I Want To Lay the Very Best!

147 – Bird Has the Last Word (18+)

147 – Bird Has the Last Word (18+)

Brandy was used to bringing smiles to her Partner's faces, but usually, it was due to an artful bit of teasing or showing a bit of skin. Maybe a burst of confidence or just some enthusiastic touching and promises. 

Morgan's smile was the biggest she'd ever seen on the feathered menace, and it was all her own dark work. She'd twisted Brandy's game rules into a way to get control over both her and Sparky. Brandy's heart was pounding, but whatever Morgan's plan was, she'd have to wait to find out, Morgan had gifted her a moment with Sparky, and she planned to use it to the fullest.

She reached out to Sparky, grabbed a handful of the soft fur on her chest, and pulled the little Bug into a deep kiss. Much as Sparky hated spicy food, kissing her bug was still a heated affair. The fizzling crackle of static on the tongue made the nerves so sensitive they burned, but it was a good burn. An explosion of warm, wet, tongue-lashing love swept both of them up in the moment.

Usually, Brandy would have done a lot more foreplay, but that was precious moments wasted when Sparky could be inside of her right now. Brandy had been given a moment of control and needed her Partner more than anything. Sparky's hips had to be held tight because she couldn't stop humping at Brandy's stomach in excitement, a squeeze so firm Sparky gave a little gasp, but Brandy had to get Sparky's cock under control. The Joltik was rather prideful about being big down there, not just for a Joltik but most Pokémon. It meant there was more than a handful for Brandy to grab firmly onto as she fished it out of Sparky's tight shorts.

Sparky's little giggle as she felt the brush of Brandy's Maid skirt over her cock was so damn cute. She really did love the dress, and how could she not? It really was gorgeous. Brandy didn't lose focus, though, lining Sparky up and bringing herself to meet them.

There was an intense jolt that made Brandy's whole body twitch as the tip of Sparky's cock kissed against her pussy lips. Sparky was gasping for air in the kiss, ragged, hungry breaths as her bright blue eyes filled up Brandy's vision. Brandy was getting used to Sparky's zaps, but it still left her with a heightened sensitivity that made the feeling of every touch multiply out of control. Sex with Sparky couldn't be anything but overwhelming because she had absolutely no control when she was worked up. It made Brandy pause as Sparky's throat whined, and the tip of her cock pulsed as it crushed against the sensitive nerves. It was like electricity was crackling through her thoughts, forcing Brandy to redouble her focus to make even the smallest of movements.

"Don't you dare cum." Morgan growled in Sparky's ear. She'd gotten behind the Joltik, supporting her back with a wing. "Brandy, I didn't tell you to stop. Handle your Partner, or do you want me to roll you on your back and use Sparky like a toy?"

Fuck, wasn't that an attractive idea? Just let Morgan do everything so they could both luxuriate in pure pleasure.

Tempting as it was, Brandy wanted to work to please her Partners, so she'd just have to do all the hard work herself. Brandy leaned forward, letting gravity help slide Sparky into her depths, and every tightly pressed inch was delightful. Sparky mewled into the kiss her tongue flailing as Brandy teased at it, the buzzing friction of her cock heightened every press over Brandy's insides. So good it almost hurt.

"Big." Brandy bubbled into the kiss and felt the satisfaction radiate off Sparky. Encouraging her to grind her hips in a circle made Brandy's insides flutter.

It was a test of Brandy's willpower to not crack, but she'd come a long way since their first frenzied night together. She knew pacing yourself could make things reach new heights. She just needed to pump Sparky's brakes a little.

"Breathe, Sparky." Brandy cooed as she broke the kiss, leaving Sparky to gasp as the Joltik looked up at her, eyes brimming with love and lust.

"And then bite." Morgan said, "Brandy's bottom lip. Get the fangs in there."

Brandy felt a surge of excitement and tried to tense herself for what was to come, but Sparky latched onto her lip so fast there just wasn't time. There was a prick of pain as Sparky's fangs bit in, but a flood of pure bliss rushed in after it to wash the hurt away.

"Mmmffph!" Brandy moaned as the Bug Bite dragged an orgasm out from deep within her, her body twitching at the sudden jolt of pleasure. Her pussy clenched over the thick length of Sparky's cock. Sparky's hands tightened on Brandy's thighs in response, and the Joltik squealed into her mouth. The sharp spike of pleasure wasn't as satisfying as a real orgasm, but it stole Brandy's breath away all the same.

"Butt up." Morgan said with a swat to Brandy's rear, "Put Sparky on her back, climb atop her. You're bigger and stronger. Use all that muscle and weight you have."

