I Want To Lay the Very Best!

143 – Maid to Order

143 – Maid to Order

Brandy was a Trainer, so being naked in public shouldn't have embarrassed her. She would be in a tournament soon, and there was no way she would stay clothed for all of that. But something about the intensity of Weber's stare brought out a blush in her cheeks. Weber floated off the ground to keep eye-level with Brandy, but her gaze roved all over her body and took it all in with meticulous attention to detail. Brandy didn't just feel stared at. She felt like she was being analyzed. Even the slightest flaw wouldn't escape Weber's blue and red eyes. That level of scrutiny made Brandy feel hot under the collar.

Not that she had a collar for long. Morgan had pulled apart the buttons of her shirt and pulled it off with such casual ease that it was almost impressive. The fabric glided off Brandy's skin without resistance, the slight tickle of Morgan's feathers teasing Brandy to stand up straighter. Morgan tossed the shirt aside and set her sights on Brandy's bra. It was an ordinary-looking one with a latch on the back. The kind with a single, sturdy hook that Morgan should have snapped off in the blink of an eye.

She took her time, running her fingers along the seams of the bra and tugging at it to drag Brandy back into gentle bumps against her feathered Partner. Soft feathers and an equally soft chest, it wasn't unpleasant, even if Morgan was clearly doing this on purpose. The rim of her hat brushed over Brandy's hair, every stroke strangely soothing as Morgan peppered the back of her neck with teasing little kisses.

Morgan loved a good show, and she was making Brandy the star of one. It made Brandy a bit more confident. Weber's intense stare hadn't broken, and she didn't appear to react at first glance. Brandy's enhanced eyes were incredible for noticing detail, and she could detect the rising swell in the silvered skin that passed for pants on Weber's legs.

That was as clear a compliment as Brandy would get. She wouldn't complain about it. She'd let her partners do their work and hope Weber didn't melt down.

Morgan was an artist at disrobing Brandy. Sparky was not as refined. Tasked with getting Brandy's boots, socks, and skirt off, she'd gotten distracted almost immediately. Sparky had barely undone the laces before she cracked and rubbed her cheek over the muscle of Brandy's calves, a crackling static purr rumbling from her throat as she enjoyed herself.

"Is she okay?" Weber asked, dropping to her feet and kneeling to poke at Sparky's head. Sparky was utterly lost in her love of legs and just bit Weber's finger, electricity crackling over her metal skin.

Magneton were an Electric and Steel type, so Brandy wasn't too worried. Sparky's electricity usually left people squirming from over-sensitivity, but Weber took it in good grace, her thin smile curling up at the edges as the power coursed through her body. "I can understand how she got distracted. Your legs are simply gorgeous. Long enough to catch the eye but not so muscled they seem bulky. A perfect mix of aesthetics and athleticism."

Weber ran her fingers up, and down Brandy's leg, the silver-grey tips of her fingers leaving a pleasant tingle behind that was added to the static from Sparky's cheek rubbing and making Brandy's skin prickle.

"T-thanks," Brandy muttered, her eyes unable to stop looking at the bulge in Weber's pants. These eyes came with a downside. It was hard to not notice details. Distracting, enlarging details.

"It's no trouble. I love to appreciate a good form."

Sparky stopped her rubbing and looked up.

"My form's pretty great too," Sparky said, flashing her fangs at Weber as she pushed up one of Brandy's legs and pulled a boot off.

"Oh, we'll get to yours, but it is different for a human. They're so much more..."

"Fuckable?" Calcine said. She'd stood back with arms folded and was just watching with amusement.

"Not quite the word I was going for," Weber said. "But there's a simple truth to it I do like."

"Oh, we love simple," Morgan said, finally snapping the hook of Brandy's bra and letting the cups drop. "And this one is simply fuckable."

Weber's finger trailed up over Brandy's hips and over her stomach. Her fingers were warm but smooth as glass, and their rigidity pressed against her stomach muscles so firmly it made Brandy suck in a breath and hold it to tense her muscles against the press.

"Simply delicious," Weber said, a crackle of electricity flickering through her short-cropped hair, a slightly duller silver than her skin. It looked coarse, like if you tried to ruffle it, then you'd find your hand snared tightly. "I can work with this. You've got a firm body, an attractive figure, and the height to impose your beauty on others and make their breath falter."

"Well, I wouldn't say I do that." Brandy blushed. The compliments just wouldn't stop coming.

"We would," Calcine said. "Sometimes I like to enjoy just looking at you."

"She's not lying," Morgan said. She slipped her hands over Brandy's waist and hugged her. "Calcine stares and stares sometimes. Just admiring your arms and your stomach for hours and hours. Sparky's getting lost in your legs, while I can't resist this."

She sank her fingernails into Brandy's ass, tugging Brandy's skirt down as she crawled her fingers up. Brandy squirmed madly the whole way. "You have this terrible power over us, Brandy. Use it responsibly."

