I Want To Lay the Very Best!

86 – Sink or Swim (18+)

86 – Sink or Swim (18+)

Having a Pokémon Nemesis was not something Brandy had ever imagined she'd have to deal with, but if someone had asked Brand to describe what her Nemesis would look like, massive tits would not have been part of the description.

It was really taking the edge off Mahi's threatening attitude as they pressed into Brandy's side. That and she was shorter than Brandy. She could hug Brandy's side as tightly as she wanted, but her chin still had to rest on Brandy's chest for Mahi to stare up at her with her gorgeous sea-green eyes. It spoke to just how badly Calcine had worn her out that she hadn't fallen for Mahi the first time they'd met; she was a beauty and knew it.

"I can see you looking down my top," Mahi said, amusedly smiling at Brandy's blush.

"Hard for her not to," Holly said as she stole Calcine's milkshake and shook off a straw so she could transfer it over. "Maple does it all the time too. I've sneaked a peek once or twice myself. You got a gorgeous set."

Holly giggled as Mahi kicked her under the table. It was good to know that while they were on the same team, Holly didn't really share Mahi's hate boner for her. It wasn't fair. She wasn't staring at Mahi's chest. Well, not entirely. Hugged up close, Brandy could also see past Mahi's amazing boobs to her lap. Senna was doing her best to curl her tongue around the Goldeen's dick, lipstick all up and down Mahi's length. The stripe of brown in her blonde hair was even more strongly inherited since Brandy had last seen her, and her eyes weren't just a pretty blue anymore. They were bright enough they glowed, the light they gave off flickering as she winked at Brandy.

A sharp click of fingers snapped her focus back to Mahi, "I'm serious. We need to talk."

"I get it," Brandy sighed, "You don't like me and want to back off from Maple."

Mahi raised her grip to get her fingers around Brandy's neck, squeezing her throat as she pulled her head closer. "I love Maple, but I like you too, Brandy. If I hated you, I'd want nothing to do with you."

Brandy's shocked look made Mahi laugh. "Don't believe me?"

"No! You fingerfucked me to tell me off, and you always take Maple's side no matter what I say."

"And is Maple usually wrong?" Mahi said with a tilt of her head.

Brandy puffed her cheeks out. That was a good point, Maple might have a lot of confidence, but it wasn't unearned. She was good at everything, amazing at most even. Everything about her screamed of a woman who would steal the heart of a Legendary and go down in history.

"You fingerfuck your enemies?" Holly said as she sipped Calcine's milkshake. Her mouse ears flicked out wide and fluttered most adorably as her eyes popped wide open, and then she started to cough madly, spraying the table with milk.

"Holly, what the fuck!" Mahi yelled as she flexed a finger. The milk droplets rushed off their clothes and skin and floated into the air. They swirled around into a ring before pouring back into Calcine's milkshake.

"It's not my fault! This thing is poisoned!"

"It's a spicy milkshake," Brandy said as if that was a completely normal thing to order. Scoria made them for herself sometimes, and Brandy had only tried it once. She'd regretted that immediately. It was a huge relief she hadn't gotten any in her eye. "Calcine loves hot food."

"Ugh, weird Rock types." Holly groaned as she washed her tongue out with a spray of water from her fingertips. Then took another sip of it. "Horrible. But Mahi has a point, Brandy. If she made you orgasm, maybe she doesn't hate you?"

Brandy recalled the water-powered finger blasting she'd gotten in the lake, the mind melting ecstasy combing with spine-tingling threats. "Noooo, it was a pretty aggressive orgasm, and she got me with Repel Spray after."

"You deserved it." Mahi said, "Okay. Maybe I enjoy seeing you suffer a little, but I don't hate you. You brought Maple and me together and believed in her at her lowest. Maple talks about you a lot."

"Relentlessly," Holly nodded.

"A frankly annoying amount." Mahi tapped Brandy's chest firmly with a stabbing finger. "But you made a great call. Maple's a beautiful fit for any Water Type, and now she's mine."

"And mine!" Holly said, getting another kick. "Ahaha! Share her heart, loser. I'm prettier than you and break her way better than you can."

The issue with Pokémon was when their Partners weren't about. They could get a little out of control. Another reason to worry about what Sparky and Calcine would do out of her sight. Mahi flexed her fingers again, and Calcine's milkshake rose out of the glass and formed a floating ball.

"I got to wash out some water rat's tongue?" Mahi said, voice filled with saccharine sweetness as she made the milkshake ball wave around in the air.

"See, this is why Brandy thinks you're mean," Holly huffed as she pulled her legs onto the diner seat, a faint blue shimmer protecting her. "All the horrible things you say you'll do."

