I Want To Lay the Very Best!

155 – Service With a Smile

155 – Service With a Smile

"Looks delicious." the tall Pokémon's gold rings jingled along her long horns as she purred out the compliment. Her big, puffy brown hair flowed around her horns as she shamelessly looked Brandy up and down. "I can't wait to get my hands on that."

Brandy smiled as she leaned in to slide the plates of piping hot food off her arms. The Pokémon tightened her grip on her Trainer, a cute, dark-skinned little thing with an afro of her own tucked away in those massive, powerful arms. She locked her eyes on the pair, the human blushing simply by looking at Brandy as the Bouffalant roved hungry yellow eyes down Brandy's bent body. The black lines bleeding down from the Bouffalant's eyes in clean lines, coupled with a powerful body that looked like it could fold Brandy into a cube if it wanted to, made her look like some kind of show wrestler. She was absolutely gorgeous, and only a few days ago, Brandy would have been wet putty this close up to her.

"Two Berry and Beef skewers," Brand said with a wink to the human. She tucked her head into her Partner's chest with a bite of her bottom lip and an adorable smile. "You're going to share them, right? I don't know how you'll find time to eat it with pretty lips that close."

"We'll manage somehow," the Bouffalant hummed. "But there's so much here. Do you want to help us?"

"I am here and happy to serve you both," Brandy said with a polite giggle as she set her tray down on the table. Brandy flicked her skirt up as she leaned forward and enjoyed the huffed snort of lust she got. Pressed her hand to the Bouffalant's side, she slid her hand over their body, enjoying the feeling of the firm muscles as the horned woman's gaze followed the hand's path until it found her Partner's side.

Brandy's eyes wandered back to the human she was sharing a lap with. The poor woman was easily a head shorter than Brandy, sweating bullets with nervous excitement at suddenly being inches away from some top-tier maid bust. She was looking up at Brandy in awe with shy, beautiful brown eyes, and even if she hadn't intended it, they immediately stole Brandy's heart. It was just how worshiping they were, shining like Brandy was some kind of maid goddess from a realm of hotness so far beyond her. All the poor human could do was sit there in reverent silence. It was strange, but her flirting making women feel like this made Brandy feel so damn powerful.

She'd initially struggled with Velvet to find her voice in situations like this, but all that practice had helped her see the real truth. She had the power to show women a good time, and it'd be a tragic waste not to use that power they gave her.

"Your Partner's so pretty," Brandy said to the Bouffalant as she took a skewer. "But of course, she'd have to be to steal the heart of a Pokémon like you."

The Bouffalant laughed, "Everyone loves my precious Marigold. Isn't she the best? She's strained her voice and is resting today, but you wouldn't believe the things she can do with her tongue."

Marigold blushed, patting the Bouffalant's chest with a slap, the massive chest wobbling against both their bodies.

"I'll try to rest her throat, but Spitfire's food is delicious. Try a small bite?" Brandy laughed and turned her attention to the skewers, pulling the first bit of meat off the sticks and bringing it toward Marigold's mouth.

The Bouffalant watched her every movement as Brandy parted Marigold's lips and slid the juicy morsel inside. Marigold sucked on the meat, shivering happily as the juices ran down her throat before she sucked in the rest of it and Brandy's fingers too. It oddly seemed to give her some confidence, her brown eyes hardening as she stared down her hand and licked Brandy's fingers clean one by one.

The Bouffalant wasn't a subtle woman. She was a big girl in plenty of ways, and that length hardening against Brandy's thigh clearly showed she loved what she saw. "So hot. Look at her, she's so fucking good. Bet you can work out how she lost her voice."

Marigold sucked off Brandy's fingers, and it made her tremble inside. She was really good with her mouth. It reminded her of Pip, some kind of dicksucking virtuoso. Nexus was a company where they pushed what was possible with inheritance, was Marigold's job really to suck dicks beyond the limits of a regular woman's jaw?

It made Brandy ache a little as Marigold finished skillfully cleaning off her fingers. Stupid lucky Pokémon and their cocks. Why couldn't Brandy have one? Just to try out now and then. She'd use it responsibly.

Well. Mostly responsibly.

"I know she's a treasure, but I think I should get a piece to eat." the Bouffalant growled. "I'm feeling a hunger."

Brandy needed to slink out of the situation soon, or she would end up bent over a table. Blaze setting her a challenge where she has to avoid that fate was so evil. Maybe she could speed this up a little?

"Do you want hot sauce with it?" Brandy poked out her tongue, "I came pre-loaded."

"I can take the heat," the Bouffalant squeezing both Brandy's and Marigold's asses as her grins widened. "Slather it on."

Brandy did as she was told, loading up a fried berry piece as the Bouffalant and Marigold watched with barely contained anticipation. When the Bouffalant felt she'd poured enough, she moved in and proved herself a messy eater as she bit into the Berry while it was still on the skewer. Sticky trails of juice and spicy sauce dripped down her face as she mauled the Berry, her eyes fixed on Brandy. Brandy's insides couldn't help but squirm.

Not fair. That should be her!

She controlled the Berry skewer and used it as a guide, steering the Bouffalant into Marigold. She went through the berry piece in seconds. She was on Marigold in a feeding frenzy, the two sharing an incredibly spicy kiss as Marigold had her throat taken by Bouffalant tongue, squeezed between all those muscles into a content little ball of pure joy.

Brandy poured a glass of water over them to help cool the spice off, pawing at each other's wet clothes with gurgled moans.

