I Want To Lay the Very Best!

110 – Feels Like Rain (18+)

110 – Feels Like Rain (18+)

Brandy had never met eyes with a girl while getting fucked before. Well, sort of. Sure Shay had been nearby, but they hadn't stared into each other's souls during their fight, and she'd looked at Maple plenty while eating her out, but that didn't count for obvious reasons. She could have stared at Maple all night.

Seeing the fire Sparky had put behind Cassidy's was a weirdly intimate look, with a huge emphasis on weird.

"You're blushing," Cassidy said with a long, happy sigh and twisted her head to look over her team. She kicked her legs to grip Sparky's waist better as she squirmed about for a look, a happy little trill in her throat with every adjusting push. "What the feathers are Harper and Calcine doing?"

Brandy ruffled the Fletchling's hair as she twisted to look at them herself, the bird woman was really giving it her all, eating her out, and Brandy wanted her to know she appreciated the effort. Calcine and Harper were kissing. No, that was too soft a thing for what they were doing. They were devouring each other's tounges in a messy, sprawling kiss that had them tearing at feathers and leaving scratches in stone skin. They were already undressed, but they'd both gotten so worked up that it looked like they'd forgotten that and tried to strip each other a second time.

It was incredible to watch. Harper's hands were wet and shined up Calcine's skin as they grasped over her. The cracks and claw marks in Calcine's skin were glowing hot from the fire deep inside her as she tried to pin down Harper by her wrists and kiss the shit out of her at the same time. They both seemed to be having the time of their lives tussling it out.

"I didn't tell her to do that, but I wish I had," Brandy said, chewing her bottom lip. "Wow."

"Well, my team is a shambles," Cassidy sighed as Sparky slowly fucked her into the ground, short steady strokes that had her shoulders scratching along the stones. She was closing her eyes and stroking her stomach on and off, clearly not used to a lady of Sparky's size and eagerness, which actually made Brandy proud. Her team was doing such a good job. Even a Trainer like Cassidy had to collect herself to think around them.

"We might have lost without Morgan's help," Brandy said, toes curling as the Fletchling finally seemed to have her pussy mapped out and began to really go at her. It was useless trying to grip anything to slow her down. All it did was encourage her to bend around it and plunge her face more firmly into Brandy's lap. "Fuck, still might. She's really good."

Bringing up Morgan got Cassidy's focus, and she reached out to grab Brandy's arm and pull her closer. The Fletchling snaked out of Brandy's lap and kissed up her stomach as she slid down onto the stones, head landing beside Cassidy's. So close she could feel Cassidy's panting breaths warm her face, slow and steady. A breathing technique she must have picked up for dizzying situations like this.

"I love my partners." Cassidy said, trying to put on a stern face despite the pounding she was getting, "All of them, they're all too good for me."

Brandy rolled her head to bump Cassidy's forehead with a dull 'clonk,' making the Trainer yelp at the sudden impact. Sparky laughed madly and waved the stolen Cowboy hat as she rode the squirming Cassidy.

"They adore you, none of that!" Brandy said, "None of that sad talk. You're worthy of them."

"Fucking ow, touched a nerve?" Cassidy mumbled as she rubbed her head.

Maybe she had. Brandy could see the love the Flock had for each other. Saying you weren't worth it cheapened it somehow.

The Fletchling had kissed up to Brandy's chest, eager to dive back in while she fucked Brandy, but she didn't object to a quick hair tug and a turn Cassidy's way.

"Tell her how you feel, Fletchling," Brandy said, "Don't hold back, and I'll let you do whatever you want."

"I'm not that easily bought!" the Fletchling huffed, shaking her wings. "You're good to us, Cassidy. You love us to bits."

"I'm fucking up somehow." Cassidy sighed, and one of her legs kicked up to hook Sparky's head. The Bug happily sank a bite into the offered thigh as she took the weight of Cassidy's lower body and kept pounding her on her side. Sparky's shoulders would hate her later, but Brandy couldn't blame her enthusiasm. She'd been the star of the show today, and she deserved to enjoy herself. "You're going to say that. I know, I mean... I know."

