Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 147- Meet and Run

Chapter 147- Meet and Run

[Keeno POV]

I took it a bit slow making my way back to the booth we were hiding in to make sure we weren’t caught. Thankfully the Death Spirits were going above and beyond in their task and this floor was basically now devoid of guards, making the quick trip easier. After reaching the door, I gave the signal and the odder was opened.  The two of us stepped inside and I relaxed just a bit.

“Eblana, monitor the things out there. I got Muninn to help a bit and now we’re on a shorter time limit.” (Keeno)

“What did it do?” (Freya)

“Helped two guards take an express trip out a window.” (Keeno)

“Just great.  Anyway, introductions.” (Pram)

Margaret stepped out from behind me.

“Then allow me to start. My name is Margaret Nearl, leader of the Radiant Knights of Lokir.  I have heard of your mission from Sun Apostle Fiametta and the rest of my order and myself agree with it.  While there are only two other members of my order aside from myself here, we are prepared to assist you in any way we can, though our means are extremely limited in Odeen.” (Margaret)

“I am Keeno Fafnir Okami, I would prefer if you use Okami for me for now.  To my left are Pram, Freya, and Mostima. They are my traveling companions. The one by the window over there is Eblana, my Odeen Valkyrie and the infamous Death Dragon.  I’m thankful for your future cooperation and look forward to working with you.” (Keeno)

“Then, in the name of expediency, let us get straight to the point.” (Margaret)

“Gladly. I’m going to lay out a timeline of things we have planned. For the most part you and yours won’t have much of a role seeing as you are also foreigners to Odeen and aren’t tied up in this politics and dark side fully. Mostly I would like you assistance in getting out of here and into Lokir.  While we need to finalize the specifics, there is a chance I won’t be very mobile myself when we need to leave, and when we do need to leave, there will be chaos.” (Keeno)

“Hmm. I can do that much. It won’t be too hard to convince our charge to bring you five along. The hard part will be getting him to abandon the current deal going on here.” (Margaret)

“I doubt that.  A Dead Zone disappearing will cause immediate chaos. Whatever your charge stands to gain from staying will be far outshone by self preservation.” (Keeno)

“I like your confidence, but I know him. While your words are true, it will probably take a few days for him to realize things aren’t…profitable enough to stick around.” (Margaret)

“…” (Keeno)

I didn’t have a response for that. Sure, that ultimately helps us, but I didn’t think someone would actually want to continue any interaction with a country about to be thrown into upheaval.

“What if, say, Baldr also dies?  Would that speed up any departure plans?” (Eblana)

“Yes.  Assassination of royalty will give us all the excuse to take our charge and leave, regardless of his protests.” (Margaret)

“Well, he had to die anyway, so that helps.  Oh, and one thing you got wrong earlier, it’ll be us four. Eblana needs to stay here. It’s her duty as a Valkyrie to keep some semblance of control over the souls of the dead for a while.” (Keeno)

“I see.  Any idea on where we would meet for our mutual exodus from the city?” (Margaret)

“That’s hard to say.  We can’t really know just how bad the situation will be or where we’ll come out when the Dead Zone is gone.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  Then, if you don’t mind a suggestion from my side, how about outside the castle gate?  If there is going to be as much chaos as you say, then. A place that recognizable should be at least somewhat easy to get to.” (Margaret)

I glanced around at the others and no objections were raised.

“Then consider that matter settled. I’ll leave the way you get us to join you to you as well.” (Keeno)

“I can do that. I-” (Margaret)

Suddenly a loud sound of snapping came from below accompanied by terrified shrieks.  Margaret stood up from the seat she was sitting in and rushed over to the window and threw open the curtains.  I went to stand next to her, making sure I’d be hidden as much as possible.

Down in the arena, the ballista that was tampered with before everything began ropes snapped, sending a large bolt charged with magic through the barrier and into the crowd, carving a large chunk out if the seats and killing tens of people.  The particular seating was directly under the king’s booth.  Though it was difficult to see from our position, the one who manned the ballista seemed dazed while several guards that weren’t a part of anything related to us stormed into the arena.  They surrounded the dazed ballisteer and ripped him from his position and forced him to his knees.  Then, the king’s voice rang out over the entire arena.

“It seems my decision from earlier was a hasty one.  It seems that his intention was to assassinate me and my esteemed guest.  Truly a shame, for one of such promise to commit such a grave and foolish crime.  Spitting in the face of my honor, as well as our glorious country’s. It seems I must now turn this joyous event into a bloody one.  Execute him and present his head to the castle. Acquire all his assets and have them delivered as well, for they will be fired to Lokir’s envoy as reparations for this slight.” (Baldr)

Down below, four knights restrained the ballisteer while a fifth walked up brandishing a greatsword.  It was only then did the unwitting victim of this charade recover from his dazed state.  When he raised his head, I expected to see him look in the direction of the king and show some sort of resentment or fear, but instead of that, he looked in my direction and gave a knowing smile. It reminded me of that time with the old man back in Solheim.  Soon after that, the sword was brought down, and the poor man’s head rolled away from his body. Several seconds later, his soul along with the souls of all the other innocent people who had died tonight floated from their bodies.

“Damn it!  Margaret, get back to your place now. Everyone, we need to run.” (Keeno)

Not questioning why, Margaret leapt from her place by the window and out the door. We did so shortly after and began looking for a way out.  None of our plans for getting out of here accounted for souls of the dead coming to me for purification.  I looked around in a panic when some movement made me look at a window. Muninn sat there watching us with Huginn sitting next to it.

