Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 68: Lishtani [Graphic Violence]

Chapter 68: Lishtani [Graphic Violence]

I could only watch, and I was no longer myself. The voice in my head had taken complete control of my body, and I could feel what I did. The bloodthirst she had and the need for violence was something I wasn't sure about, but I had asked for this.

"Yes you did, and now these monsters will pay for even thinking about touching my servants. Now, K, I am going to shut you out, but you still have to watch. This will be you one day, but for now, I will do the fun stuff."


[Listina's View]

I could smell the two new fresh ones behind me and the marked boy, but I couldn't touch him. No, he and some other men needed to survive, but the others were my playthings.

It had been so long trapped inside of this girl, but now I could finally come out and play. I burst into mist and floated forward, and then into the camp that was filled with all these big strong men, but I would be back for them.

I passed them all and found a tent that looked less grubby than the rest and floated inside. The entire group of girls and men were all bound up together, well it was good to see I would have to look for them.

I reformed, and then pulled blood from the girls, but I took their Frenzy as well. That old witch talks about me like I am some unstoppable killing machine, but when that girl remembers, she will understand, just like she always does.

I turned to walk out of the tent and slid my fingers up the side of each of the big tall guards, and then I stabbed my hand inside the two of them, grabbing for guts and pulling them out.

Both guards could only stare at the pile of entrails beside each of them. I had commanded them to stand quietly and stare at what I had just done to them. Mesmerizing Presence was best used on weak-minded fools like this, so I would have some fun with this.

The girl only needed a couple bodies' worth of blood, so for the rest, I would burn the evidence. I walked around the camp, and as soon as I was seen the men started to gather wood, the fire was no good.

Once the wood had been stacked on an impressive fire, I got them all to line up, even the two dragging their entrails. I let those two go at the front of the line because they were starting to look a little pale.

After that was done, I left them to go and get the others out of here. I might be sick and twisted, but only Kand I need to be in on this little show.

I collected the people, but I put them and then girls under my control and told them to go where the others were and to wait until I got back. Then once they were gone, I let the men start climbing onto the fire.

I made one of them stand close enough to receive severe burns, but not die.

That one would be a reminder to any that thought to catch more problems in the future, right K? We don't want something like this to come back and bite us do we?

The men didn't cry out, even in death I would not let them ruin the quiet of the night. Soon, all the men we all but the final one that was severely burned and shaking from the pain.

I made this one leave and walk until she returned to his master and told him of everything that had happened to her. Only then would he be allowed to die, even if it pushed him into the afterlife to deliver it.

I watched as the bodies burned down, and I knew my time was short, but I had got to have a little bit of fun, and I killed three of the group normally to restock the girl's blood. It was a good run, and now she could use me more freely.


[Kiada's View]

I felt the hold leave and then I was back to being myself again. I had really expected it to be a lot worse. Yes, burning people alive was bad, and tearing people's guts out, but, I don't know, I just felt like I had seen worse, but I didn't know where.

The whole thing left me feeling very off, and confused. I hadn't disliked punishing those men at all, in fact, I was more impressed about the way she dealt with everything. That mind control thing was pretty scary but extremely effective on weaker people.

I wanted to ask Lishtani some questions, but she was gone as soon as I got back, leaving an almost empty feeling. That didn't really matter, I just needed to get back to see her.

I had been going all night and the ride from the day before, and the stress. It was all just starting to pile up, but I pushed forwards and started to jog back to where I could feel everyone.

I jogged for a bit and then I slowed down. I was getting very tired, very fast.

'Try to get as far as you can, I will get the girls to find you if you pass out before that. Letting her take over like that will drain a lot of your energy. Now you will be asleep for a few days while your body recharges.' -Drania.

No, I would keep pushing, I wasn't going to stop until I could hold her in my arms. I didn't go far and watch all that not to see her safe.

I pushed forward, walking forward blindly until I heard my name being cried out.

I looked up to see Lesha rushing over to me with the girls all behind her. She rushed to me and grabbed me tight in her arms, and I let go, letting the darkness swallow me whole.

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