I Want To Lay the Very Best!

140 – Tempting Team Tactics

140 – Tempting Team Tactics

Waiting outside Trinket's house, the group quickly got bored and moved on to playing with Brandy's Pokédex. Morgan was posing Calcine on Trinket's lawn, using her wind to flutter the cape as she tipped up Calcine's chin.

"One hand on the hip, not two." Morgan said, "You want to look strong, not like you're about to help the kids solve a mystery."

Sparky was up on Brandy's back, arms draped over her shoulder as she watched Brandy line up the shot. "You're going to have to pull Morgan away, or the sun will go back down before she's happy."

So tempting to let her continue anyway. Morgan enjoyed maneuvering Calcine around so much, and the Carkol was giving her increasingly smoldering looks. They were a few minutes from Morgan eating dirt as Calcine showed her who was on top in this team, and why shouldn't Brandy get to enjoy a morning show?

Brandy sighed. Not breaking someone before the morning was over was sensible, so she clicked her tongue. "Morgan! Come over here. She looks great. You'll learn Rock Polish yourself if you spend any longer fussing over her."

Morgan patted Calcine's cheek and burst apart into a swarm of black feathers, zipping over to Brandy and coalescing beside her. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

Brandy took a picture of Morgan's chest. "I'm making this your new picture."

"Like that's a threat. Every part of me is a masterpiece."

Sparky reached out from Brandy's shoulder and pulled Morgan's hat down over her eyes.


Morgan yanked the hat back, and Brandy used the opportunity to take a picture of her pouting. She made it look good, Brandy turning to show her the thin slits of her red eyes as she stared daggers.

"Hmf. I'll give you that look as I pin you to a bed if you do that again."

"Like that's a threat." Brandy parroted, "Come on, flutter Calcine's cape for us. I've got stuff planned for us later. You can get your claws into me then."

It was a bribe, but it worked as Morgan flicked her wing and stirred up a breeze to get Calcine's fiery cape billowing. Calcine was wearing one of Brandy's shirts, but she was a bit more gifted in the chest, so it rode up to show off her muscles refined by her evolution. She made it work, even if the buttons on the shirt were screaming for their lives as they held on.

"Calcine" the Carkol
Height: 6' 2"
Type: Fire/Rock
Victories: 7
Moves Discovered:
Flame Charge
Rapid Spin
Rock Tomb
Smack Down

Carkol's warm capes help them stay sizzling hot and limber. Even better when shared with a Trainer.

Brandy Notes:
Strong: Normal, Flying, Poison, Bug, Ice, Fairy, Fire, Brandy
Weak: Fighting, Rock
Super Weak: Ground, Water

"Damn," Sparky whistled, "She really is as tall as you now. I like the notes! Calcine's stacking up the advantages."

"Notes?" Calcine came over to read her entry, giving Brandy a hip bump when she saw the unofficial addition to the list. "It means they'll fall for me easier, but Type advantage isn't a free win."

"Easy for you to say. We're both weak to you." Morgan said, "We have to deal with you're poor choice of tops."

"Brandy's got an excellent choice in tops." Calcine rumbled. "Don't sell yourself short." She reached around to put a hand on Sparky and Morgan's asses and tugged them close to her.

"You're my teammates, and I'll always be there for you."

"Aw," Sparky leaned her head against Calcine's bicep, "Hear that, Morgan? She's going to let us use her however we want."

"I have some ideas."

Brandy couldn't let them have things all their own way, or she'd barely be considered a Trainer anymore. It was her job to step in and help, so they might as well try out Calcine's new Moves at the same time.

"Calcine, use Flame Charge," Brandy said as she tucked away her Pokédex. There was a rush of heat, and then both Sparky and Morgan gasped as a heat haze flowed around Calcine and sunk into their skin. It had to be her upgrade to incinerate, more heat, but sadly, no more range. Flamethrower would have been great, but it seemed Calcine liked being up close and personal. Brandy had enjoyed it in the Gym's Sauna battle. She knew how gooey it made you on the inside.

Morgan was scratching her claws along Calcine's shirt, a moan whimpering in her throat as she nuzzled her head into the crook of Calcine's arm. Sparky clasped her hands over her crotch, shivering as the heat rolled through her and stirred her up. Calcine was just focused, enjoying their reactions as they melted against her.

Brandy lifted Sparky's head, her tongue hanging out as she panted from the heat. "Excited for today?"

"Aaaa!" Sparky squeaked as Calcine tightened her grip on her ass and bent her over into Brandy's hands. Brandy held Sparky's head up with both hands cupped over her cheeks. Enjoying the feeling of her panting cheeks rubbing over her palms as she tried to shake her thoughts clear. "Ex-excited. Yeah. Yeah."

