I Want To Lay the Very Best!

61 – That’s Bait

61 – That’s Bait

If Brandy had been able to pay more attention, she'd have appreciated the view at the top of the hill. Turrfield might not be the biggest of towns, but it was stunning to look at. If she'd looked carefully, she might have been able to pick out Connie's berry farm and the distant specks of Shay and her group heading that way or the sprinkled donut that was the Turrfield Gym. She could have enjoyed the patchwork colors of the fields, or the massive geoglyph of a Toxtricity, though Brandy had always argued it was a Quilava because they were just way hotter. 

Brandy didn't notice any of this, though, because she was stuck being the filler of a Pokémon sandwich, laid out on the hill with Sparky hugging one side of her and Calcine on the other. 

"I'm starting to think this bait idea isn't real," Brandy mumbled, enjoying the warmth of Calcine on her side as she lay on the grass of the hill. The wind was sharper up here, and Sparky's fur was a treat to cuddle up to as she tried to shield herself from it.

"It works," Sparky said, giving Brandy a peppering of kisses along her shoulder. "Wild Pokémon can sense a chance to bond from miles away. How I managed to find you to jump you. You were like a beacon on your first day out."

"Only Wild?" Brandy said, rolling her shoulder into the kisses. Calcine was playing with Brandy's spiky hair, running her rough fingers through it, and the stroking sensation was quite pleasant.  

"It's harder when we have a Partner," Calcine said, tilting Brandy's head back with a light tug on her hair so there was more neck for Sparky to get at. Her breath was hot on Brandy's ear, making her heart flutter when she spoke with a slow, smoky roll. "You're a lot stronger in our hearts. Overwhelm our senses."

The tone gave Brandy the shivers, but in a good way. It felt good to know her presence was strong enough that she blinded them, so bright they had trouble having eyes for anyone else. Brandy wasn't jealous. She didn't mind them going off and having fun with others, but maybe she also liked the idea they were thinking of her now and then when they did. It was like she was there with them. The idea worked her up, and she raised a leg to rub along Sparky's thigh, kneading her knee into Sparky's butt and pressing her closer to the hug. Sparky might be short, but she was all curves, which led to a lot of squishing, all of it delightful. 

"So the more worked up I am, the better the bait," Brandy said. "I thought I was going to flutter my skirt, and she'd come running."

"Well, yes," Calcine grinned, "You wouldn't have worn it if we hadn't said it was important."

Skirt-addicted sneaks!

It was hard to be mad when it gave her more skin to press against them. Calcine was running her hand along Brandy's thigh while she stroked Sparky's legs, and the warm fingers weren't shy about dipping under the skirt and running trails almost up all the way up to her panties. She wanted them to go further, but Calcine was teasing it out, stopping just shy and lazily rolling circles with her fingers before going back down again. Sparky was mauling her neck with kisses, and it was hard to talk when you had teeth nipping and catching your breath. 

Brandy might sometimes worry over her lack of chest, but she did overplay it sometimes. There was enough for Sparky to get a handful and squeeze, and she didn't even need to use any electricity to have Brandy squirming like she was being shocked. The feeling of even pressure from squeezing fingers made her back arch, and Calcine filled the space, breasts rolling over her back as she rubbed herself up and down Brandy's body. 

"You smell nice, Brandy," Calcine purred as she took a deep breath of Brandy's hair, "Maybe we could skip the whole bait thing, and I could really warm you up."

Brandy bit her lip, looking down at Sparky's beaming face as she laid her chin on Brandy's breasts and looked up at her. The excited crackle in her eyes was too much. Brandy ran her hand over the curve of Sparky's breasts and down her stomach, fingers moving at speed towards the hard length Brandy could feel pressing into her from between Sparky's legs. 

"She's going to do it," Sparky giggled, "Look at her. She's horny enough that she might burst. She wants diiiick."

Sparky teasing didn't ruin the mood, but it helped Brandy focus a little, her hand sliding back up over Sparky's body until it got a hold of her cheeks, squeezing them together and pursing Sparky's lips. 

"Thought you believed in me," Brandy growled playfully, "But here you are wagging your tongue."

