I Want To Lay the Very Best!

45 – Changing Places

45 – Changing Places

Brandy had a style, but it was very much 'Hiking gear, all the time, no matter what.' Big boots, sensible trousers with plenty of pockets and a light top with a good jacket. It was practical and comfortable, perfect for someone who'd inevitably throw themselves into trouble, as long as trouble looked pretty. Her partners had done a good job there; Brandy was still stoked about the travel gear they'd bought her before they got Sparky's collar. The fur lining on her coat was so warm it horribly tempted her to sleep in it. 

Calcine had a much different style, a gym rat look with tight tops and plenty of skin showing. Not that Brandy minded that one bit. So it was a surprise to see how enthusiastic Calcine was about skirts, tights, and other things neither had probably worn except for the most special days. Or at least it was a surprise until Calcine dragged Brandy into a dressing room and ordered her to strip. 

"I know it's cliche, but there's no way we're having sex in here. I'm still worn out from Pretty," Brandy said as she wormed her way out of her new top. She couldn't help but smile at the idea as Calcine helped tug it off. If you'd told her she'd be passing up sex a week ago, she'd have called it crazy talk. 

"I know you. You'll find an excuse," Calcine said as she carefully folded up Brandy's top. "But I wasn't kidding. I want to plan as we do this. We can't just rush Mercury. She's a bit of a local legend."

"You know of her?" Brandy said, eyebrow raised as she turned to let Calcine undo her bra. "I thought you didn't get out of that mine much."

"I left now and then to get Lapidary some books on sculpting. She never read them. I think she just wanted an excuse to send me out." Calcine said with a shrug. "Met Mercury only once while doing that. She was ruining a pair of twins I'd fought earlier."

"Wait, you had a threesome with twins?" Brandy said, weirdly jealous of the idea. She couldn't compete with twins. 

"I wish! They were just practicing fighting and didn't want to warm me up to do anything." Calcine leaned down to get Brandy's boots, Brandy kicking her feet up to make it easier. "I battered their Eevee about a bit, and then Lapidary tossed them out because they were just annoying. Shame, really."

"Twins. " Brandy nodded. Sure, she was jealous, but she understood. "You think Sparky has a twin?"

"We can only hope not," Calcine snorted. "She's pretty big for a Joltik, though. I think she's unique."

Brandy picked the first set of clothes off the top of the pile. It had a lacy bra, something she'd never really had before, and she looked at it like a Voltorb who'd reached the end of her fuse. Putting it on slowly like it might bite her, she gave Calcine some side-eye. "Oh yeah, you were going to tell me what you two did together. Pretty big, is she?"

Calcine blushed, which was a fun look on coal-black skin. A warm red heat on her cheeks, like her skin was about to catch aflame. "I mean, she brags about it enough, but I didn't do anything like that. She took care of me, so I could give you a hot massage and shake your brain back into your skull."

"She's always up for taking one for the team. You two enjoy it?"

"It was pretty unique. I liked it, but it's not the sort of thing I'd dislike from near anyone." Calcine blushed all the harder. "Sparky's a pest, but she's growing on me. I kind of miss her when she's not about. Even if she is getting to fuck your Coach."

That seemed cute enough. Well, ignoring the fucking her coach part. Brandy had worried Calcine had issues with Sparky with all their bickering. Still, she had also insisted Sparky get her due. Bug and Rock were opposites in personality types, but Fire and Rock were opposites too, and Calcine would be both of them. Maybe opposites were more exciting to her than most. Brandy would never have picked either Sparky or Calcine as her 'type' if you'd asked her before she met them, but now she couldn't imagine choosing anyone else. 

"She loved the Choker. You really spoiled her with that one." Brandy said and meant it. Sparky was easy to excite, but it'd been a special excitement for getting a gift like that. 

"So she thinks. She doesn't know I've bought a leash," Calcine laughed.

Brandy laughed too, the pair sharing a giggle together before suspicion crept in and Brandy narrower her eyes at Calcine. "Wait, did you really buy a leash?"

Calcine just smiled and held up a skirt. Brandy tried to pretend she hadn't seen it, clicking her tongue as she twisted her body back and fore, showing off the bra. "I don't have the body for something this fancy. I barely fill this."

"You look great. Fishing for compliments is what you're doing."

"Darn right! You make fun of my boobs all the time."

"They're fine. You're normal for a human."

Brandy huffed. Normal for a human, flat as hell for a Pokémon. Hardly fair that. 

"Put the skirt on," Calcine said, "and tell me about how Sparky fits into the plan for Mercury."

Brandy snatched the skirt and looked at it like she'd never seen one before. Two holes? How could it work? But Calcine didn't need to blink, she couldn't really out-stare a Rolycoly, and eventually, there was nothing to do but put it on. 

