I Want To Lay the Very Best!

Side Story! – Playing to Type (18+)

Side Story! – Playing to Type (18+)

Sophia had been warned about Professor Miriam. She was 'larger than life' and 'A bigger deal than you thought.' Everyone who'd ever met her came away stunned by her beauty and impressed by the depth of her knowledge. Be careful with her, they warned. She's a handful.

But Sophia had followed Professor Miriam's career her whole life. She was everything Sophia wanted to be. Boundlessly confident, effortlessly intelligent, and hot as sin. Professors weren't just Elite Trainers. They were so strong they'd done everything and settled down to train a new generation. They were powerful heartthrobs who many a girl had a crush on. Most grew out of that crush as they got older, but Sophia hadn't.

So when Professor Miriam advertised for a new research assistant, Sophia was the first to put in her application. She was more than qualified, her grades had been superb, and she had done her Master's Degree in Pokémon Typing, just like Professor Miriam had.

She'd never expected to get a reply. Or to be selected. Or to be here, sitting in a leather chair in a clean lab room with the crush of her life sitting in front of her. But she was, and she finally felt like she'd bit off more than she could possibly chew.

Because Professor Miriam was just impossible.

Not in the bad way of an unpleasant personality, no Professor Miriam had been perfectly polite and professional in her introductions to Sophia. But all her niceties had washed in one ear and out the other, because what was impossible about Professor Miriam was her body.

She was just so huge! Sophia was used to being the shortest person in the room, but Professor Miriam had to be seven feet tall, maybe more! The top of Sophia's head only came up to Miriam's nipples, which meant Sophia was in a deep shadow when they'd met. Because Professor Miriams' breasts were absolutely massive, even for her gigantic stature. Easily bigger than Sophia's head, they had a firmness that completely defied gravity and strained against the white shirt Miriam had somehow squeezed into. They had absolutely captivated Sophia's attention ever since she'd seen them. While it had to be obvious how much she was staring, Professor Miriam didn't seem to mind one bit.

"Sophia," Professor Miriam said. Her voice was low but cut right through Sophia and shook her back to attention. "Do you need a moment, dear? You look a little pale."

Sophia was forced to look up at Miriam's face and Arceus above; it was no less a beautiful sight than her gorgeous breasts. She just didn't seem real. Jet black hair fell in waves down her body, not a single strand out of place. It flowed like silk around her as she moved. Her eyes were large and expressive, a deep, warm lavender that seemed to change hue depending on the light. Her lips were full and soft and seemed absolutely perfect for kissing. When she smiled, which she rarely did, her face lit up with captivating radiance. She was a goddess, not of this earth, and Sophia wanted to worship. Badly.

There'd been a question, hadn't there?

"Oh, um. No, I'm good, Professor."

"Call me Miriam. We'll be working together." that little gesture made Sophia's heart bounce. She was amazed her glasses hadn't steamed up from the blush on her cheeks.

"Miriam." It felt wrong even to say her name, like Sophia wasn't worthy, but Miriam had asked, and she didn't want to argue. "Please, go on."

"Very good," Miriam said, sucking on the end of her pen. Sophia was envious of that pen. It didn't deserve it. "We're just going to get you used to how things will be with me here, so I'm going to go over some basic Type personalities with help from my Partner, nothing you don't already know."

Miriam's Partner! Another part of the woman's legend. Miriam was among the few people to tame a Pokémon that most people thought was untamable. One so powerful and self-confident, they often just roamed the continents, taking women as they pleased and acting like time hadn't changed since the old days before humanity had found a way to get a more equitable relationship with Pokémon. Of course, it'd taken someone like Miriam to bond with them, a human legend.

Sophia felt arms loop around her body, ruffle her plain brown hair and take a squeeze of her not-all-that-impressive bust. "Miriam, you got me a cute one! Look at this little librarian. I could eat her up."

