I Want To Lay the Very Best!

84 – A Date With Death

84 – A Date With Death

"You really don't need to help me dress," Brandy said as Maple did Brandy's shirt buttons up from behind. It was nice to have Maple so close. Her hair was soft, she smelled nice, and she was warm. Brandy badly needed that warmth because it was windy, and she had bits of her that didn't appreciate the chill.

"I just dragged you naked out of a pile of bedsheets you were using as a skirt," Maple said patiently as if anything about this was routine. She wasn't very good at helping, it should have been easy to button up a shirt, but Maple was taking forever fumbling about with her chest! "You need more help getting dressed than I can give. I'm doing my best."

Brandy looked at her Partners, who were just watching the pair thoughtfully. "You two should be helping me dress."

"So tired from tying all those bedsheets." Sparky put the back of her hand on her forehead and faked a swoon, "I would love to, but I need my rest."

"I think you look good as is," Calcine said. If she stared any harder at Brandy's legs Brandy would never get her pants on, because her skin would be on fire.

Brandy was still getting used to owning her Trainer style, so she wasn't about to go grabbing the reins and steering her Pokémons' moods around forcefully like a normal Trainer would. At times like this, it was tempting to grab a horn and some yellow fur and put them to work.

"Look at her, Calcine, she's mad. She's got that pouty look."

"I am not pouting!" Brandy pouted poutily.

It didn't help Maple had started with her shirt, meaning she had to stand there naked from the waist down, with nothing but a clutched bedsheet to hide from the curious looks of passersby. One Pokémon stopped to whistle at her, even shorter than Sparky with dark skin and pink horns poking up from her hat. She had a stocky look with her puffy jacket, but her big smile at Brandy's legs was infectious, and Brandy couldn't help but smile back.

"Oh, cute and interested?" she said as she tried to sneak between Sparky and Calcine, her small pure pink eyes flashing with excitement. "Should I leave my address?"

Calcine put a hand on the Pokémon's head and turned her around with a twist of her wrist before sending her on the way with a slap on her ass. She barked a laugh as she jumped away, giving Brandy a wave. "Good luck with them! I'm working at the counter of Finishing Touches if you still feel frisky later!"

"Making such a scene," Maple sighed. "What'll I do with you?"

"Put pants on me?" Brandy said, holding her shirt down to hide her butt. It didn't help. Brandy knew her bare legs were too powerful to be allowed fully out in public.

Maple gave the hem of her shirt a flick from behind and laughed at Brandy's yelp from the sudden gust of wind that fluttered under and kissed her skin, "You sure? I think Mahi would like this look. You might get in her good books finally."

"I'm not sitting on Diner seats without pants on," Brandy said. "Not happening."

"Oh, if you go to Mahi like this, that won't be a problem. She'll have you bent over the table." Maple grinned, "Your shirt might get dirty, but Holly will peel it off before it gets too smeared."

Brandy chewed her lip thoughtfully, and Sparky facepalmed. "She's considering it isn't she."

"Of course," Calcine said. "I'd be worried our Brandy was a bit broken from all that growing and shrinking if she wasn't."

Maple pressed Brandy's underwear into her hands. "Tempting, but we got a Double Date planned. Get your pants on, Tsareena."

"My butt isn't huge," Brandy mumbled as she tried to get a pair of boxers on without showing off her butt to anyone. An impossible task, especially around all these eagle-eyed traitors.

"The legs silly, though are you sure? You may be inheriting from Sparky. It's a good butt from where I'm looking."

Sparky pushed her way past Maple to get a view of Brandy. "Oh shit, I made that?"

"Wait, let me see," Calcine said as Brandy hopped on one leg to slip her boxers on. She tipped, and Calcine caught her as she passed. Then bent her over her arm to present her ass for study. There was a contemplative silence.

"You better say it's gorgeous, or I'll kick you all to death." Brandy huffed. The blush on her cheeks had to be redder than her hair. She swung herself back to her feet and squatted to finish dressing without giving any more of a show.

"Good butt." Sparky nodded. "Getting there."

"Always liked it, but more is appreciated. " Calcine agreed.

Maple waved a hand in the air back and fore. "Judgement pending. We'll see what I think later."

Now what did that even mean?!


Brandy's clothes didn't sit right on her as they entered the diner, and her attempts to adjust made it all sit worse. She was just going to put up with it. Brandy was familiar with the place, though. Poke-Bites was a chain restaurant you could find pretty much anywhere in Galar. Brandy hadn't been much. It was pricy and more for the adults out on dates. Her main memory of the place was her old girlfriend Cherry deciding to tag team in the Mewtwo Burger Challenge together for Cherry's Birthday. They'd flaked out before getting halfway and spent the rest of the day lying on the couch with the meat sweats. It had been an absolutely awful experience but in a fun way.

Maybe Brandy's awful track record at dating up to this point wasn't entirely her fault.

Still, the place was not exactly fancy, but it was fancier than you expected from a burger place. Private booths, soft music, and plenty of plants to break up sight lines and give everyone some privacy from each other. It should have been busy today, but there was just a furry-faced Pokémon working the counter wearing so many hair nets she could have trawled the ocean and a plastic raincoat with matching plastic gloves. The poor thing looked like she was cooking herself, tongue panting as they all came in.

