Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 161- Sparring

Chapter 161- Sparring

[Keeno POV]

Waking up early the next morning I looked around. Most everyone was still asleep though I did notice Pram’s tail reaching over into Freya’s blanket.


{I agree.  Best thing is it was an unconscious movement on Pram’s part.}

‘Extra adorable.’

Thinking about what was planned for the day, I got myself dressed in my most easy to move in outfit as quietly as possible.  I went to the bathroom to tend to my tails and pass the time waiting for the others to wake up.  Once I was satisfied, I went back into the room to find a few others awake including Margaret.  She was busy getting a few pieces of her armor on in preparation for our match.

“I was wondering where you went.” (Margaret)

“Had to get these in order.  Doesn’t feel right if I don’t, like I’d be scolded by someone scary if I didn’t.” (Keeno)

“That’s concerning.  I didn’t think Lady Fiametta or Goddess Amaterasu would scold you for that kind of thing.” (Margaret)

“Ama tends to her tails like I do with the same reasoning.” (Keeno)

“…What is there that can actually scare a god?” (Margaret)

“A lot of things, actually.  They are just people like us after all.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.” (Margaret)

She finished putting on her armor and stood up, stretching.

“The rules for our spar in a bit, Soul Weapons, or sparring weapons?” (Margaret)

“Soul Weapons.  No point if there isn’t a bit of danger.  It’s the best way to learn.” (Keeno)

“…I’ve never heard that before.” (Margaret)

“Eh?  Is it not normal to train like that?  Fia and Ama said it was.” (Keeno)

“Um.  I think we have different versions of common sense in this regard.  Soul Weapon sparring is only ever done by masters of their preferred style.” (Margaret)

“…” (Keeno)

“Hehehe.  In any case, it’ll be interesting.  I’m looking forward to our match even more now.” (Margaret)

I smirked, my own excitement for our sparring match getting ignited even further.  So much so that my horns appeared and my tails began to wave a bit faster than their usual methodical swaying.

“Keeeennnnnooooo.  Too hooooooot.” (Pram)

I toned down my enthusiasm a bit before Pram fully woke up.

“Pffft.” (Margaret)

{Hahahahahaha!  It’s been so long since she had a reaction like that.}

It was then that I got an idea. Manipulating the heat around Pram, I coaxed her to wrap her tail around Freya even more before coaxing it to pull back toward Pram. The result; Freya is pulled out of her bed and halfway into Pram’s before she wakes up all adorably confused.

“Hehehehehehe.” (Keeno)

In her still drowsy state, Freya looked around before noticing she was very close to Pram. With a blush visible even in the dim lighting of the room she crawled the rest of the way into the bed and began to hug Pram whose tail was still tightly wrapped around the wolf girl’s waist.

“Even though I’ve seen it several times now, I’m still surprised at Freya’s actual personality.  It’s so different from how she usually presents herself that it’s always a shock.” (Margaret)

“It’s one of, among many other things, I really like about her. I’m just happy she’s loosened up around us as much as she has since her Vanir days. Though I wish I knew how I could help her get over her feelings of…uselessness?  I don’t know how to word it.” (Keeno)

“She feels like she is just extra weight since the two of you use the same kind of magic and she doesn’t have all that many opportunities to shine?” (Margaret)

“Exactly.” (Keeno)

“Some of the newer knights in our order also get feelings like that. It usually solves itself after they get a few achievements, or they find out they find their niche.” (Margaret)

“Ama and I agreed to leave Pram’s protection solely to her from now on.” (Keeno)

“That’s a good idea.” (Margaret)

We watched as the two lovebirds wiggled around in the small bed trying to get comfortable before we decided we should get something to eat before our match.  We walked to a different part of the Guild where several tens of people were milling about.  Some were eating at tables, some were drinking alcohol, even this early in the morning, or maybe they just never stopped from the night before, I’m not too sure.  After getting something reasonable for breakfast and chatting for a bit, we decided it was time.

I walked up to a free Guild homunculus and asked if there was a training room somewhere either in the Guild or somewhere else in the city.  In her monotone voice, she told us to follow her.  We did so and after descending several floors of the Guild, we arrived in one of the largest Guild rooms I’d seen yet.  She said that this was the main training hall and that there were smaller, private rooms one floor down.  We thanked her and she lightly bowed before leaving us to our own devices.

“Should we do it here or in a private room?” (Keeno)

“Well, we don’t want to drag others into our sparring if we get too into it, so I’d say a private training room.” (Margaret)

“Then that’s where we’ll go.” (Keeno)

We went back to the stairs and walked down to the floor below us.  Talking to the homunculus stationed there, we were led to a training room with a heavy metal door.  The homunculus placed her hand on it and the door seemed to melt like a liquid.  She beckoned us to go inside before following us in.