The touch of the Pokémon behind her was strange. It felt silky in a way that wasn't possible. Skin so smooth it flowed over Sophia like water, with a lavender tint the same shade as Miriam's eyes. Even through her clothes, it felt wonderful. The fingers that probed at her stomach seemed to melt into her and spread, a touch so enveloping it seeped through her clothing to kiss at her skin. Sophia squirmed in her leather chair and hoped she didn't end up soaking it before they even began.

"Sophia, this is Kate. I'm sure you've heard of her." Miriam said legs crossed as she balanced a clipboard on her thighs. It gave a view down her skirt that Sophia was finding hard to ignore. Miriam's hips were as large as everything else about her. She wasn't just jealous of the pen. Miriam's chair wasn't good enough for her, and Sophia would have traded spots instantly.

"She barely even noticed me," Kate said, kissing Sophia's cheek. "You haven't been recruiting from your fan club again? We wore out the last one from there in a week."

Wore out? What did that mean?

"She's a professional Kate, like me. Try it yourself. You always wanted to do something new."

Kate snorted and kept on feeling Sophia up. Her strangely penetrating touch made Sophia squirm.

"Let's begin. Do you know your Flying Types, Sophia? Give me a local one."

Kate did an incredible job distracting Sophia, but she wasn't so rattled she couldn't work past it. She could answer a straightforward question like that.

"Swellow. We don't have a pure flying type here in Hoenn, but a Flying and Normal type is quite close."

The arm fondling her up began to bubble, and blue feathers sprouted along it. Claws formed on the hands grasping her stomach and scratched grooves in Sophia's top. Long blue hair draped down over her front, red at the tip. Kate flexed her new wings to show the inlaid white feathers and puffed up her chest, which now had a vivid shade of red feathering. It was soft, so soft against Sophia she couldn't help but sink into it and put herself level with a golden, piercing eye and a smile so smug a cat would have felt inferior.

"Hoo, hoo." Kate giggled, imitating an owl. "I'm feeling adventurous. Want to steal this one away all for myself."

"Don't get ahead of yourself," Miriam said, with a firm tone that nailed Sophia to her seat and made her throat dry. Miriam's presence was just overwhelming. "Sophia, give an explanation for the typing personality, please."

Academics. Right, she could do this. Just ignore the gorgeous bird lady feeling her up and the vision of beauty looking at her like she might do some interesting trick. Sophia swallowed a lump in her throat and desperately tried to recall the basics.

"Flying types are independent, which means they like to get their Partner alone and often disappear to do their own things and return as they feel like," Sophia said, hoping her memory wasn't failing her. Her mind had a lot to handle right now. "It's good for people who have busy jobs or a lot of responsibilities, as their Partner usually has a good idea of when to drop in on them and when to let them work."

"Oh, I'm going to get you alone," Kate whispered into Sophia's ear. "And the things I'll do to you, you wouldn't believe."

Sophia swallowed an even bigger lump in her throat. "And, um, Normal types more closely emulate humans. They often take up regular jobs and are better with technology and money. So a Flying and Normal would be a Pokémon that liked to live in the wilderness, maybe as a Ranger or a, uh, herbalist? Or someone who rarely visits with gifts, like artisan crafts or something they'd found while exploring."

"I'd find a nice natural waterfall and drag you out there." Kate purred and licked at Sophia's throat, her wet tongue making Sophia squirm. She'd almost entirely wrapped up Sophia in her wings. Sophia could only just see Miriam watching her from over the tips of the blue feathers. Miriam looked pleased, which filled Sophia with a relief that mixed in with the bubbling arousal Kate was coaxing out of her to make a potent, energizing concoction in Sophia's veins. "Take you on the edge of the drop while the water thundered by and see if I could make you scream louder than all that noise."

That certainly fitted the description. It even sounded fun. A frequent visit to drag you off for exciting, intense adventures or share unique experiences. Sophia was into it, or maybe she was just into Kate, who was just so fucking pretty as a Swellow it was unfair.

"Good," Miriam said, checking something off on her clipboard with a flick of her wrist. "I don't want you to just pick safe options, so let's have a little challenge. That Seviper we met a few weeks back, Kate."

