Legend of Great Tang’s Twin Dragons

Chapter Book 11 1: Troubles Inside and Outside

Book 11 Chapter 1 – Troubles Inside and Outside

Shang Xiuxun and Kou Zhong walked over to Xu Ziling, who was standing at the bridge, manning the rudder. Xu Ziling laughed calmly and said, “Shang Changzhu, there are still five more li before we reach Jingling, this is the golden opportunity to gather intelligence about the enemy. Look! There are several dozens army camp on that hill over there.”

The two turned their eyes toward the hill Xu Ziling pointed to. Indeed they saw the small hill several li away from the left back was covered with army camp, at least seventy, eighty tents.

Kou Zhong pretended to be shocked; he grabbed Xu Ziling’s shoulders and said in a trembling voice, “You should have realized that your skill in steering the boat is still in apprentice level. You are glancing to the left and right instead of focusing your heart and mind in doing your job, in case the boat crashed into something and capsized, won’t our Yangzhou’s Two Dragons’ illustrious name go down the drain?”

Shang Xiuxun laughed involuntarily, “Everybody is nervous as hell, but you are still in the mood to joke around,” she said, “Be careful or else some bad things might happen!”

Suddenly they heard hoof beats from the right bank. Seven or eight Jianghuai Cavalry were chasing them along the coast, pointing their halberds at them while cursing and swearing, so that the already tensed atmosphere was growing even more tensed.

Xu Ziling’s gaze moved from Liang Zhi, Xu Yang, and the others, who were standing in formation on the deck, toward the riverbanks. He saw abandoned farmlands, rubble and remains of destroyed hamlets, scorched forests; a desolate sight to behold. He could not stop a strong sense of sadness from welling up in his heart.

This moment the cargo boat turned around a sharp bend, the enemy riders were obstructed by a forest, and were falling behind.

By the time the boat reached a straight river course again, the city Jingling appeared ahead. Their target in sight, even the high and mighty Kou Zhong also held his breath.

At the upper reaches of the river outside the city moored more than thirty warships, each one was approximately one and a half time bigger than their cargo ship. The flags above the ship were fluttering in the wind, spears and lances flickered brilliantly; it was quite an intimidating sight.

Ashore army camp was everywhere, sealing the southeast side of Jingling so tight that not one drop could trickle through. The troop arrangement was breathtaking that those who saw it were overwhelmed.

Shang Xiuxun shouted tenderly, “Cast the anchor!”

Xu Ziling shook his head and said, “If we cast the anchor here, we will get caught in hard battle and would be annihilated for sure. Our only chance is to take risks by breaking through the enemy’s ship formation, going straight toward the pier outside the city. Only then will we have a chance to live.”

Kou Zhong ran his eyes over the enemy’s warship formation. He nodded and said, “This is called ‘to do the least expected’. It seems dangerous, but it is in fact the most viable solution.”

A gust of wind happened to blow, like a speeding horse the boat slid across the water, rushing toward the enemy’s ship formation.

Shang Xiuxun thundered tenderly, “Prepare the fire arrows!”

Kou Zhong saw that on the enemy’s ships, everybody was also pulling their bow, aiming their arrows at this boat, and thus they were like a fat sheep entering the tiger’s den. Suddenly he had a brainwave and could not stop himself from shouting, “Set the boat on fire!”

While everybody was stunned from hearing this strange order, he already pounced toward the bridge and kicked the kerosene container.

Luo Fang was the first to regain his composure; hurriedly he lifted another container and threw it to the bow. The container broke, the kerosene splashed on the deck.


Flames immediately rose up; the entire bow became a fire curtain, while spitting out a big cloud of thick smoke. Aided by the wind, the smoke was blown toward the enemy’s ships.

It was only now did Liang Zhi and the others understood. Hurriedly they feed the fire with bits and pieces that the blaze grew in intensity. Even Shang Peng and Shang He, two old men, also joined the operation to burn their own boat.

In the midst of the war drums, the sky was filled with arrows raining down toward them.

Kou Zhong raised his arms and called out, “Brothers, shield formation!”

‘Bang! Bang! Bang!’

The cargo boat leaned to the left and back to the right, wood fragments splattered everywhere, nobody knew how many hits they suffered from the catapulted rocks from the enemy ships.

Quickly everybody took shelter behind the shield formation blocking the enemy’s arrows.

‘Crack!’ The main mast broke, the sail happened to fall forward, toward the blazing fire at the bow of the boat.

The flame rose up to fill the sky, very soon the sail and the mast were engulfed in flames, increasing the intensity of the fire and thickened the smoke rolling up toward the enemy ships. The situation was extremely chaotic.


Amidst the thick smoke and raging flames, nobody knew which enemy ship they hit, but the speeding cargo boat suddenly spun like crazy. The stern hit another enemy ship first before the cargo boat finally entered the enemy ships formation.

