Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 107- The Beast Emerges

Chapter 107- The Beast Emerges

[Keeno POV]

Some time has passed since we started to head toward the capital, and I was constantly getting a bad feeling.  It was getting to the point that I hardly felt any of the grudge around me, like it was all being sucked in one direction.  All of this made me extremely nervous about what was happening, and how powerful this would make what we had to face once we finally arrived.  This feeling was only compounded by what I saw when we finally got into sight of the capital.

With a backdrop of mountains, was a city surrounded by rivers that wound in and out of the walls like veins to a heart.  The sky above the walls was a dark mass of clouds with the occasional bolt of lightning.  Even from the distance we were at, I could see that the water in the rivers looked tainted.

“…It’s been so many years, but this…this is horrible.” (Sigurd)

“It feels like we’re marching to our deaths.” (Emma)

“You literally can’t die, Emma, but I get how you feel.” (Keeno)

We continued to march toward the capital until we were a handful of hours away.  We set up camp for probably the last time in this war as soon as the suns dipped too low to reasonably continue.  This whole time, the foreboding feeling grew stronger.  As soon as night was fully upon us, other things started to happen.  Screams could be heard coming from the city along with a loud, rumbling growl like that of a starved beast.  These things kept many people awake and made them paranoid, though I highly suspect it was more due to the concentrated grudge coming from all the water around us that wafting into the air like a purplish-black steam.

A restless night passed and once the suns once again graced us with their presence, they were quickly shrouded by the clouds.  Once all were up, we began to prepare to attack the city when a lookout called attention to a group coming from behind us.  When the flag of the rebellion was seen, many uttered sighs of relief, though those sentiments quickly died as the sound of cracking stone could be heard coming from the city.  A short time after that, a roar full of such primal rage that it could fill even the most bloodthirsty barbarian with fear drowned out all sound as a shadow that towered over the walls of the capital emerged.

A being that is spoken of only in legends from my previous life, and a creature so rare that it’s basically a myth in this one emerged, or at least, something with the shape of one.  It was massive, with a starved, skeletal look, with what looked like tar dripping from all over its body.  A feeling of pride so strong welled up in my chest, forbidding me from calling that thing a dragon stopped me from uttering the words, though that wasn’t the same for others.

“A-a dragon!?”

“When did the king get a dragon!?”

“We’re all going to die!”

“It’s been an honor fighting by your side, my brothers and sisters, may we all go out in a blaze of glory, for the freedom of Falheim!”

Despite the fear, some of the warriors here saw the challenge and accepted the fact that they would most likely die but chose to go out fighting.  The morale of these few was contagious, and soon, a vast majority of our forces let out an ear-shattering war cry and soon, started to rush toward the city.

‘Blessing of War?’ (Keeno)

{Most assuredly.}

“Yep.  A little morale boost in the direst situations always helps, and I think this counts as a dire situation.  Though, it could be worse, I mean hmmm hmm hmmmph hmm hmph!” (Moco)

“Moco, don’t say that, or things WILL get worse for them.  You know how Phobos is.” (Fu)

“…Mmm hmm.” (Moco)

{Just focus on the fight ahead, Keeno.}

“Y-you can do it, big sis!” (Ortlinde)

Ama and Ortlinde’s supportive words filled me with determination, and I joined in on the charge to the city.  The closer we got, the less tired I felt, and the feeling of wanting to fight and win started to fill me.  Not so say I felt invincible, but close to it.

“Don’t let that invincible feeling get to you, Keeno.  My blessing invigorates you, makes you less tired in battle, and makes you tougher, but you can still be cut, you can still break bones, and you CAN still die, just not as easily.  Sadly, though it may not be trouble for you, it doesn’t lessen mana consumption.  And, this is the most important, it’s only temporary.  For you, I can give it indefinitely, but not for the others.” (Moco)

‘No, I don’t want it indefinitely, else I know I’ll get too overconfident.  Once this war is over, and we’re sure we’re safe, then you can take it back.’ (Keeno)

“Heard you loud and clear!” (Moco)

The monstrosity continued to roar at the sky, almost like it was crying, though I couldn’t tell if it was from sadness or rage.  Once we reached the gates of the city, we found them open, and we could hear other things going on inside.  The sounds of weeping, screaming, splashing.  As soon as we passed the threshold, the sight we saw was sickening.  People, or should I say bodies, were strewn about.  Most wearing armor, others regular clothes or even rags.  A few still lived, but only barely, and I could see a large number of souls slowly hovering out of the bodies and floating towards the castle, or more specifically, the mountain and sky behind the castle.

Some of the people that were alive and saw us storm the gates, did their best to pick up the bodies of their loved ones and move them someplace so that they wouldn’t be trampled underfoot, while those with armor stood and drew their weapons, their eyes hollow and full of nothing but hate.

{The grudge from that monstrosity is filling them.  Soon enough it’s going to also start affecting the ones that aren’t soldiers.  How horrible.}

“Rasu, doesn’t this remind you of-” (Fu)

{Don’t say it, Fu.  It does, but I know for a fact that this isn’t one.  While it is similar, it’s not powerful enough or its presence corrupting enough to be close to one.}

“True.  But if I had to name it, it would be a seed, one that needs pruning at all costs.” (Fu)

{I agree with you there.}

“Hear that, Keeno, leave the rabble to the others, they can handle it, especially with that Commander guy almost here.  Go face the bigger threat.” (Moco)

I only nodded and started to run faster, dodging past several enemies, going in any direction that would bring me closer to it.  After a while of winding my way through small alleys and jumping several canals, I found that I wasn’t alone.  Pram, Freya, Emma, and Sigurd were also making their way towards the monstrosity.

“My Lady, I hope you have some sort of plan, because this feels very off the cuff.” (Sigurd)

“Yeah, the plan is deal with that before it starts affecting normal people more than it already is and completely destroys the city.” (Keeno)


“It’s plan enough, Sigurd.  Just trust in our Lady.” (Emma)

“If anyone can handle this, it is most certainly Keeno.” (Pram)

“True, if anything, she is capable of more than we are for now.” (Freya)

“And Sigurd, you’ll be pivotal for this, I’m looking forward to seeing you live up to your namesake.” (Keeno)

Chuckling at his confused expression, I summoned my Soul Weapons and tossed one into the side of a building before using the chain to swing over several canals at once.

“You guys catch up, I’ll be waiting!” (Keeno)

I continued onward, toward a fated confrontation.

Chaos Realm:

Preparing the Soul Snares.  They’ll be ready once Keeno initiates battle.

Order: I’m ready on my end too.

Good.  Though it won’t be as satisfying, I also have the miniature versions getting ready to pick up any small piece of Lucius’s soul as well, if there is anything left at all once Keeno is done with it.

Order: And I sent Astraea off with In-chan, so she’s safe from this too.

Perfect.  She’s still too young to see such a corrupted soul.

Order: I know…and done.

Now all we have left to do is wait.

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