Local Netizen Elf’s Life In Another World

Case 119: The lying cat.

Case 119: The lying cat.

Standing on the sides of the gate are two guards, each holding a spear. Justia is now talking to them to let us in, just as she did every time we arrived in a territory.

Usually, they would just let us in right away because cars are extremely rare in Ranka, so they would know that we're not just normal people but nobles of wealthy merchants or something. There were a few cases where Justia failed to convince them because of some civil war bullshits, so we just dispatched either me or one of the two former Saints, and voila! Free pass instantly. 

''Hah... We should find a nice inn to stay in first.'' I stretch out, preparing to finally get out of the car.

We ain't short on money. The currency they use here is worth much less than what we use in our country or the Empire, so we basically went from rich to filthy rich after exchanging some money.

''I'm curious about the food.'' Emy speaks up.

''Oh, me too.'' I reply. ''I'm craving desserts right now.''

It was a mistake to bring only one shelf worth of sweets with us on this trip. Emy basically devoured almost half of them. I wonder if that's the secret to grow tall. But I eat lots of them too...


''Oh, Justia. Are we good to go now?''

''Yes, Your Holiness.''


Justia starts the car again, and we're now officially in the territory.

''Woah... It's so different now...'' Anna mutters, looking out the window.

''Anna, was it always this dry before the incident?'' Tina frowns lightly.

''This feels more like a desert than the real desert.'' Liana adds.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking, too. So far, the buildings are pretty well-made, with proper structure and all, and with almost all of them painted white, the whole area does look nice together. Although they're still nothing compared to Everwood's or Aragon's.

The problem is, it just feels so dry. The plants are visibly wilting with shades of brown, on the verge of dying, even. Furthermore, all the dust flying in the air is enough for us to notice even inside the car, which is definitely not a good sign. A few people I see walking around outside are all wearing thick clothes and covering their mouths and noses properly, which speaks to the level of air pollution.

''It wasn't.'' Anna ponders. ''I'm sure it was more green back then, but the dragons almost burned down the whole town, coupled with the prolonged drought...''

''And the drought happened right after the dragons' attack. Super suspicious.'' I interject. ''Well, we need to meet the authorities here first, before anything.''

''True.'' Liana replies. ''Where are we going though?''

''To the Chief's house first, lady Raeliana.'' Justia answers. ''I got the addresses of good inns from the guards before, we can go try them out afterward.''

''Good job, Justia. Have a nice break after this.''

Really, I can't imagine that having to drive for twenty days straight, being kicked out at night so we can make out, and sometimes even having to endure driving while we make out in the backseat is going to be fun. I did put an illusion and a sound barrier every time though, to be a good and upright citizen.

''It's my duty, Your Holiness.'' Justia smiles gently.

God, I have to find her a nice lover later. I wonder if she likes men or women, or futas.

''We've arrived.''

Oh, that was fast. 

Looking out the window, I see a large, two-story building standing proudly among the others, still the same white color, but with golden edges instead.

Aight, it's time to get out-



Instantly, a disgustingly uncomfortable wave of heat greets me. Following that, the dust in the air is so thick that I feel like my lungs are being gang-raped a thousand times over just by inhaling once. Brings bad memories, huh.

Okay, deploy a barrier to filter the air first, and then use ice magic to cool the air around me...

''Phew... That's way better.'' I breathe out again. 

After making sure my fiancés are alright, we regroup with the two former Saints and head to the front door of the Chief's house. Justia and the other members will stay in the cars.

knock knock

'''' ... ''''


''Who's here?''

The door opens after a few moments. Greeting us is a beautiful middle-aged cat lady with silver fur and green eyes.

''Excuse me, do you know the Chief? This is the Chief's house, right?'' I ask.

''...It is. And I am the Chief.'' The lady looks at all of us for a bit and replies. 

''Sorry for the sudden visit, but can we talk for a little bit?''

''Before that, who might all of you be?'' She narrows her eyes, clearly suspicious about us.

''I'm the Saint.'' I reply. ''These four are my party members, this bald man here is the former Saint, and this fox lady here is another former Saint.''

'''' ... ''''

''Stop trying these childish pranks.'' She frowns heavily and tries to close the door.

''Wait! Wait!'' I grab the door with telekinesis. ''I'm telling the truth!''

''Tch, how can I even believe such obvious lies?!'' She yanks the door even harder, but can't win against my telekinesis.

''Hah... Fine.'' I turn around and signal the former Saints.


They immediately release the enormous amount of mana in their gemstones out in the air, making them significantly thicker and heavier. Needless to say, the cat lady is flabbergasted, and scared, eyes widen, dilating pupils, shaking legs. Sounds about right.

''F-Fine, let's go inside first.'' She speaks, her voice trembling.

Should've done this from the beginning.

'''' ... ''''

''Nice tea you got here.'' I say after taking a sip of the tea, sitting in the living room together with the gang. ''May I ask your name?''

''...Dara Felidae.''

''Mhm. I'm Sylvia.''

''So... Are you guys really Saints?'' She raises her eyebrow.

''Of course.'' I reply, taking out the 'Saint testing crystal' and putting on a pair of sunglasses.

As I hold the crystal in my palm, everyone instantly closes their eyes except for the cat lady, who's just confused.


Get flashbanged.

''I-I see now, please stop it...!'' She exclaims.

''Now that you know we're legit, do you mind answering some questions?'' I throw the crystal back into my bag.

''...Alright.'' She replies resignedly.

''Firstly, have you been informed of any suspicious activities around here recently?''

''Suspicious...? Can you clarify your question?''

''Hm... I'm talking about anything demon-related. Why else would we be here, right?''

She immediately widens her eyes and frowns, pondering seriously for a few moments, muttering about something 'getting worse'.

''I'm afraid not, Your Holiness.'' She shakes her head.

Hmm... It's fortunate that there's still no movement from them yet, I suppose.

''Then... Do you know the reason why the dragons attacked this town thirteen years ago?''

''...I'm afraid not.'' She replies calmly.



I can feel someone poking my thigh.

When I turn to the side, Anna's smiling face greets me. She suddenly kisses me on the cheek.

''She's lying.'' She whispers and pulls back, still smiling foolishly.


''...I love you too.'' I kiss Anna's forehead and give her a fake, but truthful reply.

I really do love you, Anna. And now for this liar...

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