I Want To Lay the Very Best!

73 – Personal Growth (18+)

73 – Personal Growth (18+)

Sparky had turned on almost every feature she could find, and Brandy had no complaints. The steadily climbing heat was relaxing, and the water jets were a firm massage against her bare skin that helped to whisk away the lingering aches she had from the mud wrestling fuck session with Mercury. The bubbles that frothed on the surface were soothing. The gentle flow of air from a fan kept everything so cozily comfortable that if she was on her own, Brandy could have happily drifted off into a delightful daydream here. 

The two Pokémon pawing her up with a ferocity that made Brandy thankful for the touch of toughness she'd inherited from Calcine made it difficult to slip away into a blissful haze. At least not yet, though Brandy was sure they'd find a way to wear her out.

"Enjoying yourself?" Sparky asked in what she probably thought was a sultry voice. 

Brandy couldn't resist a call out. "You sound like you're in a porn film."

Sparky grinned and nibbled on Brandy's shoulder. The sharp nip made her gasp as the pinpricks of her teeth caused her nerves to tingle. 

"Good point," Brandy said, a little breathless, "But also plans." 

"I'm planning," Calcine said with a warm rumble in her throat. 

"No, you're fondling my tits."

"That's just how I plan," Calcine said as she kneaded her fingers in firmly and made Brandy squirm. Her skin rubbed over Sparky's wet fluff, and the little crackles of static felt so good against Brandy’s skin. She pulled Sparky in so she could probably dive into that wonderfully soft fluff. Sparky was trying her very best to give Brandy some hickeys, but Sparky bounced so excitedly at the extra contact it was more of a gumming. Sparky’s chest splashed in the bubbling water and added waves that rolled over Brandy and broke against the cliffs of Calcine.

"Teamwork," Brandy said. It was hopeless that she'd get them to focus, but she needed to try. "I think we have it good."

Calcine pressed Brandy back as she ran her hands over her Partner's body, and Sparky giggled excitedly as Brandy was pressed into her lap. She could feel the hard length of Sparky slide up against her rear and throb against the small of her back. Paprika had tried to wear them out, but Electric Types were always ready for more, and Rock had endurance for days.  

"We got stamina," Brandy said, "And it surprised even Mercury how hands-on you both were."

Calcine had gotten very hands-on as she squeezed every part of Brandy she could get to, her sides, her thighs, her shoulders. Calcine's smile was so heart-meltingly honest as she enjoyed the feel of her Trainer between her fingers. 

"Your breasts are bigger," Calcine said.

"Focus!" Brandy laughed, then looked down at her chest. "Shit, wait, really?”

Brandy had always been pretty flat. Not that it was a bad thing, she had a slim athletic build that she'd only realized lately a lot of girls really went for. But Brandy squeezed her chest and held them up, inspecting them as the steam of the bath curled around her skin. They were, well, maybe a little bigger? It wasn't a massive change if it was.

"You sure?"

"Trust us." Sparky said, "We have been paying close attention. You're finally inheriting something from me."

"Or Scoria. Or me." Calcine said, "All her large bonds are pretty top-heavy

"Nah, definitely me." Sparky said, "I'm stacked. Full credit to the Joltik."

Calcine pushed Brandy harder onto Sparky's lap and made her kick in the water as she was smushed under Brandy's wait. The sounds she made weren't exactly ones of pain either. Brandy helped as she rubbed side to side in Sparky's lap until the pesky Bug whimpered and rubbed her head against Brandy's back with happy burbles. 

"Hey, no distracting me with my slightly less tiny chest," Brandy said, though she gave them another squeeze and tried to hide the delight that danced behind her eyes. She was so overdue for this. "I want to know if you think we're ready to tackle the gym again. I know I went in too early last time, and I don't want to rush into it without at least giving it some thought with you all."

"Her hips also got bigger," Sparky said, patting Brandy's hips. "And she's got a plumper butt. Little Larvesta is finally coming out of her fiery cocoon. We are spoiled." 