The feathers around Sophia's body got firmer as they melded together and became shining blue scales. They darkened before her eyes as muscle swelled through Kate's limbs, and Sophia felt everything tighten around her. Loop upon loop of thick tail muscle grew out of the wings, the gaps filled like invisible liquid poured into a mold, and soon Sophia found it hard to breathe. There was just so much of Kate; her snake body was thicker than Sophia's and heavy. She was pressed down firmly into the chair, which groaned as Kate's new coils squeezed it.

Blotchy candle flame patterns were painted over both of Kate's breasts. Her hair had fanned out and thickened to form a gorgeous purple hood around her head, with a twirling braid that went down her back to drape on the floor behind her. Deep red eyes with yellow pupils looked down at her. The yellow split into separate rings that span as Kate grinned down at her with a mouth full of sharp fangs.

Terrifying but wickedly hot. Sophia shrunk into her leather seat, making her seem even smaller than the other two in the room.

"That's an Arbok! Poison type," Sophia said in a tiny voice, and Kate grinned wider. So many sharp teeth it made Sophia's heart flutter in panic.

"Which isn't what I asked for, Kate," Miriam said firmly, slapping her thigh with her clipboard. It made a sharp snap sound that made Kate duck down to hide her head behind Sophia and grin at her Partner. "Do I need to come over there and make you do as you're told?"

"Poison types are naturally disobedient," Sophia said quickly. Both turned to glare at her as she jumped between the argument, making her insides writhe in embarrassment. Miriam had a glare that could melt through rock, and right now, Kate looked at her like she was her next meal. Sophia grabbed the edges of her glasses in a feeble attempt to center herself and pressed on. "They like to throw their Trainers in difficult situations, some because they like to be tamed and some because they always will push their Trainer to do better. Some find them mean, but that's not entirely true."

"Not entirely wrong either," Kate said, leaning in to bite Sophia's shoulder. The stab of pain made her squeal, but it was brief as she felt a warmth spread out from Sophia's bite.

"Well, if you're going to defend her attitude, it does at least show you have some understanding of the Type," Miriam said. Still, a note of disapproval in her tone made Sophia's heart sink into her stomach. "Kate, give her a demonstration."

It sounded like a punishment was being issued, but Sophia's head was already swimming, her vision coloring oddly. Kate flicked out a forked tongue over the bite, her spit sealing the wounds as she hissed happily, the rattling vibration of the sound traveling along her coils and buzzing into the encircled Sophia.

"My poisons are already in your veins," Kate said, rolling out her s's into a long hiss. The noise of it added to the swirling patterns Sophia was seeing, and she could feel the sound, like a patter of firm kisses all along her head. "But I could be more inside you."

Sophia couldn't see where Kate's tail ended in all her coils, but she didn't need to when she felt the tip of it stroke under her skirt and tug aside her panties. The poison in her veins made every light touch send out waves of pleasure, and they rippled through her and combined to heighten each other. Without any penetration, Sophia felt stuffed full and unable to move. All she could do was sink her face into the purple coils of Kate's tail and bite down.

"A feisty one!" Kate sounded so pleased at getting bit, "Miriam, I'm going to break this one early. I don't want to wait."

The tail tip pressed into her pussy was a small poke that didn't draw out anything but the smallest of moans, but there was so much more tail to go, and it quickly got thicker. Sophia wanted to speak as it stretched her out, to let Kate know how deep it was and to slow down, but she felt her jaw slacken as she tried to form words. The noises in her throat made her body vibrate, and the exquisite feeling of getting stretched out by a writhing tail came with warm colors that floated across Kate's skin and made her glow. All beyond it, Miriam simply watched and took notes, so perfectly composed even as she watched Sophia break before her. It made Sophia want to beg her to do something. Join in, lavish her with praise and love. Make this experience even more impossible to comprehend. Anything to make that towering goddess take some notice of her.