“Please rest assured, this unit is replaceable, do not worry about destroying or using this unit in any way you desire during your training.”

This stopped me in my tracks and left me with a complicated feeling.

“Are you sure you want to stay in here?” (Keeno)

“This unit has no wants.  This unit is required to stay in the training room until the participants are satisfied.  Also, these rooms are completely soundproof, so if this unit remained outside, the participants would never be able to leave.”

I had no reaction to that last part, so I just nodded.

{I never really paid attention to this, but now that I’ve heard this, it makes me upset.}

‘Same.  It seems we’ll need to do something about this at some point.’ (Keeno)

{I’ll go visit Hresvelgr again.  She needs to be in on this as well.  I’ll be back in a bit.}

Ama’s comforting presence vanished from my mind, and I focused back on the present.  I looked over to Margaret and saw she had a dissatisfied expression on her face.

“You don’t like this either?” (Keeno)

“I do not.  Say what you will about my way of thinking, but my first though when she said what she did was how some of the more…unscrupulous adventurers would most likely use the homunculi as free prostitutes or worse.” (Margaret)

“I would assume that they wouldn’t have functions like that…I feel disgusting for wording it that way.” (Keeno)

“They may not, I’m not sure, but, as much as I dislike saying this, let’s get back to what we intended today.  This is something we cannot fix yet.” (Margaret)

I nodded and walked further into the surprisingly spacious room.  I turned and faced Margaret after I crossed the midpoint of the room.  I summoned my swords while Margaret summoned her own Soul Weapon.  In her hand a swordspear like the one she usually wears at her hip slowly formed.  Unlike the one she usually wears however this one was much more ornate, seemingly having an almost angelic, holy aura about it.  The blade itself was gold with a crossguard that was shaped like the wings of an angel from my old world’s imagery, or maybe more like those of a pegasus.  The handle was also gold, yet a slightly duller one that, when it caught the lights, sometimes looked silver.  She swung it around a few times before the handle extended to the size of a spear and she began to twirl it around.

“Very impressive.” (Keeno)

“Thank you.  Your swords are also impressive, if not a bit intimidating.” (Margaret)

I smirked and began to twirl one of my swords around by the chain.  Blue sparks flew around with every movement and when the blade scraped the ground a glowing gash was left.

“I’m ready when you are, Margaret.” (Keeno)

“Then let us begin.” (Margaret)

Without another word, Margaret charged at me.  She was very fast, though not as fast as Freya, and, once she was a few steps away from me, she stomped the ground and thrusted her weapon at me.  I crossed my swords, blocking it, and was pushed back.  Not letting me catch my breath from that, she lunged forward again, but this time I was ready.  Throwing one of my swords to the side, it stuck into the ground, and I pulled myself out of Margaret’s trajectory.  Once I reached the side of my sword, I pulled it out by the chain and began spinning it around faster and faster until it looked like a ring of blue flames.  Using an underhand throw, I flung it towards Margaret, who parried it with her weapon.  Before she lunged at me again, however, she jumped to her left and spears of blue flame pierced the ground and exploded where she was standing a second ago.

It looked like she wanted to say something, but I didn’t give her the chance because I shot myself forward using my blades and chains like a slingshot and boosted by flames I produced at my feet.  Once she was in range again, I stopped and used my heel as a pivot for the momentum to swing both of my blades horizontally at Margaret.  They came at her like a wall of blue fire and just barely missed her, though I managed to singe a few strands of loose hair.  Keeping up with that momentum, I took another step and pivoted again and repeated this one more time before, on the fourth pivot, I shifted the momentum and turned the horizontal swings to an overhead one, smashing the ground.  When my blades hit the ground, they produced a small sea of flames that Margaret had to jump backwards several times to avoid.

I was about to jump forward again when Margaret coated herself in wind magic and began leaping upward and forward.  It was almost like she was flying as she stepped on small wind footholds, the flames and heat-haze making the movements similar to a dance as she rapidly approached me.  This time, instead of using her weapon as a spear, she used it as a sword and, upon getting close enough, clashed with me.  She brought her sword down vertically as I blocked it by crossing mine in an ‘X’ shape.  Before I could break the stalemate with some magic, I was kicked in the stomach and pushed back before having to block another attack.  It was thrilling, having such an even match.  So thrilling, in fact, that I barely noticed my horns and wings manifested.

“Hehehehehe!” (Keeno)

I knew another kick was coming, so I preemptively broke the stalemate by loosening my guard on one side, letting Margaret’s blade slip off of mine.  I wrapped around her side and swung one of my swords like an actual one, attempting to cut her side, but she extended the handle of her sword back into a spear shaft and blocked it.  She then attempted to sweep my feet off the ground but I backflipped out of the way.  When I landed, I let my swords swing out to the fullest length my chains would allow and spun them diagonally.  Margaret blocked the first two hits before jumping back out of my range.