Three Ranch warriors were shaken by the collision and were thrown onto the deck. Two others had their chest pierced by the enemy’s arrows and were thrown into the river.

The surface of the river was covered in heavy smoke, while the flames were raging. The boat was rocking wildly, the people were tumbling down; it was hard to distinguish one thing from another.

Yet Xu Ziling was as calm as ever. Even though he was unable to see, relying on the last thing he saw, he steered the boat, which front half was completely engulfed in flames, continuing downstream.

Brandishing the Moon in the Well, Kou Zhong parried a steel spear thrown from behind the smoke threatening Shang Xiuxun’s back. And then he cried out, “Burn the stern as well!”

Shang Xiuxun looked back toward the stern, and sure enough, she saw two sets of flame soaring into the sky, while the shouts and the screams shook the heavens.


The entire vessel leaned sideways so deep that it appeared that it was going to sink into the bottom of the river. By the time it eventually leveled up, they were through the enemy’s ship formation and reached the expansive waterfront outside the city of Jingling.

Xu Ziling steered the still speeding boat toward the shore while thundering, “Prepare to abandon the ship!”


The aft was hit by another catapulted rock; wood splinters flew. The already-fraught-with-damages cargo ship could not endure anymore; finally it gave up and leaned sideways to capsize.

Shang Xiuxun shouted tenderly, and led her people jumping toward the shore. The others did not dare to tarry, immediately they followed her out of the cargo ship.

Arrows still rained down on them like a storm. Because as they were leaping into the air they could not help exposing themselves, even though Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Shang Xiuxun and the others had outstanding skill, they could only protect themselves. Immediately five Ranch warriors were hit by the arrows and fell into the river. The tragic scene was nearly unbearable to behold.

In this kind of situation, Shang Peng and Shang He, two veteran martial art masters from the Ranch, really showed their true skills. Together with the First Manager Liang Zhi, they formed a triangular formation [orig. pin-character (品) formation] in the air with Shang Xiuxun in the middle, protecting her from the shooting arrows, until they landed safely on the shore.

With the previous lost of lives, the remaining warriors numbered only eleven people. As soon they had their feet firmly on the ground, they flew away toward the Jingling’s city gate.

The war drums continued, two units of Jianghuai Army, about three hundred men each, rode out of the army camps by the river outside the city, charging toward them from two sides.

The sound of hoof beats shook the heavens, the murderous aura soared high into the sky.

Before the enemy’s cavalry arrived, their arrows already reached them.

If Kou and Xu, two boys, used their vortex of energy to launch the Bird-Crossing Technique, although it might not necessarily be better than Shang Xiuxun’s lightness skill, to escape from this critical situation was not a difficult matter. But the two of them were outstanding heroes. They already jumped out of the group to meet the enemy coming from two directions, so that their route would not be blocked by the enemy and they fell into bitter siege.

Between the dock and the Jingling city gate was an open space of several hundred zhang wide. Du Fuwei was setting up his camp on both sides of the river; they erected two sturdy wooden forts surrounded by wooden fence with traps and trenches, as well as platforms to shoot arrows from as their defense facilities, practically cutting off water and land routes to the city of Jingling.

The sergeants of the city defense witnessed how they managed to break through the enemy’s ship formation with worn-out and broken-down cargo boat, and how they successfully landed on the shore. They immediately burst into earth-shattering cheers, so that those who heard it had their blood boiling.

However, although every one of them had bow and arrow in their hands, due to the fact that these people were far out of range, they could only cheer to boost their morale, while at the same time lighted the fire beacon to notify their commander, Fang Zetao, to rush over and take charge of the situation.

Seeing Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exerted themselves to fight the enemy, Shang Xiuxun wanted to turn around to join them, but Liang Zhi and the others desperately stopped her. Shang Peng, who never liked to speak, thundered, “If Changzhu turns back, none of us would be able to climb over the city wall alive.”

Shang He also joined in, “It is because of Kou and Xu, two heroes, defend our back that we have a sliver of chance to live.”

Shang Xiuxun realized that they were speaking the truth; without any better option she fought her tears and continued fleeing toward the city gate.

This moment Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling braved the arrow rain while cutting off the enemy’s vanguard troops.

Kou Zhong soared into the air. The Moon in the Well turned into a streak of yellow lightning, chopping down on the four, five spears thrust toward him. The treasured blade reflected the brilliant sun shining down overhead, adding an irresistible momentum to his strike.

Chapter 1 - Part 2

The seven or eight foremost Jianghuai Army sergeants were dauntless tiger or leopard-like warriors, but when the Moon in the Well chopped down on them, not only their eyes were blinded by severe light of the Moon in the Well, their eardrums were also pierced by the whistling noise of the Moon in the Well splitting the air, so that they were unable to ascertain the enemy’s position.

