I Want To Lay the Very Best!

133 – Diamond Heart, Squishy Flesh (18+)

133 – Diamond Heart, Squishy Flesh (18+)

The Sauna's heat couldn't compete with the warmth of being trapped between two Carkols. It wasn't even close, just their presence was overwhelming. Brandy's skin prickled as she rolled her back into Lixi, feeling the soft squish of her breasts and the firmness of her stomach pressing against the small of Brandy's back. She'd already been feeling up Calcine's Carkol body, but this was just another reminder about how they changed. Calcine usually had a rocky hardness to her body that softened as the heat built up. Brandy didn't hate it; it was just a quirk she accepted, a minor discomfort that soon melted into a lovely soft embrace. 

Carkol wasn't like that. They always had the heat of their cloaks, which put fire in their veins. Lixi had a tempered body, still firm but with just enough pliancy that Brandy could sink into it and feel her strength. Soft and firm all at once, it was the perfect blend, and coupled with the heat, Brandy felt her attention drifting away. Lixi wrapped her arms around Brandy's waist and kissed the top of her head, her dark shaggy hair curling around to stroke at Brandy's cheeks.

"She's a tall one," Lixi said, "Got a little bit of muscle to her that I do like. You've found a rough gem here. A little polish, and she might have broken my heart." 

"Give her a chance. She's got depths," Calcine smiled as she nuzzled into the nape of Brandy's neck, her eyes closed as she gave suckling kisses to Brandy's neck. 

Brandy tried to roll into the teasing kisses, but Lixi got her hands on her face and angled her head back to steal an upside-down kiss. The hair tickling her nose actually made it a bit silly, but with Calcine pressing down hard on her neck and all the heat swelling through her, Lixi blew past silly and went right back to hot again. 

"Love the lips," Lixi rumbled, "So what does she want me to do? I know we're a lot to handle, but I'm very excited to be handled right now."

"I'm in charge here," Calcine said as she pressed herself into Brandy, her chest pushing down on the top of Brandy's breast as she leaned over Brandy to talk with Lixi. Brandy left to be the toasted sandwich between the pair. 

"A Pokémon leading a gym battle, and a Carkol at that." Lixi's hands ran all over Brandy's body, stroking down her back and then up to her chest. Squeezing and drawing a gasp from Brandy, her hand tightening on Morgan's cock, "I like it."

Calcine nipped Brandy's ear, "Brandy, deal with the others." 

It was nice of Calcine to spot the dangling threads, and Brandy didn't want to make Morgan cum while barely paying attention to her. Maybe she was into that, but Brandy didn't know and wasn't about to risk it. Calcine gave her the space to clear things up, even if it was probably so she could concentrate on Brandy fully. 

Her Bracelet beeped. Maybe taking care of everyone's needs wasn't sexy, but it was worthwhile. 

"Cinnamon, you want to put Blaze's mouth to work again? I got a bird girl here you can impress with your trainer." Brandy said, giving Morgan a tug and making her squawk. An evil thrill of power ran through her as Morgan batted at her fingers with her long nails. 

The two had been making gooey eyes at each other earlier. It made sense. Which just left Sparky to get joined in. "Sparky, you want to help out Cinnamon?"

"No," Sparky said firmly. "I'm watching the show."

"The show?" Brandy said, turning to catch Sparky's eye. 

Calcine cut that glance off by shoving her breasts in Brandy's face, smothering her. Right! The show. The soft press of Calcine tits applied directly to the face cured the Bracelet beeps nicely. 

"Throw her at me, Foxy," Brandy heard Morgan say. "I'll show you some Dark tricks to get her moaning. I can make her love it if you want to go at her hard."

They'll be fine. Well, Blaze won't be, but she's a Gym Leader. She can surely handle herself. 

"So, Lixi?" Calcine said, pressing her body even harder into Brandy's as she got her arms around the other Carkol. Brandy could hear them kissing above her, and every squishy-sounding peck made her heart bounce with excitement. "I'm only using a Fire Stone. How did you Evolve?"

"Oh, we're talking shop while she squirms?" Lixi said, "Can't I get a little taste?"

"I didn't say you couldn't nibble," Calcine said. "Just take your time. She's a big meal."

Calcine wasn't ignoring her exactly, but she was talking about her like she was more of a treat they were having than a person. It was embarrassing and exciting all at once, like the pair of them could do whatever they wanted to her, and she didn't get any input at all. She had to suffer the squeezing and take it. 

Wait, Calcine said Lixi could do anything she didn't explicitly forbid. Brandy tested this new idea out, giving Calcine a lick and then running her hands down to squeeze at Calcine's new ass. What an ass, thick but firm, a nice full handful to squeeze and then some. Brandy got her fingers in deep and just savored it, coaxing a rumble to fire up Calcine's chest. Lixi was licking along her shoulders, and she caught a few glares of red fire as she gave smokey looks to her double. 

