Kitsune of the Blue Sun

Side Chapter 6- Something Nothing Can Escape

Side Chapter 6- Something Nothing Can Escape

[King of Odeen POV]

Sitting in my office going over petitions for some nonsense the nobles were wanting to boost their already overinflated ego I let out a long sigh. I laid the paper down and stood from my chair before moving over to the window. Looking out over my city, it was painted a shade of blue due to the blue sun shining brightly, the orange one nowhere in sight.


As I continued to look over the city and starting to admire how the shade of blue dyed it in interesting ways, I faintly heard a sound coming from outside the room.

“…That’s not right. This room is soundproof. I should only be able to hear if someone knocks on the door.”

Leaving the large window, I moved to the door and opened it. After stepping out into the hallway, I noticed another anomaly, my guards and other officials were gone. I took another step before stepping into an almost sand like substance.  Looking down, I saw it was ash.


From the end of the hallway, I heard a sound as if something skittered across like a rat.  I moved towards the sound, stepping through even more piles of ash as I went. After a few turns I found myself in the throne room.  Ignoring the incongruous feeling of how I ended up here I looked around for the source of the sound.  After a time of searching and finding nothing, I turned to go back to my work when an unpleasantly chilly wind blew past me with an unsettling tune being carried by it.  I turned around once more only to find myself facing my throne with a dark figure sitting there. All of its features were obscured by inky shadows though I could make out the shape of nine tails behind it. Stop it’s head was a crown of horns made of blue flames and the eyes glowed with the same blue as the blue sun in the sky.

“Baldr Odeen, you have a debt to pay, and I have come to collect.”

The shadow’s voice was as cold and sharp as a blade held at my neck, yet warm and welcoming like a mother’s embrace.

“What debt!?  And who do you think you are, sitting on MY throne in MY kingdom, speaking to me in such a tone!” (Baldr)

“Hehehe.  I shall speak to you as I like, for you are but a mortal who has grown arrogant with the power you have stolen.  As I said, you have a debt, and I am here to collect.”

The figure stood from my throne and took a step toward me. That step and each one slowly after were eerily silent as the chilling tune on the wind continuously reverberate through my being.  Each step closer to me instilled a primal fear I had not felt in nearly a thousand years. I turned on the spot and fled the throne room.

“Hehehehehe.  Flee for now, coward, but know, you can never outrun me. We will meet again.”

As I ran, my castle started to burn with blue flames and the sounds of birds cawing mixed into the music.  As soon as the fire trapped me and I started to burn, my vision cut out. In the next moment I awoke in my bed in a cold sweat and breathing heavily.  Looking out the window I saw both suns rising over the city wall and the Dead Zone’s shining wall of light which had been a comfortingly unchanging scene.  I stood from my bed and had a servant come in to dress me. After that, I left my room and went to my office. Opening a drawer, and taking out a faintly glowing vial, I imbibed its contents and my mind calmed down.

“…” (Baldr)

I looked over my desk before seeing a document similar to the one from that nightmare. I picked it up before tossing it into the fireplace one of the servants lit.  I picked up a bell and rang it, summoning in an attendant.

“Go fetch that lazy dragon.” (Baldr)

I didn’t fail to notice the man stiffen up at my order, but he soon left the room.  About an hour later, the lazy dragon came in, an annoyed expression on her face as she glared at me.

“What do you want, old fool?” (Eblana)

“A fine morning to you as well, you rotting lizard.” (Baldr)

Her glare intensified and one of the small tables and the documents on it went up in flames as her tails whipped past it.  I stared into the indigo flames suppressing a shudder.

“Oh?  What’s this is sense?  Is it maybe…fear?” (Eblana)

It was my turn to glare at this lazy dragon woman as she smiled smugly in my direction.