"No!" the Fletchling stretched a wing to brush out over Cassidy's stomach. "We're all in this together. So we're all fucking up. I should have been braver. Borrowed some of that from you all to speak up. And you should all have noticed! I want to be good for you, I really do."

"You are." Cassidy took the Fletchling's wings and sank her fingers into them. Brandy supported her, letting the Fletchling use her as a post to lean on as Cassidy stroked her feathers. "The team is a lot better with you in it."

"I can't..." the Fletchling huffed. "There's a big hole, and I can't fill it. But I want to, so you have to help me. Train me better. Let me into the team."

"You can fill this hole easy," Sparky moaned, "Fuck she's tight."

"Sparky!" Brandy yelled, reaching out to slap her side. Sparky was out of reach and just cackled, and the Fletchling couldn't help snorting a laugh.

"You know what I mean. You've been terrible lately, Cassidy. I want to do better for you, but I can't replace her. I really can't. I need to be my own thing, and I need your help to do it."

It was almost the opposite of Morgan's problem. She'd wanted out to be her own thing, while the Fletchling desperately wanted in. Brandy felt awkward getting between their moment, but the Fletchling decided that for her, rubbing herself along Brandy's front. Her dick gently bumped into Brandy as she gave a few failed attempts to line up until she curled on herself and undulated under Brandy in a way that caught her breath. She was like a snake, and she slipped in with such casual ease that it made her fumbling efforts seem entirely fake. Fletchling just took Brandy in one smooth stroke, and it took a moment for Brandy's nerves to catch up before the feeling of the parting flowed straight up her spine and hammered a way into her brain.

"I'm not a useless bird." the Fletchling said, "See what noises I can get out of her? I'm good at this. I just want to be better."

Being used as an example suited Brandy just fine. The Fletchling really was good at this. She glided through Brandy's folds, fucking her so smoothly it actually felt tender. Like blowing the tiniest breath onto a flickering flame, ready to coax it into a roaring fire. All the fire comparisons were probably helped along by just how hot she was against Brandy's body. She was sweating like crazy as the Fletchling rolled her hips. Brandy couldn't hold back a groan.

"Okay!" Cassidy laughed, "Wow, okay, the lesson taken. We'll work better as a team and get you the support you need. I don't want to miss out on that."

"No, you don't. I bet I could make Brandy sing." the Fletchling smirked as she got a hold of Brandy's chest and gave it a playful squeeze. She had a real fascination with Brandy's breasts, and Brandy had utterly lost control of the little fireball. If she wanted to squeeze them; they were all hers.

"Morgan," Brandy said quickly before she got too lost in the experience. "She's listening."

"I want to know why she left," Cassidy said, her head trying to dig a furrow into the stone as Sparky gave her a few crackling licks along her thigh, some of her electrified spit dripping down and acting as a highly sensitivity-boosting lubricant. "Fuck me, Sparky, you're good. Morgan's good too. She's special. I'll do anything for her."

"Think then," Brandy groaned, cupping Cassidy's chin and tipping their foreheads together. "Sorry, maybe made it hard for us to do that. But just relax. Think about what Fletchling just said. Morgan's listening."

"Watching, too," Cassidy mumbled. "I know she is. Somewhere. Morgan, come on out. I miss you."

"Think," Brandy said, kissing Cassidy on the nose. "No begging. Think."

Brandy held Cassidy as she tried to focus. She wasn't entirely sure who started the kissing again. Maybe it was just the charge between them that'd been built up by their Partners. Sparky was doing a masterful bit of work, and the Fletchling had everything to prove. Together they pumped their Trainers so full of emotions some spilled over into kisses. But Brandy did it quietly, keeping them as just an outlet for them both as Cassidy mulled it over. The fucking wasn't building to orgasm for either of them, but it was soothing. The friction helped put everything in place, the little bursts of pleasure taking the edge off what could have been a really somber moment. She wasn't surprised when a black wing slipped under their heads to support them.

"I did just ask to talk," Morgan said, a finger pressed to Cassidy's lips to keep her quiet for the moment. "How did this all happen?"

"I think I'm getting a bit of a reputation for unusual solutions. Sorry." Brandy said, licking the taste of Cassidy's lips off her own. Salty, sweet, it wasn't unpleasant. "I think she's ready to talk, though."