“Huginn, Muninn, can each of you carry one person long enough to safely get to the ground?” (Keeno)

They looked at one another and nodded.

“You two go with them.” (Keeno)

Pram and Freya looked slightly reluctant, but the situation being what it was they quickly moved to the window. They were both held by the shoulders by Huginn and Muninn and out the window they went. Mostima had summoned her Soul Weapons and jumped out shortly after, gently floating down while manipulating her gravity.  Eblana followed after her, leaving me alone. I hooped up into the window only to hear the sound of people coming up behind me.

“Stop right there and face me, monster.” (Baldr)

My tails twitched.

{Keeno, I know that look. Are you really sure taunting him will be helpful?}

‘It won’t.’ (Keeno)

Seeing the reason in Ama’s words, I resisted the urge to turn and taunt the king too much. I twitched a tail and shot a fireball in the direction his voice came from while jumping from the window. I free fell for a second before the split part of my cloak unfurled like the wings of a bird and I gently glided down.  I looked around for the others and saw the flame on Eblana’s tail. I glided until I landed next to her and she quickly led us away from the arena. We ran around several turns and alleys and into a door that looked like it led into a cellar.

“It’s very convenient that you know about all these hidden passages.” (Keeno)

“It really is. But that’s not the point right now. We need to move since this one is a known one.” (Eblana)

She led the way, running through the tunnels just like our first week here. Thankfully it only took two hours to make it back to her place instead of a week.  Sitting down on a bed, I let out a sigh.

“I realize plans hardly ever go, well, as planned, but damn. It was going so well.  I didn’t account for people instinctively looking to me when they are about to die or the souls coming to me.” (Keeno)

“I forgot people do that too, Keeno. It’s not like we expected something like that to happen either.” (Pram)

“Guess being the living embodiment of death has drawbacks like that.” (Mostima)

“Meh. Anyway, Eblana, I expect you’ll be summoned to the castle soon. Be ready for that.” (Keeno)

“I already have an idea on how to handle that, so leave it to me. But I should say one thing, we should speed up any plan we have in regards to the Dead Zone. Knowing the old man, he’s gonna start shoring up his defenses.” (Eblana)

“…” (Keeno)

I nodded.

“We’ll discuss when you get back…or would you rather us discuss while you’re dealing with this, and we tell you later?” (Keeno)

“Tell me later. I’m going now.” (Eblana)

“*Sigh*Sooner than I expected, but two days.  That’s when we go for it.” (Keeno)

“Why two days?” (Freya)

“Gotta give Margaret some time to get her people informed and a plan figured out. I’ll send Huginn and Muninn to let her know.” (Keeno)

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” (Pram)

“I’m not, but what can we do?  We can’t stay here forever, and with what happened tonight, the faster we get this done, the better. It’s not ideal, but I can’t think of anything else.” (Keeno)

{Haste makes waste, Keeno.  I agree waiting too long will end poorly, but two days is too short. Give it a week at least.}

“Any specific reason why?” (Keeno)

{Let tonight’s events fester in his mind.  Doing so will cause his paranoia to become uncontrollable and he’ll keep everyone at his disposal on guard constantly.  The longer they are like that, the more tired and easy to trick they’ll be when the time comes.}

“Oh.  That kind of plan. It’s very effective, though other tactics like this are more effective.  If we just do nothing, they will eventually get complacent, even if the king doesn’t. We should do something to keep all the guards on their toes.” (Mostima)

“Then Huginn, Muninn, you two and your minions are to cause as much trouble for everyone in the castle as possible, don’t take it too far with people that aren’t guards or nobles, but stir up as much chaos as possible. Oh, and leave Margaret and her people out of it.” (Keeno)

They nodded in a bird way and flew up and off my shoulder before seemingly exploding in a burst of feathers, completely disappearing from the room.

“What!?!?” (Keeno)

Everyone else was just as shocked and confused as I was.

{Keeno, next time you come see me, bring those two.  It seems I need to study them personally.  Their growing in a weird way.}

“Yeah…I’ll do that.” (Keeno)

Deciding to just stop thinking about it, I flopped down on the bed.

“Uuuuuuugh.  My head hurts.” (Keeno)

“Want some life magic?” (Pram)

“Nah.  I’m just gonna sleep it off.” (Keeno)

“Good night then.” (Pram)

“Yeah.” (Keeno)

I was thankfully welcomed by sleep nearly as soon as I closed my eyes.

Chaos Realm:

Order: What in all the layers of the Sea of Chaos was that?

I…I don’t know…how do I not know?

Order: You can not know stuff?

Apparently.  Let me get a better look at them.

*Several minutes later*

Well.  That’s interesting.  They are starting to embody the Concept of Heralding Death as well as something else interesting.

Order: What’s that something else?

In Keeno’s old world, their names meant ‘thought’ and ‘memory.’  By some conceptual connection from that fact and Keeno’s Divinity that the two have, they are also gaining access to those Authorities, though to an even more limited degree than Keeno’s current state.  Seems like, once Keeno fully ascends, those two will be integral in the way that world works in regard to judgement of souls.  Heralding Death is obvious but Thought and Memory are going to be strange.

Order: Is this going to affect anything else in that specific mortal world?

No.  They won’t fully access the Thought and Memory Concepts until after Keeno ascends, but Heralding Death is going to give them some fun abilities, like that weird teleport thing they did.  Too bad it only works on them and no one else.

Order:  I wonder why this is happening now.

My guess is being in close proximity to the Dead Zone core for such an extended period of time.

Order: I hope that doesn’t lessen the effect it’s going to have on Keeno when she absorbs it.

It won’t.

Order: That’s good.

It is.

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