I Want To Lay the Very Best!

129 – Hats Totally Are Clothes

129 – Hats Totally Are Clothes

"Doing good?" Calcine said, patting Brandy's forehead as she was spread over the couch in the restroom behind Spitfire's grill.

"Aaaa-" Brandy weakly groaned, waving her arms. "I'm going to die."

She ached, but of course, she did. Spitfire hadn't been able to fuck Brandy in half like she wanted, but she'd certainly got her hits in. Her incredible, orgasmic hits. Brandy wasn't mad, just sore.

"We can stop," Calcine said, lifting Brandy's head and putting it in her lap. "I know that was tough."

Brandy opened an eye to squint at Calcine. That didn't even deserve a response.

"She wants to go on," Morgan laughed, gently brushing a wing over Brandy's stomach. It tickled, but Brandy was too achy to move. "Trainers can be such adorable fools."

"You joined me," Brandy mumbled, patting Morgan's wing. "Nice choice of trainer, idiot."

"I just liked your butt and still do," Morgan smirked, "Watching you get railed to near death by hot snake ladies is a fun new perk."

Sparky was massaging her legs because, of course, she was. She was having a blast rubbing her face between Brandy's thighs and making little excited squeaks whenever Brandy lightly squeezed. Being pampered by three partners was nice. She could get used to it, even if she did ache all over.

"Spitfire fucked you up, but it was awesome. She's so cool. We should get a Centiskorch. She could squeeze me to sleep while she fucks you unconscious."

Brandy threw one of the sofa's cushions at Sparky, satisfied at the little 'paff' as it bounced off her head.

"Not even joking," Sparky grinned. "Hottest Bug ever, this Gym is the best. There's no way they're topping that."

"Says you," Brandy said as she shuffled her head to get comfy in Calcine's lap. "I'm going to top you later so hard. Ugh, I wish I had a dick."

"That'd disappoint all of us." Calcine said, "Maybe Maple would like it."

"Oh, not for the sex. It just seems way less exhausting. You all can just keep going and going."

Calcine brushed her hand across Brandy's chest and then put it on her stomach, focusing as she let heat leech out of her palm. "Tell me if this feels good."

The heat seeped into her aches and melted them away. Spitfire blew them away with a heat wave that made her a sweating mess. Though the sex would have done that, too, Calcine's was a more deep heated massage. Not as thorough, but far more bearable.

"Helps a bit," Brandy nodded, stroking Calcine's arm. "Helps a lot. I want to see the end of this."

"We might get lucky," Morgan said, "Gym Leaders aren't always sex or battles. I can't tell you the specifics of the ones I faced, but some were really surprising in what they involved. Fun, but surprising."

"It's the Fire Gym. I'm going to get fucked until I break," Brandy groaned, "Then the Gym Leader's going to grade me while riding my face."

"Ooh," Sparky grinned, "Now we gotta do it. I want to see that."

"Fire is not just sex, and you know it," Calcine grumbled. "It's about passion. As long as you show that, I think you can still win. We just have to protect you a little because you're so fragile right now."

She was. There were other ways they could have gotten past Spitfire, but she was reasonably sure she'd be bloated with food or heat-exhausted no matter the plan. For only being set to a One Badge level, this Gym really had it out for the Trainers.

"We'll keep the sexy Fire Pokémon off you," Sparky said as she licked Brandy's thighs. "I'll personally wrestle them all."

"Might actually need that," Calcine said as she used both hands to massage heat into Brandy's stomach. It was undoing some of the aches Spitfire had put there, and that alone was blissful. Brandy would have given anything for a nap right now. "We've just got to dig down and push."

"Look at you," Morgan grinned. "You love being in charge. It suits you. Keep it up. We've still got your Fire Stone to use. If we're going to lose, let's at least go out with a bang."

Brandy groaned again.

"I meant a flashy explosion. I promise we'll try to keep you off your back as long as we can." Morgan said, offering Brandy a wing. "Come on, if you can't stand, we'll have to call it here, and I know you'll be disappointed if we don't at least see the end."

Brandy couldn't argue with that.


The heat hit them as soon as they opened the door to the Gym's arena. It wasn't the scalding heat of flame or lava but waves of steam that rolled over a wood-paneled floor. The walls were made of logs, looking like they'd been almost freshly cut and carefully assembled. The sort of effortlessly natural look that took a lot of money to get right. A paper door was ahead of them, with two marble pedestals beside it bearing a few items.

"A Gym Sauna," Sparky said, tugging on her choker to take a breath. "Fuck, I can already feel my fur catching fire.

Calcine gently led Brandy up to the pedestal. 'Take off all your clothes' was written on it, with some white towels laid on top for replacement. A small silver bracelet was on the other pedestal, with 'Trainer wears this on their wrist' written on a card propped up inside it.

Sparky usually only wore a pair of shorts and sometimes a top if she was feeling chilly. Today it was just the shorts, which came off with a few kicks. Calcine unbuttoned her shirt top as she stared at Morgan. Naked except for her tri-pointed witches hat.

"My Hat isn't clothes," Morgan said, tugging the brim of it defensively.

"A hat is absolutely clothes," Sparky said with a grin. "Take it off. Take it off."

"Guess we're going to fail a gym challenge." Morgan said through gritted teeth, "Because I'm not taking it off."

