Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 144- Eblana the Go Getter

Chapter 144- Eblana the Go Getter

[Eblana POV]

I woke from my light sleep with a big yawn. Looking around the room and seeing the others in there, I was once again reminded all of the things from this past week were real.  Even though we were just skulking through tunnels, this past week was some of the most fun I’ve had in years. It was like I was with my sister again, with family. I couldn’t stop myself from smiling at the thought. I reveled in the feeling for several minutes before stretching and getting out of bed. Undecided that it was best to not wake the others up, so I wrote a quick note to them before leaving the room.

“The early dragon gets the gold, as they say.”

Making my way out through several tunnels, I exited from my favorite spot under the aqueduct. The suns had just started to rise, bringing light to the world.  It reflected off the white stone of the buildings, casting interesting shadows across the city.

“So, while it will take some planning to meet those Lokir ambassadors, the prime minister should be easy. Hehehe.  And I know just what to do to get that meeting.”

Making my wings appear I flew up and around several buildings until I reached the castle. While normally I’d take several secret passages, I didn’t feel like alerting any of the shadows that way and taking the ones that were forgotten would take too long.  While on my way there I savored the taste of the early morning air while I daydreamed of that beautiful forest view from yesterday.

“I wonder if they’ll let me spend some time there at some point.  It was stunning.”

Landing on the small grassy lawn of the castle I waltzed right through the gates.  The guards on early duty stiffened at my approach and immediately opened the way for me.  As I passed them, I noticed a slight grey light shining from within them but when I blinked it was gone.

‘I’ll need to ask Lady Keeno later.’

After the large doors to the castle closed behind me, I made the long trek to a certain mongrel’s office. I passed several maids and a butler or two who bowed to me with the grace of professionals, none even so much as flinching at my presence, which was a nice feeling, even if I knew it was something they trained to do. After another half an hour, I finally made it to the heavy, enchanted door and pushed my way in. Sitting behind the same old desk full of papers was the same old man who’d been ruling this country for a thousand years. Only this time he seemed older. His hair was grayer and thinner than I remember, he had large bags under his eyes, and he was hunched over like he was about to pass out at any moment.

“Oh?  Are you finally on your deathbed, old man?  Ready to keel over any moment?” (Eblana)

He bolted like he was startled or woken up from a nap.

“…What…do you want, you lazy lizard?” (Baldr)

My interest being peeked, I sat down in one of the cushy chairs and stared at the old man, a barely concealed grin on my face.

“Well, I did have some business, but this takes priority.  It’s not like this isn’t the first time you’ve confided in me, so tell me what’s gotten you so…old.” (Eblana)

He stared at me while scrutinizing my word before letting out a large sigh.

“Remember that nightmare?” (Baldr)

“The one calling for your death?  I remember it fondly.” (Eblana)

He glared and scowled at me before continuing.

“It’s been happening more frequently; to the point it’s every night now. It doesn’t help that other things have been going wrong, the negotiations with Lokir have stalled, those blasted raven keep harassing me…my shadows are going missing…” (Baldr)

He looked at me with suspicion.

“Do you have anything to do with that?” (Baldr)

“Have I ever killed your little spies, even when knowing that they nearly always are watching me.  Speaking of which, I haven’t felt their gaze in a while, what’s with that?” (Eblana)

“I don’t know. I received a report that a suspicious group led by a three tailed kitsune was seen inside the city but soon vanished as if they were just an illusion. And I haven’t been able to find the report either. Hahahaha.  I feel like I’m going insane! Anyway, I sent all of them to look for that group. Some have gone missing on this mission, so I’m assuming they’ve been killed…hehehehehehehehe. I’ve gotten an idea now, you stupid, lazy, good-for-nothing lizard, it’s time you live up to the reputation as my pet. Hunt down this kitsune and bring me her head.” (Baldr)

I rolled my eyes.