Well, now they were just ignoring her. 

Brandy weighed up her options. She could just go with the flow and get to work ruining this bath, which seemed an inevitable outcome at this point. It's what her partners and Brandy wanted, but was she just going to become like Shay and give in to instinct? They all deserved better than that. 

So she pulled Calcine into a kiss and went to work. Her tongue rolled into Calcine's mouth and aggressively attacked her tongue. Calcine moaned as her water-softened chest was forced to press into Brandy's apparently expanding breasts. She wasn't ready for the tongue, and her orange eyes glowed brightly as Brandy took her mouth and made at herself at home. 

Sparky wasn't getting away with it just because Brandy was kissing the shit out of Calcine. She moaned too as Brandy fitted Sparky's cock into the curve of her ass and rubbed herself up along the underside of that hard length, putting her apparently plumped butt into play as it stroked Sparky so firmly literal sparks flew off her. Brandy loved these two a whole lot, and she had the perfect moment to let it all out and really show them how much. 

So she went for it, just cut loose and slathered Calcine with a kiss that stole her breath and humped against Sparky like she was trying to push right through her. The pair weren't expecting such a sudden assault, wholly overwhelmed as they grasped Brandy's skin and weathered the hurricane. She left Calcine dazed. She literally swayed in the water like she was about to feint, and Sparky's eyes were near closed as she trembled with excitement behind her. 

"Paying attention now?" 

"Yes, ma'am. Absolutely ma'am," Sparky said sarcastically, but her heart wasn't in it. Mainly because Brandy could feel Sparky's heart beating so fast it threatened to burst out of her chest. 

Calcine let a sly smile spread across her face as she recovered, which was clue enough for Brandy to know what her game was. "This was a test, wasn't it?”

"No," Sparky gasped, "Unless saying yes, means you'll do it more."

"It was," Calcine said. "If we're going to win, you need to know how to get what you want while giving us what we want.

"Right, Orchid, I need to let her have her illusions while not letting her completely overrun me for her own pleasure," Brandy said. "A healthy balance, everyone enjoying it."

"Full marks," Sparky said as she dug her fingers into Brandy's butt. "Let me balance this on something."

Brandy flicked some water at her, and Sparky cackled and squeezed harder. "Come on! Maple's going to have it harder anyway."

"What?" Brandy said, "No, she's not."

Calcine patted Brandy's cheek. "You are so precious sometimes."

"She's not! We're going on a double date. She's not going to pound my butt."

"Sure," Sparky kissed Brandy's back, and a lick of her sparking tongue made her spine shiver. "She's totally in it for us and not you. Why she asked you."

"She's not going to..." Brandy blinked. She'd not noticed her classmates crushing on her for years. Maybe she should trust her Partners on this one. "I've never done anything with a girl! It'd never work."

"I'm pretty sure you'll work it out," Calcine said as she let her cock trail over Brandy's stomach. The slow, lazy lines from that stiff piece were hotter than the balmy water around her. "You worked us out."

"I can give tips," Sparky said. "The first trick is to have an electric tongue."

"Which I don't!"

"Oh shoot, then I got nothing."

"Plans," Brandy said, ignoring their eye-rolls as she very unsubtly changed the topic. "I can handle Valerie, when it comes to Orchid, I'll take Sparky, and she can stop me if I get too entranced. That works, right?"

"That was the plan you said earlier, but it still works," Calcine nodded. "I just wanted to be sure you were ready for it. Which you are."

"You just wanted to fuck me in some hot water," Brandy huffed. 

"That too," Calcine grinned as she pushed Brandy and Sparky back until they bumped against the side of the tub and then rushed forward to pin them both down under her. A few thrusts of her hip were all it took for Brandy to feel her line herself up. Brandy was about to get fucked, and Calcine was in such a warm mood it would be vigorous. "I like getting what I want."

Brandy liked it too, she liked it a lot. So, for now, everyone gets what they want. 

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