Pulling my swords back, I coated myself in solar magic and launched myself forward.  This time, I was the one to initiate the clash of blades while Margaret was the one who needed to block.  She was about to try and get away from me when I flapped my wings, small embers flying everywhere with some even getting into her face, causing her to falter.  Seeing this as an opportunity, I let up on my weight and was about to stab at Margaret’s neck and heart when the world seemed to shift and I found myself shaken.  Margaret had swept my feet from under me and had the tip of her sword pointed at my neck.

“It seems I win this round, Okami.” (Margaret)

“…Pffft.  Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!” (Keeno)

She moved the tip of her sword away from my neck and offered me her hand.  I took it and she hoisted me up.  I brushed the dust off of myself and looked her in the eye.

“Let’s go again.  I won’t lose this time.” (Keeno)

“We’ll see about that.” (Margaret)

We stepped back and faced each other again.  Hours passed as we continuously fought one another, Margaret coming out on top for most of our matches, though I did manage to get one over on her every so often.  At one point, she even used a fire magic spell to try and dazzle me with the radiance of her spear, but it failed to work since I couldn’t be dazzled.  Once we were finished with our latest match, which I once again lost, we heard clapping coming from the entrance.  A second homunculus had appeared with Mostima, Pram, and Freya as well as a few of Margaret’s knights in tow.  The knights were the ones clapping as they had stars in their eyes.  My friends, excluding Mostima, were shocked by the fact I actually lost a fight.  Pram even rushed up to me and began poking me to see if I was injured or feeling sick.

“You’re sure you’re alright?” (Pram)

“Yeah.  I mean, I may have a few bruises, but that’s about the gist of it.  Oh, and I think I chipped a tooth.” (Keeno)

Pram’s hands flashed and I felt all the sore spots and the aching in my mouth vanish as if they were never there.

“Thanks.” (Keeno)

“Are you really ok, though?  I’ve never seen you lose a fight, so I was starting to think you were invincible.” (Freya)

“Coming from someone as realistic as you, Freya, that’s a compliment.” (Keeno)

“Let me guess, this was the first fight you’ve had difficulty with since you finished training with Fia?” (Mostima)

“Yeah.  I think I was getting a bit too complacent with all the easy victories I’ve had.  Though I’m starting to see improvements again, so I think if I keep going, I’ll be back in top form.” (Keeno)

“Hmm.  If you want, I can train with you in our free time sometimes.  It’s always best to keep in top shape when you are out on the roads roaming around, since you never know if you’ll run into someone with adequate skill.  The number of times I’ve had that happen to me is surprisingly a lot more than you’d think, especially considering I’m quite strong myself.” (Mostima)

“I like that idea.” (Keeno)

Margaret then came over to us.

“Pram, may I request some healing as well.  Okami here doesn’t understand what it means to hold back and I’m struggling to keep myself standing.” (Margaret)

Looking over at her she had a lot of first and second degree burns and at least one third degree.  Several bruises here and there on the exposed parts of her arms, a swollen eye, she was holding her side like she had a broken rib, and she was limping.

“…I’m surprised you’re even able to speak, let alone stand and walk around.  And I’m even more surprised you beat Okami so many times given your condition compared to hers.” (Pram)

“Heh.  Actually…most of this is from this last match.  She keeps getting better every time we fight, and I’m starting to be unable to keep up.” (Margaret)

Pram started to heal Margaret as we conversed.

“Well, at least she hasn’t started to imbue Death Magic into her attacks.” (Pram)

“Hey!  I haven’t unwittingly done that in a long time.  Last time I did it unconsciously was when I was fighting Ama.” (Keeno)

“Yeah, and Fia, and that one time we had to stop that horde from reaching a city.” (Pram)

“That time with Fia was intentional though.  I only do it when I know my opponent can handle it, or if I’m actually trying to kill them.” (Keeno)

“Sure.  I totally believe you.” (Pram)

“Someone seems a bit nippy today.” (Keeno)

“I didn’t sleep well last night.” (Pram)

“How about this morning?” (Keeno)

“It was better.” (Pram)

“Heh.” (Keeno)

Looking over at Freya, she was keeping a stoic face, but her blush was unable to be hidden.  Pram then finished up healing Margaret and she looked at us again.

“Okami, may I request a spar with Freya next?” (Margaret)

“I don’t mind if Freya doesn’t mine, but are you sure you don’t want to take a small break?” (Keeno)

“Pram’s healing is quite potent; I feel like I could keep going for hours now.” (Margeret)

“Oh?” (Keeno)

I turned to look at Pram who had mysteriously vanished.  I turned to look at Freya, noticing the white tail with black spots she now had, and asked if she would like to spar with Margaret.  She agreed, and after refreshing herself with some water, the two went to the center of the room.