Brandy just obeyed, raising her rear into Morgan's eagerly waiting hands as she pushed her chest against Sparky's far more generous curves. Sparky's fangs didn't release, which kept Brandy's head tilted awkwardly, and with her ass up, she was completely off balance. Morgan lifted Brandy's short skirt and gave a quick slap to her cheeks, and Brandy fell right off the chair, slamming Sparky against the table and landing atop her in a tangle of limbs. Glasses jumped, and lemonade spilled everywhere as they crashed back down.

"You're Maids. Don't make a mess," Morgan admonished. "Brandy, deal with it."

She had her hands very much full. How was she going to do that? Pulling her head back, the Bug Bite built up pleasure until spots floated in front of her eyes. She ripped her lip free of Sparky's fangs. Lip sore, a few tongue presses confirmed she wasn't bleeding, just left with a lingering sting from a dry orgasm that'd left her limbs shaking. She had to improvise, and all she had was a Sparky to do it with, so she stretched her body to her full height.

That excited Sparky almost as much as being within her, eyes wide as she stared up at Brandy towering over her. Even stuck hip to hip, Sparky's head only reached up to Brandy's chest. Which was perfect because it meant Brandy could use her tits to push Sparky down until her head was pressed back into the patch of spilled lemonade.

"Lick that up," Brandy said, a nervous thrill racing through her at the horny confidence in her voice. It was Morgan making her do it, and the Murkrow's coo of approval was a warm glow that settled in her chest. Sparky happily obeyed, leaning her head to lick at the table, making messy slurping sounds as she lapped the drink and coated Brandy's chest with the sticky drink. Brandy couldn't tell if the sound was authentic or just Sparky playing tricks on her. Still, Sparky furiously working her head and tongue against Brandy's breasts at least showed a spirited effort to obey.

"Fuck her." Morgan encouraged as she got behind Brandy, her claws sinking into the plump flesh of Brandy's butt. A teasing grip that made Brandy tremble, "Make that table shake and punish her if she stops licking."

Brandy knew she wasn't the most assertive Trainer, but an order was an order. She wasn't about to disobey Morgan, so she grabbed Sparky's legs and thrust, pushing Sparky's cock deeper into her depths. The satisfaction of being so full made Brandy's toes curl. It just felt so right, and Brandy held Sparky fast as her legs kicked. The Joltik just let out a flurry of delighted squeaks, her tongue lashing madly as she kept trying to lick the table clean and just making more of a mess of Brandy's chest. The clear feedback she was frazzling Sparky's brain sent shivers racing through Brandy.

"Oh, good girl," Morgan said, her approving tone making Brandy's heart thump all the harder. "Drive her into that table. Keep that pace and don't let up, and I'll give you both a reward you won't want to miss."


A low groan from Sparky made Brandy freeze mid-thrust, but it was just a brain-addled moan, not a sign she was about to blow. Sparky's nails were scratching so hard at the table she'd cut a few thin grooves, and her tongue had stopped its wild thrashing to hang out her mouth and slap against her chin. Brandy had never measured the tongue before. It really was longer than a human's. No wonder it felt so good. 

Despite her panting, Sparky was just overwhelmed. She hadn't cum yet.

"Harder!" Morgan's voice was sharp, and Brandy was moving before she'd even processed the order. She hammered herself onto Sparky's cock, the table making a loud cracking sound as they pounded into it. 


Morgan's praise sent Brandy's head reeling, and she redoubled her efforts despite the damage. Sparky's cock was a wonderful length, hitting all the right places and leaving her body buzzing. Even her legs shook as her thrusts lost rhythm and became more erratic, but Brandy was determined to ride Sparky right into the ground. Even her own orgasm didn't slow her. Brandy's skin felt stretched to bursting as her frenzied fucking had pressed something inside of her that opened the floodgates of pleasure. Slicking Sparky's cock up with her own juices just made it easier to pound. The Joltik's breathy moans left her with no illusion that she was getting her devious little mind fucked right out of her ears right now. 


That was Morgan's voice again, and Brandy stopped, breathing hard and shaking like a leaf. It was a struggle to not keep going; the pleasure was so good she could have gone for hours, but she wanted to make Morgan happy. Morgan's claws trailed over Brandy's ass, sending shivers up her spine as she felt Morgan's dick slide between her thighs, thick and ready to finish off the table they'd half-broken already. 

Sparky was a sweaty mess, unfocused pawing for Brandy as her cock throbbed deep inside her. On the very edge of letting loose, but not quite, Morgan had cut her just short. 

"You both did great. Now relax, cuddle up," Morgan said, voice smooth as silk as she gently pushed them together. "I want to join in, and once I'm done destroying two hot maids, I'll carry both of you out of here." 

"Promises," Brandy said dizzily. "But can you back them up?"

The claw sinking into her ass came with a stab of pleasure so white hot Brandy almost came all over again.

"Oh, Brandy," Morgan purred. "You're speaking my language. I do love a challenge."

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