“Fine, but I’m taking this reward up front. Where’s the prime minister?” (Eblana)

“What do you need with that whelp?” (Baldr)

“I heard the last one got replaced and I haven’t met the new one yet.  Need to at least scare them a bit.” (Eblana)

“Geh.  He’s in his office. Other side of the castle.” (Baldr)

“I know where it’s at. Now get back to your nap.” (Eblana)

I stood up from my chair and noticed several ravens sitting in the balcony railing, a very large one in the center. I smirked at this sight.

“You got an audience, old man.” (Eblana)

He turned around faster than I thought he could move, and his eyes went wide with actual terror. Visibly trembling he raised a hand, and the light of magic began to shine only for the largest of the ravens to spread its wings, casting a shadow in the room. Baldr faltered and his hand dropped. The raven made sounds akin to laughter and flew off with its smaller brethren, leaving one to continue staring directly at Baldr.

I approached the window and the raven stared at me for a moment before flying off. I turned around d and walked to the door, only sparing a glance at the old man who was trembling even more now.  I opened the door and was about to step out when I got an idea. I closed it back and approached a shelf in the room before picking up a random trinket, placing a small animal skull on the shelf and placing the trinket back. To hide this action, I picked up several more things and acted like I was observing them.

“At the price of actually sounding concerned, you should get some sleep. Get a sleep mage or something, they work wonders for dreamless sleep I’ve heard, though the accuracy of those rumors is unknown.” (Eblana)

I walked back to the door and left the room.  Making a similarly long tell to the other side of the castle, I arrived at the office of the previous and now current prime minister. Unlike the king who had two guards stationed outside, none were present here. There were also no shadows present either, making my task even easier.  Seeing as this person is a friend of Lady Keeno, I decided to be polite and knocked on the door and only entered when I positive response was given.  Quietly opening the door, I saw a similar scene from earlier.  A man in the prime of his life sitting behind a desk piled high with papers.  He glanced up briefly before looking back down at his work only to do a double take.

“Who are you?” (Aslan)

“Your father or grandfather or whoever it is you inherited this position from didn’t tell you about me?  That makes me so sad.  My name is Eblana, the Death Dragon.” (Eblana)

I sat down in a chair facing Aslan while he digested this new knowledge and grew paler as he did so.

“W-what do you want from me?” (Aslan)

“Hmmm?  I’ll just ask outright then, want to commit some grand treason?” (Eblana)

He didn’t even respond, he moved his hand to reach for something that would send a signal, so I applied some pressure on him, causing him to freeze.

“I could have worded that better. What I am trying to say is, want to meet with your friend Lady Okami?” (Eblana)

“…How is that and grand treason related?” (Aslan)

“Depends on our answer. Do you consider your friendship with her a higher priority than your duty to this country?” (Eblana)

“…” (Aslan)

His hesitation was a good sign. The reaction earlier was most likely a conditioned response to my suggestion.  Watching his expression, I could see the internal debate being held in his mind.

“Honestly, I don’t like many things here, and that feeling has only been compounded after taking up position as prime minister. The nobles are all corrupt, the king sits in this castle, watching everything as if he’s a god, the knights are just as corrupt as the nobles, taking bribes from nearly every crook and bandit, and it takes nearly more money to maintain this city than it does the rest of the country. It’s so stressful I can feel myself age a hundred years in a week.  Compared to that leisurely year traveling to Vanir, I’d love to feel that way again.” (Aslan)

He pinched the bridge of his nose as he leaned back in his chair.

“I honestly don’t know how this country has stayed together for so long.  I don’t understand how its projected this nearly invincible, untouchable, perfect image to the rest of the world when it’s all just an illusion.  I’ve about done all I could do mitigate or absolve as many of these problems as I could, but without the king’s support, much less the people’s, I can’t do anything.  All of them are just happy being complacent…stagnant in this horrid situation, I’m at my limit.” (Aslan)

I crossed my arms as he vented his frustrations.  I contemplated all the things I knew about this situation of this country and realized that I really didn’t know all that much.  I knew it was in an eternal spring due to the Dead Zone, I knew that the people here didn’t care to truly advance aside from their inventions like that noise box thing, but aside from those and a few more minor things, I didn’t know much.