She looked stressed, and blood-red eyes flicked between Calcine and Sparky expecting an attack. Brandy got that a Murkrow's hat was important to them, but the rules were clear.

"I could binding ball you? Just take Sparky and Calcine in."

"Don't be silly. You'll need us all." Morgan said, "But I'm not taking off the hat."

"Why not? Got bad hair under there?"

"Take off your choker," Morgan said, "That's clothing too."

"What? No! It's an accessory," Sparky tugged her choker. "And Calcine and Brandy gave it to me. It's like, a part of me now I wouldn't feel naked without it."

This was an odd way of putting it, but it actually made a sort of sense. The choker with the metal ring was just part of Sparky's look now. She'd look a bit alien without it.

Morgan tilted her head, and after a long moment of staring back, Sparky's eyes sank, and she blushed. "Oh, right. I get it. Sorry."

"It's fine," Morgan said, "I'll keep my accessory on."

Brandy was having the hardest time getting out of her clothes. She was still stiff from Spitfire, but there was no shortage of experience stripping her to hand, and her partners made short work of her clothes. Then they got to kissing and licking, and she had to ruffle their hair and flick their ears.

"Focus, focus!"

"This is the team leader. Keep licking," Calcine said, teasing her tongue over Brandy's stomach. She'd kept her accessory, too, Fenny's gifted Fire Stone necklace, lying in the cleavage of her chest. The brilliant swirling red flame looked so pretty against her coal-black skin. "Have to cool her down."

"It's not working," Brandy mumbled as she resigned herself to enjoying it. She was only snapped out of the delightful feeling of the wet muscle lapping over her skin by a loud beeping noise. The silver bracelet she'd slipped on had lit up and showed a red light.

"Shoot, did we break it?" Brandy said, "What does that mean?"

"We should probably find out," Calcine sighed, pulling back. "Okay, break it up, girls. Let's win a badge."

They used Brandy's body to pull themselves up and grabbed her before she fell in return. Morgan and Calcine held her side, helping her walk to the sauna slide door and throwing it open. Steam spilled past them and thinned out to reveal some large black shapes waiting on the wooden benches of the sauna. The sauna was massive and looked big enough to fit a whole arena. A large brass machine was set along one wall, gently rumbling away to itself, steam softly hissing out of gaps at the top, fed by massive copper pipes. But everyone's eyes were drawn to the two people sitting on the wooden benches lining the other wall, curled up together.

"Fire Gyms are the best," Sparky whispered softly as she stared inside. "The fucking best."

Two women were sitting together who were absolutely stunning; the human was a gorgeous tanned woman not wearing a stitch of clothing and showing off curves that sparked envy Brandy hadn't felt for a long while. She had a chest that Brandy could drown in and an ass that Morgan was staring at and probably wouldn't stop staring at until this fight was long concluded. Her hair was long but spiky and swept back into a ponytail. It looked like a jet of flame blown backward, her pure blonde hair with darkened tips spread out over the backboard.

"I want to bounce pokébucks off those hips." Sparky whistled. "This was worth it. I'm glad we didn't miss this."

Her Partners might be focused on the Gym Leader, but Brandy had eyes for the Pokémon with her. A bit trimmer than her Trainer but still stacked enough no one would be unhappy being wrapped in a hug, she had her eyes locked on Brandy from the moment she'd walked in, pure-red iris like Morgan's but with a black cat-like slice for the pupil. They should have drawn you in, but the rest of her was so much to take in it lost Brandy's attention immediately. Her pale skin looked smooth as silk, and her slenderness contrasted with her stacked Partner, a graceful body that looked almost too good to be real. Brandy would have expected some kind of mind-messing move like Orchid's Aromatherapy that was amping up her appearance beyond what it truly was. But Brandy knew full well this particular Pokémon didn't need that sort of trick. They really were just this hot.

She had a pair of sharp-tipped ears that flicked with amusement as Brandy's eyes wandered over her tail. If her chest wasn't as voluminous as her Trainer, her nine golden-haired tails more than made up for it. Huge puffy things curled out all over the bench, with the same darkened tips as the human's hair. One was wrapped around the Gym leader's throat and tickling her chin, while another wound its way around a leg and was tickling ... well, something. Brandy couldn't see exactly what, but from the Gym Leader's huge smile, she was using it well.

"You made it," the human said, taking a deep breath that made her chest heave, and even Brandy couldn't help but watch it. Damn, the shameless confidence was doing it for her.

"I'm Blaze. Welcome to my Fire Gym," she said with a sweep of her arm. "Come sit, gorgeous. I'll explain everything."

"Blaze?" Sparky giggled as she came forward timidly. Sparky was never timid; if even she was simpering here, it couldn't be a good sign. "No way, that's your actual name."

"It used to be Marigold, but you could say I Evolved." Blaze smiled.

"You were like the gawky kid at school?" Sparky said, "And when they next see you, you're a huge bombshell?"

"That's right," Blaze said, patting the bench beside her.

"And you're going to fuck us?" she gasped. "This is happening?"

"Yes? We'll see how it goes. From what I've seen so far, you seem a little eager to jump into that."

But Sparky was already bouncing excitedly. "Fuck me running Horse Mommy Goddess. Humans really can Evolve! I knew porn was real!"

It definitely wasn't, but Brandy didn't have the heart to break it to her right now. Reality was close enough that she'd never have convinced her.

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