Sparky's eyes were wide in shock at the sudden, assertive grasp. Brandy used her grip to tug Sparky forward into a quick kiss, and then bit down on Sparky's bottom lip as she pulled back. Brandy tugged it out until Sparky made soft little whines from the prickling pain of it. She was practically vibrating with excitement in Brandy's arms. 

"Saw you enjoying yourself between Shay's thighs." Brandy grinned as she got her legs around Sparky's hips, kicking her legs to work Sparky in tight. "You like this?"

Sparky was a mess. Excitement and anticipation all crashed into each other and left her panting as she got all worked up. Calcine was stifling a laugh, but Brandy could feel her bouncing along her back, unable to hold it in completely. 

"Meant to be working you up," Calcine said, "Mercury's not going to come if you get Sparky all excited."

"I'm going to come, though," Sparky mewled. "Let's see where she's going with this."

Brandy didn't actually have much of a clue. She was just going off what Sparky seemed to enjoy. Was squeezing her thighs really enough to do it for her? 

Sparky moaned as Brandy squeezed her legs together and planted her face in Brandy's chest, a hum of electricity crackling along her fur. Well, that answers that. 

"You should try that next time she goes down on you," Calcine said. "She'll pass out from happiness."

"Thighs good," Sparky mumbled, a happy trill in her voice as she rolled her head back and fore. Her crackling cheeks were an exciting tingle across Brandy's chest. She couldn't help but squirm. 

"Get the tongue in there," Calcine said, pattering her fingers down Brandy's side. "I'll do the rest."

A little cheeky for Calcine to take charge, but she did love to play the Trainer, and Brandy wasn't going to argue with the results. Sparky fumbled to pop open Brandy's top so she could sop her tongue over Brandy's chest. The wet muscle licking around her curves made Brandy's spine tingle. 

"You taste so good," Sparky whimpered, and she didn't sound like she was joking as she lapped at Brandy's skin. The wet electric sensation of Sparky's tongue was making Brandy squirm, her nails digging into Sparky's back as she held on. Calcine took her moment of tension to slide a hand through the hem of Brandy's skirt and slide into her panties.  

"C-Calcine!" Brandy gasped as she felt Calcine's fingers caress her folds. Her fingers had a slight hardness that wasn't unpleasant at all. The firmness pressing into her made her toes curl. "Girls, go easy on me! We need to be ready to fight after."

Calcine didn't answer. Her fingers kept moving, their tips gliding over her wet folds and finding her clit. Calcine made Brandy cry out as she felt the fingertips pressing down on the nub get hotter and hotter. Sparky's tongue was still busy lapping away, but it had none of Calcine's precision, just a sloppy make-out with Brandy's chest as Sparky found it hard to keep herself contained. 

"Oh fuck," Brandy groaned, her legs trembling. "Don't tease me, Calcine, please."

"Sorry," Calcine whispered, "But got to if you want to be good bait. I have to make you pant."

Brandy was already doing that! But she didn't get a chance to say so because that was the moment Sparky bit down on one of her nipples, the sudden sting of teasing pain combined with the pleasure of Calcine's fingers leaving her dizzy. Brandy bucked her hips forward, grinding her pussy against Calcine's fingers to try to coax her towards release, but Calcine was in tune with her and eased off, stoking Brandy's flames but not letting her come to a complete boil. 

They were attracting attention. A few winged Pokémon were flitting over to come watch, grey feathers with black tips. They looked drab against the clear blue sky, but it was still an encouraging sign. Flying types were hard to lure in. If they were taking an interest, then they must be a beacon for miles around. 

Sparky was invested in making it a good show or just frantically excited at Brandy's desperate arousal. She was practically clawing at Brandy's back, her fingers digging into the soft material of Brandy's shirt as she pressed her head firmly to Brandy's chest. 

"Take your clothes off," Calcine whispered, "Or it'll look like you're trying to bait."

"What?" Brandy mumbled, "You're going to fuck me if I do."

"Maybe," Calcine breathed, "Why don't you do it and find out? You win either way."

There was no arguing with that. Brandy stripped as best she could while pinned between two horny Pokémon, and they wasted no time going for any newly exposed skin. Even if she didn't survive long enough to be good bait, she wouldn't complain. This plan was working out in a lot of ways for her right now.

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