"So if you're not warning me off, what is you wanted to say?" Brandy said, trying to press on past this silly argument. Senna didn't deserve to get caught in a fight, especially with all the work she was putting in that Mahi was barely even recognizing.

"Right!" Mahi flexed her fingers, dropped the milkshake back into its glass, and then put her hand down to lace her fingers through Senna's hair. "You could really hurt Maple tonight. She's horribly fond of you, and just because we're Water Types doesn't mean we like seeing women cry. You've done some stupid shit because you weren't thinking straight. That's not going to be good enough tonight."

"We expect the best," Holly nodded, gingerly lowering her shield and pushing Calcine's milkshake to the other end of the table to sit on its own. "Want to see her come back all smiles. Floating off the ground happily."

"We get along really well." Brandy said, "I'm not going to upset her, I swear. Maple's amazing."

"That we agree on," Mahi said, her breath quickened as she rubbed Senna's head. Her work finally starting to wear down the Goldeen. "Take care of her, and we're even."

"You'll stop trying to squirt me?"

Mahi dragged a finger along Brandy's lips, the end fizzling with refreshing water. "When you don't want it, Brandy. But I know you will. You made such sweet noises last time."

Mahi was undeniably evil, but sexy evil really did it for Brandy. She could put up with sleeping with a super-villain if it came with super orgasms. So she just sucked on the finger, which made Mahi's eyes go wide in surprise and really lose herself.

"Mahi!" Senna squealed as she rushed to get her mouth around Mahi's cock, cum dribbled off her face. She managed a few sucks before coughing and turning to rub her face. "Right up the nose. Warn a girl next time!"

Seeing Mahi look embarrassed and a crimson blush shine growing on her already red cheeks was delicious, something Brandy didn't even think possible.

"Shit, sorry. Should I clean you up?" Mahi said. It was such a shift. She sounded genuinely hurt she'd messed up. Water Types were meant to be peerless seductresses. Brandy had never read about what happened when they failed. The pop of Mahi's confidence bubble really changed her. Underneath all that smarm, Mahi really did just want her partners to enjoy themselves.

Sparky could be a little shit too. Maybe Brandy shouldn't rate Mahi too severely for her behavior.

Senna clambered from under the table, scaling Mahi like a climbing frame. "You owe me more than a clean-up for that!"

"I can make Brandy lick it up?" Mahi said, "She'll do anything I say with two fingers in her."

Or Mahi was just evil, maybe that too. Brandy wiggled her fingertip at Mahi, smirking at having made her cum with a fingertip. Sort of.

“Alright you win that one,” Mahi huffed “That was pretty slick.”

Brandy wasn't keeping score, but if she got a win on the board, she’d take it.

Senna gripped Mahi’s shoulders and kissed her, a messy one that left Mahi waving a hand to make her own cum drift off their faces.

"You've grilled the girl enough.” Senna giggled “I want you and Holly to myself. Full attention."

Holly rolled her eyes and slid out of the table. "Things I do to keep a fish happy."

"Shut it, rat. I know you can't wait to get your tail in her," Mahi said as she picked up Senna and pushed Brandy out of the booth. "We're going to ruin the bathrooms here. Don't fuck this up. Maple's special and deserves to be treated like a Princess."

"I will," Brandy said and meant it. She had no clue what the date entailed, but she wanted Maple to enjoy it. She really did. "And then I'll get her to tell you all about it."

"Ugh, no, just show her a good time," Mahi said as she pulled the giggling Senna out of the booth. "Don't encourage her being all gushy."

Brandy couldn't resist. She'd seen Mahi flustered, and she leaped at the chance to get a little revenge for all the teasing. "We'll take photos, videos even, and she can give you a full presentation after."

"I have to listen to all this too! I didn't do anything wrong!" Holly said as she curled her tail around Senna's leg.

"You tried to spray me," Brandy said, dabbing her wet hair.

"And failed, so that doesn't count!" Holly said, "Tell her Mahi wants the details in private, and I'll owe you one." She had her tail race up Senna's skirt, and the cooing gasp from the Waitress made Brandy's spine tingle. "Believe me. I'll make it worth your time."

"Deal," Brandy nodded. "Have fun with Sparky and Calcine. Seriously, I, um, if you mess with them, I'll..."

Mahi patted Brandy's cheek. "You can't do threatening, but it's cute watching you try. We'll all enjoy ourselves. You focus on your end. Or you might see Maple cry, and I know you don't want to see that."

Brandy didn't, not just because of Mahi's wrath but because the very idea seemed awful. She would do her best on this date. Total focus and complete satisfaction.

As Mahi and Holly took Senna off, Brandy was left with the unconscious brunette and a burning question she wished she'd asked.

What were they going to do where a crying Maple was a possible outcome?

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