I Want To Lay the Very Best!

125 – Snake Eater

125 – Snake Eater

Calcine was staring at all the food laid out over Spitfire's long, segmented tail with a gleam in her eyes that Brandy just knew was the start of a plan. One that was going to put the whole team through the wringer. Was this how it felt to be on the other side of this sort of thing?

It was hard not to get excited about it. Not being in control of the fight left open so many possibilities Brandy's mind was reeling, trying to guess ahead. Spitfire was gorgeous and easily big enough to handle a few of them at once. She had no doubt if it came to a fight, she'd crush them in seconds. Which might not be that bad a thing. Brandy was up for a little crushing from a gorgeous snake lady. Or whatever kind of snakey Bug Spitfire was.

"We have to eat it all," Calcine said as she picked some seared fish off Spitfire's tail and dipped it in a pot of sticky black sauce. "What if we eat really slowly?"

"Then I might get bored," Spitfire said with a throaty chuckle, "And skip right to dessert."

Spitfire had a terrifying smile, huge fangs, and razor-sharp teeth. It looked like she could chew through solid rock, and the way she stared hungrily at Calcine made it clear she planned to do just that as soon as possible.

Calcine rolled up the fish, dipped it in the sauce, and held it out for Brandy. "First bite for you then."

Brandy went to reach up and grab it, but Morgan grabbed her wrists and nudged her forward with her chest.

”Overflowing Emotions," Morgan whispered. "Keep the big girl entertained."

Right, just because Calcine was in charge didn't mean she could just tune out. She had to think like a Pokémon, which meant not just following orders but trying to anticipate them. The best way to make up for a mistake was to try harder, so Brandy just went for it. She took a bite off the end of the fish roll, let it melt on her tongue, and couldn't hold back a little moan. It was good, really good. Perfectly seared through and juicy, the strong salty flavor of the fish had just a hint of smokiness that must have been imparted from Spitfire herself. If she tasted that good, then Brandy was going to lick her clean. The tangy sauce it was dipped in lingered on her tongue after she'd swallowed, a rich mix of flavors that was fun to let swill around her mouth and just made her hungry for more.

She looked at the rest of the roll, and her mouth began watering. Brandy leaned forward to get another bite. Calcine pulled it out of her reach. "Can I get more, please?"

"She's a messy eater," Calcine grinned and firmly turned Brandy towards their chef before bending her over one of Spitfire's coils. It didn't burn like a grill, Spitfire's skin was hot, but like Calcine, she could direct the heat along her body to cook the food. Her tail had a little give to it, like a good hard mattress, and the warmth soothed her muscles' complaints about it.

"There's no napkins," Calcine tutted. "Spitfire, can you clean up our lovely Trainer?"

"Mm-hmm," Spitfire replied as she lowered herself to look at Brandy with those fiery golden eyes. A hand under Brandy's jaw let Spitfire drag her forward, her tongue lashing out to lick the sticky sauce off Brandy's face. Her tongue glowed in Brandy's eyes, wreathed in a blazing fire that tickled at Brandy's skin. That hot length of fire-wrapped muscle languidly licked the sauce from Brandy's lips and cheeks. The heat spilling off from the warm muscle made Brandy's brain boil rather than sear her skin. It was more intense than Calcine's usual comforting Incinerate, more sharp and dizzying to be exposed to. Brandy wiggled her hips, hoping one of her Partners saw the Pokédex in her back pocket.

Spitfire's empowered tongue was nimble on top of all her other advantages, dodging Brandy's attempts to get her lips around it, Spitfire chuckling to herself at Brandy's failed attempts, the china of her tea set clanking together atop her bust. Her balance really was incredible.

There was a loud thwack and a clatter of plastic skittering across the ground. Brandy's head was still swimming as Spitfire pulled away and glared off to the side.

"No Poké-dex at the table," Spitfire wagged the tip of her tail at Sparky. "That's very rude."

"That was awesome," Sparky said reverently. "You must have so much fun with that tail."

"Oh, you'll get to find out just how much if you hurry up and eat," Spitfire smirked. "But it's so nice to see a fellow Bug. I think you deserve something yourself."

"Not spicy," Sparky said quickly. "But anything else."

"Of course not, you sweet little morsel; I know just what tastes you like." Spitfire rose back up to the center of her coils, leaving Brandy aching for more licks. An absolutely deadly woman, she got a hold of Sparky's throat and tipped her head back, dripping sauce along her arm and into Sparky's mouth, before feeding Sparky little bits of fish as she snapped at Spitfire's fingers.

Morgan and Calcine got an arm each around Brandy and sandwiched her in as they plied her with more food, keeping their voices low.

"Sparky's got her for a moment," Calcine said as she took a bite before pulling Brandy in for a flavourful kiss. Brandy bit at Calcine's bottom lip as she kept explaining the plan. "We can amuse Spitfire all we want, but we have to devise a way to turn her meal against her."

"She's got pride as a cook," Morgan said, pulling Brandy back for a kiss. She dropped Brandy into her cleavage after that quick peck, a small ball of something sweet was there for Brandy to tackle as she talked. Even if this was only to act like they were just playing too, Brandy didn't mind; face smushed into a feathery soft chest made this meal one of the best she'd ever had. "And she liked a taste of Brandy. She's got some of Sparky's mischief in her; we should play on that."

"Like Sparky?" Calcine said as she pulled Brandy's top down to lay some food along Brandy's shoulder blades. Calcine and Morgan took turns bending to snap it off, which compressed Brandy even more into her wonderfully soft prison. She was doing her best to pay attention, but Morgan was making it really hard. "A shame we can't swap food about. I'd have a plan there."

"Morgan can," Brandy muffled. It wasn't taking charge if it was helping with a plan, just offering some of her Trainer knowledge. "Foul Play is perfect for swapping things."