[Freya POV]

Stepping up to the center of the room, I summoned my swords.  Their sliver edges gleaming in the light of the room.  I closed my eyes for a moment to clear my mind and ready myself for the fight.  When I opened them again, I lowered my center of gravity and waited for the signal to start.  Margaret did the same and we just stared at one another, waiting for someone to make the first move.

I discreetly covered myself with solar magic and observed.  It was like time had slowed down and I saw that Margaret shifted her weight, about to move in for the first attack.  I preempted her and moved faster.  By the time she noticed my movement, I was already bringing my swords down at her.  When they were about to hit her, I felt something hit my stomach and I flew backwards.  Looking at Margaret, I saw she was surrounded by wind.

“That was a good attack, though I’ve already come up with countermeasures thanks to Okami.” (Margaret)

I narrowed my eyes at her statement and crouched down again.  If she already knows these movements, then I just need to go faster, be sharper.  I increased the mana consumption of my magic and shot towards her again.  Again, her wind blocked me and pushed me away before I could get a strike in, but I made it closer this time.  She noticed this as well and increased the force of her wind.  This meant I had to come up with a better plan.

Margaret, however, thought otherwise and wouldn’t let me.  She lunged at me, her wind boosting her movement and nearly got me.  When she thrusted her spear toward me, I jumped up, landing on the shaft and kicked.  If it was a regular weapon, it would have shattered the shaft, but since it was Margaret’s Soul Weapon, it just sent a reverberation up my leg, making me lose balance and fall off the flat of the blade.  This, however, did give me an idea, but that idea could only work if I don’t get finished off here.

Kicking up some dust, I covered my retreat, and, in the place, I was a second ago Margaret’s blade now sits.  I lunge toward her and jump onto the blade of her weapon just as she frees it from the ground.  Using both the momentum from my movement and the upward force of her weapon.  I landed on the roof and kicked off it, throwing one of my swords to the ground.  I land on the handle and use it to launch myself at Margaret again, holding my second sword with both hands.  Once I reach near her, I twist, using the momentum to back up my sword.  The blades of our weapons clash, sparks flying everywhere.

The clash continued for about a minute when Margaret tried to kick me in the stomach, but I slipped to the side, our blades sliding against one another with a distorted metallic sound.  The two of us were breathing heavily as we stared at one another.  Margaret caught her breath first and stood up straight.  Her weapon’s shaft shrinking into the handle of a sword which she pointed at me.

I recovered a second later and did the same with my own sword.  I made my second sword reappear in my other hand.  It was then that I felt some kind of piece inside me seemed to feel out of place.  My vision seemed to swim for a second before I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me.

“Freya, are you alright?” (Pram)

“…Yeah…I just feel like…I’m on the cusp of something…regarding my Soul Weapons…but its…making things in my head weird.” (Freya)

Keeno knelt next to me with a serious expression on her face.  Staring into her eyes, I felt a chill go over my body as she was clearly examining my soul.

“Pram, Mostima, get Freya to a bed.  Margaret, sparring any more today is postponed.” (Keeno)

“What’s…happening?” (Freya)

“It’s something good, actually.  Your soul is clearing out the last bits of corruption it still had.  I don’t know why it’s happening now, of all times, but if I had to bet, it’s because you were using your Soul Weapon against another one of a purer nature.  I’ll have to consult with Ama later about it.  But this is not the time we need to get you to your bed.  Pram, you are going to be on Freya-watch for the time being.” (Keeno)

I was then lifted up and carried up several flights of stairs until we finally reached the room we were staying in.  I was gently placed on my bed.  The second my head hit the pillow; my vision began to fade.

Chaos Realm:

Order: Have you contacted that Swil person?

Yeah.  She’ll be here in a few days.

Order: Alright.

Luna: I’m gone for a few days and something interesting happens.  I would like details please.

Tamamo: I would as well.

Order: Payto found Nykuro’s Fated One, but she is another God of Chaos, so we are making preparations for their meeting.

Luna: Nykuro is moving on up in the world again, I see.

Tamamo: Speaking of Divine Fated Ones, how are Astraea and Evelyn?


Order: As much as Payto hates to admit it, they are finally old enough to go on dates without our supervision.  I believe they are currently jaunting around Keeno’s world’s Divine Domain.

Amaterasu just ran into them on her way to talk with her Goddess of Creation and now she’s wondering on just what she should do.

Luna: That’s funny.

Tamamo: It really is.  How are Keeno and Amaterasu, by the way?  Luna has been telling me about them since I’ve been busy, but I still find watching them to be better than just words.

Order: I’ll replay everything that happened since you were last here.  That should help.

Tamamo: Thank you.

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