I Want To Lay the Very Best!

80 – Too Much of a Good Thing (18+)

80 – Too Much of a Good Thing (18+)

They'd devised many plans to tackle the gym, mainly on the wrong assumption they'd be facing Orchid again. Giant Sparky dick had not featured in any plans, or at least not any more giant than Sparky bragged about. This was undeniably poor planning because giant Sparky dick was now Brandy's number one problem. The heat against her stomach, a warm line that rose all the way up to her chest, was already enough to make her feel weak.

It took both her hands to encircle it, and Brandy appreciated how Sparky could be painfully hard and deliciously soft. As she stroked her hands, the smooth cock glided through her hands, applying pressure as Pip had taught was difficult. Its stiffness resisted her, but it was worth it as it made Sparky roll a buzzing purr in her throat. It was just so much to handle. Brandy pulled it in and wrapped her chest around it to at least try to fully stimulate her, but even with her slightly upgraded chest, Brandy didn't have a hope. It rubbed along the crease of her cleavage and slapped her chest with every bounce as Sparky rolled her hips.

Sparky giggled at Brandy's gasps, clearly enjoying that Brandy struggled so much with her new size.

"I could get used to being big. You're pretty when you're flustered." Sparky said and leaned down to kiss Brandy hard on the lips. It smushed her now truly ridiculous curves against Brandy and pressed her back into Honeycrisp's equally ridiculously massive chest.

Overwhelming sensations on all sides, Brandy tried to pull away from the kiss to clear her head, but Sparky chased her down, and Brandy lost the will to fight it quickly as sparks tumbled from their mouths as their tongues danced together. It was a dizzying kiss, jolts of pleasure arcing along her wet tongue and down her spine to radiate out of her whole body. Static sparks crackled along her skin and prickled at Honeycrisp's chest, the muscled Appletun tightening her grip on Brandy to keep herself steady. It was probably wickedly ticklish, and from the tight bit lip Honeycrisp had, she was doing her best not to giggle and spoil the mood.

If this were a fight, Brandy being trapped between two giant Pokémon, eager to fuck her brains out, would be an awful situation, but Brandy had to remind herself it was a gym. There was a goal here, to prove she could handle unruly partners and still please them. Sometimes getting your brains fucked out was the winning move to play.

"I want you to ride me," Sparky said as she pulled away from the kiss and used her enlarged tongue to lick Brandy's face, coating it with their shared spit. Not as sexy as Sparky thought it was, Brandy snorted to clear her nose and gave Sparky's side a dig with her hand to get her attention, Sparky's fuzzy yellow fur still wonderfully soft under Brandy's fingertips.

Brandy knew Sparky's heart, and even with this boost Growth had given to her ego, she had to believe size didn't change a person that much. She'd just have to test it.

"You're the big one." Brandy said firmly, "And Honeycrisp is doing her best to let you enjoy it. So you have to take charge."

"But... But..." Sparky stuttered. The shock in her multiple blue eyes that she'd have to top was awfully cute, even when she was at least a good seven-foot tall.

Brandy grabbed Sparky's chin, pulled her head down closer, and stared deep into her eyes. "You and Honeycrisp are going to fuck me good. Understand?"

"Mmmm!" Sparky said and nodded rapidly. "Yes, ma'am."

"Stick with Brandy! None of that ma'am thing."




Honeycrisp helped Sparky before she dug herself too big a hole by taking ahold of the back of Brandy's head and pressing it down. Brandy wasn't about to even try deepthroating a dick this big and twisted her head so she could lick down the side. There was an awful lot to get her tongue on.

"If we're doing pet names, you can call me Honey. I think you both earned it." Honeycrisp laughed and dug her fingers into Brandy's hair, "Now take good care of each other. I want to hear some moans."

Brandy licked barely had any control of her body as Honey handled her, body folded and pushed all the way down to kiss the very base of Sparky's cock and then dragged back up the length of Sparky's shaft, a tingling excitement building along the length that rippled into Brandy's tongue and made it fizzle.

Being bigger meant everything hit harder, all those extra nerves to tease. Sparky huffed out a breath and shivered, her arms dropping from Brandy and going around her to hold onto Honeycrisp's waist instead. Increasing the pressure of the Brandy sandwich as her face was forced even more firmly into the generous helping of Joltik dick. She took it as an opportunity and savaged it all the more hungrily.

"Oh fuck!" Sparky gasped as Brandy teased with her teeth, not biting, but that gentle dragging pressure made Sparky quiver. "It's too much!"

"Mmm, you get used to it," Honey said as she continued to pump Brandy's head up and down with a firm hand. "No better way than to get stuck in."

It wasn't a subtle attempt to nudge them back towards fucking, and Brandy knew she would come undone fast once they started, but she couldn't put it off forever. Her two partners here wanted to fuck, and Brandy rubbing her body all over them had only made that desire build until Brandy could feel their bonds smothering her as thoroughly as their bodies were. Sparky was sweating like crazy; all the extra stimulation was breaking her down quickly. A tiny flicker of distress was in her eyes, mixed in with all the pleasure.