“I’m not sure of her plans for you, or if she just wants to see a friend, she made a while ago, but I can take you to meet her.  As for why it’s high treason to see her, it’s because she’s the one the king is looking for, though he doesn’t know it’s her specifically.” (Eblana)

“What could she possibly have done to make her a wanted fugitive?  She and Lady Pram seemed to be too good people to do something that would earn a conviction like this.” (Aslan)

“I’m not at liberty to say.  That’s something only she can tell you, but what I can say is it has to do with the old man’s paranoia.” (Eblana)

“…I see.  Is there any way we should go about this then?  I doubt it would seem normal for me to just up and leave.” (Aslan)

“Oh, don’t you worry about that, just play along with me and all will seem like I’m the one at fault.  In this case, it’s good my reputation with most of the knights and guards proceeds me.” (Eblana)

Before he could even ask what I meant, I got up, grabbed him, and opened a window.  Stepping out onto the balcony I spread my wings and leapt.

“WHAT!!!” (Aslan)


To make a show of it, I flew around the castle a few times, making sure I passed by the old man’s office once or twice before diving toward the aqueduct once more.  Landing next to it, I found the door to the tunnels and opened it.  I only put the prime minister down after shutting the door.

“………” (Aslan)

“Suck it up, it wasn’t that bad.” (Eblana)

He stumbled a bit before leaning on the wall and sliding down.

“Next time…a warning would be nice.” (Aslan)

“Meh.  It wouldn’t be convincing otherwise.  Now come on, we have a lot to talk about, and I need to get you back before tonight.  If I don’t, the old man will get suspicious.” (Eblana)

He sat there for another minute before standing up shakily.

“Lead the way then.” (Aslan)

I did just that and started walking, hoping that Lady Keeno would be proud to get her plans underway faster than expected.

Chaos Realm:

Hmm.  Eblana is a bit rash, but she’s got the right idea at least.

Order: Yeah.  But I’m kind of worried about that Aslan kid, he’s too stressed for someone his age should be, at least in that specific world’s standard.


Nykuro: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  I like that dragon lady.  She’s so deliciously evil!

Heh.  How so?

Nykuro: She just kidnapped the prime minister, made fun of an old man, and scared those guard people so much they almost peed their pants.  As expected of my future evil apprentice.

Order: And when was that decided?

Nykuro: Just now!

Little Nyoodle, why don’t we calm down?  You can’t just decide something like that so suddenly.

Nykuro: HMPH!

Order: Now, now, don’t be like that.  Think about it this way, what if someone even more evil shows up later?  You wouldn’t want to have your first apprentice be someone who is so easily outshone by someone later down the line, right?

Nykuro: …Uuuuuuuu.  You make too much sense, mum.

I’m surprised you didn’t say anything about the king, he is also evil.  I’d say even more so than Eblana or Keeno, at least in my perspective.

Nykuro: That old guy is bad evil.  Evil for himself, it’s disgusting and makes me feel gross.  The dragon lady is evil, but the good kind.

Order: I see.  So, you only find the good kind of evil acceptable.

Nykuro: Yep.

So, your Authority is based on Necessary Evil more so than Evil in its entirety.

Nykuro: I’m gonna go play with Astraea now, I need my dose of sisterium.

Order: Just don’t get in the way of Evelyn.  If you do, they may end up not liking you anymore.

Nykuro: I know!  I’ll make sure I’m not that in the way.

*Both Order and Payto pat Nykuro’s head*

Nykuro: Ehehehe…I mean, it’s not like I like that or anything, so I definitely won’t come back later for more!

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