“Do tell what has the Invincible King so frightened.  I’m all ears.” (Eblana)

“You’re older than I am, so tell me, are there any kitsune who’ve ever had nine tails?” (Baldr)

“Aside from Goddess Amaterasu, I’ve never seen one reach further than eight.  In fact, I haven’t seen many with more than one recently, though that doesn’t mean there are none with more than one now.” (Eblana)

“Then what about any creature that commands flames as blue as the blue sun and with flaming horns of the same flame in a crown atop their heads?” (Baldr)

“Blue flames are a rarity, but not unheard of, so you need not worry about anything with them, but a crown of horns?  Only dragons in humanoid form have horns that can be said to look like a crown, and I know no dragon with horns of flame.  The closest I’ve ever seen like that is Fafnir, but hers were gold and she’s been dead for a thousand years.” (Eblana)

“Hmm.” (Baldr)

“Is there anything else?  As amusing as seeing you afraid of something is, if you continue to be cryptic about it simply because your paranoia, I won’t help anymore. You’ve already interrupted my studies longer than I’d like.” (Eblana)

“Fine, one final question.” (Baldr)

“Spit it out.” (Eblana)

“What is something that nothing can outrun?” (Baldr)

“A riddle?  And such a simple one at that? Ha!” (Eblana)

Her smile turned wicked, a faint indigo glow shine in her eyes and the same indigo light in her chest flickered like flames.  It seemed like her shadow grew, dimming all the light except the light coming from her own body.  A powerful sense of intimidation washed over the whole room as she stared at me, malicious glee twinkling in her eyes.

“The answer is Death.” (Eblana)

She then turned and left the room.  Even after leaving, the room felt dark and cold.

“…Death…ha!  Ahahahahaha!  So, it was just a foolish nightmare.  And to think such a childish thing would get under my skin.” (Baldr)

I decided to forget the childish nightmare and get back to the tedious work I needed to finish.

[Eblana POV]

“Hehehe. It was nice to see that old fool nervous for once.”

As I proceeded down the hallway I turned to a stairwell and pressed on a few bricks.  The wall opened and I entered the old passageway behind it. After walking for a while I exited into an old aqueduct.  Following that for a while I jump into a small hole that led to an underground chamber that smelled of books and death.

“I’ve returned, little spirit friends. Care to share any secrets with me today?” (Eblana)

The shadows on the walls moved but remained silent as they continued to do their work.

“So I’m in my own still…meh, it makes it more fun.  I wonder what I should try to learn today then?  The old fool’s summons made me lose my motivation to continue with…!!!” (Eblana)

Before I could finish with my monologue, the shadows of the Death Spirits stopped moving as they all looked in one direction. I felt it as well and I couldn’t keep the smirk from forming in my face.

“So, the little fox is back.  It’s been nearly a year since you’ve left my little eyes on the outside, so how much stronger have you gotten?” (Eblana)

I summoned my staff and slammed the butt of it on the ground. The indigo flames in the room flared and small bugs lit from the inside with indigo flames flew around.

“Go and find the little fox and her friend.” (Eblana)

The undead bugs fly out of the room.

“Hmm.  Little fox, why does your presence feel more draconic than before, I wonder…could it be that your ancestor…no, you came from the North last time, not from that cesspit of a country that killed Lady Fafnir…whatever, I’ll figure it out when we meet.  I do hope you are worthy of a contract now.” (Eblana)

While I waited for my ‘eyes’ to find the little fox, I sat in my chair as I picked up an ancient looking book from the pile.

“While I wait, I may as well refresh my knowledge of necromancy. Even if you aren’t strong enough to contract with me, I’ll gladly teach an aspiring new Death mage.” (Eblana)

Chaos Realm:

Ahahahaha!  That was a good party.

Order: It was. Though it’s a shame it had to end so soon.

True, but can’t keep all of them here when they all have other things to do.

Order: Well, at least we got to brag about Astraea.


Luna: Um…

What’s wrong?

Luna: I tried looking around Keeno’s world a bit but now the tv is stuck on that dragon lady that reminds me of Reed.

Did you try hitting it?

Luna: Seven times.


Luna: What?

You’re sitting on the remote.

Luna: …

Order: Pfft.

Tamamo: Ufufu.

Luna: *says nothing as she smothers all present with her tails in embarrassment*

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