Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Chapter 173- A Meeting

Chapter 173- A Meeting

[Keeno POV]

I awoke to the feeling of Ama’s tails wrapping around me.  Her bright smile filling my entire being with a happiness and sense of connection I only ever feel here.


{Good morning, my daystar.}


“Morning, my solar corona.” (Keeno)


As we stared into each other’s eyes, small blue and orange fires began to light as we let all presence of control go to focus that much more on one another.


“Hot.” (Geri)


“In many ways.” (Freki)


{Can you two shut up and let us enjoy this moment!  It’s already bad enough I had to peel you off of MY Keeno to get this far.}


“We respect that. We will give Master and you all the time in the world now.” (Freki)


“Nn.  Master’s Fated One is strong.  Stand proud.” (Geri)


{Obviously. Now run along you two, Red is waiting near that building over there, go fight and get dominated by her already and leave us alone.}


“RIVAL!” (Geri)


“All the pats will be ours!” (Freki)


The two ran off, the flames at the corners of their eyes leaving shining trails behind them that would be intimidating in the dark.  Ama huffed in satisfaction now that the two of us were alone.


{Those two…}


“At least you settled their clinginess.” (Keeno)




We went back to silently staring into each other’s eyes before Ama tickled my nose with one of her tails.


{While I’d love to spend the day like this, we UNFORTUNATELY have things to do.}


“*sigh*Yeah. Are we going somewhere, or are they coming here?” (Keeno)


{They’re coming here. I have the place set up already, we just have to wait.}


I sat up from Ama’s wonderfully pillowy thighs and stood up. I offered her my hand and she gently took it.  I pulled her up and she was much lighter than usual. The force I used was too much and she kept going until we were embracing, her lips against mine.  We stuck together just long enough for me to get a good, proper taste of her lips before she pulled away.


{If things go well, we’ll have all afternoon to continue, but for now let’s go.}


She started to walk away, her hips and tails moving in such a seductive fashion that my eyes couldn’t help but be drawn to them.


“You are going to pay for teasing me like this.” (Keeno)


{I hope so.}


I couldn’t help but crack a smile and lightly jog to catch up to her. When I reached her side, some of her tails intertwined with two of mine and we interlocked our fingers.  After walking for a short while, we ended up by a small table with five seats. Next to the table sat a giant, gorgeous flower with big purple, dark blue, and golden petals and leaves such a vibrant green that it was mesmerizing.


{Oh?  Well aren’t you early, Hresvelgr?}


“Eh?” (Keeno)


I looked around, but I didn’t see or sense anyone other than the two of us in the area.


“Hehe.  Sorry, I just wanted to play this little prank. It’s so much fun seeing the reaction of people meeting me for the first time.” (???)


I was still looking around for the source of the voice when the flower started opening.  When if fully opened, a beautiful woman taller than me and Ama walked forward.  She had light olive skin and brilliantly glowing emerald eyes.  Her hair was gold like honey and flowed all the way down to the ground. Her voice was soothing to hear, almost motherly.  When she stepped down from her flowery spot, the petals seemed to flow like water to her back where they became something that looked reminiscent of wings.  She bowed politely at Ama and turned to me and did the same.


“It’s a pleasure to meet you, little goddess. It’s pleasing to know our world will soon get back on track to the normal cycle and the creativity of mortals will spike once more.  Ah, where are my manners, though I’m sure you’ve figured it out already, I am Hresvelgr, Goddess of Creation.” (Hresvelgr)


I returned her gesture from earlier.


“It is very nice to meet you, Lady Hresvelgr. I am Keeno Fafnir Okami, Goddess of the Blue Sun, Death, and Runes.  Thank you for being my Ama’s friend.” (Keeno)


“Of course. She’s so friendly, it should be a crime not to be friends with her.” (Hresvelgr)


“I like you. You get it.” (Keeno)


“And I like how straightforward you are. It’s refreshing.” (Hresvelgr)


{Well, that’s good. I was worried about you two getting along.}


“You know I’m personable. I make friends most places I go.” (Keeno)


{And a lot of enemies.}


“Meh.  They just don’t get it.” (Keeno)


“Most mortals hardly ever do.” (Hresvelgr)


“If they did, we’d be partly out of a job.” (Fu)


“Nature is still war enough, but mortals are also part of nature.” (Moco)


{Mortals will be mortals, I guess. Not much we’re allowed to change.}


“Well, if they weren’t how they are, they’d be boring.” (Keeno)


“True.” (Fu)


“Hello everyone!” (Moco)


The energetic twins smiled brightly at all of us.


“It’s good to see you again Keeno!” (Fu)


“Red and Ortilinde have been wondering when they can see you again.” (Moco)


“Really?  I’ve tried to reach out to Red, but she hasn’t responded.” (Keeno)


“Hmm?  Oh!  She’s been stalking this really important person whose been causing a lot of trouble, but he surrounds himself with angels.” (Moco)


“Geh.  Annoying ability.” (Keeno)


“In my defense as the one who created them that way, it was supposed to be an ability that let them empathize with all of creation, but I was inexperienced at the time, so all that happened was the ability to hear any and all telepathic co bc redactions near them.  And by the time I became more proficient, it was too late to fix this.” (Hresvelgr)


“Oh…I didn’t mean to offend you.” (Keeno)


“It’s fine. I know it’s an annoying ability for them to have. Both for us and them. I’m just happy no one has tried to kill them all.” (Hresvelgr)


“We’d step in if someone did.  We may advocate for violence, but never genocide.” (Moco)


“Though if Keeno says so, we can look the other way.” (Fu)


“Just because I control Death doesn’t mean I desire the Death of all things.  And besides, Ama would stop me before I did anything reckless.” (Keeno)


{Someone has to. You’re much more impulsive than I am.}


Ama then waved her hand and a small tea set and some desserts appeared in front of us.


{Please, help yourselves.}


None of us had to be told twice. We all grabbed one or two desserts and tried them. The desserts were a perfect blend of the sweetness of sugar and tartness of logons or other fruit.


“Mmm.  Handmade desserts.” (Keeno)


{I worked hard to get them right. Baking is surprisingly difficult.}


“You made these yourself!?” (Hresvelgr)


{Naturally. If it’s something that will let me impress Keeno, then I will do my utmost to learn it.}


“How admirable.” (Fu)


“We could learn a thing or two, Fu.” (Moco)


“Yeah.” (Fu)


We all continued to chat, which allowed me to learn more about Hresvelgr, as well as the twins, though for them I mostly asked about how Red and Ortilinde were doing. Every so often our conversation would be interrupted by the ground shaking or the sound of an explosion, but since it was just those three playing, it wouldn’t hurt to just ignore it. All in all, it was a very pleasant morning.


Chaos Realm:

Luna: Hey guys!  What’s…up…

*Payto and Order freeze while looking at Luna*

Luna: Now, I know I’m kind of at fault here and it’s your home in the first place, but really?

Order: -_-

Like you can judge, Miss Exobitiobist.

Luna: I’ll have you know that I am wearing illusions, so I’m dressed.

That’s just semantics, now please leave for a bit and forget everything you saw.

Luna: fine, I’ll come back tomorrow, so you two keep going. *poof*

Well, the mood is ruined now.

Order: Yeah…though I thought you locked it down here.

I did.

Order: Then how?

I don’t know.

Order: Then let’s figure it out.

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