I Want To Lay the Very Best!

75 – Threaten Me With a Good Time

75 – Threaten Me With a Good Time

Brandy had known Sparky for quite a while now, so she should have learned to fear the fuzz a little. She just hadn't expected her doom to look so fluffy. 

Valerie stretched her hand towards them as a tide of Wooloo rolled over the indoor plains, swatting the rears of Wooloos as the excitable girls charged forward on her command. Wooloo were infamous locally for being pushovers but in an admirably friendly way. Sweethearts who just wanted to spoil humans and be soft, warm partners to whoever needed them. It was rare for one to be fighty enough to become a Dubwool like Valerie. 

"Show them your affection, sisters, don't let her go without a smile again!" Valerie had roused the whole swarm, and their golden eyes gleamed as the dark-skinned Pokémon focused on Brandy. 

"Wooloos mad we beat them in a fight?" Sparky said, more confused than concerned. "You really bring out unusual things in us, Brandy."

"Don't forget they copy our moves." Calcine, all business as she stepped in front of Brandy, ready to weather the brunt of it all again. "Be careful."

Being savaged by a horde of cute women with gorgeously soft white hair had not been a bad experience last time. Still, Brandy didn't think she'd survive the experience if she then had to face Valerie's massive chest or Orchid and Lea. Chantel might have unfairly pegged Brandy for a Pillow Trainer but it’d take a legendary Pillow Trainer to survive this exhausting experience. 

"Calcine Smokescreen, letting them copy it won't help them," Brandy said as she took her Pokémon's hands. "Don't let go. Stay with me."

Calcine took in a breath of air and hiccupped. A slight, sad curl of smoke escaped from her mouth. "Sorry, nerves."

Those gold eyes were getting real close, so there was nothing for it but to sweep Calcine off her feet. Brandy's arms strained as she draped Calcine over her arm and looked into her wide, confused orange eyes. Then just kissed her as hard as she could. Calcine's body shivered with pleasure as Brandy pressed down and went further. Her tongue reached deep into Calcine's warm mouth and tussled with her tongue. The only noise other than their kiss was the thundering patter of Wooloo hooves as the swarm rolled over a small stone fence with excited giggles and bounced off their thick white coats to their feet, barely losing momentum. 

Brandy let the kiss break, and Calcine hissed like a kettle, blowing a plume of billowing white smoke up in the air that quickly spread out to shroud the field in a pea-soup of mist. 

"I think my electricity is weak, too," Sparky whispered in the mist. "Do me next."

Brandy gave her a peck on the cheek. Or at least she thought it was her cheek. Brandy couldn't see a thing in the thick smoke, and from Sparky's squeak of surprise, her kiss had hit a more sensitive spot. Shame she hadn't seen what, it would have been good to know.

Someone soft bounced off Brandy. The Wooloo had tucked into their coats and rolled on into the smoke cloud, but they were a confused mess as they pinballed off each other and Brandy with wild giggles. Calcine pulled Sparky and Brandy to her and then tucked them under her as best she could, shielding them with her body as she moved deftly to block the incoming strikes. She always managed to get between them and a Wooloo ball just in time to send it careening away with a soft thud and an excited, bleating gasp. 

Calcine could see in the smoke? Did Rock Polish allow that? She had said it let her follow Cardia's flat tracks on the ground, but some kind of tremor sense made her smokescreen a lot more useful. Even if it left her and Sparky having to trust her to be their eyes. 

"Plan," Calcine said with a grunt as she bounced another Wooloo away with a swing of her rear. "Quickly, getting sore."

"Webs?" Sparky said, "I could net a few."

"There's got to be at least thirty. I don't think we can fight out of this." Brandy bit her lip. She had an idea of how a natural trainer like Maple would have done it, battle with Valerie's domineering attitude to take control of the Wooloo swarm. But as everyone kept hinting at, Brandy had her own style now, and she'd just have to lean in it. 

"We go for Valerie." Brandy said, "Can you thread us through the swarm and go to her Calcine?"

"You sure? We could try to sneak past." Calcine said with another hard grunt as she got battered once more by a rolling ball. This one unfurled and limpeted onto her, the Wooloo running her hands over Calcine's chest with an excited little coo. 

