Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 103- Proposition to Ortlinde

Chapter 103- Proposition to Ortlinde

[Keeno POV]

With the three of us sitting in silence, I had time to fully observe the cat girl.  She had short, shoulder-length black hair with two cat ears and a tail on her back that matched. She was petite, but not in a healthy way, like she had barely been given enough to eat. Not to say she was skin and bones, but still. Her most striking feature, however, were her eyes. They were like two rubies.

“U-uhm.  L-lady Okami, why are you staring at me so much?” (Ortlinde)

“Just looking.” (Keeno)

“A-at what?” (Ortlinde)

“Your soul.  You see, I think I’ve finally figured out something that’s been bugging me for a while, but I haven’t had time to really check until now.” (Keeno)

“I-I see?  But please don’t look at me so much. I don’t deserve to be looked at by someone with eyes as pretty as yours.” (Ortlinde)

{Keeno, I like this girl, you should keep her around.}

‘I was thinking the same thing.’ (Keeno)

“Miss Ortlinde, you must have more confidence in yourself. If we feed you properly and get you some better clothes, then you’d be a stunning young woman and man, or woman would fall head over heels for.” (Emma)

“Eh!? But I was thrown out of my home because I failed to seduce men!  I only managed to become a maid here after begging for the job for months!  The only reason that disgusting pig wanted me was because I was the only one here nobody had touched yet!  How can I be considered pretty when I’m facing two of the most stunning women in all the world!?” (Ortlinde)

As she tried catching her breath from her sudden outburst, Emma and I smiled at her.

“So, Emma?” (Keeno)

“Yes, my Lady, she is perfect.” (Emma)

“Miss Ortlinde, I have a proposition for you, would you like to hear it?” (Keeno)

At my words, she became meek and nervous again.

“Y-you saved my life, s-so I really feel like you should just make me agree.” (Ortlinde)

“My Lady isn’t like that. She’s from outside this accursed country where people are better than the ones here.” (Emma)

“Huh?  There are other countries?” (Ortlinde)

“Yes, but we can save that conversation for later. For now, hear me out.  I’d like you to join us, and when I say us, I don’t mean the rebellion, but my group of companions. There are nine of them for now, but that number will be larger in the future. We’ll take care of you like a family, but not one of those imitations from this place.” (Keeno)

“…” (Ortlinde)

“You’re probably thinking what we’d get out of this, aren’t you?” (Emma)

Ortlinde didn’t verbally answer but nodded slightly.

“My Lady has a soft spot for people like you. When she sees someone in a situation like yours, she can’t help but want to aid them or, in a sense, adopt them into her family. Though I’ve also recently reunited with her, from what she’s told me about her travels so far, and some of the people she’s met, I know for a fact things like this are going to become more common as times goes on. You may not specifically have a fancy title like I do, but you’ll still be considered family.” (Emma)

{She’s got your personality down, Keeno.}

‘Of course, she does, she’s a maid, they’re supposed to be near omnipotent.’ (Keeno)

{That’s…oddly accurate, at least for the most part.}

“S-so you just want me to join your family?  No ulterior motives?” (Ortlinde)

“I mean, I’d ask you to help out with things here and there if you can, but other than that I just want to take care of people like you. I’m no saint, that’s my friend, and I know I can’t do this for every single person in the world in a situation like yours, but I reserve the right of reaching out if I want to. In fact, it’s because it’s you that I’m extending this offer.” (Keeno)

“W-what makes me so special?” (Ortlinde)

“Two things, one, your soul. It may not be as pure as my saint friend’s, but it’s still extremely pure, especially for someone who lives in Falheim. Two, you like my eyes. I can count on two hands the amount of people that liked my eyes from the very start without taking the time to actually get to know me.” (Keeno)

“That’s absurd!  How can people NOT like your eyes!?  They are so pretty, and I feel like I could be lost in them if I let myself.” (Ortlinde)

{Keeno, don’t you think Red would like a sister?  I can ask if they want to adopt her and give her an Apostle trial.}

‘Do it, later though.’ (Keeno)

‘It’s not my place to judge, but if that’s all it takes to get on the good side of both of you, things will be difficult if an enemy learns of this.’ (Emma)

{It’s fine, Fia taught Keeno how to see through empty flattery, and once she gets more of her Authorities unlocked, she’ll be able to discern lies and the truth.}

‘I will?’ (Keeno)

{Of course. You are the Goddess of Death; you must be able to see through these things if you are to judge a soul properly.}

‘…Anyway, back to Ortlinde.’ (Keeno)

