and her entire butt Calcine's way. Calcine set her feet down, letting the rock cover them to hold her in place, but they'd pinned her again. The double-sided attack left her hissing in frustration as she tried to wait it out again, the winds curling around Calcine to caress her. A little of the backdraft flowed Brandy's way and kissed over her skin, reminding her of Morgan's own rather intense wind trick she'd used to corkscrew fuck Brandy's brain right out of her head. 

Morgan? Right! Cassidy was after her.

"You want to see Morgan? Astonish!" Brandy called as she flicked a glance at Sparky. She was dodging the Corvisquire just fine. Half the black-feathered bird woman's body was tagged with her sparking webs, but the Corvisquire was powering through it, throwing out slashes with her free wing that sped up a little more every time. Some kind of self-buffing attack. Not good. If the duel dragged on too long, she might get unstoppable. Sparky needed to get in there with her lightning and put the Corvisquire down harder. 

"Sparky, Th-" Brandy's words were choked out of her throat as the breath was stolen right from her mouth. Harper waggled the tip of one of her brilliant white wings at her as if trying to tell her off. Morgan was nowhere to be seen. She hadn't even tried to jump in on this. Was she scared to face Cassidy? 

Her words had been stolen, but thankfully Brandy could still breathe through her nose. Right, she didn't need to use her words. 

Giving Cassidy a glare, Brandy dived into the duel between Sparky and the Corvisquire. The Corvisquire's black wings were a speedy blur by now, and Sparky was barely dodging it, even using her webs to pull herself out of the way she was barely scraping by. Brandy grabbed one of the webs and tugged, ignoring the sharp shock that numbed her arm as she reeled Sparky into herself. Her blue eyes went wide with surprise as her body bumped into Brandy. As she'd just run into an invisible wall. She didn't even seem to recognize her. 

But she felt Brandy's touch, and that's all she needed. She didn't have time to be gentle, and she needed her intention to be perfectly clear. Brandy ran a tongue through Sparky fur and got a bite on her choker, tugging at it with her teeth and making Sparky's head bobble as she nuzzled at Brandy's hair. The Corvisquire rounded on them. Wings raised as Brandy slid her hand down Sparky's body, racing over her stomach and into her pants. Her hand curled around Sparky's cock and clenched tight and tighter still. Sparky tensed as Brandy built up her strength and gave Sparky a stoke so firm that the Joltik's feet scraped along the ground. 

The tension had her fur crackling with power. The release of the stroke had all that electricity come flooding out. Brandy held on tight to Sparky as a Thunder Wave exploded out over the Corvisquire, relying on the rubber soles of her boots and a close physical connection to Sparky to ride her through the worst of it. Her skin still tingled like every nerve was fresh and open to the air, ready to be teased and pressed, but she endured it. Everyone else wasn't so lucky. 

The Corvisquire got it worst, a point-blank hit that blew her off her feet and dropped her into a twitching heap. In the bowl, there was no escaping it for everyone else. Cassidy clutched her arms around herself and moaned as she squeezed her legs together and leaned forward, gasping. Harper and the Fletchling's Tailwind were stopped fast as electricity jumped into their feathers. They shook their feathers madly to try to calm the tingling feelings racing over them. 

Calcine just pounced on Harper and flipped her over, a hand on the back of Harper's neck as she leaned down to growl. "Beautiful thing like you deserves to be fucked. Beg for your Trainer, and I might let her join in." Harper tried to swipe her wing back, but Calcine caught it and raced steaming fingers over the edge of it, making Harper drop her head to the ground and murmur happily. Calcine's cock was rubbing along Harper's back, and the way she slid her hips left no illusion of the destination. Harper's ass was Calcine's, and she would use it for all its worth. 

Hot, but Brandy didn't have time to watch. "Sparky, you mind occupying Cassidy?" Brandy said as she stroked Sparky's cock gently. It was unreally stiff, and Sparky was trying to jump back into her grip, absolutely bouncing with need. "Make her want to get a Scyther as soon as possible." 

With a pat on the ass, Brandy sent Sparky Cassidy's way. Cassidy was still panting with her hands between her legs, trying to keep her head straight from the Thunder Wave boosted sensitivity. She didn't stand a chance against the horny Joltik who jumped her and rode her to the ground. Sparky stole Cassidy's hat, putting it on before snapping her belt off with a firm tug. 

"Morgan?" Cassidy said, voice wavering. Sparky ran a finger over her lips and turned her eyes to look at her. 

"Later. You want me to take care of you now," Sparky said hungrily, static balling in the back of her throat. "Can find her after."

Cassidy bit her lip thoughtfully, but all it took was a gentle hip thrust from Sparky, and even that little bit of friction was enough to make her moan loud enough to make the Fletchling jump. The loud, exultant scream from Harper as Calcine pinned her down and fucked her ass hard enough to ruffle feathers made her jump even higher. Harper's claws on the stone as she tried to hold herself together against a heated cock lanced straight into her core, and she didn't look like she was winning that fight.  

Perfect. Distraction achieved. 

"You," Brandy said as she tried to shake the shocks out of her system. The Fletchling looked around nervously as she fluttered her feathers. "You're new, right?"

"Yes?" the Fletchling shrunk under Brandy's gaze. "And innocent?"

"Oh, absolutely," Brandy pushed her back atop Basilah's entombed body, the white fan-haired bird woman groaning. She'd only got a taste of the shock, but constrained like she was it was probably a lot to deal with. "I need Cassidy to listen to me. You can help?"

"Uh...." Fletchling's eyes darted between Basilah and Cassidy. "I'm new? Not exactly the biggest girl in the Flock."

"You're with us," Basilah growled. "Don't say that. You're as big as any of us."

The Fletchling didn't look too sure, and Brandy pounced on it, grabbing her cheeks with both hands. "Basilah says you're equal to her. You feel that?"

The Fletchling looked absolutely crestfallen. She couldn't answer honestly because it'd be admitting weakness, but she didn't need to. Her look of despair said it all. Brandy had guessed right from how she didn't fit the Team Attacks quite as well as the others. She was the new girl, and so she felt left out. Being part of the Flock might deaden problems, but it didn't make them disappear. 

Fletchling was scrawny, smaller than Brandy in every way, even the chest. She looked like the runt of the litter, and she felt it too. But she was cute in a scrappy kind of way, and her hair being such a close match for Brandy's own made Brandy want to protect her feelings.

"You're going to be huge someday," Brandy said, leaning in for a kiss. The poor Fletchling didn't stand a chance, totally caught in the headlights. "Want to prove it?"

"Y-yeah?" she said, looking at Basilah. "That good?"

"Hey, I want to fuck her too. You do it for me." Basilah smiled. "I'll give tips."

Fucking a Pokémon atop her captured teammate was maybe a little showboaty, but Brandy needed to expose the cracks in the Flock before she could help heal them. She would have to help Fletchling do a really good job here and try to open her heart. 

If she could just get Cassidy to admit a mistake that might be a lure Morgan couldn't resist jumping in on, and if she couldn't, well, she'd just have to improvise even more. 

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