She was so wrapped up to keep her fur out of the food it wasn't easy to tell what Pokémon she was, but the light and dark hair in the hair nets and her tall, lanky body made Brandy reasonably confident she was a Linoone. Cook was a rough job for any furred Pokémon. She must really love her work.

"Hey, lovebirds!" the suspected Linoone chirped, waving a Spatula at them. "Your two are still making my business unworkable, Maple, I know it's cheek, but can you convince them to speed things up a little? If there's a rush, I will melt trying to manage it."

"I'll have a word, Flip, but I think you'll lose some staff to them," Maple said. "Can you do us a round of milkshakes?"

"Mint! Mint! Share one with Calcine and me, Brandy." Sparky said, waving her hands.

"Hot sauce," Calcine said, and Sparky looked at her in horror. "What? I like hot food."

"In Milk?!"

"It's an option for a reason."

"Two mint milkshakes and one hot sauce," Brandy said. Her tastebuds didn't match Sparky's usually, but she had to agree on this one. "I'll try a little of Calcine's."

"You will not. You'll burn a hole in your stomach." Maple said and took Brandy's arm to walk her to the table. "And make your tongue completely unusable for the rest of the day."

That's a good point. It'd be rude to leave Maple to carry all the conversation on a double date because Brandy was too busy washing her mouth out. She'd have to leave sampling Calcine's spicy food crimes for another day.

The table Maple led them could be heard long before they arrived. Sure enough, when they rocked up to the booth, there was a cute brunette in the pink diner outfit sitting on the lap of a curvy Pokémon with big round mouse ears poking out of a rather stylish electric blue pixie cut with a little Butterfree hair cup pinned into it, the antenna bouncing in time with the gorgeous brunette waitress on her lap. The Waitress had utterly lost herself to whatever the Marill was doing to her as she sang her heart out in one long ecstatic wail.

"Holly," Maple said sweetly. "Could you finish up with her? I know she loves your tail, but Flip wants her Waitress back."

"Sure, boss!" Holly said with a quick salute. She had a lovely blue summer dress on, though the Waitress bouncing in her lap had done her best to ruffle it up. It was insane how out of it she'd looked, Brandy had seen women fucked stupid and had been herself a few times now, but she'd never seen someone who genuinely didn't look like she was home anymore. Just wholly given herself over to the pleasure of the Marill's tail. Well, they did have a reputation for them, seems it held up.

"Brandy," came a silky voice that made Brandy's spine quiver in reflexive terror. "Oh, we've all wanted to see you again."

Brandy was proud of her spiky red hair, but Mahi's long, flowing locks made her look like mud. The pure white horn that rose from her forehead wasn't anywhere as wickedly dangerous as the smile she had on. Mahi had a rivalry with Brandy that bordered on the mean for some reason. Well, okay, Brandy knew the reason full well. She had sprayed Mahi in the face with Repel Spray the first time they'd met and decided to hold a grudge over it.

She had no women in her lap, and her elbows leaned on the table, head in her hands. It seemed odd. Brandy couldn't imagine Mahi missing out on the action. She was a very assertive lady.

"Mahi, where did you two go?" Maple said, "Please tell me they're okay."

"Oh, they're doing just fine," Mahi said, her voice bubbling happily out of her throat. She may be eying Brandy up like a fish she wanted to fillet, but she was in an excellent mood about it.

"They're under the table, aren't they? That's not sanitary."

"I don't think what they're doing with their mouths would pass any health code. But the service here is so fucking good I'm overlooking it," Mahi said with a grin.

Oh, so that's what that slurping sound was. Which Brandy now had to sit by? She let Maple take Mahi's side as a buffer between them and left Calcine and Sparky to handle Holly.

"You going to finish that?" Sparky said as she looked at the Waitress. "I didn't get to order."

Holly was generous enough to push the pretty Waitress onto Sparky and Calcine's laps out of Brandy's sight, and the pair got busy with their hands. The noises she made only got louder. No wonder the place wasn't busy. It sounded like there was a murder being committed.

"Brandy, you know Mahi, this is Holly, my other partner. She's a menace."

"No!" Holly said, hand over her heart as her tail wiggled furiously, adding a staccato of pleasured wails and bobbing ass to her innocent gesture. "I'm as sweet as can be. Mahi and Maple told me all about you!"

"Oh," Brandy said and looked at Mahi, who was still giving her a sly stare. "Good. Is that good?"

"Yeah, absolutely! How you helped Maple, the trouble you got into. Mahi even told me how to say hello properly."

Brandy's distrust of Mahi paid off as she quickly flicked up an empty plate. Holly had raised a squirt bottle from beside her and tried to spray Brandy, the mist mainly hitting the plate and only lightly dusting her hair.

"Oh, quick hands! Nice!" Holly laughed, "Hey, I tried Mahi. You should have told me she learns fast."

"I'm surprised myself," Mahi smirked. "I guess she took my lesson to heart. I'll just have to see how other plans play out."

Has anyone ever died on a Double Date? Brandy was suddenly not entirely confident of her chances.

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