Sophia sank her fingers into the coils and tried to endure. Her belly muscles quivered as the tail writhed deep, deep inside of her. She knew there had to be some limit to how far Kate could go, but through the delirium of the poison, she could have sworn she was already pressing that tail tip right up against her heart. When it finally wiggled back out, Sophia lay curled in the crook of Kate's neck. She became a sobbing mess, shuddering and shaking as the tail slid out of her and left her empty. "Kate more, please," she begged, "I need it."

Kate's chuckle at her distress, her need to be fucked, was just pure evil delight. She brushed a hand through Sophia's hair and looked at Miriam. "She can still speak, better than the last one."

"Then let's continue," Miriam said with a light chuckle as Sophia reached out for her, hunger in her eyes. "Before you really do break her. I think a Steel is a good come down for her, Mawile, and don't play games, Kate, or I will send you away and finish myself."

Sophia wouldn't have hated that. Kate was a delight, but the Professor to herself? She was almost sad to see the snake coils darken and melt to form a new shape. Kate's legs emerged from the coils, long and slender with thigh-high black boots. It was the only clothes she made for herself. The rest of her was pale naked flesh on a long, lanky body with a chest that was just too small bumps. It was still a gorgeous look for her, like a perfectly formed gymnast, with penetrating blood-red eyes. As beautifully slender as Kate was, her mane of purple hair compensated for it. It thickened out and darkened to a jet black until the ponytail was almost as big as her. Kate reached back to caress it just as it split open end to end, a truly massive tongue lolling out of it around rows of sharp teeth.

A Mawile, for sure. There was no mistaking that.

"You know a Mawile's types. Don't you, Sophia?" Miriam called from her chair. She was leaning forward now, her massive chest pressed between her arms. Seeing all that cleavage and the poison in her veins robbed every thought right out of Sophia's head. She just stared, completely transfixed by the beautiful sight.

Kate roused her with a lick from her ponytail's maw, the massive tongue licking Sophia from toe to tip, leaving her feeling wet and slimy. "Answer her beautiful," and then lowered her voice to a whisper. "Or don't. She's entertaining when she's upset."

Kate's Mawile voice was a treat on the ears, the relaxed confidence that could convince a woman to walk into a burning fire. None of the Arbok's teasing disdain, but a pure shot of genuine concern for Sophia and a desire to see her perform.

"Steel," Sophia said, promoted by Kate's calm voice. "And Fairy. Steel types ooze confidence, a complete surety in themselves and others."

Kate patted Sophia's arms comfortingly as she spoke. A gentle encouragement for her to keep talking. "Steel Types are good for wallflowers or those who love a nice confident partner. They'll tell you what they want and always give it to you straight. While Fairy is a simple, captivating beauty, pretty in a way that steals women's hearts and makes them delightful to look at. Or listen to. Or just be around. Together, you get a confidence that can encourage you to do anything."

"Atta girl." Kate said, "And all that with some poison still in your veins. She's good Miriam. Usually, they're a stuttering mess by now. Her work ethic is commendable."

"If only yours could always be so good" Miriam smiled. "Do you need a break, Sophia? A moment to catch your breath?"

She did. She badly needed to compose herself. But the praise made her want to continue to prove to these two she could handle them even at their worst. She wanted to impress them more than she wanted a chance to breathe clearly. Sophia ached for it.

"I can go on," Sophia said as colors danced before her eyes. "Really."

"A real trooper!" Kate laughed, "But I want to give her something, Miriam, so give me a moment."

Miriam nodded, and Kate hugged Sophia, her ponytails maw once again going for another lick. But this time, it wasn't the whole body. It was a targeted lashing between her thighs, a press against her already dripping sex to feast on her juices. Sophia gasped, her knees buckling as the maws massive tongue licked into her and lavished her clit gently, the tongue firm and insistent as pressure built up. "Kate. So thick." she moaned as her hips lifted to meet the tongue.

It was an insane sensation. It felt like Sophia's orgasm was being leeched out of her, forming a hot white ball on the tip of the maw's tongue. That feeling of pleasure bleeding out of her was strangely refreshing, clearing her head and making her vision settle down. A tongue lashing that should have left her in a melted heap gasping for air left her refreshed and full of life as the maw's tongue withdrew with the swirling ball of energy on it and then crunched down, chewing it up.