"Oh, then we just need the perfect bait," Calcine said, letting her tongue drag along Brandy's shoulder blades after her bite. Morgan also got in on the action, the pair of them giving Brandy's back a strange make-out that made Brandy shiver between them with needy anticipation. She desperately wanted someone to do more to her, grab or bite. Cruelly they were focused on winning still, using the foreplay to whisper to each other as they cleaned her up, Brandy unable to make out the words because her face was so firmly stuffed into Morgan's chest.

The sacrifices she made for this team were immeasurable.

Spitfire's fire gaze returned to them, the tall snake lady towering overhead as Sparky was in a limp, boneless heap between the coils of her tail. She wore a look of absolute delight on her face as Spitfire squeezed her between those thick coils. Brandy made to try to offer more food, but Spitfire's tongue lashed out and dragged her upwards, plundering her mouth in a hot passionate kiss.

Brandy was out of her league. Her tongue couldn't keep up with the fiery inferno of Spitfire's, her fingers unable to find any purchase on Spitfire's body as the warmth of the kiss blazed through her. The whole of Spitfire's tongue was a raging bonfire of sensation. The heat washing over her made her body tingle in pleasure.

"Sparky's fun," Spitfire growled. "But I'm getting hungry for something a bit more substantial."

Brandy felt herself go wet below. Literally, something splashed over her stomach.

"Oops," Morgan said, "Sorry, Brandy, I missed your hands. I've got this sweet sauce all over your belly now."

"Pin her down, Spitfire," Calcine called up, "I'm sure we can find a way to mop it up."

Being pinned down on Spitfire's coils, with Spitfire above her doing the holding, was not as scary as Brandy expected. The warmth of the snake lady's body was inviting. The way Spitfire's muscles shifted under the thick rubbery skin of her tail made Brandy squirm, sauce pouring down the rivulets off her abs. Calcine dipping fish into it, "Ah, now this is eating."

Was there a plan? Did it matter? This was great.

"Going to take a bite of your Rolycoly next. She's delicious looking," Spitfire growled, her burning eyes locked on Brandy's abs. "But I can have an appetizer."

Spitfire dived to press her face into Brandy's stomach, her red hair flicking up and tickling Brandy's nose as she just went feral on Brandy's stomach, gnashing away, the prick of her fangs making Brandy gasp in between her long, fiery licks. Spitfire's fiery tongue danced between her breasts, chasing the sauce up that Calcine was happily smearing everywhere with the fish. This much attention lavished on her body was a treat Brandy hadn't expected. She really felt like a buffet for them all to enjoy, and all three were getting in licks and bites while Sparky hugged at Spitfire's squeezing coils.

"Catch," Calcine called as she flicked the sauce-covered bit of meat Spitfire's way, and she reflexively snapped at it. Right as Morgan clicked her fingers and the morsel flashed black, a long red pepper appeared in its place.

The crunch as Spitfire's teeth tore through it was thunderous. The silence that followed was even more deafening as Brandy caught her breath.

"Look, Calcine," Morgan grinned, "There's a tear in her eye."

"There is? A Fire-type who can't handle the heat?" Calcine gave Morgan a nudge with her elbows. "Her tastebuds must be all Bug, and I know how badly Sparky handles spicy food."

Spitfire's spit splattered over Brandy's front as she choked, sizzling against Brandy's skin.

"I can handle spice!" she mewled, "Just give me a little milk first!"

"Ah ah," Morgan waved a finger. "You're going to have to bargain for it."

"Or," Spitfire growled, tongue lolling out around her fingers as she tried to stroke the pepper off it. Brandy knew that just made it worse. "I can crush you all and take it."

"I'll drink it out of spite. But you play along, and I'll pour some out on our dear Brandy here, and you can soothe yourself on her."

This was an evil plan, but it had certainly thrown Spitfire off her game. Her eyes narrowed, and then she gave everyone a wicked smile. "Clever trick, but what if I just"

Spitfire licked along Brandy's thigh, looking down the length of it to Brandy's waiting pussy. "Found something else wet to cool it off with."

Calcine's plan was clever, but Brandy couldn't let Spitfire worm her way out of this; she had to cut off anyways for the Bug to sneak away from playing along.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Brandy squeaked, "Wash it off first!"

"Oh, seems your Trainer has orders. Hand over the milk." Spitfire smirked. "Then I'm going to bite me off a chunk of cheeky rock."

"Brandy's not giving the orders," Calcine folded her arm. "I am, and I don't negotiate with pussy terrorists."

"Negotiate," Brandy kicked her legs, "Negotiate! Listen to her Spitfire; she's crazy! I don't want that much fire down there! You want this pussy you’ll have to convince them to give it up!”

Brandy hammed it up a little, but only a little. There was a not zero chance Spitfire might actually do it, and if she did, Brandy was going to try to twist the Centiskorch's tongue right off.

"You'll crack. Got no leverage." Calcine said, "I'm in charge Spitfire; ravaging Brandy won't get you a thing."

Spitfire looked between Brandy and Calcine like they were speaking in a foreign language. "The Rolycoly is calling the shots?"

"Yeah, she's crazy." Brandy gasped. "You better do as she says!"

"Fine," Spitfire huffed. "But this seems like cheating, and I don't go easy on cheats."

"I'm a huge cheat," Sparky burbled and squealed happily as Spitfire crushed her with her coils. Sparky flopped down on her front, sparks crackling in her fur as she rubbed her face against Spitfire's tail. "And I'm in love."

Brandy was sure there were no rules that could possibly cover what they were doing, so they were probably safe. But hopefully, the follow-up plan was just as willing to bend the rules. Brandy's pussy was going to feel the heat if it wasn't.

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