"Ohh, she's so weak to this," Morgan gasped. She hooked her leg around Calcine's waist and pulled herself close, one hand reaching up to grab at Calcine's dark hair and try to pull her down for a kiss. Calcine wasn't shifting, just boosting the heat until Morgan was humping against her. Brandy giggled. Her attempt to be tough was failing horribly. Calcine was taking her apart from the inside.

Time for a little team practice then.

"Morgan, Gust. Cool yourself off, then share with Sparky."

Morgan didn't go gentle. She whipped a wind strong enough to bend the trees in Trinket's backyard, the sudden blast of cold air ruffling her feathers as she wafted it over her body. She'd have been blown clear if not for Calcine's firm grip on her butt, which Brandy noted for later. It could be an excellent way to break holds.

Once her feathers were nice and chilled, Morgan fluttered a wing over Sparky and pulled their bodies together. The heat from Flame Charge was still raging, so she held Sparky tight and let the wind whip over them to cool them down, fur and feathers mingling as they fluttered about madly. Calcine was grinning as she pressed the two together for a kiss and winked at Brandy.

"Mmmmmm!" Morgan moaned, a high-pitched trill as her lips parted and her tongue slipped into Sparky's mouth. Sparky was just making high-pitched squeaks, too busy kissing Morgan for her brain to devise actual words.

"Sparky ..." Brandy thought. What would be good here? "Does Agility work on tongues? Try Agility"

Morgan's eyes popped wide open as Sparky's tongue suddenly went wild and took control of this kiss with no mercy.

"Seems it does," Calcine said as Morgan melted from the heat and the kisses, her eyes glazed over as she drifted away into a happy brain fuzz. "Hey Sparky, does it work for pussy eating too?"

Sparky slowly withdrew her tongue from Morgan's mouth, a line of spit between the two arcing down to splatter over Morgan's chest. "Pussy. Eating. Eat. Yes."

"Calcine, don't you dare!" Brandy said, "We got things to do!"

Calcine laughed as she threw Sparky at Brandy, the Joltik coming at her through the air with tongue outstretched and blue eyes gleaming. She wasn't about to let her spill against the lawn, so Brandy stepped into it, catching Sparky and swinging her around in a circle to break the impact. Cackling, the Joltik tried to clamber up Brandy's arms to get at her.

Keep spinning! If she stopped, Sparky was going to savage her. As exciting as the idea was, it'd be deathly embarrassing to not even get off Trinket's lawn today before getting broken again. Round and round Brandy went, Sparky laughing madly in her arms before Brandy felt a soft impact against her back, and her legs slipped out from her. The swinging Sparky flicked her right around into a tangled mess with what she'd crashed into.

Or who she'd crashed into.

"Fail," Blaze said. Her spiky blonde hair mashed into Brandy's chest, and her head leaned back so she could look up at Brandy. "Attacking a Gym Leader. No badge for you."

Brandy blinked in shock. "Blaze? When did you get here?"

"She's been here a few minutes." Calcine said, "She was just watching."

Oh no. Had the test started already? Had she failed already?

Brandy shrugged. Well, if she had failed, she could hardly make things worse.

"Sparky, change her mind."

Blaze yelped as Sparky grabbed her legs and shoved her head between them, undoing the buttons of her jeans with her tongue.

"Wait, wait! I was kidding!" Blaze yelped. "Kidding!"

"So I get the badge?" Brandy said. "And Calcine too."

"I got Calcine's. We haven't even done the test for you yet!" Blaze groaned. She had a lovely red jacket on that she'd squeezed her unfairly massive chest into. It was already straining as Sparky teased down Blaze's pants with her teeth. "It's not to make me cum, chill!"

Being too horny for the Fire Gym Leader. This had to be an excellent start to the test. That showed true passion.

"Are there bonus points for making you cum?" Sparky mumbled as she looked up at Blaze's body. "Give Brandy a bonus point."

"She hasn't started yet!"

Sparky gave Blaze's exposed skin just above her boxers a static-charged lick, and the Gym Leader grabbed hold of the Joltik's hair and squeezed.

"Bonus point! One bonus point to Brandy! Now get off!"

"I'll get you off." Sparky purred, "Don't you worry."

"Sparky, come here," Brandy said, trying her best not to giggle. "Let her tell us what she wants."

Blaze wasn't going to go easy on them after this. But that's okay. Brandy already had a bonus point, so she was ahead of the game.

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