"Baton Pass," Kate explained, "For doing so well, I think you deserve a clear head. I want you to enjoy me for me, not my venoms." Kate said, and she sounded so resolutely sure of herself. The idea that Sophia wouldn't come her brains out before they were done was impossible to consider. Sophia didn't doubt it either. Ditto's were terrifyingly powerful. Their ability to pleasure women was almost a Legendary tale in itself.

"You want to try the tongue for real? Ask anytime, gorgeous," Kate said with a squeeze of Sophia's tits. "I'd love to take this body for a real ride."

"She's well-behaved in this Type, isn't she, Sophia?" Miriam said. She'd set the notes aside and seemed to enjoy the show now. Had Sophia proved herself worthy of watching? It made her feel proud that Miriam could set aside her work for her. Even if she wasn't anything special, she'd done something to change her mood. "Let's have a Wobbuffet."

Kate glared at Miriam. "Really?"

"Should have done Seviper when I asked. Only yourself to blame."

Kate sighed, and as her hair rippled, everything about her lost cohesion. She became smooth, almost rubbery, and looked like she was wearing a long dress that hugged her hips and fanned down at her feet. But it wasn't that. It was all her skin, just an endless sea of blue. A slightly darker blue pixie cut swept around her head, with narrow but expressive eyes and a big smile that looked far too cheerfully pleasant on the effortlessly sexual Kate. A thick black tail swung behind her with two white spots on the end. It looked ridiculous, and Kate immediately tried to hide it from view.

"I feel like a chew toy like this. Wobbuffets, ugh."

"Take a bite if you like Sophia, and tell me about her."

Sophia didn't dare bite Kate when she was in a mood. She wasn't crazy. But even if Kate didn't like the Wobbuffet look, Sophia did appreciate the simplicity of it. The curves were nice, not nearly as breathtakingly huge as Miriam's, but she had some size to her that would be fun to press up against and a cheerful look that was hard to be mad at. She looked fun, which wasn't a word Sophia would have used for Kate until now.

"Psychic Types. They can read their partners and know their feelings. Their deepest secrets." Sophia's mouth went a bit dry at the implication of that. Kate could read her like a book right now. "A Pokémon for people who don't want any barriers and to share everything with their Partner."

"And often complete hotties," Kate said, a hint of bitterness there. "I could have been a Lugia, a Meowstic. I could have been a Gardevoir for you, Sophia."

Who wouldn't want that? But Sophia wasn't about to be baited so easily. "Wobbuffet is cute."

"Cute! Psh." Kate's eyes lit up as she poured some of her power into Sophia's mind. "You don't want cute. You want hot. You want someone with curves. Tall, imposing. Powerful. Hrmmm. Who do we know like that?"

Miriam flicked her raven hair back and smiled. She knew! She knew Sophia wanted her, and she just smiled about it. What did that mean?

Kate gasped. "Wait, Miriam! She thinks she isn't curvy herself. Sophia, you think you're not enough? Ugly even? Oh, you poor thing, these thoughts are no good."

She sounded scandalized. Psychics got closely connected with their Partners. They could be very emotional if they dug too deep, and Kate didn't seem the sort to have restraint.

Miriam got out of her chair, and Sophia stared up at her. Seven feet tall in heels easily, she towered over Sophia even from afar. Up close, Sophia couldn't even see Miriam's face over the curve of her breasts. She was just so perfect it was unfair. It made Sophia feel even shorter than she was, like a wretch paired up against a goddess.

Miriam reached out and grabbed one of Sophia's breasts and squeezed it firmly. The gasp ripped out of Sophia's throat was louder even than when Kate had her Arbok tail dug deep inside her, the shock of it. The feeling of the Professor's firm fingers. The way she so expertly kneaded the flesh. It was heaven.

"These are no good?" Miriam said, and Sophia mewled in response. "You think these aren't enough to please? Because I find them a good handful Sophia. Kate? Your opinion."

