Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 49: Thic Cream And Island Sugar

Chapter 49: Thic Cream And Island Sugar

Everyone got the tents set up, but they were tight to the wagons. We had the horses posted up at either end of the row of three tents, and for some reason, Gastbo demanded that I put my tent in the middle. I was fine with it, but I still wondered why he would take a chance with being on the outside?


"Doesn't matter! I said I would take you with me, but James would kill me slow if I let you get killed. So I will take the quick death from the Werewolf then what your father will do to me!" Gastbo told me, before turning and walking over to take a place at the fire.

I was left speechless, and it took Lesha grabbing my hand to shake me free of my shocked silence. I turned to her smile but stopped her from pulling me to the fire, I needed to find some tall grass or a tree. Lesha looked at me, and when I put my knees together and grabbed my wrist, she started to giggle.

The other girls were at the fire with the men, so we went to the other side of the wagons, there was no one around. We were in a large clearing that was tight to the river and I could hear the sound of moving water as I looked into the line of trees. Lesha was behind me to give me a bit of privacy; whether or not that she had seen me naked, going to the bathroom was different! Outside at least, where you just wanted to get it done and over with.

I pulled down my underwear and squatted down at the same time. I concentrated on the sound of the rushing water, trying to let it come, but then I concentrated on the line of trees about ten meters away. My eyes could pierce then night, and I could see far better than I ever could before, and there was no mistaking the yellow eyes, pointed furry ears, back, and tail.

I was mid peep and it wasn't rushing me yet, but the piss was non-stop like it was three days without relieving myself. The entire time, only the tail moved on the Wolf, it was not the same monster as before, but far larger than any wolf I had ever seen. I finally finished and pulled my underwear up, reaching back and touching Lesha.

"It's back," I said, but I tried to find it, and It was not where it was, but there had been smells like creamy fruit and something islandy sweat, but the smells had been so faint. "Nevermind, it's gone now."

"Are you sure you are not just getting tired? Maybe you should turn in early tonight?" Lesha asked after taking my hands and then gave me a kiss.

"Will you be coming with me? We haven't really got much" I let my statement trail off, but she understood what I was trying to hint at.

"I think we should wait until we have a safe place in Dyster. I would hate to get something started and then have to stop, right?" Lesha asked me with a raised eyebrow.

I wrapped my arms around her soft body with my legs bent, and pushed my face down into her soft breast, starting to kiss them. Lesha started to laugh and try to push me off.

"I am willing to take the chance of some Werewolf interrupting us!" I said trying to sneak my hands up Lesha's skirt.

"Girls! Food is ready! Come get it!" Kevin called from the other side of the wagon.

I was momentarily distracted and Lesha broke free and ran around the wagon. I went to follow, but instantly when I was on high alert, burning red blood and platelets to make shields. I created the shield, just stopping a strike from something. Whatever had hit me was gone, completely now, and I let my shield crumble out of my hand, and then put it to my cheek.

Blood. A small cut, but whatever I had blocked had still managed to get me a little bit. The warning had been the smell, Tropical Island, fresh, crisp, and sharp. Whatever it was, it was gone, but the other smell was still here the smooth, thick, and creamy smell. That had to be the wolf.

'Are they my servant?'

'Unfortunately, more than likely if you can smell them as a sweet smell that you enjoy because Werewolves smell like wet dogs, and Vampires have no smell, unless it is perfume. These two are going to be a constant thorn and will not come quietly.' -Drania.

'Well, that's good, I was worried they were trying to kill me or something.'

'I never said they weren't trying to kill you! Until you have them under your control, they are a danger to you and the people around you, but neither of them will come quietly. Once you take one of them the other is going to refuse to come near you, but you will need them both!' -Drania.

Great, I had two more servants, but they both wanted to kill me, and each other. I almost walked into Lesha on my way back to the fire, but she stopped me, grabbing my arms, and then putting a hand to my cheek where I had the small cut. Then she grabbed my head with both hands and licked my face.

I struggled and pushed her off, but she was on me again, but not licking me with time.

"What happened to you? Why were you taking so long? You were supposed to be right behind me! K!" Lesha shouted at me.

"Hey! Something attacked me! Stop shouting at me!" I shouted back, Mei and Gloria were both coming over now to see what was going on.

"What happened? Did the wolf attack you?" Gloria asked as she walked up with Mei beside her.

"No the Werewolf is prowling around the camp. It was a vampire this time! Whatever that is, but both of them have smells like you girls, so there is that too."

I looked over to Gloria who had gone silent, and she was white as a fresh bed sheet.

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