I Want To Lay the Very Best!

78 – Cheese Grater

78 – Cheese Grater

Brandy had completely forgotten there was a waiting room beyond the Prairie. Her last attempt to beat this gym was still a mad blur in her memory. She was thankful for it, collapsing on the sofa with an exhausted sigh. She stretched out her limbs until she felt her bones click and luxuriated in a well-earned moment of rest. 

It lasted a blissful few seconds before Calcine and Sparky sat down on her back and kicked their feet up on the table. 

"Get off, you lumps!" Brandy squawked and kicked her legs to shake Sparky off.

Calcine ruffled Brandy's hair as Sparky threw her arms over the back of the couch, partly to relax and partly to anchor herself against Brandy's kicks. The Joltik gave an exhausted sigh. "I shouldn't have jumped into the wool pit. They were ravenous."

"You two are heavy!" Brandy squeaked. "Get off me!"

Calcine only ruffled her hair harder while Sparky danced her fingers up and down Brandy's legs. "She did a good job," Sparky said to Calcine. "I thought we were done for."

"Never underestimate her. Brandy always finds a way to come through." Calcine said with pride, "Very sturdy."

"A cushion against our worse natures." Sparky nodded. 

"The seat of our power."

Brandy puffed out her cheeks and sulked beneath them. Bad enough they did this, but the puns were the truly awful part. 

The big sulk worked. Calcine and Sparky slid off to kiss along Brandy's neck and back, soothing the muscles they'd helped tense up. Brandy tried to stay mad, but they'd gotten really good at kissing her. She'd let them off the hook easy this time. 

"Sparky," Brandy blinked as she finally got a good look at the Joltik. "Why are you covered in writing?"

The Wooloo had scrawled Sparky from head to toe in a mixture of hastily penned words, hard to even make out, stretched as they were over her curves. Sparky posed them for Brandy, both hands held behind her head as she thrust her chest out. 

"Cool, right? The Wooloo ladies signed me and said I could call on them anytime."

"How? You don't have a Pokédex." Calcine said. 

"Well, neither do they. I guess I just yell their names? Or, uh... send a letter? I think you're missing how cool I look over details."

It was messy, but the signatures gave Sparky a scruffy kind of prestige. All the looping hearts dotting the I's and little rows of x's for kisses after some names were adorable. But it still raised a lot of questions. 

"They had a pen?" Brandy said, going for the most obvious. 

"Lipstick," Sparky grinned. "Oh shit, take a picture. It's all going to smear when Orchid goes at us!"

 "Serve you right for sitting on me. Calcine, lick her clean."

"No, wait, don't!" Sparky pushed a hand into Calcine's face to try to hold her off as Calcine leaned in to lick her shoulder. Calcine stuck her tongue between Sparky's fingers and wiggled it as she pressed her face forward, and Sparky squirmed madly to avoid her own hand. "Picture, Brandy, picture! No licking me rock face!"

Brandy made sure to get a few good ones of Sparky and Calcine struggling over each other. They'd probably never work out all the names with how much the sweat and rubbing messed them up, but it'd be fun trying to work it all out together later. 


Brandy had dumped a bottle of water over herself to cool off, and her skin glistened as they walked into the final chamber of the gym. Brandy was still a mess after the scrum she'd been through, but she was happy to own the look, and the way Calcine and Sparky couldn't draw their eyes off her really helped boost her confidence. Petals drifted around them as they walked through the flowery field toward Lea. The Gym Leader hadn't hidden this time but was waiting with her arms folded over her flower petal dress, her emerald green hair flitted about in the wind behind her. 

"Hey, Lea," Brandy said with a smile. "We're ready this time. Bring it on."

"What did you do?" Lea said with such heat in her voice that it made Brandy step back. 

"Uhhhh," Brandy's brain stalled as she tried to grasp what she might have done wrong.

"Valerie and the girls are a mess in there! They won't stop giggling!"

"Brandy taught Wooloo they can care for each other," Calcine said with a shrug. "It seems like they're enjoying doing it?"

"Okay, very cute answer, but they're not meant to do that! It's chaos in there!"