"I love curves," Kate said, joining her blue fingers with Miriam's firm grip. Together they mauled Sophia's chest and made her moan so effortlessly it felt as natural as breathing. She was clay in their hands and moved her body to heighten their touch. "And Sophia has a good set, short but stacked. We both love that."

They did? But she-

Kate flicked the back of her neck. "Miriam, she's having opinions about her body like she's an expert. You know how many women I've fucked senseless, Sophia? Thousands. I know what a good body is like, and Miriam? Tell me, Sophia, what kind of woman do you think could bond with me? What would she be like? What's her personality type?"

Strength, power, control. It had to be. Miriam was more than just a strong trainer. She was effortlessly strong. Oozing with confidence and a commanding attitude that made a lady want to get on her knees and beg to serve her. She wasn't just bonded to a Ditto. She had the Ditto mindset! Miriam went through life doing as she pleased to whoever she wanted and was fully confident she would get it. A sexual titan, a monster of a woman, and one who thought Sophia was worthy of her.

It made Sophia love her more to know Miriam had such high standards and Sophia wasn't failing them. Maybe she wasn't as pale an imitation as she thought.

"Oh, you should have heard that answer, Miriam. It was full marks. She has you down perfectly. I like her. She's got brains the others don't."

"And you love brains do you?" Miriam said, eyebrow raised as she picked Sophia off the chair with one hand and sat down with the chair squeaking in protest before plopping Sophia back down in her lap. To have her head resting against Miriam's breasts, her thighs as her support? To get to luxuriate in this women's lap? Sophia almost came from the situation itself.

"Love brains, love fucking them out of people." Kate grinned. "We done? Because I feel you want to show Sophia her full duties here."

"One more, give me a Grass type Sophia."

"Cacturne," Sophia said, her mind too addled by soft, luxurious breasts to realize what she'd asked for.

"Oh, this is going to be a delight," and Kate's cheerful grin took on a twisted form as bits of her lips fused together to form a long row of holes. Her eyes snapped open, dark black with glowing yellow iris, and her rubbery skin paled green, thick plated spikes bubbled out of her limbs and lined them in a row. They prickled against Sophia's skin as Kate leaned on her body, tugged at her breast, and sent pangs of pleasure flowing through her from every prickle.

"Grass Types," Miriam said in a lecturing tone as Kate ignored Sophia and used her spines to cut Miriam's clothes off her. All but her lab coat scoured away, letting Sophia sink back into Miriam's flesh which was just as soft and comfortable as she'd imagined. "Want to help everyone have a good time. They like threesomes and helping both Partners enjoy each other fully. Which is why Kate is cutting off my clothes, so you can feel me better."

Sophia rubbed her head against Miriam's chest, sinking deep into Miriam's cleavage. She could go far back enough she was all but envolped in the giant of a woman, and she had no reason not to, so she indulged. It was pure bliss.

"But Cacturne is also a Dark Type, who can turn pain into pleasure and is far more open in their lusts. So together, she's going to want to ravage you and help me do the same. Do you want that?"

"Yes." Sophia gasped.

"You want to be ravaged by us? I'd warn you, most women don't come out of this the same."

"We keep them safe, though," Kate grinned. "All her failed assistants keep our house cozy, and every night, we fuck them senseless. If you break, you'll still get that if you want it."

Sophia moaned at the thought of it, the feeling of it all. The pair of them going at her with such furious, single-minded intent. It was intoxicating.

"But I would like a real assistant," Miriam said as she slid her fingers down Sophia's body. She was so artful with her fingers that it didn't seem real. Professor Miriam knew how to make Sophia squirm with the lightest touches. Sophia wouldn't last five minutes with them, but she would savor every minute until she snapped. "So you're going to come for me, Sophia. A lot, and if you can still think after, you've got the job. Every day you'll fight to keep it. I think you have what it takes to rise to the challenge. Does that sound good?"

It sounded perfect. Sophia didn't know if she'd make it, but it didn't matter. To be Miriam's assistant or her toy, there's nothing Sophia could have wanted more.

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