Brandy had reached her compliment limit; she had to get this moving along, or she'd explode from sheer praise. It was nice to hear and made her heart feel like a giant, but there was such a thing as too much, and Morgan was rapidly approaching it. She had to make a move.

Sparky wasn't going to let the skirt get all the way off while she was rubbing Brandy's legs, so Brandy put a foot to Sparky's chest, prying her off with a firm push of her leg and pinning her to the ground.

"If I have so much power," Brandy said, pushing her skirt down the rest of the way and stepping out. "Then why am I the only one naked?"

"Oh, we'll get them naked soon enough," Weber said, "But for now, let's see what I can do with you. Morgan, can you step back please? Sparky ... stay where you are?"

Sparky gave a thumbs up as her chest heaved around Brandy's foot, her bottom lip bit so hard it'd gone white. Brandy blew her a kiss, and Sparky squirmed underneath her heel.

Okay, maybe having the power was a little fun.

Weber clapped her hands, and one of her sisters dropped out of the air to give her a few black and white cloth bolts. The cloth writhed under her touch and then burst apart into a million fibers that flowed around behind her in a giant halo of black and white. Brandy knew the Move right away because it was so famous. Recycle, the ability to turn one thing into another. A fair part of the economy rested on it. It was the leading example used in schools to explain how Pokémon with powerful Moves were vital to humankind's progress.

Right now, Brandy just thought it looked damn pretty.

Weber floated closer, "Don't move till I'm done, please," she said, and then the threads circled around Brandy in a storm and snapped tight. The snap against her skin made her yelp at the sudden pressure, but it wasn't so tight it hurt, and Brandy did as she was told and held still. Weber fussed at her work, threads curling over her silver fingers and reshaped with the sound of thousands of tiny needles clicking against each other.

Brandy wanted to look down as she felt threads tracing over her legs, wrapping around her thighs and squeezing just a little, but she held her head still.

"You're teasing her," Calcine said, "Is that part of the service?"

"I'm just doing my job," Weber said, and Brandy believed her with how calmly she said it.

Morgan didn't, sniggering over Brandy's shoulder. "Oh, I think she is going above and beyond. Sparky, can you see if she's lying?"

"I see beautiful Brandy thigh, an aching robot dick yearning to be free and frills," Sparky said from below. "This skirt is looking really good, but keep it short! She looks good in short skirts."

Weber's eyes flashed and changed sides, blue becoming red and red becoming blue. A momentary lapse of concentration? Were her partners going to fluster a robot? They seemed determined to do it, and Brandy was their Trainer. She should put a stop to it.


"I love how professional you've been," Brandy said, trying to put a little huskiness into her voice. "Are you busy later? I just love doing what you tell me."

The halo of thread flickered, and Weber's face broke momentarily, her mouth gaping open. Then she snapped it closed, and her eyes flashed and changed places again as the rest of the threads snapped into place.

"Done!" Weber said, a little heated as she floated back. "Please use those attentive eyes of yours to check my work."

Brandy giggled as she looked down over the dress Weber had fitted, seeing Sparky grinning on the ground back up at her. "I'm not sure people will be staring up the skirt. You may need to move."

"No. I am very good." Sparky said. "Morgan and Calcine can check the rest of it."

They did that with enthusiasm. Morgan ran her hands down the back of the dress, fingers tickling along Brandy's spine and the curves of her shoulders. Calcine checked the hem of her skirt and ran her hands up over Brandy's front, finger flicking at the frills. Weber had taken Sparky's advice on the skirt and kept it so short it didn't even cover half her thigh. A forest of white ruffles all contained by a black outer layer of skirt made up for in thickness what it lacked in length.

Brandy was thankful for Weber deciding to give her a new shirt, a black button-up with tight cuffs around puffy sleeves. Calcine couldn't stop playing with the white ruffs along her shoulder while Morgan flicked at the short white apron hanging just below Brandy's chest. Brandy knew her boobs weren't exactly the biggest, but the fit was highly complimentary and highlighted curves she didn't even know she had.

"Love it," Calcine said. "The headdress is the perfect crown for our Maid Queen."

"Queen?" Morgan said, "I'll have to perform a revolution on her if she gets airs, but I agree she does look large and in charge. I love it. Sparky?"

"View is good."

"You're just staring up my skirt," Brandy said unsteadily as the three pawed at her.

"View is magnificent."

Pest. Weber seemed to be enjoying the view of her work as well, floating in the air and studying her critically once again. It had to be some kind of Move, though one that was putting a big smile on her face.

"Are they all going to get one of these?" Brandy said, "I wouldn't mind being the one who gets to strip them."

"Everyone will get their own, but do yourself a favor and give us a twirl before we do that."

So Brandy twirled.

And everyone gasped.

Brandy could get used to this dress.

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