Sparky showed off her temporary tattoos. Half the names written in lipstick had merged into each other to make an unreadable mess, but a few still stood out along her legs and the top of her chest. "I think I got a lot of people here who think it was good. You can't complain. We did so well they can't get over it!"

Lea snorted and shook her head. Brandy got why she was angry, a good Trainer would have gotten them to listen to her, not turn their nature on each other. But even if what she'd done wasn't the accepted way to handle Pokémon, it still felt right. After all, they'd all enjoyed it, and that's what it was all about. 

"Well, you passed the test, even if you somehow topped yourselves from last time. You remember the rules for our challenge, right?" Lea said as she threw out two Pokéballs. With a flash, two shapes took form out of the red light. 

Orchid the Lilligant, with her flowing green hair a match for Lea's that hung all the way down to her waist, with a bright red orchid fixed into it like a hairpin to keep it out of her face. The beguiling grass type with an incredibly round butt, who'd made Brandy hallucinate an encounter that would have rivaled Mercury for pure heart-pounding intensity. They had a plan for her this time, though. She blew Brandy a shy kiss before turning away with a blush. It was refreshing to meet a Pokémon who got more easily embarrassed than Brandy did.

The other defensive Pokémon Brandy hadn't gotten to know, but she was impossible to forget. Taller even than Brandy, the towering woman wore a green dress with a yellow apron and filled out that dress to breaking point. All curves. Seeing a Pokémon with weight on their bones was rare, but this one had a pleasant plumpness to her clothes. Her hair, a big messy puff of Red, tied back haphazardly with ribbons, gave her an amiable, messy look. The red hair was long enough to hide her eyes completely, only a cute button nose and a big welcoming smile visible. She just screamed 'Friend' which was awfully weird for a Dragon type. 

"Hey again, you three," Honeycrisp said, her voice boomed, big and jolly just like her. "This time, you got it, I can tell. You seem like you're eager to prove it."

"No fighting moves," Brandy said, a pleased blush on her cheeks at Honeycrisp's words of encouragement. "We split up into two. One defense to help me, one offense to handle you. I pick Calcine as the offense, and Sparky will defend me."

"Good," Lea said, "Glad you paid attention. Remember, no fighting. Well then, come on, Calcine, Orchid. With me."

"Oh no." Sparky groaned. "No, no, no."

"Hey, we get to be together again, Sparky!" Honeycrisp grinned. "But I get to really show off this time. I'm glad."

Oh shit. Lea had swapped the order! They hadn't planned for Honeycrisp at all. She'd be weak to Bug moves, but Sparky's only bug move was Infestation, and there was no way that wasn't an attack. All the rest of her was electric, and that'd be all but useless against a Grass and Dragon type, no way to amp her sensitivity at all. 

Honeycrisp was big, but at least she was a bit tubby. They could always overpower her. 

"Oh, we are so screwed." Sparky groaned, "Well, Brandy, you're screwed. I'm going to be stuck watching."

"Hey, we can take her." Brandy said, "I'll try to hold her back. You can work on her with your tongue, and we'll make her melt eventually."

Honeycrisp popped the buttons on her apron, and her massive chest was entirely befitting a Dragon. They really were a Type that loved to go to excess, even if Honeycrisp didn't have the usual haughtiness for them. 

"It's a lot of chest, but I can handle it," Brandy said as she pulled Sparky to her side. For some reason, the bug type was shaking like a leaf. "We got this."

Honeycrisp's apron ripped as she pulled it off, fibers tearing as she tossed it away. She was flabby in the chest, but below that, she had a set of abs that could tank a Megaflare and arms thick, not with fat, but pure muscle. She looked like what the Machamps were all training to be someday, but with a set of giant tits and hips you could use to stop a train. "You're flexible right Brandy? It's only an attack if I bend you in a way that hurts."

"Go on, Brandy, pin her down for me," Sparky said as she moved to hide behind Brandy. "You got this. She's not going to bend you into a pretzel."

Honeycrisp just leaned her head to one side quizzically and cracked her knuckles in her hand. The sound was loud enough to make Brandy's spine tingle. 

This was going to be a problem. A weirdly sexy, muscle-bound problem. 

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