By the time they felt that their hands had lightened up, they saw that their spears had been cut in two. While they were still in shock and wanted to withdraw, one after another their blood splashed and they fell down, dead. Even in their death they did not know which part of their body was hit by the enemy’s saber.

Suffering such a crushing defeat, the originally unstoppable-lion like troops were thrown into confusion. The riders charging from behind collided with the frightened horses in the front that were jumping and rearing wildly; as a result, a lot of horses tumbled down and fell, throwing their masters off of their backs.

Like a torrential flood Kou Zhong simply stormed at them before quickly backing off.

On the other side, Xu Ziling was even more brilliant. He rushed toward the enemy until the distance between them was only about a zhang or so, and then throwing himself on the ground, from a squatting position he propelled himself forward, shooting toward the enemy formation like an arrow, while in the blink on an eye his palms struck a dozen times. Each palm strike landed on the horse’s body.

The palm power passed through the horses straight toward the riders on their backs, so that wherever he went, the riders spurted blood and fell off the horseback. In this way the enemy’s vanguard was completely routed.

As the dozen or so riders fell down to the ground, Xu Ziling had used up his stored up true qi. Feeling that there was no point in continuing, he quickly turned around to leave the enemy ranks and flew toward Shang Xiuxun, who by this time had reached the city gate.

The officer in charge of city defense was Fang Zetao’s subordinate, a high-ranking military officer Qian Yun. This moment he already ordered his men to lower the drawbridge to let Shang Xiuxun and the others to cross the moat and enter the city.

When the soldiers on the city wall saw how extraordinarily heroic and brave Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were, their morale was greatly boosted. They cheered loudly, their voices shook the city of Jingling, inside and outside, that those who heard it had their blood boiling.

Shang Xiuxun was the first to climb the city wall, she happened to see how the two boys separately stopped the enemy’s attack, and dealt a severe blow that the opponent suffered a crushing defeat. Although unfazed by the cheering, an unprecedented deeply-concerned feeling started to well up in her fragrant heart.

Meanwhile Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had regrouped about a hundred zhang outside the city wall. Since they had just exerted a lot of power, their hearts were beating fast while their strength was exhausted. Hurriedly they ran toward the city gate.

By this time the enemy cavalry had also regrouped after the confusion and were pursuing wildly behind them. The sound of the galloping horses plus the riders’ battle cry mixed with the cheering of the people on Jingling’s city wall really shook the heaven and the earth.

The two boys bumped each other’s shoulder. Immediately their true qi strengthened each other, so that with renewed energy the gap between them and the enemy widened from ten zhang or so to more than twenty zhang.

The Jianghuai Army soldiers on their tail produced their bows and arrows. Immediately about a dozen powerful arrows shot at their back like lightning.

By the time Shang Xiuxun and the others on the city wall cried out in shock, “Be Careful!” as if they had eyes behind their backs, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling separated to the left and right, so that the arrows fell into an empty space.

The enemy was still pursuing them, but the soldiers on the city wall shot arrows and threw rocks at them so that they were thrown into confusion and were forced to retreat.

It was in this instant that the two boys flew over the remaining several dozen of zhang distance, climbed over the drawbridge, and rushed into the city gate, drawing more earth-shattering scream and cheers.

They finally arrived at Jingling.

※ ※ ※

It was only after everybody standing on the city wall watched the Jianghuai Army returning to their fort that they breathed a sigh of relief.

The river was still covered in flames and black smoke, but the intensity was far less than it was just a moment ago. Two overturned battleships had their bottom visible above the water, while the third one was slowly leaning to the side to sink.

Qian Yun did not know the identity of the two boys; he thought they were valiant generals under Shang Xiuxun’s command. He said respectfully, “I really did not expect Changzhu to honor us with your phoenix self. The other day we learned that the Four Big Bandits’ joined forces attacked the Ranch, our humble Zhuangzhu wanted to send troops to help, but because the Jianghuai Army besieging us, we were forced to abandon the idea.”

Listening to this, Shang Xiuxun and the others looked at each other. Obviously Duba Village sent envoy asking for help; why did he say such thing?

Frowning, Liang Zhi asked, “Didn’t General Qian know that your honorable Zhuangzhu sent someone named Jia Liang to our place requesting reinforcement? He even brought an official letter in your honorable Zhuangzhu’s own handwriting bearing his personal stamp.”

Qian Yun’s countenance changed. “How could there be such thing?” he said, “This General has never heard Zhuangzhu ever mentioning it, plus I am not aware of anybody by the name of Jia Liang. Besides, we always communicate with each other using pigeon post; why would we need to send people asking for help?”

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling exchanged glances. They knew in their heart that this must be the plot hatched by Wanwan.

Shang Xiuxun asked emotionlessly, “Where is Fang Zhuangzhu?”