"Well, aren't you a fit one? Where's Brandy?" she said chirpily.

Brandy pressed her head to Calcine's and shook it so she'd know her intent. "Can't explain now. Trust me."

"Oh, she was right there," the Wooloo said with an excited gasp and took a breath to call the others. Brandy was quicker, two fingers in a mouth she couldn't even see, and a tongue pressed down as Brandy grasped for something and found a handful of soft fur. She sunk her fingers deep into it and ran it over any skin her fingertips could touch. The Wooloo gave an excited mumble and then sucked on Brandy's fingers as Brandy pulled her closer and played with her body. They'd just have to take her with them.

"Calcine, quick."

So Calcine led, her hand on Brandy's arm for guidance. The Wooloo tugged along by the mouth, and whatever bit of her Brandy could rub and Sparky with her hands firmly on the inside of Brandy's thighs. Which wasn't the best way to hold her, but one that ensured Sparky held on very tightly. The Wooloo was wickedly soft, Brandy had been in a Wooloo pile-on before; she'd forgotten how pleasant they were to have against your skin. The happy whimpering of the Wooloo as she got her mouth molested by Brandy's fingers certainly didn't help Brandy keep in a calm mood. 

The smoke was thinning, with black humanoid shapes visible through the smoke. Thankfully Val was an unmissable figure with her tall double horns and massive chest. With a surprised gasp from Calcine, Brandy shoved her Wooloo finger-taster into Calcine's arms and then pounced at Valerie. It was a soft landing and not because of her fur. 

"Hah, you couldn't resist!" Valerie cackled as she grabbed hold of Brandy's hair and kept her face shoved in Valerie's considerable cleavage. Brandy could only manage a muffled moan as she felt the silken skin of Valerie's breasts slide against her skin. Valerie's wool fuzz above her cleavage gave an extra texture to it all that was dangerously thought-robbing. Brandy had a plan, but no plan survives contact with ginormous tits. 

Her hands were busy groping for Valerie's belt as the aggressively motherly Dubwool pulled off Brandy's shirt. She could feel the softness of Valerie's palms against her belly before Valerie snatched the belt out of her hands with a hip thrust. "No, no, sweetheart. Let Valerie take care of you. I'm going to take very good care of you after last time."

It was both a promise and a threat, and Brandy tried to get her hands back in play as Valerie kissed her ear and nibbled away at her earlobes. She tried to worm her way lower to work on that belt more, but Valerie's hold was firm, her muscles as impressively chiseled as Calcine's own. Brandy was forced to keep her face stuffed in the Dubwools massive chest. Forced! 

Sparky raised her hands to web Valerie and stopped as Calcine caught her wrist. "Oh, shit, copycats. Darn it, how do we fight then?"

"Use your head, Brandy getting up to mischief should be your thing."

"Mischief?" Valerie huffed. "Oh, I don't think so. Sisters, pin these two down. I want Brandy to my STOP DOING SMOKESCREEN." 

But Calcine had already puffed a new cloud for her and Sparky to disappear into. Valerie growled as Wooloo dove after them haphazardly. Brandy felt her skirt being tugged off by the slender fingers of the Wooloo she'd been teasing, now getting her chance for a bit of revenge. 

"Annoying, but no matter. That's it, Nicki, massage her legs. She has lovely thighs." Valerie said as Brandy went a little dizzy from lack of air. Her voice trembled in Brandy's ear as Valerie growled in a husky voice. "We're going to fuck you properly, Brandy Joyce, and this time you're going to be so proud of all my girls."

Being stuck in Valerie's chest was nice, but she couldn't breathe Pokémon breasts. Thankfully, Valerie tugged her out of her chest before Brandy blacked out completely. As Brandy huffed in the fresh air, she felt more slender hands grip her, round her chest, between her legs, exploring and teasing as more of the Wooloo caught up and grabbed her. They were eager to please her, so eager they took extra special care to push all of Brandy's buttons. Hard. 

Fuck, a Wooloo would be such a good Partner if you could motivate it to really try for you. Why did people say they were weak? This was heavenly. 

Brandy tried to not get lost in the bliss. As plans go, this one had many flaws, but she would give it her best shot. 

Failure would at least be awfully fun.

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