Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 51: Eye Of Celaphite

Chapter 51: Eye Of Celaphite

Mie had come and got us after, but the room had an odor of hot sex, and I had a hard time getting to sleep. Lesha let me cuddle her, but I felt like I was being cheated, and every time I tried to slide my hands somewhere they were just pushed unconsciously away by my softly snoring lover. I finally had to get up and go outside to get some air.

Since I wasn't going to sleep and Lesha was not having any part of my needs, but I couldn't just go find a corner to masturbate like Mei. So, the next best thing was to get up and try to get my mind off it. I peeked out of the tent and saw Tim and Kevin sitting down at the fire. Both of them looked like they were almost asleep, but then they both shot up and I almost pissed myself as Gobby flew off my boot landing between me and the men.

"Tada! Hey! Don't point those sharp things at me! We are all friends here! Even...wait how did you get ahold of a Cetaphite eye? That's one handy eyeball you got there! That means you even killed one! Holy cow! And you're still...human?" Gobby asked, bouncing around Tim.

Kevin almost fell over the log trying to back away from Tim. I was surprised to see him look that way just from the mention of it. What was a Cetaphite?

"Awe you rotten little ball of blood! Why did you have to tell them? If you know about the Cetaphite, then you know what I had to do to get this damn cursed thing!" Tim snapped at Gobby, but that didn't faze my little ball of blood.

"Yeah, I know. You have to kill it and then eat about a pound of its slimy flesh raw. Then you have to tear your eye out of your head, and then force the eye that is three times bigger than you own into the socket. Oh, and this all has to be done within fifteen minutes of killing or it explodes like a bomb with a blast radius of about a klick, give or take, right?" Gobby asked hopefully, and Tim sighed.

"Yes, that is precisely how it had to be done, the only difference is that I had only one eye to start with when I set out to find this thing. Lost it in the war."

Tim stopped there and then turned his head back to Kevin.

"And, no it only works if the eye is open and the blind is off, so don't worry. I won't make you have boiling skin and your eyes bleed while shitting your guts out, you're safe."

"Oh, thanks I feel so much better, I am going to get Mark to trade shifts," Kevin said in a bit of a huff.

"I will get him when I am ready for bed, I will sit up and keep watch. I was having trouble falling asleep anyways."

Kevin thanked me, and then headed to his tent, checking the horses before turning in. I waited for him to leave, and then I turned to Tim, who rolled his one eye.

"Fine, I will tell you now that your little friend let the cat out of the bag! What did you have to go and say that for? Kevin was a nice guy, and now he will never look at me again, just like everyone else that finds out. I would say I'm surprised to see you still looking at me, but you don't know any better," Tim said with a sigh while using a stick to stir and push the unburnt pieces into the middle of the fire and then added more wood."

"No, I know what it is now. Well, partially from the stories I have heard and your description line up, but I also have heard that we both have to make eye contact for it to work. Am I close?"

"Woah, you are a different one, but if you know what I can do with these things, then why are you still looking at me?" Tim asked, now looking curious.

"Really? Are you asking the woman that could turn you into a dried husk, or just go Vampire and kill everyone in a ten-kilometer area? I also can target weak points, make myself four times stronger, and create bone armor, while raising the dead and things like Gobby. Here is the real question, how can you all stand to be around me?"

I wasn't kidding either, I truly wondered what made someone like Tim, a person who was stronger than before I got my system, would want to be near me.

"I can't speak for others, but for myself, I follow you because you're the first person to treat me as a person and not another cold-blooded killer. I didn't know you had powers until we went to the dungeon, and to see that you are another, don't mind me saying this, but, a monster like me," Tim said, staring into the fire, giving a dramatic pause. "That sealed it for me, and I hoped that when I did tell you that you would understand. You know, it's nice to be right every once in a while!"

I smiled at Tim and then stared into the fire as he did before. He was right, it was nice to have another monster with us, but in time there would be more. Those two were still out there somewhere, and I could still smell a hint of the thick sweet cream, so the wolf was still close, but there was no trace of the fruity island breeze.

"You should get some rest, K. Tomorrow the world is going to get a bit more dangerous. The path ahead is going to show you the rest of the world that has been hidden from you. Things in Healia have been pretty easy for you, but the rest of the world isn't like that," Tim told me as he pulled out an apple and knife, starting to peel it.

I left him there, and headed back to bed, waking up Mark to take my spot. I crawled back into bed and slid between Lesha and Gloria, who had Mei tucked into her chest. I laid down and was fast asleep right after my head hit the pillow.

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