Qian Yun replied, “This general has dispatched someone to notify our humble Zhuangzhu; he should be here any moment.”

Kou Zhong joined in, “We need to immediately pay a visit to Fang Zhuangzhu. Would Qian Xiong send someone to lead the way?”

A bit embarrassed, Qian Yun cupped his fist and said, “I have not asked for two gentlemen’s great name.”

Lowering her voice, Shang Xiuxun replied, “He is Kou Zhong, the other gentleman is Xu Ziling. Both are Zhuangzhu’s friends.”

Qian Yun’s countenance changed abruptly; he quickly took two steps back, pulled the saber hanging on his waist, and shouted, “So it is you! Zhuangzhu has ordered us to kill you without mercy!”

Shang Xiuxun and the others were stunned.

From about a dozen high-ranking military officers behind Qian Yun, half drew out their weapons, but the other half were hesitating.

‘Ring! Shang Xiuxun also drew her sword. “Whoever dares to make his move, I will kill him!” she scolded angrily.

Shang Peng and Shang He immediately stood on either side, ready to protect Shang Xiuxun. Liang Zhi, Xu Yang, and the others also drew their weapons out and positioned themselves around Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling to protect them.

The other soldiers defending the city were confused by this change of events; they were at a loss of what to do.

An ear-splitting long laugh suddenly came out of Kou Zhong’s mouth, which immediately drew everybody’s attention to him. While roaring in laughter, Kou Zhong put his hand on Xu Ziling’s broad shoulder and said in a loud voice, “Xiao Ling! This is really killing me! I wonder if Fang Zhuangzhu has another nickname called a blockhead? Unexpectedly he is bound hands and feet by that Yin Gui Pai female demon Wanwan; first he forfeited his own brother’s life, killing the top rank fierce general under his command in the process, and then he let her steal his personal stamp and forge a letter in his name and send an impostor to set a trap. And now treating friends as enemies, he firmly set on killing us, two good people. Tell me, do you think it is ridiculous or what?”

Qian Yun’s already unsightly countenance alternated between red and white; his eyes flickered with sharp rays as he suddenly roared, “You dare to offend Madame Wanwan … I …”

Shang Xiuxun had her sword pointed at his chest as she cut him off with a tender scolding, “Shut up! Right now Du Fuwei’s troops are waiting outside the city, while inside there is a female demon holding the power. You, this blockhead, not only did not show your loyalty by admonishing your master, you still want to massacre one another with us, your ally. Humph! If we brush our sleeve and leave, I want to see how you’ll end up.”

Meanwhile, Kou Zhong was hiding behind Shang Xiuxun’s delicate back; sticking his head from behind her shoulder he laughed and said, “I wonder if General Qian is also bewitched by that Yin Gui Pai female demon!”

While Qian Yun was left speechless, from among the men standing behind him an old general that appeared to be in his sixties stepped out and asked respectfully, “Kou Ye kept on saying that Madame Wanwan is Yin Gui Pai female demon. I wonder if you have evidence?”

Xu Ziling calmly replied, “If you’d just let us confront Wanwan, everything will become clear. Is this something that General Qian unable to do?”

Ling Zhi let out a cold laugh and said, “If you are rushing indiscriminately into using your weapon, pain and enmity will come quickly. General Qian ought to think thrice about whether this is something that a wise man would do.”

Most of the men to Qian Yun’s left and right nodded their heads indicating that they agreed.

From a distance outside the city, the sound of bugle horn was still rising and falling in succession, increasing the sense of crisis.

Qian Yun dejectedly lowered his sword and said with a sigh, “Since Changzhu is willing to vouch for them, Xiao Jiang [little/lowly general, referring to self] cannot do anything. Let’s just wait for Zhuangzhu to make his decision.”

He was about to send another messenger to urge Fang Zetao to hasten, when Shang Xiuxun crossly said, “Qian Yun, when did you become so timid? Just open your eyes and look outside the city. Jingling’s fall is just around the corner, you still unable to make prompt decision. Get out of my way, I want to personally kill that female demon.”

Raising his arms, Kou Zhong loudly said, “Were it not for that female demon, how could Jingling fall into such a perilous situation? Jingling’s survival depends on all of you uniting your minds.”

The old general boldly took a step forward and bowed, “Gentlemen, please come with Laofu [old man]!”

Qian Yun was furious, “Feng Ge, you … you are rebelling …”

Before Qian Yun had a chance to finish, one saber and two swords immediately pressed on his back, practically cutting him off.

Shang Peng flashed forward from the side, with his finger he jabbed the vital acupoint on Qian Yun’s neck, sending Qian Yun slumping down to the ground.

Ignoring Qian Yun, Shang Xiuxun took the lead to walk down the stone steps. Everybody followed her in a great rush.

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