I Want To Lay the Very Best!

151 – Tongue Tied

151 – Tongue Tied

It was nice to be back in her boots, even if her Partners practically dragged them along the pavement on the way back to Trinkets. The streets were getting dark as the last traces of sunlight faded away; the steam-powered streetlights were still warming, and their low light had turned Motostoke into a maze of hard lines and deep shadows. 

Brandy felt safe despite the creepy twilight hour. Her Partners would have chewed up anything that gave them trouble and kept them from teaching Brandy how to flirt. Their excitement about it was infectious, and despite all the sex of the day, Brandy felt pumped up for it. Her Stamina really was increasing rapidly with three Partners to inherit from, like her body knew it needed to grow that to survive them. Maybe that held back more unique inheritances like her new eyes? Or perhaps this was just something everyone went through once they started having sex to help them keep up with Pokémon's voracious appetites. 

She'd have to ask Fenny sometime. If she could crowbar her off Scoria for a talk. 

Trinkets security bird had a riddle for them to get back in the house. 

"What is it that you can keep after-"

"We want you to teach Brandy how to tie ladies up!" Sparky yelled before the mechanical bird could finish. There was a pause, and then the door locks popped open. 

"I don't think that was the answer," Brandy said, batting away Sparky's hands as they excitedly grabbed her shirt. 

"She's a Klefki. That's the universal answer."

Sparky wasn't wrong. But it was still fun to tease her.

"I can tie people up," Brandy curled a finger into the back of Sparky's choker and tugged. The Joltik squeaked as the metal ring on the black strip of leather pressed into her throat. "Even got a Partner to do it for me."

"Technically, I bought her the choker," Calcine grinned.

"You're right! I have two Partners doing it for me! Morgan, you should learn Torment and make a hat trick."

Morgan glared at her, half of the red glow of her eyes cut off by the brim of her witch's hat. "Was that a hat pun?"

"What?" Brandy blinked and ran her own words back quickly. "Oh! Hat trick! Hah."

Morgan's gaze narrowed. "You're right, Brandy. I should learn Torment. I can think of some uses for it."

Heck yeah. It was so nice to inspire her Partners! 

Morgan's fingernails dug into Brandy's ass as she pushed her into the house, meaning Brandy was all worked up when they finally found Trinket waiting for them in a bedroom. Morgan clucked her tongue and let out a little coo at the decoration. The room was lit by candles, with fairy lights woven over the black walls and ceiling to make it look like they were all floating in space. They were adrift with a bed, at least. A massive round thing with black satin sheets piled high with plump pillows. Trinket lounged atop it all like a goddess, unashamedly naked, as she stroked the long, wavy brown hair of a woman giving her head. 

"Welcome back," Trinket said, her tinkling voice full of confidence even as she got her dick sucked. The woman doing the work had a similar pale complexion to Trinket, but she was shorter and far more filled out, with curves that would spill out all but the roomiest of clothes. Not that she had a single stitch on. Trinket was gorgeous, her key charm-filled silvery hair perfectly swept back to make her look like a bad girl who'd show you a good time. The human she had just looked like a good time, with curves you just wanted to lose your fingers in. 

A heavy scent hung in the air, sweet but thick, and Brandy took a deep breath of it and held it in to try to clear her head. Everyone else was busy staring enviously, so she had to speak up. 

"The others wanted you to teach me how to um... uh..." Brandy's train of thought faltered as she watched the human blowing Trinket really work her throat to make Trinket's toes curl. It was a really impressive move; the slight bulge of Trinket's cock against her throat just dashed any thoughts Brandy had. 

"We can always train you later," Calcine said, "If you'd rather some help there, Trinket?"

Trinket laughed and stroked along the woman's back before giving her ass a clap. It jiggled hypnotically. Everyone stared.

"I don't think I need the help." Trinket laughed after letting everyone enjoy the show for a moment. "My long-term partner can be very distracting. Can you introduce yourself, hun? This is the bunch who wanted help." 

"My name is Velvet," the woman moaned, pulling her lips off Trinket's dick. A string of saliva ran from the tip of the Klefki's penis to Velvet's chin. "And who's the lovely lady that's going to show me a good time?"

"That's me," Brandy said, tapping her chest. "I'm the one. Brandy. That's my name. The good timer."

Oh no. Velvet was way too hot for Brandy to think straight. 

"Brandy? Love that. Sounds tasty," Velvet purred, her lips curling into a wicked grin. She'd clearly inherited a whole bucket of Trinkets confidence. Wiping the spit off her lips with the back of her hand, she looked Brandy up and down approvingly. "You're a nice tall drink of a woman. Let's see what you can do."


"Come up here and take my seat, Brandy," Trinket patted the pillows, which flowed around her like they were alive to separate her from Velvet and leave a space between them. 

"Okay," Brandy swallowed and did as she was told.

"Be gentle with her, Velvet. She's a virgin," Trinket said as Brandy clambered over the bed. 

"She's definitely not!" Sparky said, "I think we've all fixed that."

"I could help do it more thoroughly if needed," Morgan said as she leaned on Calcine for support while she watched the show. "But I don't think they're talking sex, Sparky."

"You can help us, Sparky. Your webs would be useful in a little bit. Can you spin us up a few?" Trinket said, smiling as Brandy settled into the nest of pillows.

"Oh sure," the Joltik said quietly as she stretched some between her fingers. "Ohhhhhhhhh, I get it."

Calcine ruffled her hair and chuckled. "We're all learning today," she said, smiling as Brandy settled into the nest of pillows.

Velvet crawled towards Brandy with a wicked grin, and Brandy swallowed.

Right. Sexy Brandy. Let's go. 

