I Want To Lay the Very Best!

59 – Used to the Darkness

59 – Used to the Darkness

Brandy had plenty of time to get Calcine off. She'd cuddled up to the warm Pokémon and enjoyed watching Shay get ruined once they were done. It'd taken quite a long time for the battle to end as Shay seemed to string an endless series of orgasms together. Brandy was fairly sure Shay would have exhausted quicker if she'd had Sparky actually fuck her properly, but watching the oral expert get taken down by tongues was just too sweet an irony to spoil. Sparky might love fucking women, but embarrassing them was just as much a thrill for the Bug Type, and Brandy wouldn't spoil her chance to make Shay blush. 

It'd worked. Shay had a gorgeous blush on her cheeks as she lay in Sparky's lap, the Joltik ruffling Shay's two-toned black and brown hair, giving the big quiff she had playful flicks and letting it bob. It impressed Brandy that Shay had a voice right now. She'd screamed enough over the past hour that she should have been croakily begging for honey. It was a glimpse into the unreal stamina of a more experienced Trainer who'd inherited a lot from her partners. 

"Setting my Partners on me. That was such a cheap move," Shay grumbled as she shuffled against her partners. Cardia and Nicola hugged her side tightly and peppered her neck with little kisses. It was actually adorable how affectionate they were being.

"Didn't realize you were such a stickler for the rules," Brandy said, maybe a little smugness creeping into her tone. She'd earned it. 

Shay rolled her eyes. "Har, har. I said I'd apologize for wrecking the Berry Farm."  

Cardia's skin had lightened to the yellow tone that made her sleepier after the long feast. Her tufty ears sank at Shay's words, and she buried her face into Shay's neck. "It was my fault, sorry."

"Hey," Shay reached up to tease a thumb over Cardia's mouth, making her squirm as she felt the taste of it roll along the inside of her lips. "You don't apologize for who you are. No going back to bad habits."

It sounded genuine. For all her first impressions of Shay as trouble, she was good to her Partners, perhaps too good if she was starting dumb fights over them. 

"It can't be easy being a Dark Ace," Brandy said, trying to be understanding "But you can't just mess up people's lives."

"I know," Shay sighed, leaning back against Sparky's expansive chest, staring up at her twin sets of blue eyes. "Cardia's hunger is something she's still struggling with, but I don't want to drag her every time it gets out of control. She's a Dark. Her instincts are part of who she is."

Brandy bit back her snap opinion and let Calcine's warmth calm her as she thought this over. Shay was a Dark Ace, and she had far more training with them than Brandy, so she'd know them better. Nicola seemed like a true sweetheart, and for all of Cardia's mad, electric energy, she had been eager to please. It made sense Shay didn't want to be constantly lecturing Partners who had to fight their instincts. Dark Types got a reputation as being difficult to control. They were usually the bad guys in films, and kid stories often had a naughty Sneasel or a wicked Impidimp. Most Trainers only ever bonded with one if they didn't outright avoid them, as they usually ended up causing trouble in cities. 

It explained Nicola's desire to be a Good Girl. She'd no doubt been caught out being a bad girl a lot, and she was trying to fight her nature and turn it into something positive. 

"How about you don't apologize?" Brandy said. Shay raised an eyebrow at the suggestion. "Go further. Make it up to her."

"It's a Skwovet called Connie who runs the berry farm," Calcine said, ignoring Shay's snort at the obvious berry-hoarding joke. "I think you've got the skills to make it up to her."

"Really?" Shay said, "Why do you say that?"

"Well, you've been inheriting a lot from your partners, haven't you?" Calcine glanced at Sparky, put her fingers to her lips like she was kissing them, and drew them out. 

Her partners were doing so much better as a team lately. Brandy didn't even have time to puzzle out what that meant, because Sparky got it right away. She pushed her fingers into Shay's mouth, making the Trainer give a surprised gasp before drawing out her tongue. Shay had pierced it with a silver stud that gleamed in the daylight, Sparky cooing as she gave it a press, squishing Shay's tongue between her fingers. 

"That's so cool," Sparky said. "I want one. We should all get one!" 

"That's not what I meant," Calcine said quickly, as eager as Brandy to gloss over that suggestion. "Keep going."

"Keep going? Oh, oh!" Sparky tugged on Shay's tongue and drew it out even further. After being on the receiving end of Nicola's tongue, just the sight of it made Butterfrees flutter in Brandy's stomach. 

Shay earned a reverent gasp from Sparky when she pulled out Shay's tongue far enough to reveal a second piercing. Sparky bit her bottom lip hard. "Calcine, I'm scared to continue."

