I Will Kill The Author

Chapter 212 Post-Game Events [1]

After single-handedly carrying my entire team to victory, I was called back to the pavilion building until the post-game event.

Needless to say, I was back at the pavilion before anyone else from my team since the rest of them had yet to even reach the stadium.

Once there, I settled onto the sofa in silence. My gaze was fixed on the holographic television before me.


Soon after, I heard a knock on the door and a pretty second-year cadet entered the room, delicately carrying a tray filled with an assortment of refreshments.

"Hi, I'm Salina," she introduced herself as she neared me and carefully placed the tray on the center table before me. "If you need anything else, feel free to find me outside."

"Thank you," I graciously nodded and said my thanks as she bestowed a friendly smile and left the room.

Once alone, I shifted my gaze towards the tray she left on the table in front of me. It was full of cold beverages, energy drinks, donuts, and nachos.

Without much wait, I picked up a can of energy drink, cracked it open, and began sipping on it.

The crowd was absolutely wild. Even as I left the stadium grounds, their boisterous cheers and chants still reached my ears.

Of course, such a reaction was expected, since there were thirty-eight thousand cadets in the crowd.

The majority of them were first and third-year cadets, with only a handful of second-years. 

Why is that? Well, as I've mentioned before, the second-years were responsible for managing the entire tournament themselves so most of them didn't have time to sit back and watch the show.

Anyway, since I was curious, I decided to check our academy's official social media page. 

It was flooded with posts about our match.

Some praised the first-year cadets, as they didn't anticipate such a good performance from us. 

Others were simply shocked, while a few expressed their scepticism and said that the match was fixed.

Honestly, I couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would accuse the match of being fixed.

I mean, yeah, there had been a few incidents in the past where cadets fixed the matches between themselves in the King's Tournament.

It allowed them to create a thrilling match filled with drama and twists rather than a straightforward, cutthroat competition.

Which, in turn, skyrocketed their popularity. After all, these matches were being broadcasted to the whole world.

However, spotting a fixed match is very easy. Cadets participating in a fixed match would avoid taking risks and hits.

But in our match just now, Nero nearly cleaved someone in half with his sword and straight up broke the arm of a young lord hailing from a ruling family.

What more do they want for it to be considered real, huh? Do they want us to genuinely kill each other, for crying out loud?

"Haa~" I sighed softly, shaking my head while scrolling through some ridiculous tweets. 

However, my brief moment of respite was interrupted by yet another knock on the door.

The second-year cadet from earlier gently cracked the door open and peeked in.

Meeting my gaze, she informed me, "Hey, your teammates have arrived. It's time for the post-game event, so come on down."

"Alright," I replied with a nod, acknowledging her message before she went back and closed the door.

The post-game event is basically a series of interviews and the presentation of MVP awards—which, let's be real, I'm going to get.

If you haven't figured it out by now, let me clarify. 

The Global Academy treats its cadets as if they were future celebrities—because, in many ways, they are.

Even if you were to graduate with the lowest rank, the outside world would still hold you in high regard simply for having attended the prestigious Global Academy.

During the King's Tournament, the Global Academy pushes its top cadets into the real world through live match broadcasts that showcase their exceptional skills, along with interviews that reveal their personalities and more.

Their aim is not only to mold the best soldiers in the world but to create star soldiers. 

After all, the popularity of these top cadets would also bolster the already esteemed reputation of the Global Academy.

So yeah, since I'm also a top cadet now, I'll have to participate in these boring events until I fall from my rank– which will not happen.

"Haaa!" Letting out another soft sigh, I got up on my feet and headed to the stadium ground.

By the time I arrived at the stadium ground, I saw a makeshift media area that had been arranged by the second-years. 

Microphones were poised, and seating arrangements were set up for both cadets and journalists.

The crowd had already left by now since the games were over and whatever the media was going to ask us right now, they could watch it online later.

Across from the reporters, my teammates were sitting in their spots, engaging in discussions and addressing inquiries from the media.

Chase and Elijah were absent since they were probably receiving medical care. 

Aside from them, Amelia was also not present since the second-years didn't think it was a good idea to put us together in front of the media.

Anyway, as I took my seat alongside my comrades, all attention shifted towards me.

–"Lucas Morningstar, pleased to meet you. We were just talking about you with your teammates," one of the reporters greeted me.

–"We've been informed by your fellow cadets that it was your plan that secured the victory. Is that really true?" another reporter inquired.

In response, I grasped the microphone and pulled it closer to my face.

"It was a collective effort," I replied. "We won because each one of us executed our tasks flawlessly—just as future soldiers should."

As I delivered my response, some journalists swiftly jotted down notes, while others threw additional questions our way.

–"Nero Dekrauf, are the circulating rumors about your Gift true? Can you truly control the elements?" a question was posed.

Before Nero could respond, the second-year cadet interjected, "I apologize, but please refrain from inquiring about our cadets' Gifts."

The journalists wore a hint of frustration before moving on. 

The conference dragged on for another twenty minutes, gradually approaching its end.

Finally, it was time for the journalists to throw the questions they had saved for the end.

After a while, a question was directed towards me.

–"So Lucas Morningstar, as we all know, you have been disowned by the Morningstar family. But then, why do you still carry their name?" a reporter inquired.

The second-year cadet prepared to step in, but I motioned for him to hold back and brought the microphone close to my face once again.

"I carry it because my father didn't strip me of it," I replied confidently. "Besides, it's a cool surname."

My response elicited chuckles from a few reporters in the crowd.

–"Are you ashamed of what you did?" a voice suddenly piped up, silencing the whole area.

Wow, way to poke the elephant in the room– I thought in my head.

"I don't know what you're referring to," I retorted before the second-year cadet swiftly interjected.

"Please, let's refrain from personal questions," he pleaded.

However, the reporter still continued.

–"You know anyone else would have been imprisoned for what you did. You were spared because you are a Morningstar. You hail from a family of heroes. Are you not ashamed of your actions in the slightest?"

"That's enough," the second-year cadet spoke up, urging us all to rise. "It's time for the award ceremony."

–"Lucas Morningstar, answer me! Are you not ashamed?! Do you sleep soundly at night? Remember, you will eventually reach your potential cap, and you will fall from your academic rank! The academy won't protect you from our questions then!" the reporter persisted, raising his voice.

Not minding his outburst, I calmly stood up, following the lead of the second-year cadet towards the award ceremony area.

–"You have degraded the Morningstar family name, Lucas! You are no hero! You will never be one!" the reporter's words echoed in the air, trailing behind me as I let out a sigh.

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