"Pretty," Brandy said and pointed to Velvet. The slap of Morgan's hand as it hit her face rang out sharp over the rustle of fabric. 

"Honesty is good," Trinket said. "But you need some Steel. You okay to listen to me until you pick it up?"

"Brandy's skill at listening to Pokémon is like no other," Calcine said proudly, and Brandy confirmed that with a nod. 

"Perfect," Trinket said. "Don't just tell her she's pretty then. Tell her exactly what's so pretty about her."

"She's got great boobs," Brandy said, her brain still mostly checked out. Velvet smiled and leaned forward to let her tits hang heavily down and slap against Brandy's arm. 

"A little better," Trinket said. "But if you're going to compliment someone, put in the effort. You seem like a dedicated Trainer. You can do it."

"It's just hard to get the words right," Brandy said, feeling the warm weight of Velvet's breasts on her palm. They were more than a handful, and the only way to get her hand out was to slide her hand right up an ocean of cleavage. Brandy just left it there, trapped for now. 

"Then get them wrong," Velvet says. "You've lost battles before, haven't you?"

They hadn't actually lost a full-on battle, but they'd failed their first gym, and Mercury was still a question mark. "Kind of," Brandy settled on. 

"Kind of," Velvet laughed. "You're very strong, aren't you, and not just the muscles?" 

Brandy turned her head to blush, but Trinket pushed it back to meet Velvet's eyes. 

"See, simple but effective. It doesn't need to be clever. Just think about what you like and say it admiringly." Velvet said, "Make mistakes, learn from them, then come back stronger. Don't panic so much about being perfect on the first try."

What did she like about Velvet? She'd just met her, her confidence was sexy, and her figure was like a taller Sparky, all delicious curves you wanted to try and fail to fit against your body. 

Attempt two. Just feel it and say it. She could do that. Sparky never had trouble blurting things out. Just channel that!

"Your body is like a dessert," Brandy said and ran her hand up Velvet's cleavage, letting her fingers wiggle to press out at the flesh as it goes. "So soft, and I'm so hungry for you."

Velvet giggled and pushed herself forward until her tits squashed into Brandy's. "Awful."

Brandy bit back a laugh. 

"But confident! That's good, even if it was really cheesy."

"I liked it," Sparky said. "Brandy, what dessert flavor are my tits?"

"Lemon Drizzle," Brandy said without missing a beat.

"Oh shit, they probably are," Sparky said, looking down at them. "Someone suck on them to check."

Velvet snorted again and caught Brandy's hand before her face, leaning to suck on the fingertips. The wetness inside her mouth and the gentle pressure of her lips made Brandy's insides curl in on themselves with anticipation. 

"You're a quick thinker." Trinket said, "Am I right?"

"It's my favorite thing about her," Calcine said. "Morgan?"

"I like her schemes more, but there's an element of quick thinking to that. It's certainly a trait she has. She works well under pressure."

"Same," Velvet grinned, "You want to put me under pressure, Brandy?"

This lady, goodness. It was opening for a line, though. This was still training. What was sexy but not too punny? What would Calcine say? 

"You'd like a bit of pressure?" Brandy said and pushed her finger into Velvet's mouth to make her suckle on the finger. "Let's start with a little 


Velvet giggled and leaned in, pressing her tits together as Brandy used her free hand to fondle them, massaging them under her fingertips.

"Ohhh," Morgan whispered. "That wasn't bad."

"Nice," Calcine agreed.

"Good, Brandy." Trinket nodded, "Nice touch, using what she was offering. Now you're flirting, you escalate."

Brandy thought fondling their chest was a bit more than flirting, but Trinket was a Pokémon. Anything that was bending someone over a table was flirting with them. Still, even if the lesson was a bit extreme, it didn't mean she couldn't take something from it. Focus on what she liked and explain it with some flair. Morgan was all flair. What would she say? 

No, that wasn't right. Morgan didn't just use words; she put on a show, and Brandy still needed to set a stage. Brandy grabbed one of Velvet's hands by the wrist, put it on her stomach, and gave Velvet a slow kiss. Velvet tasted sweet, the same rich scent the air had, and Brandy was glad her mouth was closed because it would have been easy just to open up and let Velvet fill her mouth with that flavor. Instead, she let the kiss linger until she felt Velvet relax under her, her breath quickening. 

"Feel that?" Brandy said, tightening her stomach. "Feel the definition."

Morgan liked to take things slow, so Brandy didn't say more. She left the command in the air, waiting until she felt Velvet's fingers trace over her abs. Their faces almost touching, Brandy put her hand over Velvet's and squeezed it, crushing it into Brandy's taut stomach. "You want to be pressed? I've enough power here to fold you in half."

Velvet blew out a hot breath and fluttered her eyelashes. "Trinket! She learns too quickly. My word."

"Maybe I'm just an excellent teacher." Trinket said, "Sparky, you have those webs ready?"

"I do, but I don't think we can tie people up at the barbecue."

"Unless they ask for it," Morgan said, "There's no rule against it."

"They'll make one." Sparky giggled. 

"The tying up is for all of us," Trinket said, "But in the spirit of training, there's a challenge here too. Brandy, you're not allowed to touch Velvet too much while doing this, so try to make her squirm with your words. Keep that blush on her cheeks, and if you want to throw a compliment or two my way, I won't complain."

More compliments and sexy talk. It was not something Brandy felt came naturally. But for her Partners, it did. Brandy didn't just have to inherit Stamina from them to make a change in herself. Their attitudes were hers to share, which meant she had a lot to work with.

As Sparky handed her a web, Brandy tried to emulate some Calcine confidence. She could do this. She'd have Velvet singing her praises and make everyone proud. 

Hopefully, Trinket would show her how to tie a good knot. She could only do the ones with bows. 

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