"Do it slow." Brandy said, "Sparky isn't used to what you did to her. She's struggling, and I don't want it to hurt."

"Yeah," Sparky whispered, though it came out as a low rumble with her size. "Sorry. Just a little, uh, overwhelmed."

"That's okay," Honey said, and she had such a cheerful honesty to her it got a smile out of Sparky. "Just try to relax and enjoy it. I'm going to make sure both of you never forget this."

Honey's strong hands grabbed Brandy around the waist and lifted her out of the tit squeeze they had her trapped in. Brandy couldn't contain a gasp at the friction as her body was forced to slide along her partner's skin, Sparky's cock burning a line down her body. Brandy had thoroughly enjoyed all this squeezing and being pressed into soft, enveloping breasts. She was already wet when Sparky pressed two fingers to her pussy and dug them in to do her duty of getting her ready.

"You're so excited." Sparky said, "Is it because I'm big?"

"Because it's you," Brandy said, squeezing Sparky's head with her thighs. "You break me every time, but I like it."

"But the big helps?"

Brandy pressed her pussy to the tip of Sparky's cock and rocked her hips. She'd fucked Mercury, she knew it would fit, but Brandy didn't have to make it easy, even as wet as she was right now. Sparky whined as the tip of her cock got ground on, the weight of Brandy trying to press it into her giving it a slight curve. Only the careful clinging of Brandy's thighs to Sparky's side stopped her from sliding off.

"You were already big. This is too much." Brandy laughed. She was about to be destroyed, but inviting it was almost fun. "But we're going to try anyway."

"I could help you get on," Honey said, and Brandy could feel the hard press of her cock along her back. As expected, Honey was also massive, with a cock to match her chest and muscles that Calcine would be heartbroken she'd missed out on. Brandy hoped she'd got to at least enjoy them at last time. "Keep you from sliding about."

"You're going to hold me tight or spear me?" Brandy bit her lip as she felt Sparky's cock make the slightest bit of progress. Sparky was in heaven from even that little bit. Her head lolled about, and sparks crackled in her fur madly. Her moan was like a swarm of buzzing Beedrills, wavering madly in pitch and intensity as her fingers clawed at Brandy's side. She rubbed her fur over Brandy's skin, the sparks crackling off Brandy's sweat and sending arcing tingles to tease her chest and thighs and make her squirm. It was frantic and a little crazy, but good.

So it was a shame Sparky was only enjoying it on a purely physical level. Brandy had seen Sparky worked up, and while she was enjoying this, she didn't love it. Something was missing.

Honey was eager to get in herself, though, and unlike Sparky, she had more than enough muscle to force the issue as she slid her thick cock along the crack of Brandy's ass and then pressed in hard. Brandy was compressed down by powerful muscles and forced back into Honey's incredible chest. All that would have been enough to do it for her. But the white-hot burst of intense penetration really robbed her of the chance to enjoy it, the exquisite pain of being stuffed so far down Honey's length that her legs shook, and a high-pitched squeal ripped out of her throat. Thick, hard Brandy was stretched out, and every bundle of nerves she had lining the walls of her ass were squeezed so tight they burned.

"Fuck!" Brandy cried, "Oh, Arceus! Fuck me, that's a lot!"

"You'll learn to love it." Honey's voice pleasantly rumbled, and not even half-hilted, she pushed her weight down onto Brandy and forced her onto Sparky's cock. Split once again, but this time all that brain-melting pleasure was added to the intense mix of pleasure and pain Honey was giving Brandy. She felt something break. Amazingly, it wasn't her, though she was close. It was Sparky; the feeling of sliding her enhanced cock into Brandy's far too-tight tunnel had the Joltik's blue eyes glowing madly and flitting about like they were trying to escape her face. Sparky panted and scratched at Brandy like she drowning, and Brandy could feel her bond thrum, pleasured but only physically. She wasn't entirely into this, not like she should be.

Brandy knew Sparky now, what she loved and craved, and she knew she could fix this. With some help.

"Honey," Brandy said, though her voice skipped as Honey used her hips to thrust and squeeze herself even deeper into Brandy. She was taking it slow while also being really, really forceful. Grass and Dragon united as one. "Honey, can you use your Moves on humans too?"

"Of course." She said as she sank Brandy back into her firm chest again and tipped her head back so Brandy could look up at that bob of red hair and the soft brown eyes beneath. The arch of her back made the both of them press into new parts of her and made her insides sing with painful delight. Her body bulged out a little from them, and she could feel their cocks rubbing together inside her. It was intense in a way that even Mercury wasn't, and if she hadn't tackled Mercury before this, she wasn't sure she'd have even been able to cope.

Honey was happy at Brandy's pleasured distress, proud of her work. "How can I help make this better for you both?"

Brandy's eyes sparkled. "Big."

"We are, yes."

"No, no," Brandy said and tapped her own chest. "BIG."

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