"Blaze wasn't sure about me," Lixi said as she stroked a thick, hard length against Brandy's back. Sparky gave a few cat-calling whistles as she saw Brandy wriggling up against it. The pest was having fun, and that was fine. "She's a Fire Ace, and I was just Rock. My Fire had to be drawn out. Her team was incredibly passionate and had to be tamed, while I was calm and reliable." 

"You had to get more fiery," Calcine said as Brandy felt the heat rising against her skin, seeping in and soothing her aches. It met a rolling wave coming from Lixi, and they combined within her to make her melt, her muscles relaxing as sweat dripped down her skin. Brandy felt dizzy from the heat, but Calcine's voice and firm touch kept her anchored in reality. The temptation to let the heat overrun her and pass out into the soothing haze was tempting, but she'd miss out on what happened next. There was no way Brandy was going to miss that. She'd endure.

"I had to become a raging inferno, so hot even Blaze got her fingers burned and had to tame me. That felt good like I finally belonged." Lixi growled, sliding a hand between Brandy's thighs, a finger curling up. Even with the relaxing heat, she was still sensitive down there from Spitfire. Lixi's fingers glided through her, thanks to how wet Brandy was, but Brandy still couldn't keep her voice down at the sensation. She yelped, loud enough it sounded pained. 

Calcine was on it in a flash, hands clasped around Lixi's wrists and squeezing. Her voice was a menacing rumble like an approaching earthquake, hammering every word with a loud boom. "Don't hurt her." 

Lixi's fingers didn't slide back out, but they held still. "And if I hurt her a little? She'd like it, wouldn't you, my leggy redhead? I know those kinds of wails." 

"I'd make you scream harder," Calcine growled.

"No lack of fire with you," Lixi laughed. "You should be a Carkol. What's holding you back?"

"Calcine doesn't have to be one," Brandy piped up. She wouldn't have any Calcine slander here, not even if Lixi might be trying to help push her. "She slams me hard as a Rolycoly."

"She does," Lixi says, "But she's very protective of you, isn't she?" 

 "Oh ho," Sparky chipped in from wherever she'd perched. "I get where this is going now. This is getting good."

"You think I'm holding back?" Calcine said, "I'm not holding back. Brandy can take it."

"Can she now?" Lixi rumbled. "Then lift her legs up and fuck her silly. I know you want to."

Paralysis, panic. Brandy saw it all run through Calcine's eyes as she looked down at the sweating Brandy and then back up to Lixi. Brandy's Bracelet began to beep again, but she muffled it between Calcine's tits and jumped into this mess.

"She trusts me," Brandy said. "Knows my limits. If she thinks I can't handle it, I trust her. Calcine's strong, really strong."

"Can you?" Calcine asked. "Handle it."

"Right now? I think you'd break me." Brandy grinned. "Absolutely destroy me. I'd be ashes. But I wouldn't mind that."

"Yeah, fuck her up." Sparky gleefully added. "Come on, Calcine. Smush her good."

"You've got the fire of a Carkol," Lixi ran her hands over Calcine's arms. "I've known you five minutes, and I know that. We're in the best place to let the fire out. We can handle whatever happens to her."

"Just fuck already!" Morgan groaned from the side. Blaze was doing something really intense to her from how high-pitched her voice was. "This is cute, but fuck me, you are teasing me at this point. Fuuuuuck."

Brandy looked into those fiery eyes and pressed up from between the blissful squeeze to kiss Calcine on the chin. "Fuck me coward."

"Don't you be Sparky at me," Calcine growled. "I'm in charge."

"Are you? Maybe I'll fuck you," 

Brandy didn't even know what happened. Calcine was staring at her, and then she was flipped back onto Lixi's chest, her legs up in the air, Calcine's cock raised up to slap against a pussy that'd had a rough day. She was, well, bigger. Not the biggest Brandy had taken, not even bigger than Spitfire, but bigger. 

Bigger was good. She was enjoying the look of bigger right now. But the brat energy was in her. She knew what to say. 

"What are you going to do with that club? I'm all sore." Brandy teased. "Can't we just cuddle?" 

"Lixi, heat her up for me?" Calcine said with a slap to Brandy's ass that sang. She didn't even yelp. The shock of it was just so visceral she was left speechless. "I'm going to knock some obedience into her bug-addled brain."

"This is awesome," Sparky was bouncing on the Sauna's bench now, making it judder underneath them all. "Brandy, be more like me. Tell her to crush you a bit too."

"Oh, there'll be crushing." Lixi said, "I'm going to make these bones shake. We've got Carkol reputation on the line here. This needs to be the best fuck of her life."

It might also be her last, but if it helped Calcine's nerves about cutting loose with her, then she'd endure it for Calcine. 

Maybe a bit for herself too, just a little. 

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