"See? I think you can easily make it up to Connie." Calcine nodded, squeezing Brandy's hands and raising out her arms as she felt her Trainer squirm in her grip. 

Brandy felt awfully warm right now. It must be Calcine's heat. So strange she'd got even hotter all of a sudden. Brandy rubbed her shoulder blades against Calcine's stomach, burying her head between Calcine's chest to hide a very obvious blush. 

Shay snapped her tongue back in, then flicked the tip at Brandy and blew her a kiss. "She's devious too. I think I'm starting to see what type Brandy loves. No wonder I lost. I wasn't expecting a leggy jock to be such a sneak."

"You were close to winning," Brandy mumbled, trying not to think about tongue and failing. This was going to mess her up for days. "Dark types are scary."

"Liar," Shay said, flicking her tongue at Brandy and making her blush even brighter. "You're falling for them."

"Well, they seem nice. Nicola was really good."  

"Thank you," Nicola said smoothly. "I do like to be praised by a beautiful woman."

Brandy's train of thought derailed. Nicola sounded so normal, not the clipped, heated, hungry mess she'd been in battle. 

Shay laughed at her and reached to pet one of Nicola's ears, the Nickit leaning into her head and purring happily. "Nicola's smart too. She just loses herself around pretty girls."

"Wow," Sparky said, "Can't imagine someone like that."

"Nicola, can you bite Sparky for me?" Brandy said, "She loves it."

Sparky's static yelp was worth it. Brandy hadn't even been lying, really. Sparky's sharp breath came with some delighted eyes as fangs pricked at her side. Nicola kept going at her as she tried to squirm away, Shay sliding off her lap as Brandy went over, giggling madly, trying to bat the Nickit off with her hand and dodge the teeth snapping at her fingers. Cardia helped Shay up to her feet, acting as a sturdy post to lean on for the Trainer, who was still wobbly in the legs. 

"You sure you want that shot at Mercury? You beat my girls and I, but I'm going at her for a reason. Psychic can't touch Dark. I think a lot of her success is because she's so good at getting into people's heads."

Brandy had suspected the same. Sex so good it consistently put women in the Poké-center was something you could learn, but Mercury seemed to have a talent for knowing what Women wanted even beyond a Psychic Type. She had suspicions about the encounter with Maple that'd confirm the theory. 

"Why do you want Mercury?" Brandy asked. "She's not a Dark Type."

"She acts like one. A lot of instinct. I feel I'd understand my Partners better if I could work out why she's like that. Nicola has to be really close to Evolution, but she just can't quite grasp it," she says, nodding to the Nickit, who'd wrapped Sparky up in a ball with her tail and was licking at her neck affectionately, making Sparky giggle as electricity crackled in her fur. 

"Evolution's always different for Pokémon," Calcine said, "You might not learn much. She won't even be able to read Nicola's mind."

"I know, but I want Nicola to get her moment. It's the best idea I had," Shay said as she reached Calcine and Brandy, sliding down Cardia to sit in front of them. "She's strong and knows herself, despite being tugged around by her dick. There's something strange about it all, important. Just a feeling."

"Could team up?" Brandy said, "Be really strong together." 

"Nah, you know that's not fair on her. You won, so you go first." Shay grinned, "I can watch and see how you fail, then take my shot."

"What?" Brandy spluttered. "That's so sneaky!"

"Coming from the Sneak Ace" Cardia grinned, Shay laughing at her joke a little too hard for Brandy's liking. 

"Fine, I guess I wanted it anyway, but it is sneaky. You'll be busy apologizing to Connie anyway."

"Might not take that long" Shay flicked her tongue at Brandy, laughing as she shied back into Calcine's chest, a blush deepening her cheeks. "Oh, you are too cute. Glad I got to meet you before you get some experience under your belt."

"She's going to be a monster," Calcine nodded. "Can't wait."

Shay tapped her chin thoughtfully as Calcine fussed with the blushing Brandy, massaging her head with her chest and running delightfully hot fingers along the curves of her face. 

"Tell you what, to make up for being kind of a jerk, I got an idea. A hot tip."

"Oh?" Calcine said, "I do like hot." 

"A Dark Pokémon I didn't capture because she was a little too feisty for me. I think you'd get along with her really well. You seem like you're building a big mixed team, and she has everything you'd like. I'll tell you after I watch Mercury turn your brain into a paste."

"Everything I'd like?" Brandy raised an eyebrow and ignored the Mercury comment. She wasn't sure Shay knew her as well as she thought. 

Shay poked her tongue out again, far enough to reveal a third silver stud, and she wiggled it at Brandy suggestively. 

Well. Maybe Shay knew her a little because Brandy liked the look of that. 

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