Kiada, Blood Servant System Reborn

Chapter 75: Not Fair

Chapter 75: Not Fair

Know that I couldn't always trust the things Drania said that were disturbing. I had to wonder what other lies that she had told me.

We had got back down to the mess hall and Corbit, and Tim was down there waiting for us. Corbit can over and gave me a quick hug, but then backed away quickly.

"Sorry Guild Leader! I am just glad to see you're okay!" Corbit said with a bit of embarrassment.

"I hope you don't think I am going to give you a hug too," Tim said with a smile.

"No, not this time, but it is nice to know that I was missed. How have things been going with your training? It has only been one day, but it looks like you two have been doing something," I said looking the two over them up and down while brushing some dirt from the yellow shirt I was wearing.

"Yes, something like that, we didn't do much in the way of weapons training. Hershal and Braum think that we need to get into better shape before we start any kind of weapons training. I argued at first, but after the first time we ran their course, I could agree that I might need to work out a bit more," Tim said with a weak smile.

"So, they are making the scrawny little boys beef up? Don't worry Tim, one day you can have arms like mine," Gloria teased while flexing one of her biceps.

"Laugh at us all you want, but I think Kal and Jester have a course planned for you all tomorrow. Braum said that ours was the beginner's course and that you would be doing the intermediate. Honestly, I didn't really think I could get much worse after that," Corbit said with a grin to Gloria, but it was Mei that spoke up.

"Wah?! Wait, why do I have to do it?! I don't need to run to fight and I won't be using a weapon!" Mei complained pulling on Gloria's sleeve, but she had her fist up and clenched tight with fire in her eyes.

"Oh? They think that they have a course that is more challenging than the gauntlet from my hometown! I will accept the challenge!" Gloria announced to no one.

"Who are you talking to?" I asked.

"No, one...I umm, hmm. Don't we have a boat to catch?" Gloria said a bit peevishly, turning red-faced and walking out the door, dragging Mei along with her.

Too cute, Gloria never got excited about things. This must be one of her things, she likes competition, but so did I. Part of me wished we could be just going there now, and not down to the open water.

Stepping outside was weird, but magically beautiful at the same time. The entire city was built on a hill and we walked out to face down the hill. Ahead was what felt like miles of stone and wooden buildings, but the scene below with all the boats and water was magical and terrifying all at the same time.

We were fairly high up, but the ocean still swallowed the horizon. Only blue water met the blue sea, and while it was beautiful to look at, the thought of traveling out to a point where there was no land in sight terrified me.

I almost took an involuntary step back, but Lesha was there, as usual, to ground me with a hand on my arm.

"The ocean can be a big scary place, but you will get used to it. Don't worry, we will be staying close to land today. The Gem Hearts grow in a reef, so we won't be that far off the shore. We have met, but I will introduce myself again. I am Hershal, and this is Braum, and today we are going to take you out to show you how Gem Heart collecting works," Herschel said pointing to a large and muscled man with short black hair and a chest-length beard.

"Alright, let's get going then before I change my mind and go back to bed," I said, shaking my head.

"Ah, don't worry lass! The water be good for yer soul. Plus, you get to see the silly fockers that are going to grow to be the most profitable pain in the ass you ever did have, and that's the God's be damned truth of it!" Braum said with a big smile.

He had a funny way of talking, but he seemed like a nice guy. I also liked those curses he was using; I would have to stick close for when he stubbed a toe, I could learn all new things to call Healia when I got back!

I took Lesha by the hand and kissed her cheek, and she gave me a cute smile back, but then we had to jog to catch up. The trip to the ocean was nice and we stopped to get some dried and smoked fish to eat on the way.

When we got almost to the dock area, I remembered something and turned to Lesha as we continued to walk.

"What are we going to do in the water? I don't want to walk around in wet clothes all day waiting to dry."

"Don't worry, I picked you out of a swimsuit yesterday. Once we got into the city and got you settled down, Gastbo paid us, and Kal told us what we would be doing today. So, I went and got you some new clothes and a swimsuit," Lesha said with a dreamy look in her eyes that made me feel uncomfortable.

"You had better not got something inappropriate!" I growled at her.

"Me? Do something like that? No baby, I got you something cute that you will look good in, I promise," Lesha said while leaning over to kiss my cheek, and squeezing my hand.

When she called me that, it sent shivers down my back, and made me melt like butter inside. It really wasn't fair.

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