"Her webs. She'll have to use her psychic moves if we can restrict Mercury's limbs."

"We won't be the first to try that. She's defeated a whole score of Trainers without anyone getting a good idea of her moves." 

"Yeah and that's weird isn't it? I bet a few got cocky trying to capture her or panicked, but for her never to use a move? That's scary good natural talent. We've got to force her into a position she has to use her Moves to get out of."

Calcine tapped her fingers on her arm as she thought about it, trying to find a gap. "We can't just rely on Webs. Rock Polish, I can reshape rocks if she's near them. If we can pick our battlefield, I might trap her some. Keep her off balance. Make it easier for Sparky to control her."

"Works. Sparky's a good agile ranged. You're our front line." 

"Not against her. She's too strong." Calcine shook her head as she flexed an arm. It was always lovely to see her do that. Brandy liked a bit of muscle, and Calcine looked gorgeously fit. "I might take a hit or two, but I'm not pinning her."

Brandy wasn't sure about that, maybe not on her own, but she had ideas of how the two could combo up to pull it off. Calcine looked more resigned than enthusiastic about the plan, and Brandy put a hand on her arm.

"Hey. You can drag me back if you think we're doing too much. I don't want to embarrass us." Brandy said, watching Calcine's eyes. "I know I push hard."

Calcine didn't answer and tugged at the skirt she'd picked for Brandy to help it sit right on her. It was far shorter than anything she'd ever have picked out. Not only was it higher than her knee, but it also showed quite a bit of thigh. Brandy gave it a swish once it was on, and it flicked about like it was made of feathers. 

"Oh shit," Calcine said, "Do that again."

Brandy did, and Calcine bit her lip. "That's good... hrm... you think you could wear that against Mercury?"

"What? Why?" 

"Because Mercury loves fucking, and if you can get her all worked up, she'll think more with her dick than her head. You don't want to let Psychic types think, and they'll always win there."

"She's Fairy too, though, unreal beauty."

Calcine snorted. "Mercury is a weird Fairy type. They're usually slinky, sweet and pretty, while she's just a pretty huge dick."

Brandy blanked out thinking about that, and Calcine had to flick her thighs. "Not that kind of huge dick."

"'s real big though" Brandy said, with a fond smile.

She didn't even see Calcine come in to push her off balance, pushed Brandy up to the wall and ran a hand along her thigh. "I'm not enough for you, is it?"

Brandy blinked in surprise. "N-no? You're so good."

Calcine pressed a finger against Brandy's lips, shushing her. "And you've got lovely legs, but I don't let this distract me. To answer your early question, making mistakes is fine long as you learn from them. Even if we do get a Move out of Mercury, she probably will get to fuck you. Are you ready for that?"

Brandy shifted her leg against Calcine's grip, rolling the flesh of her thigh along Calcine's stiff fingers. Her breath felt hot on her lips. She was getting worked up fast. Calcine being firm was exciting. She couldn't help it!

"I can take it," Brandy said, dipping her head forward to bump Calcine's forehead. "And if I can't, I'll get better for the practice. You both are going to Evolve someday, I want to be ready."

The changing room curtain twitched, and the pair went stiff as they were caught out. One of the staff walked in, a human woman with a whole bunch of colorful flowers put into her green hair and a dress whose hem was patterned with more flowers. It was an adorable look. Brandy had guessed she was probably dating a Comfey since she had that little bit of pretty 'shine' people who had Fairy types as partners got. Their bodies just popped out of a scene, like they had their own hidden sun lighting them up. Movie stars in real life, it was enough to make Brandy consider a Fairy Type in her future.

"Oh, nice legs." the flowery saleslady said as she chewed her bottom lip. "Oh! Fucking too. Should I come back?"

"We're not fucking," Calcine said, "I'm just getting her to pay attention."

"She looks pretty taken with you," the Saleswoman smiled. "I just wanted to check you weren't going to ruin our wall."

"Might," Brandy said, "Calcine likes skirts."

"Let's get you in tights as well first," Calcine said, "then we'll see if I can resist."

"If you want to see some more skirts, come see me after. I got some lovely ones! Might forgive any breakages too." the Saleswoman said, winking at Calcine. 

"Hey! Are all the staff here out to poach my Pokémon? First Sparky, now Calcine?"

The Saleswoman blew them a kiss as she left. "Your fault for dating the pretty ones, honey. I'll leave you two lovebirds be."

Brandy and Calcine stared at each other as they heard her go. 

"So could I..." Calcine started before her thought got stopped by Brandy tugging her cheeks out. 

"Sparky gets a treat. You get to be responsible! I'll swap next time, now pick me out some stockings and tell me I look pretty. That's your job."

"Thought my job was to fuck you."

"Well, that depends on how believable your compliments are, so bring your A-game."

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