Morgan's hat brim blocked out the sun, but her two red eyes made good stand-ins as she stared down at Cassidy. She had a firm gaze, unshakable, but Brandy could have sworn her eyes were a little glossier than usual.

"Hey you," Morgan said, kissing Cassidy's head. "Glad Sparky's doing well. You look pretty when you smile."

Cassidy squeezed her eyes shut, sniffing as she tried to choke her feeling back. Morgan laid a few more kisses along her cheek, replacing Brandy's warmth with her own until Cassidy gave a heartfelt sob and wrapped Morgan in a hug. "You're back."

"You know that's not what this is." Morgan said, "But it is very nice to be here."

"I fucked up." Cassidy groaned. "I didn't think about what everyone felt. No, I got lost in what everyone felt and didn't give you all the time you needed."

"You always had time for us. I never felt unloved."

"But I didn't understand you all!" Cassidy wailed, "Two of you don't have names. Harper is acting feral."

She really was too. She'd got Calcine on her back and was smothering her face in Calcine's chest. Feathers drifted around them as she gave Calcine a strange, face-first lap dance. The two weren't even fighting anymore. They were doing something for sure, but Arceus only knew what.

"I thought I had control." Cassidy sniffled. "You all had your problems, and I just let them all bleed into each other, so you all stopped caring. Been so stupid."

"And I ran away rather than face them," Morgan said, tucking herself close to Cassidy, hiding her face from them all. Brandy could hear the wobble in her voice and busied herself in nuzzling the Fletchling's neck. She'd done her part, and these two needed to talk it out. "It's what I'm good at, running, hiding, and lashing out."

"I saw you take down Basilah. That was really something," Cassidy said, her voice still wobbling from Sparky's rather enthusiastic fucking. Sparky kept quiet, but she picked up the pace to hammer Cassidy so she'd roll into Morgan for support. Brandy caught that, her little bit of helpful mischief.

"I could come back," Morgan said. "I miss you. I really do."

"I want you back. We all do. Harper would be thrilled."

The two held each other, Cassidy's body tensing with Sparky's as the Joltik thrust in deep and then held on, a little static purr rumbling in her throat as she came. Cassidy's peak was quieter, muffled with some kisses as she pressed all her feeling onto Morgan.

"Going to miss you," Cassidy said. "I'm glad I got to say goodbye."

"I said I'd come back." Morgan's wings ruffled along both their faces as she tried to press in closer to the messy pile of bodies in front of her.

"Wuss," Cassidy laughed, tipping up Morgan's hat. "I'll take this if you're not honest."

"Don't steal the hat."

"May never get another chance." Cassidy grabbed it off her, and Morgan dived into a kiss to hide herself with a gasp. Brandy tried to sneak a peek of what was under there, but Cassidy held it low. Only she got to see. "Psh knew it. As if you can hide things from me."

"Well, now I'm not coming back!" Morgan huffed as she snatched her hat back and rammed it on tight, hand rubbing along the tri-points to ensure they were in place.

"You never were," Cassidy said, but she sounded giddy. "I just pushed the feelings into the others. I knew this was coming. Sorry, fuck I've been an idiot, haven't I?"

"You've both been idiots." Sparky groaned and went over on her back with a yelp as Morgan blew a gust of wind at her.

"We're all idiots together. But before I go, I'd like to enjoy the best Flying Ace the world will ever see. It's been a while." Morgan said, "Brandy. Thanks for getting us here. It's a little sad, but it's where we need to be."

"I'll give you two some time," Brandy said, "We'll help the others clean up. Dig out, Basilah. Stop whatever the heck Calcine and Harper are doing. Somehow."

They were kissing already. That was as good as a dismissal. Brandy tried to get up, and the Fletchling came with her, stuck to her like a limpet. Stuck inside her as well, the very act of moving made her legs shake.

"I'm not getting you off, am I?"

"Not until I get you off," The Fletchling grinned. "And I think I can be very good at that."

"Aw, I like her. Can we keep her too!" Sparky cackled, sprawled out on the floor.

Brandy was glad they probably couldn't. One Sparky was enough.

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