Another satisfied couple!

Brandy extracted herself and tried to clean up with some napkins. It was slow progress, but they were working their way through the tables.

Hopefully, the others were working hard too!



It was a quiet scream but persistent. Sparky couldn't yell louder because she'd balanced her tray on her breasts, and if it shook any more, it'd fall. Her tormentors were so fucking hot, too, both physically and literally. The Pokémon's naked body was made entirely of white wax, but not a lot of it, so her body had been shaped into something not that far from Sparky's own figure. Short but stacked, with white hair that dripped down from her head in messy curls.

The hot wax of the pure white Pokémon's chest flowed over Sparky's hands. Fondling breasts usually didn't involve going all in, and maybe if it wasn't a Ghost, Sparky could have appreciated the weirdness of it. It didn't burn. The heat was at the delicious point a sauna can reach where it warmed your very core, making Sparky want to squirm to try to work it out and take a cool breath. Staring into the brilliant blue flame eyes certainly didn't help her chill out.

Why did she have to get the ghost?

"I can't believe she's brought us the wrong order," the wax Pokémon tutted. "So naughty."

"A terror," the pale-skinned Trainer said. She was wearing a leather corset, was almost as tall as Brandy, and had a stern 'I will crush you like the bug you are' expression that had drawn Sparky in like a moth to the flame. She'd been hoping to tease her a bit, try to charm her, or at least encourage her to squeeze Sparky for being so cheeky, but it had backfired fast.

The wax Pokémon raised a hand to Sparky's mouth and poked those soft fingers against Sparky's teeth. "You're lucky you're such a treat on the eyes, or I'd have you so inside me right now you'd ruin your sexy outfit." she pulled Sparky closer, the blue flames burning bright in her eyes. "I'd puppet you to eat out my goddess as an apology until your tongue went numb."

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Sparky replied.

Ghosts were fucking insane. Sparky couldn't deal with them. Her usual teasing couldn't contend with absolute fucking crazy.

"You're going to get the order right when you return," the Wax Pokémon said. "I'm not going to have to make you do it right, am I? Oh, ho ho. Please say I have to make you. I want to make you."

"aaaaaaaa?" Sparky yelped, her tray trembling. Fuck, it wasn't fair how sexy horror was.

"Go try again, and if you come back with the wrong order, Curse will be the least of your problems. I will get deeper in you than you thought possible and make you really scream."

Sparky walked away unsteadily, mind spinning and trying to keep her erection pushed down into her stockings.

Did she behave? Or did she push her luck? She'd never had to actually consider the option before. Fucking Ghosts. Fucking Impossibly hot Ghost Trainers. Fuck this wasn't fair!

At least Morgan was probably also having a tough time. Sparky couldn't see her taking to a service job easily.


"Aren't you two precious?" Morgan said as she leaned over the table. A pink-haired human hugged her green-haired deer-horned Partner, both of them wide-eyed as Morgan's red eyes shined out from the shadow of her hat brim. "You ever seen a Murkrow before?"

They both shook their heads.

"Then enjoy the sight!" she reached out, stroking her wing under their chins, raising and lowering their heads to make them take her all in. "I'm beautiful, aren't I?"

They both nodded their heads.

"You want to sink your hands into my feathers, don't you? Feel how soft they really are?"

They both nodded their heads. Vigorously.

"Good girls."

Being a maid was so easy. Morgan didn't even need the tray. They just ate right out of her hands.

She'd make Head Maid for sure. The others didn't even realize they were in the competition, even if Calcine acted like she'd already won.


"Three mixed berry and meat kabobs, two lentil soups with peri sauce, one Pinap Berry soup with fish flakes, two chips and dip, a seared fish stake in the shape of a heart, a heart poffin bacon wrap, a hearty meat soup, and two jugs lemonade."

Calcine's tray was piled so high it would have tumbled if her arm wasn't so rock steady. She just set it all down right in front of a cat-eared, blue-haired woman with a round figure that towered over Calcine and dominated her entire bench. A tiny little pink bow was tied among her shaggy mane of hair. Her Trainer was in her lap. It was cute that despite the human being much skinnier and shorter, she had the same hair and hoodie as the massive Pokémon. A matching set. The human had her back against the Pokémon's enormous chest and held her belly with both hands, breathing steadily, head held to the sky as she panted out slow breaths.

"Does your Partner want something too?" Calcine said.

"Crazy you remembered all that. I'm impressed. And no," the Snorlax said, baring their two fangs in a proud grin and hugging her Trainer. "She's pretty full right now. I always make sure she's stuffed."

Calcine looked at the pudgy belly of the Trainer compared to her skinny arms. The breathy moan as she stirred in the Snorlax's lap, and her limbs twitched.

Oh. That bulging stomach wasn't fat.


Calcine gave a bow. "If you need anything else, just ask."

"I will," the Snorlax grinned. "I always make sure she gets her fill. But I'll give you a chance to serve some others. You go knock them dead."

Calcine looked to the next table. Which seemed to be three excitable Zigzagoons absolutely savaging a punk-haired trainer trying to rub their furry bellies as they chewed off the layers of her outfit.

She had a sneaky suspicion everyone was leaving the difficult tables to her.

Calcine cracked her knuckles and adjusted her maid bonnet.

Good. She'd rise up to handle the difficult challenges, however they came. If she could bear the burden of the others and ease the day, she'd feel accomplished.

Determined and, more importantly, mostly bite-proof, Calcine threw herself back into her work.

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