“T-this is too good to be true.  There is n-no way there is someone this nice.” (Ortlinde)

“Well, it’s the truth.  Think of it this way, little one.  What is there waiting for you if you decline?  Hardship of a magnitude you can hardly imagine.  Living on the streets, only the clothes on your back for warmth in a cooler season close to winter.  No way to get food other than stealing it or begging.  No roof to sleep under.  No protection from those who’d use you for unsavory things.  What I’m offering is safety, peace of mind, and people that would look at you as an equal and as family rather than a thing that is only there to be exploited or used.  Though, now that I say all this out loud, it makes it sound like I’m trying to strongarm you into agreeing, which I’m really not trying to do…*sigh*Why does everything I’m saying sound so insincere?” (Keeno)

“Because that is usually how the truth makes things sound when listed out in that way, especially with things like they are in this country.” (Emma)

“OH!  And here is a bonus for you if you accept my offer.  I can teach you how to manifest your Soul Weapon.” (Keeno)

Ortlinde’s eyes went wide at my words, and she nearly jumped to her feet in shock.

“I can use a Soul Weapon!?” (Ortlinde)

“Everyone can, I just didn’t know why people in Falheim couldn’t, which is what I figured out by observing you earlier.  Turns out, your soul is too weak to manifest it.  Aside from the physical side needing to be improved for your quality of life and health, you need to strengthen your soul to normal person levels to manifest it.  And to do that, or at least start the process it to get more confidence in yourself.” (Keeno)

Ortlinde continued standing there in shock at this revelation while Emma looked a bit confused.

“How can you tell how strong or weak a soul is?” (Emma)

“It’s just a feeling.  You’ll get it once you get used to seeing souls.  Just try not to get overwhelmed when we actually go out and see a lot of people.” (Keeno)

“I’m suddenly very worried.” (Emma)

“You’ll be fine.” (Keeno)

Emma and I chatted a little while longer while Ortlinde processed the information I gave her earlier.  When she finally managed to come back to her senses, she fell limply onto the seat behind her.

“Head…hurts.” (Ortlinde)

“My Lady, I feel like this is enough information sharing for her for one day.” (Emma)

“I agree, though I would like to hear her answer to my proposition.” (Keeno)

“H-honestly…I don’t see a real choice to refuse…and…I really want a family.  If this is all a dream, I really hope I never wake up.” (Ortlinde)

“Welcome to the family, Ortlinde Okami.” (Keeno)

“…” (Ortlinde)

I got up from where I was sitting and walked over to where Ortlinde was sitting.  I sat next to her and wrapped one of my tails around her.  She leaned into the hug, and she started to cry, the reality fully sinking in.  Emma joined soon after and we stayed like that for a while before Ortlinde finally calmed down and dried her eyes.  I stood up from the seat and held out my hand to her.

“Let’s go meet Pram and Freya, they’re going to love you.” (Keeno)

Ortlinde took my hand, and I helped her up before all three of us left the room.

Chaos Realm:

Keeno: What?


Luna: Hey, Keeno, come here for a bit, we need to talk, you too, Amaterasu.

Amaterasu: Coming.

Keeno: What is it?

Luna: Getting straight to the point, you should make a Paladin order.

Keeno: Paladin?

Amaterasu: Why?

Luna: Because leaving all the work to Keeno’s Valkyries is too much.  If you make a Paladin order with them at the head, then they can delegate tasks to them while they take care of more important things.  You can both give ones that pledge their service to the two of you blessings and stuff, and if they end up betraying the order and consequently the two of you, then you can take them away.

Amaterasu: It’s a good idea, and it would allow me to assist Keeno’s Valkyries indirectly, though I don’t have any good ideas for members.  Those knights that call themselves paladins in my service don’t count.

Luna: What are you talking about?  There are at least two perfect candidates at the moment.  You know, Sigurd and Ortlinde.

Amaterasu: Well, I still need to reach out to Fu and Moco about Ortlinde, but I think it can still work for Sigurd.

Keeno: Um…What’s a Paladin?

Luna: Think Einherjar, but not dead and eternally preparing for war.

Keeno: Oh…That’s a wonderful idea, and I could totally see Sigurd being one of them.

Luna: Then I’ll draft up a plan for you while you two look for members, I’ll give it to you next time Payto decides to let you both come here.

Keeno: Seriously, what’s up with him today?

Luna: Order yelled at him for messing up and making Astraea cry, so now he’s despondent due to both of those things.

Amaterasu and Keeno: Ah.

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